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All About Pregnancy & Birth

Author: Dr. Nicole C. Rankins

Subscribed: 790Played: 33,618


You're not alone in your uncertainty about this monumental life stage of pregnancy and birth. If you’re ready to replace the overwhelm of late-night Googling with expert conversations and stories of strength and positivity from women just like you — join us on the top-rated All About Pregnancy & Birth podcast. The All About Pregnancy & Birth podcast is your place for supportive, evidence-based information from Dr. Nicole Calloway Rankins, an OB/GYN physician who’s been in practice for over 20 years and has helped nearly 2000 babies into this world. You’ll also learn from innovative experts and hear stories of strength and resilience from parents and moms-to-be experiencing the same overwhelm and excitement as you.

361 Episodes
Today, licensed child psychologist Dr. Cara Goodwin, PhD, joins the podcast to tackle some common topics from the angle of research and data. We break down important facts about holding your baby, sleep training, pacifiers, and even some science behind baby talk! Dr. Goodwin specializes in child development and founded Parenting Translator with the mission of taking recent scientific research and translating it into information that parents can use in their everyday lives. In this Episode, You’ll Learn About: -Whether you can spoil a baby by holding them too much -How baby-wearing can have myriad benefits in addition to freeing up your hands -What is the science around co-sleeping -Whether sleep training has an affect on developmental outcomes -How baby talk can actually help advance language development -What are some of the many reasons to read with baby -What does research say about baby soothers i.e. pacifiers Full website notes: Register for my free birth plan class - How to Make a Birth Plan That Works. Check out The Birth Preparation Course Take a quick, fun labor pain quiz Our Sponsors: * Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box! * Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
Today you’re going to learn about fibroids in pregnancy In this episode, you’ll first learn a bit about fibroids outside of pregnancy because it’s important to understand that in order to understand how they impact pregnancy. After that I’ll explain the risk factors and symptoms associated. I will also explain the safest options for symptom management. Find full show notes at and check out all the free pregnancy & birth resources I have for you at Our Sponsors: * Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box! * Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at! Advertising Inquiries: Privacy & Opt-Out:
In this episode, I'm sharing important updates about the podcast and a special opportunity for expectant mamas! I'm also reflecting on my wishes for pregnancy and birth and the importance of empowerment and support for women. Plus I announce a limited-time sale for The Birth Preparation Course to help you feel confident and prepared for your childbirth experience. It's the lowest price EVER for the course! Grab it here!TakeawaysIt's important to take breaks to recharge.Hear my 10 wishes that reflect my hopes for every pregnant woman.I express my gratitude for the engagement from you.Take ownership of your birthing experience.The Birth Preparation Course is available at it's lowest price ever!Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Get empowering pregnancy and birth tips delivered to your inbox each week! Join my email list here!It’s 2025! In this first episode of the year, I’m sharing 10 wishes for pregnancy, birth, and maternal health inspired by metta meditation, a practice rooted in cultivating goodwill and compassion. I learned about this beautiful practice from Aditi Shah, a Peloton meditation instructor, and today we’re adapting it to reflect on pregnancy, birth, and maternal health through 10 loving-kindness wishes.These wishes are heartfelt hopes for a better, safer, and more equitable world for parents, babies, and families. As you explore them, I encourage you to approach them with an open heart—whether for yourself, someone you know, or for all mothers and families. Carry these wishes with you as affirmations, reminders, or moments of pause in your day. Let’s start 2025 with kindness and care.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:Why feeling safe and supported is essential during pregnancy and birthWhat respectful and compassionate care looks likeHow access to resources helps families thrive during pregnancy and parenthoodWhat parents need to feel empowered in their decisionsHow patience and care contribute to physical and emotional healing after birthWhat we can do to eliminate inequities in maternal and infant health outcomesWhich experiences help cultivate joy and connectionHow helping birth workers helps familiesWhy prioritizing mental health during pregnancy and parenthood is essentialHow childbirth education transforms the pregnancy and birth experience--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Get more great info to help you have an empowered pregnancy and birth by joining my email list here!It’s that time of year again: I’m recapping the most downloaded episodes of 2024. Think of this as a kind of greatest hits or playlist - a perfect place for you to start if you’re new to the podcast. If you don’t see your favorite episode on this list, remember that earlier episodes have more downloads simply because they’ve been available longer, not because they’re less valuable!We’re closing out the year with over 435,000 downloads in 2024 and the total lifetime downloads are up to 2.6 million! I so appreciate each and every one of you who puts me in your ears and trusts me to help you through your pregnancy and birth experience. In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:How to tell when it’s time to go to the hospitalWhat changes can happen to the body postpartumWhether or not you can have a period while you’re pregnantWhich conditions are screened for in prenatal testsWhat colostrum is and why it’s importantHow to plan for a safer childbirth experienceWhich mental health conditions are common during pregnancyHow feeding patterns influence your baby’s sleepHow a hospital birth can feel joyful and relaxingWhat the difference is between pain and suffering during laborWhat a VBAC is and how to prepare for oneHow much caffeine is safe during pregnancyHow pregnancy can affect intimacy--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Stay in the know by joining my email list!I know you want to exercise during pregnancy, but what are you supposed to do and how do you do it safely? Amy Keifer from Expecting and Empowered is here to answer that question and more!After starting her personal training career working with pregnant clients, she realized there were a ton of misconceptions still floating around about exercising during pregnancy. That’s why she and her sister created their thriving maternal fitness community. As a registered nurse, doula, personal trainer, and having gone through three unmedicated births, Amy offers invaluable firsthand insight.  This is a great conversation and I know you’re going to find it incredibly valuable.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:Whether you should start strength training during pregnancyHow you can start exercising during pregnancyWhat the benefits are of exercise during pregnancyWhat coping techniques Amy recommends for managing pain during laborHow can movement and labor rituals help you manage contractionsHow water, like a tub or shower, can help alleviate labor painWhy it’s important to understand the stages of labor and what to expect during eachWhy you should take time to familiarize yourself with your birthing optionsWho should be on your support team and what roles they can play during laborWhat are the benefits of practicing breathwork and mindfulness for labor prep--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
What happens when you’re a physician and you experience a childbirth-related injury? Are you treated any differently? Today’s guest experienced exactly that and you’re going to hear her unique perspective. Gina is an ophthalmology resident who had a birth complication that left her paralyzed in one leg. She has regained her mobility but this very rare injury still has lasting effects.Despite being a physician herself, Gina faced dismissiveness from her medical team. In fact, one nurse even told her people with more medical backing actually get worse care because they have “more knowledge.” You don’t always know ahead of time when you’ll need to advocate for yourself. It is an absolute must that you are ready to do so.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What caused Dr. Gina Yu’s rare postpartum nerve injuryWhat her team initially thought caused the injury versus what tests revealedHow positional adjustments during labor could prevent nerve damageWhat steps she took to regain mobility after paralysisHow she balanced recovery with caring for her newbornHow support systems played a critical role in her recoveryHow gratitude helped her cope with trauma and uncertaintyWhy postpartum challenges often go overlooked in healthcareHow her injury changed her perspective on patient care--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
When exploring ‘alternative’ therapies, it’s crucial to understand the training and qualifications of practitioners. Although licensure and certification aren’t guarantees, they certainly help give you some assurance that the person is trained and capable. This week’s guest, Meaghan Beames, is a Registered Massage Therapist and Craniosacral Therapist who teaches perinatal professionals how to incorporate CST into their practices.Now, I will be honest, I was a little hesitant about this episode. While craniosacral therapy is offered at many mainstream big institutions like the Cleveland Clinic, Duke, or Harvard, some folks say that craniosacral therapy is pseudoscience and it's relatively new in pregnancy and infants. But I ultimately decided that this is important information to share. I learned a lot and you will too.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What craniosacral therapy is and how it worksWhich pregnancy and infant conditions craniosacral therapy can help withHow craniosacral therapy works and which areas of the body it targetsHow many sessions are typically recommendedWhat to look for in a craniosacral therapist What research says about the effectiveness of craniosacral therapy--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
I’ve said it many times: the only predictable thing about birth is that it’s unpredictable. But you can absolutely navigate that unpredictability by being prepared - which is exactly what Alexa did. After what she calls a “smooth pregnancy,” things took some surprising twists and turns which ended in a cesarean birth.At 35 weeks, her husband noticed she was unusually swollen and urged her to visit the doctor. What was supposed to be a checkup turned into delivery day! It was determined that she actually did have preeclampsia and, though at first she hoped she would be able to spend a couple more weeks on bed rest waiting, her baby had different plans.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:Why being pregnant alongside friends made a difference for AlexaWhen she decided to start looking for a doula and how she made her decisionHow Alexa and her family initially reacted to her swelling /// What signs of swelling Alexa experienced before her diagnosisWhat steps her husband took after noticing her swellingWhy Alexa was hospitalized after her checkupWhen Alexa learned her baby was breech and how it changed the birth planWhat factors led to Alexa’s C-sectionWhat it was like giving birth where her husband worksWhat challenges Alexa faced during recoveryWhich support systems helped Alexa through postpartum depression--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Did you know that almost one in ten pregnancies in the United States is affected by gestational diabetes? While that might sound scary, the good news is that with the right information and care, people with gestational diabetes will most likely have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.When it’s time to be screened, don’t focus on “passing” the test. If you have gestational diabetes, you want to know so you can treat it effectively. Many people can manage it with dietary changes so don’t stress too much if you don’t get the results you want. Just take the test - then manage the results with confidence. Listen to this episode to help you!In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What gestational diabetes is and how common it isWhat complications it can pose for parent and babyHow glucose tests are used in diagnosisHow pregnancy hormones can affect blood sugar levelsHow GDM is treated: both with and without medicationHow it affects pregnancy and birth managementWhat its lasting effects can be--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
I have a FANTASTIC Black Friday Sale coming! Join my email list at so you'll be the first to get notified!You've heard of low intervention birth but what does it mean? In this episode I share how a low intervention birth under my care unfolded. Here's a peak -8 AM - cervical check and 4 cmIntermittent monitoring, saline lock, moving, eating and drinking8 PM - second cervical check and 6 cmstarting pushing at 1130 PMand listen to hear the rest!Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Did you know the U.S. is one of just four countries in the world - and the only developed nation - without guaranteed paid maternity leave? While we’ve made great strides in workplace fairness, the fight for equity is far from over. In a country where pregnancy can still jeopardize someone’s career, these protections are more crucial than ever. That’s why advocates like today’s guests are so important.Jack Tuckner is a workplace rights attorney who specializes in gender discrimination, including pregnancy-related issues, and Catherine Kreider is a lawyer and doula. Through their legal work and advocacy, they’ve been instrumental in advocating for laws like the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and strengthening protections for expectant workers. Make sure you know your rights, document everything, and don’t hesitate to seek out a local attorney if you need support - advocacy starts with awareness!In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What constitutes pregnancy discrimination in the workplaceWho qualifies for protections under the Pregnant Workers Fairness ActWhy documenting workplace interactions is critical for protecting your rightsWhen and how to notify your employer about your pregnancyHow to request accommodations during pregnancyWhether state or federal laws provide better protections for pregnant workers--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In this shorty episode I answer this listener question from Kate. And if you want me to answer a question for you DM me on Instagram @drnicolerankins or shoot me a message on my website contact form!"I was checked at 5 cm, started feeling pressure after a few hours, and then a really strong urge to push after another few hours. I was unmedicated, so I could really feel those sensations, but was told to push against this urge and, I quote, ""hold it in"" because I was only at 8 cm and that I would tear my cervix if I pushed. This kept going for about an hour, at which point they called the doctor, who said, I quote again, “8, maybe 9, I guess you could push if you want to”. I wasn’t really able to talk, so I just pushed and everything went well. But then I started wondering why my body would give me such a powerful urge to push if it was too early. Is it possible that 9 cm was as far as my cervix would dilate? I’m a really small person, does that play a role? Does everyone get as far as 10? I’m curious and would love to hear more about this."Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Rachel always wanted to be a mother, but before she could begin that journey, she felt it was important to get off of depression and anxiety medication. After spending three months weaning off her meds, she very quickly got pregnant. Her pregnancy, although a source of great excitement, also brought unexpected difficulties, including two falls - and then her water broke during her baby shower!A breech baby, a failed turning procedure (external cephalic version), intubation during her cesarean for a “panic attack”, and more added up to a traumatic birth experience. Rachel gets a bit emotional and teary during her story and you can understand why. Her birth was definitely a challenge and there's so much to learn from her story. I cannot wait for you to hear it.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:How Rachel and her psychiatrist created a plan to safely stop medicationWhat tactics she used to manage anxiety and depression symptomsHow limited food options triggered old disordered eating strugglesHow lower back and hip pain caused daily difficulties with mobilityWhy she wishes she would’ve chosen a different providerHow the epidural created a sensation of being unable to breatheWhy she underwent general anesthesia for her C-sectionWhat her healing process was likeWhether or not she’ll return to psychiatric medication--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In this short episode I address this really thoughtful comment from a listener -"I've noticed that Dr. Rankins' position statements have gotten stronger on the negatives of a hospital birth over time (in the year+ that I've been listening). For instance her opening introduction now frames hospitals as a system that "too often takes away power from women over what happens in their own bodies." When she first started I think this was phrased more as "it can undermine women" or something a little softer. I've noticed the types of guests she welcomes onto the podcast are also more likely to have this stronger mentality against/suspicious of/worried about hospital births. I guess I'm curious if this reflects a true change in Dr. Rankins' position as she continued to gain knowledge herself through the podcast community, or if this reflects her willingness to simply say what she's known more strongly now, or if this is a trend of worsening conditions in hospitals. And overall does Dr. Rankins feel that hospital births still provide an overall positive service to women (do the goods outweigh the bads, especially for women who come in prepared with some knowledge), or does she feel that the scales are now tipped more negatively? I guess an updated "bird's eye" view of the whole system in the US might be helpful for some of us trying to understand the overall context as we work through our individual choices available to us in our regions. (For context on myself, if it matters/helps, my first birth was unmedicated in a hospital setting with a doula -- the doula was excellent, the overall birth experience was just ok, the after birth care was very good.)"If you want to let me know your thoughts about the podcast head to!Our Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Dealing with nausea and vomiting during pregnancy is no fun. You’ve probably heard of “morning sickness” but that’s a misnomer - queasiness can happen at any time of day (and during any stage of pregnancy too). The good news is, for most people, it’s nothing to worry about. Even though it’s uncomfortable (and sometimes downright miserable), it’s generally not harmful to you or your baby.In this episode, you’ll learn about triggers, warning signs, and relief options for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. It’s a challenging part of pregnancy, and it’s common so we need to talk about it! I’ll also touch upon hyperemesis gravidarum, which is when nausea and vomiting escalates to a more serious condition and a level of severity that requires more intense medical attention.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:How common pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting areWhether symptoms can harm you or babyWhat some of the underlying causes areWhen digestive issues typically occur during pregnancyWhat hyperemesis gravidarum involves and how it’s handledHow pregnancy sickness is evaluated and treatedHow diet, acupressure, and ginger could helpWhich medication options are availableWhy cannabis isn’t recommended for symptom managementWhen to visit your doctor for help--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
How did a birth described as “a series of traumatic events” end up being the best experience of Jenna’s life? Despite all of the unexpected challenges, getting through the 65 hour labor and birth helped her find peace and confidence in her intuition. Jenna’s story reminds us that it’s okay to feel both grateful to a medical team and to feel upset about how certain aspects of care were handled. It’s well beyond time to stop saying that “all that matters is a healthy baby”—the full experience matters, too. I’m so excited for you to hear Jenna’s journey and how she navigated this incredibly challenging birth.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:Why Jenna booked a preconception consultationHow polyhydramnios and gestational diabetes affected the pregnancyWhy she opted for a 39-week inductionWhich interventions her team used to help progress laborWhat challenges her baby’s position presentedHow she managed through a failed epidural experienceHow her intuition and persistence led to an emergency C-sectionWhat an Erb’s Palsy diagnosis meant for her baby’s recoveryWhat role postpartum therapy played in reframing her experience--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
In honor of Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month this October, in this episode we have secondary infertility and baby loss survivor Bernice Quesenberry (and quick note I inadvertently mispronounced her last name in the episode, my apologies!). She has repurposed her pain into something positive by starting a national nonprofit called Chasing the Rainbows, which offers FREE, trauma-informed support for those facing infertility, miscarriage, and infant loss.If you’ve experienced pregnancy or infant loss, it can feel very isolating because it’s not talked about often in media & mainstream culture. But you are not alone - unfortunately it’s a very common part of people's journey to being parents. I hope you never need this episode but if you do or know someone who might need it, then it's here with all of these amazing resources to help you.In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:Why trauma-informed care is crucial in supporting those experiencing baby lossHow reproductive trauma occurs and how frequently it happensWhat makes it difficult to find mental health support after baby lossHow peer mentorship and support groups provide a sense of connection and support during healingWhat the grief journey may look likeWhat you should (and shouldn’t) do to support someone after pregnancy or infant lossHow grief from infant loss impacts mental healthHow to honor the memory of a lost baby while continuing with life--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
I just turned 50 - yes, 50! I know people - and women especially - can feel some kind of way about sharing their age. But I have no problem with sharing my age because every day is truly a gift. To mark this milestone, I wanted to take a few moments to reflect, express my gratitude, share some thoughts on what helped me get here, and what’s next.This episode is also a bit different, as I want to take time to honor two people very dear to me - my late father, who passed away just last month, and my sister, who I lost over 10 years ago. Though I still miss them deeply, I feel immense gratitude for the time we shared, and their memories serve as a constant reminder to appreciate life and the people in it. It’s a bit of a different episode today, but I know you’ll enjoy it!In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:Why it doesn’t matter who you call family - it just matters that you spend time with themWhy it’s so important to value your own timeWhether you should invest in things or experiencesWhere true joy and happiness come fromHow staying true to your values can keep your peace of mindWhy you should shoot your shot - even if you’re scared!How real clarity comes from action, not overthinkingWhy embracing both joy and difficulty is key to living fully--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
This episode may be about the NICU but it’s for any and every person who’s having a baby. The reason I say that is because it’s actually way more common than you think that a baby needs to receive intensive care. Nearly 40% of babies who go to the NICU are full-term.As a mom of two NICU babies, let me tell you: it’s the NICU nurses who are at your side. NICU nurses are angels and today’s guest is one! Mary Farrelly, a certified NICU nurse and trained doula, is leading the way in helping parents navigate the NICU journey.  You know I always say it’s important to listen to real experts - and today’s guest is exactly that!In this Episode, You’ll Learn About:What NICU stands for and what the levels areWhy babies go to the NICUWhat NICU nurses do and what training is requiredHow to include the NICU in your birth planWhy blending NICU nurse and doula roles benefits familiesWhich procedures are commonly used in the NICUWhat emotional support looks like for families post-NICU--Full website notes: out The Birth Preparation CourseRegister for the class How to Make a Birth Plan the Right WayOur Sponsors:* Check out Factor meals and get 50% off plus free shipping on your first box!* Get 25% off Ritual's 3-in-1 Fertility Support for your first month for a limited time at!Advertising Inquiries: & Opt-Out:
Comments (5)

Annie Hall

I was disappointed by this episode. I learned and used a fertility-awareness method (with a consultant) and successfully used it for years to prevent and then plan pregnancy. I love the body awareness it gave me and the freedom I had to avoid all of the negative side effects of most other contraception methods. I plan to continue using fertility awareness postpartum and was hoping to get some helpful information for how to do this while breastfeeding. This episode mostly just described these methods as ineffective and didn't give much helpful information for how to use a method like this method effectively.

May 21st
Reply (1)

Katherine Connell

great episode! there needs to be more support and info on the pp period.

Jan 30th

Yolanda A Bonner

1. Be an advocate for yourself 2. Symptoms of pre-eclampsia 3. Monitor blood pressure and weight

Sep 17th

Yolanda A Bonner

Great podcast

Sep 17th