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Cal of the Wild

Author: MeatEater

Subscribed: 6,418Played: 422,447


Welcome to “Cal of the Wild” where you can join Ryan “Cal” Callaghan each week for his unique brand of outdoor news and interviews designed for folks who need to know what’s going on and those who want to pretend they do. Also, get your dose of dog and dog training tips from Tony Peterson’s Houndations podcast. Both part of The MeatEater Podcast Network.

348 Episodes
This week, Tony breaks down some of the issues with older dogs and how to provide them with the best quality of life possible while they ride out their sunset years. Connect with Tony, Cal, and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal rounds up bills from across the country, rattles off a hot list of just what's happening in Montana, and lets you know how to get involved. Check out the new "Cal of the Wild" T-Shirt Connect with Cal and MeatEater To learn more and get involved with any Cal to Action, click here. Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips Subscribe to The MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal talks about sheep identification, Colorado wolves, executive orders, legislation and headless dumpster bucks. Check out the new "Cal of the Wild" T-Shirt Connect with Cal and MeatEater To learn more and get involved with any Cal to Action, click here. Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips Subscribe to The MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Tony goes through some green and red flags you should be aware of when you're trying to find the right puppy breeder. Connect with Tony, Cal, and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal talks about listener legislation, moose rescue, the crime desk, and NDA. Check out the new "Cal of the Wild" T-Shirt Connect with Cal and MeatEater To learn more and get involved with any Cal to Action, click here. Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips Subscribe to The MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about Merns quail, grizzly management, Utah Lawsuit update, state legislation, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater To learn more and get involved with any Cal to Action, click here. Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips Subscribe to The MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
On this week's show, Tony breaks down canine intelligence and why it's so important for us as dog owners to keep challenging our dogs to solve problems. Connect with Tony, Cal, and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about "the" coyote in Colorado, squirrel hunting (and it's not what you think), Legislative sessions beginning, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater To learn more and get involved with any Cal to Action, click here. Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips Subscribe to The MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about hound hunting legislation in Virginia, the death of a bear hunter, buck theft and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater To learn more and get involved with any Cal to Action, click here. Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips Subscribe to The MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Tony explains how all dog training, even if it's mostly for a silly task, is beneficial to both our dogs and ourselves. Connect with Tony, Cal, and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Youtube Clips MeatEater Podcast Network on YouTube Shop Cal's MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about legislation, exposure, lead, leases, eagles, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about Ohio, M-44s, the felixer, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review Merch  See for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about what exactly people mean by hunting approval, Labour Party rallies behind duck hunting, and a Canadian moose ride-along. Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal talks about how being special can be the worst, black bears, public meetings, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal talks about picking up litter, PETA feet and onions, Trail Cams in Kansas, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about getting the lead out, BLM, and Conservation easements with special guests Tracy Stone Manning and Jordan Sillars.  Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal talks about where the IFGA gets it wrong, Florida's CWD problem and what you can do, a rabid Alaska moose, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week Cal talks about falling porkies, urban peacocks, park coyotes, and so much more.  Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal talks about falling porkies, urban peacocks, park coyotes, and so much more. Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
This week, Cal talks about how the crime desk and corner crossing do not go in the same category and how sweet that is, and so much more.  Connect with Cal and MeatEater Cal on Instagram and Twitter MeatEater on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube Shop Cal's Week in Review MerchSee for privacy information.
Comments (48)

Lance Barenberg

Hey Cal what was the lotion you used on Snort? I just bought a new yellow lab puppy and would like to build a first aid kit fir him..

Dec 27th

Mia Michael

✅✅▶️▶️ CLICK HERE Full HD✅1080p✅ 4K✅ WATCH ✅💻📺📱👉

Jan 11th

Karl Moore

Sorry about your Grand Ma Cal.

Oct 24th

matt pelofske

you guys need to check out Chinese Morel cultivation they have whole conferences and harvest hundreds of thousands of pounds a year and actually ship them to the United States another guy in Iowa has been growing them for a while as well way before the Dutch dudes just check out on YouTube Chinese Morel cultivation your mind will be blown

May 16th
Reply (1)


Hey Ol Cal been reading some negative reviews. Just wanted to say don’t let them get you down. They said you are going political and I just don’t get it. I think you are doing a great job and love the information. I’m learning a lot of stuff from states laws that I never thought about. Keep up the good work and good luck in the turkey woods.

Mar 27th

Dan B

This is a great podcast.

Sep 26th

Chris Gates

I really wish Cal wouldn't out his political views into his podcast. At times he reminds me of CNN! He can really make this podcast not worth listening too. Don't get to big for your britches!

Sep 6th

Dan Deloge

In New Hampshire, we have "Operation: Game Thief". Anyone who sees questionable activity or suspects can call an 800-number and anonymously report what they belief to be unethical or flat out illegal activity and it will be investigated by Fish & Game Conservation Officers.

Nov 22nd

Alex Schultz

episode skipped around. tried it in a couple devices and did it both times. right at shark story it went back to cats again.

Oct 19th


Any hunter, angler or outdoorsman who hasn't found this little gem is missing out. These episodes are loaded with current outdoors news. They make great conversation starters.

Sep 7th

Chris Gates

I have been really enjoying this podcast until recently. Why did you have to start being political. I have listened to meateaters podcast because it was a place to get away from the everyday chaos of the news, but you have been really digging in with your personal views. You have ruined my Sunday evening listening pleasure with shit. Thanks Cal for causing me to stop listening and unsubscribing to these once enjoyable news. I hope others stop listening until you do. Have a good day!

Sep 7th

Iain Kaslar

Not sure how with give you a 5 star rating but you deserve it. Love your pod cast

Jun 16th

Calen Davis

I've almost shit myself twice listening to these damn sounds effects with my headphones. Last episode i thought someone with a chainsaw was about to hack me up and now some Turkey shitting on car sound effect made it sound like I got a car. Liking the podcast. Learning lots

May 6th

Steven P. Savanick

Hey Cal. Love your podcast. As a chef and amateur ice carver, we use mineral oil in our chain saws. Mineral oil won’t gum up like canola oil. Maybe the folks at Stihl can weigh in on this. Thank you for all your efforts in conservation. Steve from Cleveland

May 3rd

Steven P. Savanick

Hey Cal. Love your podcast. As a chef and amateur ice carver, we use mineral oil in our chain saws. Mineral oil won’t gum up like canola oil. Maybe the folks at Stihl can weigh in on this. Thank you for all your efforts in conservation. Steve from Cleveland

May 3rd

Corey Goodall

Apparently Cal hasn't been around the plethora of fishermen bitching about how "the asians" are taking "all our fish". 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Apr 27th

Rob Tierney

anybody else having trouble with the episode playing or downloading?

Apr 26th

Jon D

Talking about water you should talk about the meandering vs. nonmeandering Waters in South Dakota.

Feb 20th


These little podcasts are a great service for listeners. Thanks Cal.

Feb 4th

Ernesto Mercado

30 chapter , Congratulations from Mexico. Continue the great work

Nov 25th
Reply (2)