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Calm Christian Parenting

Author: Kirk Martin

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Calm Christian Parenting Podcast
Have a strong-willed child who argues like an attorney, refuses to listen, melts down, and doesn’t respond to consequences? Good! Founder Kirk Martin and his son, Casey, have equipped almost 1,000,000 parents with practical, life-changing strategies that actually work. Stop the yelling, defiance, and power struggles AND build a close, trusting relationship that mirrors the heart of God the Father toward His children.

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14 Episodes
Motivating the Strong-Willed ChildYou have a child who wants to do things the hard way, creates power struggles over everything, and wants to do things on his own terms. Your child doesn’t care about consequences and traditional discipline methods don’t work. So how can you get these kids to change?Need help or want to book Kirk at your church, school, or foster/adoption care conference? Contact or 888-566-1871 and you’ll be treated to the best customer service on the planet. Learn more at
How to Calm A Defiant, Upset ChildYour child is yelling at you or melting down. How do you de-escalate the situation and calm an upset child? How can Dads respond differently? Kirk shows you exactly what to do, with specific words and action steps to put out the “emotional fire.”Need help or want to book Kirk at your church, school, or foster/adoption care conference? Contact or 888-566-1871 and you’ll be treated to the best customer service on the planet. Learn more at
Lessons from the Prodigal SonDo you have a strong-willed or wayward child who has to touch the hot stove before learning? Good. This can be an opportunity to build a closer relationship with your child. Kirk shows you how the parents in this Luke 15 story created an environment that encouraged their child to humble himself and come home. Need help or want to book Kirk at your church, school, or foster/adoption care conference? Contact or 888-566-1871 and you’ll be treated to the best customer service on the planet. Learn more at
Coronavirus: 9 Ways to Counter the AnxietyThe best way to counter the anxiety caused by the unknowns of the pandemic is to create an action plan with specific goals. Let’s use this opportunity to break old patterns, learn new skills, and change our relationships. Kirk gives you 9 ideas.For more practical strategies, podcasts, and blog posts, please visit our dedicated resource page at Email for the most helpful service on the planet.
Tough Discipline—Get Your Kids to ListenGood discipline always leads to a closer, more trusting relationship. Relationships change behavior more than consequences. But there are times when kids just need to listen to and respect you. Kirk shows you how to discipline in a firm, even, matter-of-fact manner using very few words, but a single action step.Need help or want to book Kirk at your church, school, or foster/adoption care conference? Contact or 888-566-1871 and you’ll be treated to the best customer service on the planet. Learn more at
Discipline Like God DoesKirk posits three thoughts in this short, but important podcast. (1) How you view God the Father will impact how you discipline your kids. (2) Proverbs 3 says God corrects us like a father who delights in his child. Are you enjoying your challenging child? (3) You are modeling God for your kids in how you discipline. How will they view God as a Father?Need help or want to book Kirk at your church, school, or foster/adoption care conference? Contact or 888-566-1871 and you’ll be treated to the best customer service on the planet. Learn more at
The Myth of Immediate ObedienceHave a child whose initial response to your requests is “No” or “Why”? Were you raised to think that kids are supposed to be immediately obedient? In this challenging podcast, Kirk shows you how destructive this can be while giving you an alternative way to get your kids to listen. This is critical if you have a strong-willed child.We have slashed prices on our products at to help struggling families use this time together to create changes that last forever. Email for the most helpful service on the planet.
When Kids Question Your FaithYour child questions your faith or gets angry when you talk about salvation or church. If you react defensively or push, you risk driving your child further away. How do you use this as an opportunity to bond with your child and draw him/her closer to God?We have slashed prices on all of our resources at Contact for specific recommendations and the friendliest service on the planet.
When Kids Question Your FaithYour child questions your faith or gets angry when you talk about salvation or church. If you react defensively or push, you risk driving your child further away. How do you use this as an opportunity to bond with your child and draw him/her closer to God?We have slashed prices on all of our resources at Contact for specific recommendations and the friendliest service on the planet.
When approaching conversations about heated/emotional topics, there are probably 10 tips I could offer. But for now, I will offer six. This assumes that you want to build relationships, learn, and be constructive.(If you just want to spout your opinion and don't care what emotional shape you leave another person in, then just do what 99% of people on tv and in your neighborhood do.)1) Humility. Practice great humility. Assume you don't know all the facts, that you don't really understand the other person's perspective or experience. Assume that you're blind and have confirmation bias, that you consume opinions and viewpoints that merely reinforce your own (without even realizing it).Assume that you will be defensive about your own deeply held beliefs. Because you will be, naturally. But fight that urge.Assume that you don't really have the answers and that your reflexive, go-to response/opinion is probably informed by too little knowledge even though you feel justified in offering it.2) Listen and ask questions. Often we are so busy composing our reply to the other person's views that we don't actually listen.Be more curious about what the other person thinks than you are anxious about sharing your own thoughts.3) Never, ever attack another person's motives...unless you want yours attacked. Few things feel worse than being misunderstood. Don't make it personal. Take the high road.4) Assume that you're not going to convince the other person that you are right. Because you probably aren't. And that shouldn't be your goal anyway. A more mature approach is to have a desire to better understand others AND give them some perspective to think about and wrestle with in their own minds and hearts.But if you are an overbearing jerk, or callous, or dismissive, or arrogant, they will not hear "truth" or consider your viewpoint. Why do you feel the need to prove your point? Why does this burn so deeply inside us as humans? Spend some time considering that.5) Before you try to take the speck out of your neighbor's eye, first work on that big log in your own. Instead of trying to fix or control another human being, work on yourself. Own your own mess. That would keep each of us pretty busy every day. It's a full-time job for me.6) Love your neighbor as you love yourself.Treat others the way you want to be treated. Listen to that other person the way you want the other person to listen to you. Care for their heart, their soul, the way you want yours cared for. Respect that person's son, daughter, mother, or father the same way you want them to respect your son, daughter, mother or father.If you and I don't do this one right, then any words or lectures or testimony about your faith ring hollow, are destined and deserved to be despised, and harm another person's soul and heart.Relationships are more important than being right.Please share this podcast and our Facebook page at more content like this? Join our newsletter by texting CELEBRATECALM to 22828 or visit https://www.celebratecalm.comIf we can help you in any way, please reach out to 
Why Obedience is NOT the Highest Goal For Your Kids Of course you want your child to listen to and trust in God. But sometimes compliance to parents can be arbitrary and reinforce a law-based approach that isn't healthy. Kirk shares a unique perspective on even higher character attributes to instill in your children.Have questions? Email For more resources, please visit us at
How You Discipline Can Determine How Your Kids View God (Kirk's Testimony) My Dad was fairly harsh, intimidating, and never seemed pleased with me. It's not surprising then that I've struggled with my view of God. That, in turn, impacted how I disciplined Casey. And how he viewed God. How you view God often determines how you discipline your kids AND how they view God. Ready to break generational patterns and create a new family tree?
Why Your Goal Shouldn't Be "Obedient" ChildrenParents often say their primary objective is for their kids to be obedient or "warriors for the Kingdom." But what if this is the wrong focus for your kids? In this challenging, but insightful podcast, Kirk provides clarity and clearly defines what your goal should be and how to accomplish it.
Dads: Want Kids to Listen? Here's A Game PlanIt seems like your kids are constantly in trouble, misbehaving, and getting consequences that don't work. So how do you get your kids to actually listen to and respect you? Kirk gives you a specific game plan to implement this week.Families are struggling now, more than ever. And through this special promotion, seven churches can give parents access to the same practical, Biblical, life-changing insight that Celebrate Calm Founder Kirk Martin has taught almost 1,000,000 parents around the world. For only $10 per person (regularly $99). 4 Video Sessions + 40 Strategies + Group Discussions & Workbooks = Changed Families. This program usually costs parents $99 each, but your church can provide it for only $10 each (or free if you choose). You pay one flat fee of $500. That’s it. We pay the shipping and provide all the materials you need. Click here to learn more: Email with any questions and he'll help you!