DiscoverCountdown to Christmas with Zach - An Advent Podcast for Kids
Countdown to Christmas with Zach - An Advent Podcast for Kids

Countdown to Christmas with Zach - An Advent Podcast for Kids

Author: Zach from Keys for Kids

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Join Zach from Keys for Kids for the Countdown to Christmas! This Christian kids podcast is tailor-made for kids 6-12.

As we mark off the days until Christmas, Zach reads a story every day in December to help your kids grow in their faith through the Advent season. These stories help families stay connected to the true significance of Christmas – the birth of Jesus.

But there's more! After each story, Zach invites kids to join in and share their thoughts. It's a fantastic opportunity for your children to hear from kids their own age, exploring the reasons why Jesus came to earth.

Your family can join the discussion when you download the Countdown to Christmas Advent cards at

Each day’s card has the same discussion questions from that day’s episode, plus the Key Verse to memorize and reflect on. Take time to listen to each episode and talk about it with your kids.

Let's celebrate Advent together. Join Zach on the Countdown to Christmas from Keys for Kids Radio at
80 Episodes
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers End of Vacation When Jack sat down for lunch, his mom noticed his glum mood. “What’s wrong, Jack?” she asked. Jack just shrugged. Mom placed sandwiches and chips on the table. “It’s a beautiful day,” she said after they thanked God for their food. “You have several Christmas gifts to keep you busy, and school is out for a few more days. But you don’t look very happy.” “It’s just that…Christmas vacation is almost over,” Jack replied. “School starts next week, and I haven’t gotten anything done.” “What do you mean?” asked Mom. “What didn’t you get done?” “I was going to read the book Tommy lent me and learn how to ski during vacation,” said Jack. “And I was going to surprise Dad by cleaning the garage and vacuuming the car. I was even planning to shovel Mrs. Patten’s walks and driveway for free, but I never got around to it. She ended up hiring someone.” He sighed loudly. “I wasted my whole vacation.” “I understand how you feel,” Mom said. “I often feel that way myself when I don’t get to everything on my to-do list. But, Jack, you didn’t waste your vacation.” Jack looked up from his sandwich. “I didn’t?” Mom shook her head. “You spent time with friends and family, and you also got a much-needed break from a busy school year. Rest and relationships are important too. Instead of fretting over everything we want to get done, we need to trust Jesus to help us do the things He wants us to do. We can rest and enjoy time with others because Jesus did what we could never do ourselves—He died and rose again so we could have eternal life with Him!” “So, it’s okay I didn’t do all that stuff?” asked Jack. “Would it even be possible to do all that in two weeks?” Mom asked, grinning. Jack smiled. “I guess not.” “But it’s good you want to use your time well and help others,” said Mom. “Maybe you can set aside time to work on things that are really important to you. And you still have a couple days of vacation left.” Jack nodded and began wolfing down his sandwich. “I should have time to clean the garage before Dad gets home!” So how about you? How have you been spending your Christmas vacation? Did you have fun? It’s important to relax and enjoy spending time with others. Maybe you had things you hoped to accomplish too—did you do  them? It’s good to set goals and get things done, but remember that Jesus has already accomplished  the most important thing of all. Trust Him to help you use your time well as you balance work, fun, and  rest. Key Verse 1 Peter 3:18 NLT "Christ suffered for our sins once for all time. He never sinned, but He died for sinners to bring you safely home to God." Key Thought Use your time well. Further Reading Ecclesiastes 3:1-14; John 19:28-30
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Unexpected Answer Christmas was over. Colorful wrapping paper and bright ribbons had been cleared away, and the opened presents were sitting under the tree. Because Dad had been out of work for several months, most of the gifts were very practical—useful things like socks, sweaters, mittens, and boots. “God is good,” Dad said. “My best Christmas present is that He has provided a job for me. It’s an answer to prayer!” Grandma noticed her grandson’s frown as he got up and walked to the kitchen. She followed him. “Is something bothering you, Marcus?” she asked. “God may have answered Dad’s prayers, but He sure didn’t answer mine! I prayed and prayed for a scooter, but did I get it? No! I hardly got any fun stuff at all!” “Could it be that you missed God’s answer?” Grandma asked. “Is there another present somewhere?” Marcus asked in surprise. He started back to the living room to look, but Grandma stopped him. “That’s not what I mean. What would you think if your dad had turned down his job offer and then declared God wasn’t providing for his family?” “Why would he do that?” asked Marcus. “That would be silly.” “Yes, it would,” agreed Grandma, “yet your mother told me Mrs. Brown offered you the job of shoveling her walkways this winter, but you weren’t willing to do it.” She paused for a moment. “You asked God for a scooter, and He gave you a chance to earn it. But now you’re blaming God because you don’t have it. Isn’t that silly too?” Marcus sat down at the table. “I guess it is,” he admitted. Grandma sat down next to him. “I know it’s been a tough year for your family, and you just wanted to get something fun for Christmas. God understands that too. He loves you and promises to do what’s best for you. Sometimes that means His answer to your prayers is no, but in this case, I think it may be a yes, but you need to take action. Perhaps He knows you’ll appreciate your scooter more if you work to pay for it yourself.” Marcus nodded. “I’ll see if Mrs. Brown still needs help. Maybe it’s not too late to earn money for a scooter.” So how about you? When you pray for something, are you prepared to be part of God’s answer by taking action? For example, do you pray for good grades and then study hard? Sometimes God answers prayer by providing you with the next step to take. In today’s Bible reading, God answered Cornelius’s prayer by instructing him to ask Peter for help. So pray, and then be ready to follow God’s action plan. Key Verse Matthew 7:7 NIV "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you." Key Thought Pray and be ready to act! Further Reading Acts 10:1-2, 30-33
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Gabe and Asaph Gabe crossed his arms and scrunched his face in disgust. “Hunter’s parents let him do anything he wants,” he told his dad, “and it seems like everything always turns out right for him. He just got a brand-new skateboard for Christmas!” Gabe started to feel bitter as he thought of all the things Hunter had. “I thought God would treat people who love Him better than those who don’t. Hunter isn’t a Christian, but he’s got better things than me! How come?” Dad smiled. “You sound a lot like Asaph.” “Like who?” Gabe peered quizzically at his father. “Asaph. He was a man who wrote some of the psalms in the Bible. Come over here—I’ll show you.” Gabe and Dad sat down on the sofa, and Dad brought up Psalm 73 on his phone. “Look here, Gabe,” he said. “At the beginning of the psalm, Asaph is complaining to the Lord because evil people are prospering and having lots of success while terrible things are happening to him.” Dad read several verses. “Wow! I know just what he means,” said Gabe. “I thought you might,” said Dad. “Later verses show that Asaph changed his mind. He was reminded that people who don’t know the Lord can only look forward to destruction in the end. Those who are saved will have it good when life on earth ends.” Gabe thought about that. “I guess I don’t have it so bad after all,” he said. “Hunter will get what’s coming to him someday.” “Whoa!” said Dad. “Not so fast. We can be thankful that God has shown us mercy. It’s only because we trust in Jesus, who took the punishment for our sins by dying on the cross, that we won’t get what we deserve. It’s not up to us to judge Hunter. Instead, let’s pray for him. Ask God to use you to show Hunter His mercy and love so he will put his trust in Jesus and all will be well for him in the end. Okay?” Gabe nodded. “Okay,” he said. “I know Jesus loves Hunter too, and I want both of us to spend eternity with Him.” So how about you? Do you know unsaved people who seem to have it better than you? Unless they trust Jesus as their Savior, they don’t have a future with Him in heaven. Thank Jesus for saving you from sin, and pray for those who don’t know Him. Tell others what He’s done for you so they might know they can be saved from sin and have eternal life with Him too. Key Verse Psalm 73:28 NLT "How good it is to be near God! I have made the sovereign Lord my shelter, and I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do." Key Thought Jesus saves us from destruction. Further Reading Psalm 73:3-7, 12-18, 25-28
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers The Hidden Gift Christmas was over, and Henry and Nevaeh helped their parents remove the ornaments, lights, and strands of garland from the Christmas  tree branches. Soon the shimmering and festive tree looked bare except for the colorful tree skirt surrounding the tree stand. “Hey,” Henry called out. “Look at that!” He pointed to a small box wrapped in green and red paper peeking out from under a fold in the tree skirt. “Where did that come from?” Mom asked as she bent down to pick up the box. “We must have missed this when we opened our gifts.” She held the box in her hands and looked for a name. “It’s for me! From Aunt Martha,” she said in surprise. “I didn’t think she had sent anything this year, and here it was under the tree the whole time.” Mom opened the gift and found a necklace and matching earrings. “They’re so pretty!” Nevaeh said as Mom held them up for everybody to see. “Just think—Aunt Martha’s gift was here all this time, but Mom couldn’t receive it because she didn’t know it was there,” Dad said. “It reminds me of another gift—God’s gift of salvation. It’s available to everyone, but many people don’t even know it’s there. It stays hidden until someone shows it to them—like you showed the package to us, Henry.” Nevaeh and Henry thought about that. “So we need to show people God’s gift by telling them about Jesus,” Nevaeh said. “And tell them that if they accept it, Jesus will save them from sin and give them eternal life,” added Henry. “That’s right,” said Dad. “It’s an amazing gift! But they can’t accept it if they don’t know it’s there. That’s why we need to share it with others.” Dad motioned to the boxes of decorations. “Let’s see if we can all come up with a person we can tell about God’s amazing gift by the time we finish puttingthis stuff away.” So how about you? Have you received the gift of salvation? (See “Have You Heard the Good News?”) It’s wonderful to know you have eternal life through Jesus. But many people don’t know this amazing gift exists. Think of someone you know who may not know about Jesus and the eternal life He offers—then tell them about it! God may use you to help someone receive Jesus, the best gift of all. Key Verse Romans 5:18 NKJV "Through one man's righteous act the free gift came to all men." Key Thought Tell others about God's gift. Further Reading Romans 5:8-15
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Christmas Every Day “Visit our store and enjoy Christmas every day of the year!” Anissa read the billboard out loud as she and her family traveled home from a week-long vacation. “Cool! That’s in the town at the next exit, isn’t it? Can we stop at that store?” Dad shrugged. “Why not? It will be a good break for us. Watch for signs so we’ll know where to turn.” They found the store, and everyone smiled when they heard “Jingle Bells” playing over the loudspeaker as they walked in. The store was filled with all kinds of Christmas decorations–ornaments, trees, twinkling lights, and wreaths. In one corner, a woman was handing out fruit punch and decorated Christmas cookies. “All these things are nice,” said Dad, “but while we eat our cookies, let’s go over there and think about the real meaning of Christmas.” He led the way to a manger scene that looked so real, Anissa could almost imagine she was in Bethlehem. As she thought about the events of that night long ago, she imagined Mary putting baby Jesus in a manger, and the angels singing and the shepherds and wise men arriving at the stable to worship Him. “Come on, kids,” said Dad, interrupting Anissa’s daydreams. “Time to be on our way.” Anissa continued thinking about the manger scene as they continued toward home. “I wish we could celebrate Christmas all year long like they do at that store,” she said. “We can,” said Dad. “What is Christmas, Anissa?” “It’s the time when we remember the night Jesus was born,” replied Anissa. “Exactly!” said Dad. “The night God sent His Son to earth as one of us so He could save us from sin. Don’t you think that’s something we should celebrate all year long? “Well, sure,” said Anissa. “We should thank God every day for sending Jesus, shouldn’t we?” She grinned. “So can we put the Christmas tree back up when we get home?” Mom laughed and shook her head. “We’ll save that for next December,” she said. “We can remember the real meaning of Christmas without the tree.” So how about you? Are you thankful every day for God’s amazing gift? He sent His Son, Jesus, to earth to take the punishment for your sin so you could have eternal life. There is no better gift than that! Don’t wait until next December to thank God for His great gift—Jesus is the reason to celebrate Christmas all year long! Key Verse 2 Corinthians 9:15 “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” Key Thought Think of God’s gift all year long. Further Reading Luke 2:1-7
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers After-Christmas Sale "Look at my new sweater!” said Brianne, holding it up for her dad to see. “You should see all the stuff Mom and I got on sale today.” Mom sighed. “Yes, but it was such a hassle getting through the crowds at the mall and pawing through the racks of clothes that I wondered at times if it was really worth it. But we did get some really good deals.” “Yeah!” said Brianne. “It makes you wonder how the stores can afford to sell things at those prices.” “They know what they’re doing,” Dad assured her. “They’re clearing out things that are no longer profitable and making room to restock their shelves with new things people want—things that will make them more money. Right now, they’re selling off winter stuff to make room for spring merchandise.” He paused for a moment. “I think we could take a lesson from them.” “Like what?” asked Brianne curiously. “There are things in our lives that we need to clear out from time to time,” Dad explained as he reached for his Bible. “Let’s read about them for our devotions tonight.” He opened his Bible and read a passage from the book of Colossians. “Hearing those verses makes me regret getting angry and impatient with some people in the store today,” Mom confessed. “I need to get rid of anger and selfishness from the shelves of my life and make room for patience and humility.” “How much do you suppose we can sell our bad qualities for?” asked Brianne with a mischievous grin. Dad laughed. “Forget having a sale and just trash them. Those unprofitable traits don’t fit who we are now because Jesus has saved us from sin. Instead of wasting space on them, we can restock our shelves with good things like compassion, kindness, and patience—qualities that fit the new life Jesus gave us when we trusted in Him.” “And how much of a profit can we get with our new qualities?” asked Brianne. “That’s the best part,” said Dad. “We can give them away for free, and they’ll still be profitable. When we are kind, gentle, and forgiving with others, we show them God’s love and help them see who Jesus is, and He can use those good qualities in our lives to draw more people to Him.” So how about you? What traits are found on the shelves of your life? Do others see qualities that reflect Jesus and fit the new person He’s made you to be? Or do you still have outdated habits from your old life taking up space—things like lying, a hot temper, or a desire to get even with someone? Trust God to help you replace old, sinful attitudes with loving qualities that fit your new life with Jesus. Key Verse Colossians 3:12 "As God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience." Key Thought Put on traits that reflect Jesus. Further Reading Colossians 3:8-15
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers A Gingerbread House "Mom! Tell Ella to stop dipping her finger in the icing!” “Karis, you know she’s only five. You can’t expect her to make a gingerbread house without eating any of it.” “But I want it to be perfect!” It was a Christmas tradition for Karis and Ella to make a gingerbread house. Karis lined up the red and green gumdrops like little army men. The containers of colored sprinkles stood at attention like soldiers. “Mom, I think there’s more icing in Ella’s hair than on our gingerbread house.” “Don’t worry about it, honey,” said Mom. “I’ll give her a bath when you’re finished.”  Karis smiled at her sister. “If you get any more icing on your face, you’ll look like a snowman.” Ella giggled and handed her sister a broken piece of graham cracker.  “That’s a great idea, Ella,” said Karis. “We can use little pieces of graham cracker to make shingles for our roof. We’ll stick them on with icing.”  An hour later, Karis plopped the last gumdrop on the roof of the gingerbread house to make a chimney. Mom picked up a leftover graham cracker and used it to scrape the bottom of the icing bowl. “That’s one of the most beautiful gingerbread houses I’ve ever seen, girls. I’m so proud of you.” She popped the graham cracker into her mouth. “You know, this gingerbread house reminds me of a Bible verse. Jesus said He was going to heaven to prepare a place for us to be with Him forever. It took you girls a whole hour to make your house. Can you imagine how awesome the place is that Jesus is preparing for us? If we trust in Jesus, He’s already made a home in our hearts, and one day we’ll get to be with Him in heaven forever.”  Karis smiled. “I’m pretty sure the place Jesus is preparing for us in heaven isn’t made out of gingerbread.” Mom smiled and licked a bit of icing off her finger. “You’re right. I don’t think it will be made of gingerbread. But it will be just as sweet!” So how about you? Have you ever built a gingerbread house? Then you know how much time and preparation it takes to make it look good. Right now Jesus is preparing a place for those who trust in Him, and it will be better than any mansion on earth! But there’s only one way to get there. Trust in Jesus, and He will make a home in your heart—and prepare one for you in heaven too. (See “Have You Heard the Good News?”) Key Verse John 14:2 ERV "There are many rooms in my Father's house...I am going there to prepare a place for you." Key Thought Christians have a home with Jesus. Further Reading John 14:2-4, 23; Romans 10:9
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Temporary Connections Julie sighed in satisfaction as she looked at the Christmas decorations she had hung in her room. She had tried to tie a string from her closet door to her curtain, but the string wasn’t long enough, so she’d stretched her curtain into the middle of her room and managed to tie the string tightly around it. Bells and Christmas ornaments were meticulously strung along the string. It had taken her the better part of an hour to get it all set up the way she wanted. A few minutes later, Mom walked in to close Julie’s blinds and noticed the string contraption and the curtain suspended parallel to the floor. “Julie?” Mom asked. “Will you please cut this string so we can close your blinds? It’s getting dark outside.” Julie stomped her feet and wailed, “But it took me forever to tie that string!” “I’m sorry, honey, but it can’t stay this way. Next time, make sure you’re connecting it to something that won’t have to move if you want it to last a long time.” Julie burst into tears and flung herself on her bed. Mom sighed. “I understand you’re upset. When you’ve had a chance to process, we’ll talk about it.” Mom walked out to the living room where Julie’s older brother, Dan, was working on building a ramp for his car and connecting it to the couch. “Just so you’re aware, you’ll have to take your ramp down before bedtime,” Mom told him. “Okay, Mom. Why is Julie so upset?” “I asked her to cut a string she tied to the curtain.” Dan nodded. He had seen Julie stringing up her decorations earlier. “She spent a long time doing that.” “I know. I explained if she wanted it to last a long time, she’d have to be wiser about how she set it up.” Mom sat on the couch to watch Dan build. “It’s a good reminder for how we should live our lives. The things of this world are temporary, but the truth and salvation of Jesus lasts forever! We need to build our lives wisely by trusting and obeying Him.”  So how about you? Are you building your life in a way that will last? The only way to do that is to trust in Jesus. (See “Have You Heard the Good News?”) Then live out His truth in your daily life. In today’s Bible reading, Jesus tells a story about a man who built his house on rock and another who built his house on sand. When the rain came, the house on sand washed away, but the one on the rock stood firm. Jesus is the Rock—build your life on Him. Key Verse John 6:27 NIV "Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Song of Man [Jesus] will give you." Key Thought Build your life on Jesus. Further Reading Matthew 7:24-29; John 6:27-29
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Mary's Part Speaking parts were being assigned for the church Christmas program, and Kaylee eagerly waited for her name to be called. She was sure she was the perfect one to take the part of Mary, the mother of Jesus. No one can memorize lines as well as me, she thought.  “Braelyn.” Mrs. Roberts’ voice interrupted Kaylee’s thoughts. “I think you would be a good choice to play the part of Mary.” Kaylee gasped. Braelyn! She stutters sometimes, Kaylee thought. What kind of Mary would she be? Kaylee scowled. Well, that’s just fine with me. Who wants to be in this dumb play anyway? When Mrs. Roberts offered her another part, Kaylee made excuses and refused to be in the production at all. On the night of the program, Kaylee sat in the front row. She had come to laugh at Braelyn’s mistakes. Mrs. Roberts will be embarrassed for making such a dumb choice! she thought in disgust as Braelyn walked up front. That drab outfit looks like it was made from a feed sack. Mom would have made me a much better costume than that! She snickered to herself and rolled her eyes.  Hesitantly, Braelyn began reciting from Luke chapter one: “My soul magnifies the Lord…because…because…” She paused briefly. “Because he has looked with favor on the humble condition of his servant.” Humble condition, thought Kaylee. That sure fits Braelyn! Suddenly another thought struck her, causing her mouth to drop open in surprise. It fits Mary too! Kaylee tried to push that thought away, but she couldn’t. More unwanted thoughts persisted as she watched the rest of the Christmas performance. Mary was willing to obey God and carry out His commands, and Braelyn’s like that too, Kaylee realized. She’s a good Mary! In her heart, Kaylee knew that if she had gotten the part, she would be saying Mary’s words only to make herself look good and be the star performer. But Braelyn was humble like the real Mary was—and like how Jesus was too. They were both willing to obey God and make sacrifices for the good of others. Feeling ashamed, Kaylee prayed silently, asking God to forgive her proud spirit and to help her be humble like Mary—and Jesus. So how about you? Are you humble like Mary? Or do you think you should be the one chosen to sing the solo, answer the questions, or lead the group because you do it best? Jesus wants humble servants who are willing to serve His purpose instead of their own so that He will be honored. Even though He is God, Jesus was willing to die for our sins so we could be saved. Mary was His humble servant. Does that description fit you? Key Verse Matthew 20:27 NLV "Whoever wants to be first among you, let him be your servant." Key Thought Be a humble servant. Further Reading Luke 1:26-33, 46-49
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Santa Pause "All right, boys. Turn off that video game and help set the table.”  Ethan hit the pause button. “We should be able to beat that level after dinner,” he told Levi as they scooted into the kitchen.  Mom was balancing the baby on her hip and stirring a bubbling pot of spaghetti sauce. “Don’t forget to put out napkins,” she told the boys. “And don’t forget we’re heading out to do some Christmas shopping after dinner.”  “We’re in the middle of a video game, Mom,” Levi said.  “You’ve been playing that game for over an hour. It’s time to take a break. We need to get presents for your cousins, pick up ingredients for Christmas cookies, and buy some extra Christmas tree lights.” “Can’t we go shopping tomorrow?” Ethan asked.  Mom shook her head. “We have rehearsal for the Christmas play tomorrow.” Dad walked into the kitchen and pulled a strand of spaghetti from the pot. Mom turned and handed him the baby. “You seem really stressed out,” Dad told her. He turned to the boys. “I’ve got an idea.”  “Does it involve video games?” Levi asked. “It does not involve video games, but it does involve hot chocolate. I’m going to make a batch of hot chocolate, and we’re going to sit down as a family and watch a Christmas movie.” Dad already knew what Mom was thinking. “Don’t worry, honey. I’ll get up early and take care of all the shopping. It sounds like everyone needs a little break from the craziness of the Christmas holiday. Think of it as a Santa pause.” Everyone laughed, even Mom. “I guess you’re right,” she said. “Even Jesus and His disciples needed some time to rest. If I remember the Bible story correctly, Jesus told his disciples to come with Him to a quiet place and rest because so many people were coming and going that they didn’t even have time to eat.” “No time to eat!” Ethan said. “There’s not a crowd big enough or even a video game that could keep me from your spaghetti, Mom!” “I’m glad to hear it,” Mom said. “But we still need to take time to rest and remember the real reason we celebrate Christmas—Jesus coming to save us.” So how about you? Do you need some time to rest? Sometimes life can get very busy, especially around the holidays. We’re busy doing a lot of really good things, but there’s nothing wrong with hitting the pause button and taking a break. Jesus knew what it was like to be tired. If He took some time to rest, so should we. Take a breather and spend some time with Him. After all, He’s the real reason we celebrate Christmas. Key Verse Mark 6:31 NIV "[Jesus] said to them, 'Come with Me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.'" Key Thought Take time to rest. Further Reading Matthew 11:28-30; Mark 6:30-32
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers The Grinch Isaac slammed the door and began kicking off his boots while grumbling under his breath. “Everything all right?” his mom asked. “Not according to Mr. Hanson,” Isaac spat out. “Whatever I do for him is never good enough! I mean, it took me an hour to shovel his sidewalk, and what do I get for it? ‘You missed the second step, Isaac. You didn’t get all the way to edge.’ Mr. Hanson is a total grinch! This is the last time I help him out.” Just then Isaac’s sister, Holly, came bouncing into the room. “Mom, the green popcorn is done, and the green soda for our grinch punch is cold. I can’t wait to watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas with our special treats!” “I know a real grinch next door,” Isaac grumbled. “Isaac,” Mom said gently, “I know Mr. Hanson can be difficult, but remember that he doesn’t know Jesus. The only way he’s ever going to change is if he allows Jesus to come into his life and transform him. Only God can make that happen, but we can point Mr. Hanson to Jesus by showing him love and joy, even when he doesn’t deserve it.” “Kind of like how the Grinch’s heart grew three sizes when he saw how joyful the Whos were even after he stole all their Christmas gifts and decorations?” asked Holly. “Exactly,” said Mom. “Even when Mr. Hanson is mean, that doesn’t have to kill your joy—it actually gives you a chance to show him the love of Jesus.” “Hmm,” said Isaac, “I never thought about it like that before. I didn’t realize that just by shoveling snow and being kind to Mr. Hanson I was allowing the love of Jesus to shine through me. I’ll try to remember that the next time I shovel his sidewalk.” “I’m glad to hear there will be a next time,” Mom said as she gave Isaac a squeeze. “And now it’s time to watch . . .” “How the Grinch Stole Christmas!” Holly squealed. “I think I’ll watch that movie with a whole new perspective tonight,” Isaac said with a smile. So how about you? When you have grinchy people in your life, do you still try to treat them with love and kindness? When we show others love and joy, it points them to the source of our love and joy—Jesus! He gives us the strength to be joyful in any circumstance. Trust Him to help you joyfully do good for others, even when they least deserve it. Key Verse 1 Thessalonians 5:15 NIV "Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always strive to do what is good for each other and for everyone else." Key Thought Joy points others to Jesus. Further Reading 1 Thessalonians 5:13-17
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers A Special Baby As Mateo and his friend Tory rode the bus home from school, they talked about their Christmas plans. “Grandpa and Grandma are coming for a whole week this year,” said Tory, “and on Christmas Eve we’re all going to see a movie about Santa Claus! Wanna come with us? I’m sure Mom will say it’s okay.” “I can’t,” said Mateo. “Our family always goes to church on Christmas Eve. We have a candlelight service where we read the Christmas story and sing Christmas carols.” “Christmas carols? Like ‘Jingle Bells’ and ‘Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer’?” Mateo shook his head. “No, songs about the real meaning of Christmas, like ‘Away in a Manger’ and ‘Silent Night.’” “Oh.” Tory frowned. “The Christmas story is about somebody named Mary, isn’t it? And a guy named Joseph? And about some special baby? What was so special about Him?” Mateo could hardly believe Tory didn’t know the answer to that. “It’s about when Jesus was born. He’s the Son of God,” he explained. “Well, then how could He be born as a baby on earth?” Tory asked. “If He was God’s Son, why did He come to earth anyway?”  “Because we needed Him to save us from our sin—our brokenness—so we could have eternal life,” said Mateo, and he did his best to help Tory understand who Jesus is and why He came. When Mateo told his mom about their conversation, she had a suggestion. “It’s possible other friends of yours don’t know the real meaning of Christmas. Would you like to have a Christmas party so you can share it with them? You could play games and have prizes, and I’ll help with singing carols and tell the Christmas story before we have some snacks and hot cocoa.” “That would be fun!” said Mateo. Mateo invited several friends to come. He didn’t know if any of them would believe in Jesus because of the party, but he wanted to give them the chance to hear about the special baby who was born to save the world—the real reason for Christmas. So how about you? Do your friends know who Jesus is and why He came to earth? How can you share the real meaning of Christmas with them? Maybe you can have a party where you sing carols and have someone tell the   story of Jesus’ birth, or invite them to a Christmas program at your church. You could even simply talk with them about what Jesus has done for you. Share the message of Jesus at Christmas—and all year long. Key Verse Matthew 1:21 "You shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." Key Thought Share Christ at Christmas Further Reading Matthew 1:18-23
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers When Love Is Difficult Mom turned from the sink when she heard a door slam and feet running quickly down the stairs. “Mom!” Alicia cried as she ran into the kitchen. “Candice is being mean to me, and she even said she hates Christmas!”  Alicia’s foster mom dried her hands. “I heard some loud voices up there and wondered what that was all about.”  “I wanted her to help me look for Christmas toys online,” Alicia explained, “but she just got mad and yelled at me.” Mom poured Alicia a glass of water as they sat at the table. “Honey, Candice just moved into our house a month ago. She’s still having a hard time adjusting to the big changes in her life. You can remember what that’s like, can’t you?” Alicia shrugged as she drank her water. “Christmas can be a hard time for people,” Mom continued. “Instead of being a celebration, it can sometimes remind them of the people and things they have lost.”  “Oh, like Mrs. Jameson next door?” Alicia asked, remembering how they brought meals to their elderly neighbor after her husband had died. “Yes, exactly,” Mom replied. “Mrs. Jameson is probably going to have a difficult Christmas this year missing Mr. Jameson. Maybe we can think of a way to show love to her.” Alicia brightened. “She really likes my chocolate chip cookies! Could I make some for her?”  “I think that’s a wonderful idea. How about you give some to Candice too?” Alicia’s face clouded again. “But she was just so mean to me. Why should I make her cookies?” Mom pointed to a plaque above the sink that read, People need loving the most when they deserve it the least. “Candice may not be acting very loving toward you, but that doesn’t change the fact that she needs our love. Wouldn’t we be in sad shape if Jesus only loved us when we deserved it?”  “Oh, I guess that’s true,” Alicia agreed. “Sharing chocolate chip cookies is a pretty small thing compared to how much Jesus loves me.”  Mom smiled. “That’s a great attitude, honey. You go ahead and get started on the cookies while I go upstairs and talk with Candice." So how about you? Do you feel like you should only love people who are loving toward you? That’s not the way Jesus loves us—He showed us His love by coming to earth and dying for our sins when we least deserved it. This Christmas, look for ways to show love to people who might be sad or hurting and perhaps not acting in a loving way toward others. Be like Jesus and love others even when they don’t deserve it. Key Verse John 13:34 "A new command I give you: love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another." Key Thought Love one another. Further Reading John 13:34-35; 1 John 4:7-11
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers The Story of Santa "Ho, ho, ho! And a merry Christmas to you!” bellowed a tall Santa at the entrance to Mia’s favorite toy store. Mia and her dad were doing some last-minute Christmas shopping. They needed a few more things for the shoeboxes they were filling for kids who lived in orphanages in poor countries.  “Dad, why do I see so many Santas around at Christmas instead of manger scenes?” Mia wondered aloud. “Everywhere I look I see Santa! See, there’s a gigantic stuffed Santa right over there!” “I agree, there’s a lot more of Santa than Jesus in most stores at Christmas,” said Dad. “I think the tradition of Santa has overshadowed the truth of Jesus’ birth. However, not many people know the story of the real Saint Nicholas where our tradition of Santa began. Do you want to hear it?” “Of course!” said Mia. “According to history scholars, Saint Nicholas was born a long time ago around 280 A.D., which means 280 years after Jesus’ birth,” Dad explained. “His parents were very wealthy and left him a large inheritance when they died. Nicholas was a Christian, so he decided to share his wealth by giving gifts and money to the poor and sick in his town. He later became a Christian bishop in the church and eventually became Saint Nicholas.” “So, did he wear a red suit and have a white beard?” asked Mia. “No one really knows what Saint Nicholas looked like. All we know is he had a reputation of giving to those in need,” Dad said.  “Just like we’re filling those shoeboxes for the needy kids!” Mia exclaimed.  “Exactly!” said Dad. “People often associate Santa with getting a lot of presents. Instead, I think we should think of Saint Nicholas and giving to others. And remember, the reason Saint Nicholas gave to others was to show Jesus’ love to them. As a Christian, he knew the greatest gift we could ever receive was Jesus, who became human in order to save us from sin. That’s really what Christmas is all about—celebrating the gift of Jesus!” So how about you? Do you focus on giving to others at Christmas? Sometimes it’s easy to make Christmas all about getting presents for ourselves rather than thinking of how we can give to others. Money and presents aren’t the only ways to give. Share a kind word, do something extra around the house, or let someone go ahead of you in line. When you give, you point to the greatest gift of all—Jesus. Key Verse 2 Corinthians 9:15 "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!" Key Thought Give generously to others. Further Reading 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, 11-15
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers The Most Important Gift Austin woke with excitement and quickly jumped out of bed, wondering  what would be in the wrapped presents under the tree. “It’s Christmas Eve, Mom!” he said as he ran into the kitchen for breakfast. Austin’s family had a tradition of opening their gifts on Christmas Eve.  Throughout the day, Austin made many trips to the Christmas tree to look at the presents. Just when he felt he couldn’t wait any longer, the evening meal was over and the family gathered to open presents. Austin got a book, a pair of jeans, a movie, and the thing he wanted most of all—a baseball mitt!  Austin was already dreaming of summer when Dad reached for his Bible. “Let’s read about the gifts the wise men brought Jesus.” After reading the story, Dad said, “We’ve given gifts to show our love for one another, and we have a gift for Jesus too.” He rattled a shiny red tin that had money from every member of the family in it. Collecting a Christmas offering was another tradition in Austin’s family.  It was Mom’s turn to read, and she read a passage from Second Corinthians. “Just like the people in this story who gave gifts to help the apostle Paul, you all gave money to be used for God’s work,” Mom said when she finished reading. “But the most important thing they gave Jesus wasn’t their money. It was themselves. They gave themselves to the Lord by remembering that He died to save them and submitting to His will for their lives. As Christians, we need to do that too. While it’s good to give money, it’s more important to depend on Jesus to guide us in doing His will and help us love others the way He does.” Austin thought about that as he went to bed. He trusted in Jesus, but he hadn’t really given much thought to how Jesus wanted him to live. Suddenly he jumped up and ran into the living room. “I want to give myself to Jesus! I want to ask Him to help me love others and live my life for Him.” He grinned at his parents. “That’s the most important gift I can give!” So how about you? Have you given yourself to Jesus? That’s the most important gift you can give. As Christians, we must continually give ourselves to the Lord by depending on Him to help us do His will and show others His  love. Give Jesus the gift of yourself this Christmas, and trust Him to use your life to share His gift of salvation with others. Key Verse 2 Corinthians 8:5 "They first gave themselves to the Lord." Key Thought Give yourself to Jesus. Further Reading Matthew 2:1-2, 9-11; 2 Corinthians 8:1-5
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers The Exchange Student "That was a good play,” said José, an exchange student from Mexico who was living with Ronan’s family. They were returning home after attending a Christmas program at church. “I’ve heard a lot about the Bible, but I’ve never been to a pageant like that one.”  Ronan pointed. “Look! There are some carolers. They go from house to house singing Christmas songs. Do you have carolers in Mexico, José?” “No,” said José, “but we do have what we call Los Peregrinos. Like Mary and Joseph, people go from house to house. They pretend to be looking for a place where they can stay. It’s planned ahead so that the third one they stop at lets them in. There’s a piñata ready for the children and hot drinks for the adults.” “Sounds fun!” said Ronan.  “When we get home, I could show you pictures of that and other Christmas traditions we have,” José said.  Ronan nodded. “I’d like that.” Later that night, Dad and Ronan wrapped gifts while José talked to his family in Mexico. “Do you like having José stay with us?” asked Dad. “Yeah, I do,” Ronan answered. “We’ve studied Mexico at school, but learning that way isn’t the same as knowing somebody who’s from there. Having José live with us and listening to him explain what people were doing in the pictures he showed me is a better way to learn.” Ronan fastened a bright red ribbon to a package. “If I had just read about Mexico but had never met José, I wouldn’t know half as much about his culture as I do now.” Dad put down his scissors and tape. “You know, it’s the same with knowing Jesus too. Just knowing things about the Bible is much different from having a personal relationship with Jesus and trusting Him with every part of your life.” “Yeah,” Ronan said thoughtfully. “I think we should explain that to José. He seems to know quite a bit about the Bible, but we should make sure he understands why Jesus died and that he needs to know Him personally.” Ronan paused. “I’ll try to talk to him some more about it when I get a chance.” “That’s a good idea,” Dad said. “I’ll do the same.” So how about you? Do you know Jesus personally? Do you trust Him as your Savior and Lord? Studying the Bible is great, but just knowing Bible stories, facts, and verses is not enough. You need to understand that you’re a sinner who is unable to earn your own salvation and that Jesus died to pay the price for you to have eternal life. Trust Him as your Savior. Learn more at Key Verse Philippians 3:10 "I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised Him from the dead." Key Thought You can know Jesus personally. Further Reading Ephesians 3:14-21
Advent Day 15: No Room

Advent Day 15: No Room


Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers No Room "Rayna, how would you like to have a roommate for a few days?” Mom asked when she picked Rayna up from school. "Pastor Rollins is looking for places for the Peterson children to stay while their mother is in the hospital. I thought maybe we could take Morgan.” Rayna groaned. “Mom, no! She’d want to tag along everywhere I go.”  That evening, Rayna’s family read part of the Christmas story during family devotions. “Imagine Joseph’s disappointment when he asked for a room and the innkeeper turned him away,” Dad said as he closed the Bible. Then he prayed that they would be careful not to do the same thing. Rayna thought about that when she went to bed. In her mind, she could almost hear the innkeeper saying, “Sorry. We have no room!” As Rayna tried to go to sleep, she couldn’t get the phrase out of her head. “No room! No room!” No room for the Son of God! she thought. That’s terrible! Then the words of a Bible verse echoed through her mind: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” She tried to forget those words but couldn’t. Maybe letting Morgan share my room is like offering Jesus a room too. When Rayna sat down for breakfast the next morning, she smiled at her mother. “Did you tell Pastor Rollins to send Morgan to us?” she asked. Mom shook her head. “Not yet.”  “Well, let’s tell him,” said Rayna. “I know she’s a lot younger than me, but she needs a place to stay, and maybe I can help her forget her troubles for a while.” Mom smiled. “I’m glad you decided that, but why the change?” “I thought about the innkeeper last night,” said Rayna. “I don’t want to make the same mistake he did.” “The innkeeper?” asked Mom. “Oh. The one who didn’t have room for Jesus?” Rayna nodded. “I realized that Jesus wants me to make room for her this Christmas. Since I’ve welcomed Him into my life by trusting in Him, He wants me to welcome others too. And I don’t want to turn either one of them away.”  So how about you? Have you made room in your heart for Jesus? Have you invited Him into your life? If you trust in Him, He’s shaping your heart so you can show His love and hospitality to others. Perhaps there’s someone He wants you to make room for in our life, like an older person who is lonely or a classmate who needs a friend. By showing them hospitality, you’re showing them the love of Jesus. Key Verse Matthew 25:40 "The King [Jesus] will reply, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for Me." Key Thought Be hospitable. Further Reading Matthew 25:37-40; Luke 2:1-7
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers White Christmas "It’s still snowing, Grandpa,” said Evan. “We’ll have a white Christmas for sure!” Evan had not seen much snow when he lived in the valley, but now he was staying with his grandpa in the mountains. Grandpa nodded. “It makes the whole world look so clean, doesn’t it?” he said. “It reminds me of one of my favorite Bible verses. Isaiah 1:18 says our sins can be made as white as snow. That happens when we trust Jesus as our Savior from sin.” Evan nodded, even though he wasn’t really sure what that meant. “I like the snow,” he said. “Can I go sledding for a while?” “Sure,” said Grandpa, so Evan bundled up and went out. That evening, Evan enjoyed a mug of hot chocolate while Grandpa read the Christmas story from the Bible. When Grandpa finished, Evan turned to him. “Grandpa, I was thinking about that verse you like—the one about snow. Didn’t you say my dad trusts Jesus as his Savior?” Grandpa nodded.  “So does that mean his sins are as white as snow now?” Evan asked. “It sure does,” Grandpa assured him. “Then why is Dad still in jail?” asked Evan. “Well, Evan, for many years, your father didn’t want to have anything to do with Jesus,” Grandpa explained. “Just like all of us, he sinned, and he started doing some very bad things and couldn’t stop on his own. He broke the law, so now he has to face the consequences for what he did—even though He decided to trust in Jesus while he was in jail and asked Him to forgive him for all the bad things he did. Jesus washed all his sin away and made his heart clean, and your dad is a new person and will spend eternity with God. Even though there are still consequences for the wrong things he did here on earth, God won’t hold those things against him. In God’s eyes, he’s as white as snow.” Evan thought about that. “I want to be as white as snow in God’s eyes too,” he said. “You can be,” said Grandpa. “Trust Jesus to forgive your sins and make you clean. Then you can have a white Christmas—inside and out.”  So how about you? Did you know that you can have a white Christmas anywhere in the world?  Even if you don’t get snow where you live, you can have a white Christmas on the inside by asking Jesus to wash away all the wrong you’ve ever done. He died to take the punishment for your sin, and when you trust in Him, He will make your heart as white as snow. Trust Him today! Learn more at Key Verse Isaiah 1:18 "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow." Key Thought Trust Jesus as your Savior. Further Reading Romans 3:23; Psalm 51:1-4, 7
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Crybaby Christmas "This is the worst Christmas ever!” Stella told her brother. “Not only did we have to move because of Dad’s job, we have to live in this tiny apartment because we can’t find a house.” She groaned as she tripped over a box on her way to the couch. “There’s no room in here!” Logan shrugged. “At least we have beds. When Mary and Joseph got to Bethlehem, all they could find was a stable. They probably just had straw.” Stella sighed. “Yeah, well, at least they had the gifts the wise men brought them. We don’t have any presents to open tomorrow because we’ve been so busy moving that we haven’t had any time to go Christmas shopping!” “Actually, the wise men didn’t bring gifts to Jesus right when he was born,” Logan said. “They didn’t come until later.” Stella crossed her arms. “Well, at least they had the angels singing. I can’t stream any music because the internet here is too slow!” “It was actually the shepherds who heard the angels singing—not Mary and Joseph.” Logan looked at his sister. “It sounds like you’re having a crybaby Christmas.” Stella raised her eyebrows. “A crybaby Christmas?” “Yeah,” said Logan. “You’re complaining about everything! If you stopped complaining and started singing, at least you’d have some music to listen to and one less thing to complain about!” Stella threw a pillow at her brother’s head, but Mom came down the hallway just in time and caught it in midair. “Okay, you two. What’s going on?” “Logan says I’m complaining about everything!” said Stella. “Well?” said Mom. “Are you?” Stella sighed. “Well, maybe. But everything’s a mess, and just because he’s not bothered by any of it doesn’t mean he can make fun of me!” Mom nodded. “I know Christmas is a lot different for us this year, but we can still be joyful. When we remember that Jesus came to earth to save us and that He’s always with us, we can be joyful even when things are hard. He cares about our problems—and He wants us to care for each other.” Stella and Logan looked at each other and smiled. Then Logan started singing “Joy to the World,” and Stella and Mom joined in. So how about you? Have you been rejoicing in the birth of Jesus this Christmas season? Or have you been too weighed down by problems to feel joyful? Problems can be hard to deal with, especially at Christmas, but remember that Christmas is all about Jesus fixing our biggest problem of all—sin. Remember that He came to earth to save you and is always with you, no matter what problems you face. Then celebrate Christmas with joy! Key Verse Luke 2:10 "The angel said... 'I bring you good tidings of great joy.'" Key Thought Be joyful! Further Reading Isaiah 9:6-7; Luke 2:8-14
Thank you for joining Keys for Kids Radio's Countdown to Christmas Advent Activity! Read the story below, answer the questions on the cards, and send us a voice message with your answers! Then you could hear yourself on Keys for Kids Radio as we talk through each day's story! Send In Your Answers Hugo's Rescue Rose sat forward in her seat, her eyes riveted to the screen. “Oh, no!” she exclaimed as Hugo, the main character in the movie they were watching, fell into the ocean while trying to get the sail of his ship down. “What will happen to Hugo now? He was sailing alone!” Her brother Barrett grinned. “He’ll get rescued,” he said. “Just wait.” The music played. Excitement mounted. Rose nibbled on a handful of popcorn as she watched the man on the screen struggle for his life. He kicked and splashed to stay afloat as angry waves rolled about and threatened to drown him. Suddenly, a shark’s fin sliced through the water behind the man. “Look out, Hugo!” Barrett exclaimed. “Now who’s worried?” said Rose. But her heart pounded as the shark got closer and closer to Hugo. He fought the sea, unaware of the danger behind him. Just when it seemed the shark would surely gobble him up, a boat roared into view. “Someone jumped in and got a hold of him!” Barrett yelled. “They’re reeling him in!” “Wow!” Rose said when the movie ended. “Good thing that boat came when it did!” Barrett nodded. “That was a good movie.” “Yeah.” Rose got up and adjusted an ornament on the Christmas tree. “It was good, but I like watching Christmas movies this time of year, and that wasn’t very Christmassy.” “Well, it may not have had any Christmas trees or caroling in it,” said Dad, who had watched the movie with them, “but Hugo’s story actually reminds me a lot of what happened at Christmas.” “Really?” asked Rose. “How’s that?” “Christmas is the day we celebrate God rescuing us,” Dad said. “You mean because it’s when we celebrate Jesus’ birth?” Barrett asked. “He came to earth to rescue us.” Dad nodded. “God knew we had no hope of being saved from the sea of sin we were drowning in without Him, so He sent His only Son to jump in and rescue us. When we trust in Him, He reels us in and gives us eternal life.” “I’m glad Jesus came to our rescue,” Rose said. She looked at her dad and grinned. “I guess that really was a Christmas movie after all!” So how about you? Have you been rescued by Jesus? Or are you still drowning in sin? At Christmas, we celebrate that Jesus, God’s Son, was born in Bethlehem. He grew up and lived a perfect life. He died on the cross to take the punishment for your sin, and He rose from the grave to give you eternal life. Trust Him as your Savior today! (See “Have You Heard the Good News?” at Key Verse 1 John 5:12 "He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Song of God does not have life." Key Thought Jesus rescues us from sin. Further Reading 1 John 5:9-13