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Author: Emash Digital & Mike Ferguson, Mike Morford

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Criminology is a true crime podcast that takes a deep dive into some of the most famous cases in the annals of crime. Hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Morford will give you every details of these infamous crimes. New episodes come out every Saturday night at 10 PM.
340 Episodes
Gary Allen Srery

Gary Allen Srery


Gary Allen Srery was a Canadian serial killer who is known to have murdered at least four people. Unfortunately, it took the authorities many years to catch him, and they wonder just how many people he could have actually killed over those many years. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss Gary Allen Srery. Srery was born and lived in the United States before he illegally entered Canada. He had a long criminal history that involved both countries but he never spent much time in prison for his convictions. Just how prolific might have Srery been as a serial killer and did he kill in the United States as well as Canada? You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
Jaye Potter Mintz

Jaye Potter Mintz


In 1987, Jaye Potter Mintz was murdered inside her North Carolina home. Inside the home but left unharmed was her son who was about to turn two. The child saw at least some of the horrific acts and was able to tell the police that a mean man hurt his mommy. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the murder of Jaye Potter Mintz. Jaye was trying to sell a waterbed through the classified ads in the newspaper. It is thought by most that a man who answered the ad went to Jaye's home and murdered her. But no one around the home saw anything or anyone at the house that day.  You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
Jennair Gerardot

Jennair Gerardot


Jennair Gerardot had been married to her husband Mark for almost fifteen years when she discovered he was having an affair. Mark had taken a new job in a different state and fell in love very quickly with his boss Meredith Sullivan. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss Jennair Gerardot. Jennair began a spy surveillance campaign on her husband Mark. She discovered everything that he was doing and her world fell apart when she confronted him and he admitted the affair. She then made a plan to hurt Mark as much as she possibly could. You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
Russell and Shirley Dermond

Russell and Shirley Dermond


By 2014, Russell and Shirley Dermond had been married for over 60 years. They had children and grandchildren and were enjoying their retirement years after owning and operating fast food restaurants. In 1994 the couple purchased their dream home on Lake Oconee in Georgia. But their dream home would become the scene of a nightmare. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the murders of Russell and Shirley Dermond. A couple who was friends with the Dermonds went to their house to check on them when they hadn't heard from them in awhile. Russell and Shirley had missed a Kentucky Derby party and weren't picking up or returning phone calls. The couple discovered Russell dead in the garage and he had been decapitated. Shirley was nowhere to be found. What happened to the Dermonds? You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
The Fitbit Murder

The Fitbit Murder


In 2015, a Connecitcut woman named Connie Dabate was murdered in what appeared to be a home invasion burglary. As police dug deeper, it seemed that things were not as they appeared.   Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the murder of Connie Debate, a case that became known in the media as the Fitbit murder. The authorities relied on a variety of tools to help lay out the truth; including social media, cell phone data, surveillance camera footage, and computer files. One of the biggest tools of all in their quest for the truth turned out to be a Fitbit fitness tracker.   You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
The Farmville Murders

The Farmville Murders


Richard McCroskey was looking for people who accept him on the internet. He had been bullied in school over his red hair and weight. But online he became a different person, a much more confident person. And Richard thought he had found a girlfriend in 16-year-old Emma Niederbrock, four years his junior. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss Richard McCroskey and the Farmville murders. After chatting online for about a year, Richard and Emma decided to meet in person. Richard was going to Emma's house so that they could attend a horrorcore music festival, something the two had in common. However, the trip did not go as Richard planned, and in the end, it turned deadly. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production
The Miyazawa Family Murders

The Miyazawa Family Murders


In December 2000, one of Japan's most infamous unsolved cases happened. Four members for the Miyazawa family were murdered inside their home. It was an especially brutal series of murders that occurred with other family members living on the other side of a shared duplex.  Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the Miyazawa family murders. There was a mountain of evidence left behind at the scene of the murders. The authorities had the killer's fingerprints, DNA, and even some of his clothing that had been left behind. But, almost 25 years later, we're still left with more questions than answers in the case. Who killed the Miyazawa family and why? You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
On June 25th, 2024, Raegan Anderson and Chandler Khubander disappeared from Hinesville, Georgia. The police put out a BOLO for the pair after family members and co-workers became worried. Raegan and Chandler were both 24-year-old firefighters who previously had a relationship that lasted seven years. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the mysterious disappearance and deaths of Raegan Anderson and Chandler Khubander. On June 30th, 2024, the bodies of both Raegan and Chandler were found inside her Ford Focus in Cosby, Tennessee. They mysteries are still being revealed but the questions are numerous. How and why did the two end up in Tennessee and exactly what caused their deaths? There have been reports that Raegan was suicidal after the breakup and a serious of incidents that rocked her life.  You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
Linda O'Keefe

Linda O'Keefe


In 1973, 11-year-old Linda Ann O’Keefe was living in Corona Del Mar, California when she disappeared. Linda was attending summer school and walked home from school one day but never made it. Her body was found fairly quickly about ten miles from her home. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the disappearance and murder of Linda O'Keefe. A family friend saw Linda that day about an hour after school let out. She was standing next to a van with a man in his 20s or 30s. Linda's case went cold and it took over 45 years and advances in DNA technology for the police to find her killer. You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
Matthew Trussler

Matthew Trussler


On the morning of October 18, 2019, 26-year-old Melissa Turner called 911 to report that her 25-year-old fiancé, 25-year-old Matthew Trussler, was unresponsive. What the police found was a scene of horror. Matthew was cold and covered in blood.  Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the murder of Matthew Trussler. Melissa and Matthew were captured on surveillance video which also included audio. Melissa told a number of different stories about what happened that night, but investigators zeroed in on her as the prime suspect.  You can help support the show at
Laureen Rahn

Laureen Rahn


On April 26th, 1980, 14-year-old Laureen Ann Rahn of Manchester, NH, was an 8th grader on spring break. On that day, which was a Saturday, her mother Judith was leaving her home alone and would return later that night. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the disappearance of Laureen Rahn. Laureen had a female and a male friend over. They drank some alcohol and her female friend went to lie down in her bed. When she thought she heard her mom out in the hallway she hustled her male friend out the back. That was the last time anyone saw Laureen Rahn. You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
Jeffrey Lundgren

Jeffrey Lundgren


Jeffrey Lundgren was living in Missouri in the early 1980s. He had a wife and four children and was heavily involved in the RLDS church. However, he became disillusioned with the church because he didn't agree with what he saw as some of its progressive views. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss Jeffrey Lundgren. After a stint in the Navy, Jeffrey had a hard time holding down a job. However, he was able to attract followers who agreed with his preachings and were willing to help support him and his family. In 1984, Jeffrey told his followers that God had commanded them to move to Ohio. Jeffrey Lundgren held a lot of sway and power over his followers, and he ultimately used them for deadly purposes. You can help support the show at   An Emash Digital production
In Fall 2003, 19-year-old Lisa Gurrieri and 20-year-old Brandon Rumbaugh went on an overnight camping trip. The two college students had been dating for a year, and this quick trip was to mark their one-year anniversary. They never returned home and were later found murdered. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the murders of Lisa Gurrieri and Brandon Rumbaugh. A broken disposable camera was found near the truck they had driven to Bumble Bee Road. Although damaged, technicians were able to recover some photographs. Instead of shedding light on what happened, the photos made the case more mysterious. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Between 1975 and 1980, The Yorkshire Ripper terrorized Northern England. His attacks and murders were reminiscent of Jack The Ripper, who operated in the late 1800s. Letters signed Jack The Ripper and a recording supposedly of the killer's voice only served to taunt the police. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the crimes of Peter Sutcliffe, aka The Yorkshire Ripper. In this second and last episode on The Yorkshire Ripper, we detail Peter Sutcliffe's background and arrest. People began questioning why the police hadn't identified Sutcliffe sooner, which could have saved lives. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Yorkshire Ripper Part 1

The Yorkshire Ripper Part 1


Between 1975 and 1980, The Yorkshire Ripper terrorized Northern England. His attacks and murders were reminiscent of Jack The Ripper, who operated in the late 1800s. Letters signed Jack The Ripper and a recording supposedly of the killer's voice only served to taunt the police. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the crimes of Peter Sutcliffe, aka The Yorkshire Ripper. It took the police some time to piece together the crimes and even more time to figure out who was behind them. The pressure mounted with every attack and murder by the vicious serial killer. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Jennifer Pan

Jennifer Pan


On November 8th, 2010, 60-year-old Huei Hann Pan woke up suddenly startled in the middle of the night in his bed with the barrel of a gun being pressed to his forehead. Intruders shot both Hann and his wife Bich. Their 24-year-old daughter Jennifer was tied up. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss Jennifer Pan. Hann survived the encounter, but Bich was fatally shot. As police investigated, they soon began to believe that Jennifer's account of what happened didn't add up. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Juan Leon Laureles

Juan Leon Laureles


It was just after midnight 28 years ago, on May 10th, 1996, that police responded to the scene of the murder of Leon Laureles. Leon's co-workers got worried when he didn't show up for work. Police responded to a 911 call about a car on fire and discovered Leon's 1988 Ford Thunderbird engulfed in flames. His body was found not far from his car. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the murder of Leon Laureles. Leon's niece, Arlene Harbison, joins us for this episode to discuss the murder of her uncle. She insists that the investigation was short-sighted from the start. Without any merit, the police claimed that Leon was involved with drugs and that his murder revolved around that. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Dylan Rounds

Dylan Rounds


Dylan Rounds wanted to be a farmer. When he was 16 years old, his grandfather bought 643 acres of land in Utah with the understanding that Dyland would work it. He was dedicated and worked extremely hard. But at 19, Dylan vanished over Memorial Day weekend in 2022. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the disappearance and murder of Dylan Rounds. Friends and family knew that Dylan would never leave his farm behind and not contact them. He was on the verge of realizing his dream and harvesting his first crop. Police eventually solved the mystery of who killed Dylan. But the question of why has still not been answered. You can support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Anderson Sisters

The Anderson Sisters


On August 1st, 1974, 11-year-old Lillian Annette Anderson, who went by Annette, and 6-year-old Mylette Anderson, went missing from their Jacksonville, Florida home. The girl's father, Jack Anderson, came home to find his daughters gone. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss the disappearance of the Anderson sisters. One man, Paul John Knowles, even confessed to abducting and killing both Mylette and Annette. But in the summer of 1974, other young girls disappeared or were murdered. The police tried to figure out if all of the cases were connected. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
The Sleepwalking Murders

The Sleepwalking Murders


Can a person commit heinous crimes, including murder, while sleepwalking? There have been many cases over the years where sleepwalking has been used as a defense. Join Mike and Morf as they discuss cases involving murder and sleepwalking. In some cases, the victim is in the same house. In others, the person drove their car to the murder scene. Ultimately, as it always is, it's up to a jury to decide what happened and the defendant's fate. You can help support the show at An Emash Digital production Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (378)


If you want to watch a good ghost investigation site, watch Ghost Hunters. I think Ghost Adventures is a big scam, and I can't believe that guy makes as much money as he does. Ghost Hunters actually tried to debunk the haunting.

Aug 29th


How did you two not call this stuff out?? This is how conspiracy theories get started!!! This is all smoke and mirrors. Not even worth listening to.

Jul 24th


I remember going to watch the movie Son of Sam with a friend of mine, Giovanni. He was so mad that John Leguizamo played an Italian character. That is my only memory of that movie! 😆😆

Jul 23rd


Why didn't these people just act as if they were doing these acts? The person on the phone can't see anything. They could have just pretended they were doing this. Thank goodness for some of those people who put an end to it. Some of the people, like Walter, just piss me off. How is it legal to ask a minor to do those acts? When would police ever ask you to do those things??

Jun 21st


Actually, I have a kitty cat that gets nose bleeds, and yes, blood does dry very quickly.

Jun 9th


The wife said they had a good marriage ... yikes, Judith, he hated you and blamed this on you. Not that it is her fault at all, but he must have been putting on such a show for her.

May 15th


I'm 5'2 and I pull the seat pretty close to the steering wheel. However, in order to get out, I have to push the seat all the way back. I can't get out if I have a steering wheel just above my lap. I push it ALL the way back because it is easier to get out. This theory of where seats are left during a crime is out dated and not very scientific at all.

May 2nd

Farjiya Jannat Mim


Apr 19th


Angel Resindez was a completely motive less killer.

Apr 16th

Melanie St.George

I hope those two rot!

Apr 14th



Mar 20th



Mar 20th


I feel like if they put up a billboard that said, "You know who you are. Look at your kids and grandkids and imagine this happening to them. Be a decent human being and come forward."

Mar 9th


That's obsessive compulsive disorder, not ADD.

Mar 8th



Mar 4th


Jane, it's okay if you want to hurt him even though you can't really say it on tape. There are many people who want to hurt him for you and all of his victims.#criminology #criminologypod

Mar 1st



Mar 1st
Reply (1)

Chante Harris

I am sorry but the police theory in the Germany case seems flawed...not impossible but flawed for sure. I am wondering if you're already having issues;feel like someone's watching you,missing keys,a maid fleeing bc of noises,nightly ritual of locking the house down, informed ppl,even.IF some-thing/one lured you to the barn in the middle of the night why would the women of the house willing be sent out first??? having already had the mentioned issues no way the husband isn't the one going

Feb 24th


I normally like this podcast, but listening to the interview with the mother where he made her relive all her trauma was really disturbing. I couldn't hear him continue to ask all these questions just for the benefit of his podcast and not thinking of what she is going through. I stopped listening.

Feb 16th



Jan 29th