Cup Of Justice
Author: Luna Shark
Subscribed: 3,422Played: 129,595Description
We all want to drink from the same Cup of Justice... and it starts with learning about our legal system.
With tales from the newsroom and the courtroom, co-hosts Mandy Matney, Liz Farrell and Eric Bland invite you to gain knowledge, insight, and tools to hold public agencies and officials accountable. Beginning as bonus episodes to the Murdaugh Murders Podcast with analysis of the trials of Alex Murdaugh and co-conspirators, Cup of Justice launched as its own show in January of 2023 and debuted at #1 on Apple its very first day and continues to be a top rated pod globally.
Mandy Matney and Liz Farrell from the #1 global hit True Sunlight (formerly Murdaugh Murders Podcast) and everyone’s favorite attorney Eric Bland take a hard look at everything from the state of news to important cases around the world. INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALISM Mandy and Liz are two of the most driven and talented investigative journalists who are revolutionizing how news is derived and delivered. Join them as they pull at threads and chase down leads to get the story straight. THE LAW With the expertise of Eric Bland, we empower listeners to understand their legal system in an entertaining format while providing tools to hold agencies and public figures accountable in order to give voice to victims and change those systems for the better. JUSTICE SYSTEMS We know that our justice systems are intimidating, but we will all encounter it at one point. Together, our hosts create the perfect trifecta of legal expertise, journalistic integrity and a fire lit to expose the truth wherever it leads.
Learn more about our hosts and mission at http://CupofJusticePod.com
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*** Alert: If you ever notice audio errors in the pod, email info@lunasharkmedia.com and we'll send fun merch to the first listener that finds something that needs to be adjusted! ***
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Twitter.com/mandymatney - Twitter.com/elizfarrell - Twitter.com/theericbland
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*The views expressed on the Cup of Justice bonus episodes do not constitute legal advice. Listeners desiring legal advice for any particular legal matter are urged to consult an attorney of their choosing who can provide legal advice based upon a full understanding of the facts and circumstances of their claim. The views expressed on the Cup of Justice episodes also do not express the views or opinions of Bland Richter, LLP, or its attorneys.
Knickers is slang for panties in the UK. JP is a sick fvck.
Ernie the attorney needs to be rap song 🤪
I love Laura Richards. I've listened to every episode of Real Crime Profile that she started with Jim Clemente and Lisa Zambetti. I learned so much from that podcast because of Laura. She is absolutely a shero.
Terry Gross is the best.
that psychological, financial, emotional abuse committed by JP Miller is classic Coercive Control.
Great and compelling episode! Get him on more shows.
The narcissism of Alex and his alleged dream team was on full display in his quest for a new trial. They were so steeped in their arrogance it didn't occur to them to have a plan B in case things didn't go their way. Lawyering is hard when you don't have the system rigged in your favor.
Bottom line, the jury got it right! Murdaughs Dream Team was a NIGHTMARE.
The elephant in the conversation... the Orange factor. IMO it boils down to Fucktardicus.
It's so much fun watching the good old boys panic because they've finally been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.
It might be that Buster is afraid he may be next if he goes against his dad.
Sorry for being a bit mean before, It was not meant to sound mean 😢 forgive me!!!
The question shouldn’t be “why did she stay”, the question should be “why didn’t he stop abusing her?”
sorry guys we don't want him in Minnesota 🤣
What if there is some type of connection between Price and Murdaugh?
Great talk with Sheryl! I'm glad to hear someone else say what I've been thinking....so many parallels with the former president. Also, Bone Valley is just as good as Sheryl described. The injustice in Leo's case is maddening. ☹️
"Sandy deserved to be able to grieve without media", says Eric Bland, while Mandy & Liz murmur their approval 🙄 But the whole shebang was video recorded by a private videographer to which Sandy has full rights (and will sell) while Mandy shares pictures. All of you are incredibly transparent and a perfect example of what NOT to be. PS I'm just wondering if I'm one of the bots and paid trolls that Mandy & Liz is speaking of? Because I'm very real and I think it's not wise to be speaking of or inciting violence towards any person. Im not surprised by the behaviour,, You both are known for it,, but it is very surprising the lawyer sitting beside you allowed it and it wasn't edited out. Ashlee Satterfield - Mcc.
It is surreal hearing some HEROES, having to say why something so private was not publicera. I think you rock so much. If anything ever happened to me- i wish ppl like YOU kept at it. You have integritet heart and a true want for some justicd for Stephen. Do not take the trolls to heart. Real people are on Sandy and the entire family ’s side and yours ❤️🌟✨❤️ i hope they figure it out ./love from actoss the world. Ppl need to calm down…