Future of Freedom

Future of Freedom
Author: America's Talking Network
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© America's Talking Network
Future of Freedom is a podcast that explores the intersection of conservatism and libertarianism in today's society. On each episode we bring together guests who hold opposing viewpoints on a specific policy or cultural issue. We tackle a range of topics, from economic policies to social issues, and from foreign affairs to constitutional law. Our guests come from different backgrounds and have different beliefs, but they all share a commitment to the principles of freedom, individualism, and limited government.
53 Episodes
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about possible reform of the Internal Revenue Service. First on the show is Joe Lancaster, an assistant editor at Reason. Later, we hear from Thomas J. Healey, the former assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury under President Ronald Reagan, a senior fellow at Harvard’s Kennedy School and the founder of Healey Development LLC. You can find Joe on X, formerly Twitter, at @JoeRLancaster.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about the need for reform of the U.S. Supreme Court. First on the show is Robert VerBruggen, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and writer for City Journal. Later, we hear from Adam White, Laurence H. Silberman Chair in Constitutional Governance and senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and former member of the Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court of the United States. You can find Robert on X, formerly Twitter, at @RAVerBruggen and AEI at @AEI.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about the need for a reindustrialization policy for America. First on the show is Stephen Miran, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute and former senior advisor for economic policy at the U.S. Department of the Treasury. Later, we hear from Scott Lincicome, vice president of general economics at the Cato Institute and Cato’s Herbert A. Stiefel Center for Trade Policy Studies. You can find Steve on X, formerly Twitter, at @SteveMiran and Scott at @ScottLincicome.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about a “No Tax on Tips” policy. First on the show is Andy Puzder, the chief executive officer of CKE Restaurants for more than 16 years and currently a distinguished visiting fellow at the Heritage Foundation and a senior fellow at the America First Policy Institute. Later we hear from Allison Schrager, senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute and a City Journal contributing editor. You can find Andy on X, formerly Twitter, at @AndyPuzder and Allison at @AllisonSchrager.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about how to improve military recruitment efforts. First on the show is Mackenzie Eaglen, senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI). Later we hear from John G. Ferrari, a nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. You can find Mackenzie on X, formerly Twitter, at @MEaglen and AEI at @AEI.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about “Right to Repair” laws. First on the show is Alex Reinauer, research fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Later we hear from Greyson Gee, policy scholar at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. You can find Alex on X, formerly Twitter, at @Alex_Reinauer and Greyson at @GreysonTGee.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about the wisdom of federal pro-life legislation in the wake of the Dobbs decision. First on the show is Alexandra DeSanctis, fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and co-author of the book Tearing Us Apart: How Abortion Harms Everything and Solves Nothing. Later we hear from Philip Klein, editor of National Review Online. You can find Alexandra on X, formerly Twitter, at @xan_desanctis and Philip at @PhilipAKlein.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about how to address the doctor shortage in the United States. First on the show is Jay P. Greene, PhD, a Senior Research Fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Education Policy. Later, we hear from Tanner Aliff, Policy Director for the Center on Health and Families at the Texas Public Policy Foundation. You can find Jay on X, formerly Twitter, at @JayPGreene and Tanner at @taliff5.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints about the recent FEC decision to ban noncompete clauses in employment agreements. First on the show is C. Jarrett Dieterle, resident senior fellow at the R Street Institute. Later, we hear from Brian Albrecht, chief economist of the International Center for Law and Economics. You can find R Street on X, formerly Twitter, at @RSI and Brian at @BrianCAlbrecht.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints on the future of conservatism. First on the show is John Hood, president of the John William Pope Foundation and one of the organizers of the Freedom Conservative Statement. Later, we hear from Andrew T. Walker, Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Public Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, and author of the recent book, Faithful Reason: Natural Law Ethics for God’s Glory and Our Good. You can find John on X, formerly Twitter, at @JohnHoodNC and Andrew at @AndrewTWalk.
On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints on whether surrogacy is good for our culture. First on the show is Elizabeth Nolan Brown, senior editor at Reason and the author of Reason's biweekly Sex & Tech newsletter. Later, we hear from Emma Waters, a Senior Research Associate for the Richard and Helen DeVos Center for Life, Religion and Family at The Heritage Foundation. You can find Elizabeth on X, formerly Twitter, at @ENBrown and Emma at @emlwaters.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding possible reforms to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). First on the show is Vance Ginn, president of Ginn Economic Consulting and former chief economist at the White House Office of Management and Budget. Later, we hear from Angela Rachidi, senior fellow and Rowe Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. You can find Vance on X, formerly Twitter, at @VanceGinn and Angela at @AngelaRachidi.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding our approach to the broadband affordability gap. First on the show is Daniel Lyons, nonresident senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute and associate dean of academic affairs and a professor of law at Boston College Law School. Later, we hear from Jonathan Cannon, policy counsel in Technology and Innovation at RStreet. You can find Daniel on X, formerly Twitter, at @ProfDanielLyons and Jonathan at @JMLCannon.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding our approach to the homelessness crisis. First on the show is Mark A. Calabria, a senior advisor to the Cato Institute. Later, we hear from Mary L. G. Theroux, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of the Independent Institute. You can find Mark on X, formerly Twitter, at @MarkCalabria and Mary at @MaryTheroux1.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding the implementation of a miles traveled tax to fund transportation infrastructure. First on the show is Robert Poole, director of transportation policy and Searle Freedom Trust Transportation Fellow at Reason Foundation. Later, we hear from David Ditch, a Senior Policy Analyst in the Grover M. Hermann Center for the Federal Budget at The Heritage Foundation. You can find the Reason Foundation on X, formerly Twitter, at @ReasonFdn and David at @DavidADitch.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding federal paid parental and medical leave. First on the show is Aparna Mathur, Senior Manager in Economics at Amazon, former resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and a former senior fellow at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Later, we hear from Rachel Greszler, Senior Research Fellow in the Roe Institute at the Heritage Foundation. You can find Aparna on X, formerly Twitter, at @aparnamath and find the Heritage Foundation at @Heritage.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding the expansion of access to contraceptives in the U.S. First on the show is Courtney Joslin, Resident Fellow and Senior Manager of the Project for Women and Families at RStreet. Later, we hear from Michael New, Assistant Professor of Social Research at the Busch School of Business at The Catholic University of America. You can find Courtney on X, formerly Twitter, at @courtneyatlas and find Michael at @Michael_J_New.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding the future of U.S. involvement in NATO. First on the show is James Carafano, Senior Counselor to the President at the Heritage Foundation and E.W. Richardson Fellow. Later, we hear from Ivan R. Eland, Senior Fellow at the Independent Institute and Director of the Independent Institute’s Center on Peace & Liberty. You can find James on X, formerly Twitter, at @JJCarafano and find Ivan at @Ivan_Eland.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding universal school choice and school vouchers. First on the show is Corey DeAngelis, senior fellow at the American Federation For Children, visiting fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institution, and a member of the board of academic advisors for Classical Learning Test. Later, we hear from Robert Bortins, CEO of Classical Conversations and also a member of the board of academic advisors for Classical Learning Test. You can find Corey on X, formerly Twitter, at @DeAngelisCorey and find Classical Conversations at @ClassicalConv.
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On this episode of Future of Freedom, host Scot Bertram is joined by two guests with different viewpoints regarding the War on Drugs. First on the show is Nick Gillespie, editor at large at Reason and host of The Reason Interview. Later, we hear from Charles Fain Lehman, fellow at the Manhattan Institute and contributing editor at City Journal. You can find Nick on X, formerly Twitter, at @NickGillespie and Charles at @CharlesFLehman.
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