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Hacks On Tap

Author: Hacks On Tap

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When David Axelrod and Mike Murphy get together to talk politics, it’s not academic. They speak from the perspective gained through hundreds of campaigns for offices from City Hall to the White House. So if you want to know what’s really going on behind the scenes, where strategic decisions are being made, pull up a stool for Hacks on Tap. Incisive, sometimes uproarious and always entertaining, these political warhorses and their guests will give you insights you’ll only get from folks who have spent a lifetime in the political trenches of both parties.
282 Episodes
This week, Axe and Murphy were joined by expert Hackeroo and high-velocity pundit, John Heilemann. Because clearly, there's just not enough breaking news happening in the world. The Hacks salute Joe Biden’s decision, and dive into the next steps of the Kamala Harris presidential campaign: Inheriting the Biden operation, coming out with new messaging and ads, reversing the Biden age issue, and who could be the Vice President’s Vice President? The Hacks also cover “brat,” campaign attack ads, inflation, the border, Dobbs, and so much more!
This week, Axe and Murphy are joined by esteemed journalist, Republican chronicler, and author Tim Alberta. Together, they dive into an incredibly significant and historic news cycle, covering the shocking attempted assassination of a former president, the opening night of the Republican National Convention, Trump's VP pick and protégé, classified documents, political shifts, strength versus weakness, legacy politics, and much more.
This week, famous elitists Axe Murphy donned their velvet suits to catch up with fellow elite Hack and friend of the pod, Bill Kristol. The Hacks dive into Biden’s path forward, the growing significance of Kamala Harris and her future ambitions, Trump’s veepstakes, backup contenders, White House press shenanigans, campaign leaks, political backstabbing, and more!
This week Axe and Murphy were joined by provocateur, world traveler, food & wine expert, and nationally ranked ballroom dancer, Jonathan Martin. The guys breakdown the post debate political landscape in the public and behind closed doors, check in on a few key states, and prepare for a new batch of polls. 
Axe and Murphy teed off bright and early this morning to putt heads with David Plouffe. We had a pre-debate chat with him and wanted to regroup to compare-and-contrast notes. The Hacks drive straight into last night's debate: the overall outcome, the impact of no audience and mic cuts, which VP candidate landed a hole-in-one, sidestepping tough questions like a sand trap, and a whole lot more.
This week, Axe and Murphy are joined by the legendary Hack and campaign maestro, David Plouffe. The Davids and Mike delve deep into the upcoming debate and how the campaigns are preparing. Who will poke first, big red forehead buttons, viral moments, cut mics, counter punching, pivoting, baiting, and the ultimate traps. The Hacks also map out the best case, worst case, and just-get-through-it scenarios for both the Biden and Trump camps. Get ready for an insider’s guide to the debate stage!
This week, Axe and Murphy are joined by Guardian columnist Jonathan Freedland, who also hosts the Guardian's "Politics Weekly America" podcast and co-hosts the Unholy podcast. The Hacks discuss debate preparation: microphone logistics and optics, messaging from convicted felons, and playing checkers with Charles Manson. In this international edition of Hacks on Tap, they hop across the pond to discuss UK politics and weather, and then talk about Israel and what to expect from Netanyahu’s visit to the U.S. Plus, we celebrate one of our very own in-house Hacks!
This week Axe and Gibbs were joined by focus group guru and Bulwark legend, Sarah Longwell. Trump is out of the courtroom and back on the trail, the Hacks break down his concerns over teleprompter technology, Hunter Biden’s conviction, how both camps are preparing for the debate, vibe sessions v. recessions, dancing bears, and so much more!
This week Murphy is flying solo, so he brought in A-team Hackeroos and frequent guests Mark McKinnon and Steve Israel. The Hacks discuss Trump’s 34 guilty verdicts and how both sides should adjust their messaging, what this means for undecided voters, the second big polling panic, the upcoming debate worth all the marbles, the Trump VP candidate smell test, pop vs. soda, and so so so much more. You won’t want to miss this one!
This week, Axe and Murphy were joined by former New Jersey governor and recent GOP presidential hopeful, Chris Christie! The Hacks draw on Christie’s experience preparing Trump for past debates to discuss his mindset heading into the Biden debate, his legal saga and fear of jail, Nikki Haley’s endorsement, being the adult in the room, leaf blowers, surrogates, and much more.
This week, Axe and Murphy are joined by the legendary Hack and master strategist, Howard Wolfson. The Hacks delve into Trump's legal troubles: where are they headed, and do voters care? They compare the Biden and Trump campaign financing reports, preview the June presidential debate, discuss foreign policy issues, and reveal Mike Murphy's pop culture presence.
This week, Axe and Gibbs were joined by one of our esteemed Hackeroos, a favorite among all-stars, none other than John Heilemann. Together, they delve into various topics, including the rotating cast of characters in court with Donald Trump, the latest poll findings from the New York Times, economic trends and the rising cost of living, as well as the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East, plus so much more! 
This week Axe and Murphy were joined by an expert Hackeroo, Doug Sosnik, former Senior Advisor to President Bill Clinton. the Hacks discuss Trump’s legal antics, Big Campaign Energy (BCE), puppy slayers, the race for GOP VP, RFK’s unbaked cake, escape valves, capitalism, and so much more.
This week Murphy and Gibbs were joined by the great Paul Begala, CNN contributor and former counselor to President Bill Clinton. The Hacks discuss the White House Correspondents Dinner, Trump’s ongoing legal issues, CNN’s newest poll, unconventional media opportunities, shooting puppies(???), and so much more!
This week, Axe and Murphy were joined by Scott Jennings, a GOP strategist, conservative columnist, and CNN commentator. The Hacks discuss Johnson’s Speakership and the battle to pass aid packages, star GOP recruits, foreign wars, campus free speech, Biden’s messaging, and Trump’s trials.
This week finds Gibbs flying solo as Axe and Murphy are, shall we say, on the run. Nevertheless, the show must go on, and Gibbs is joined by two esteemed guests: GOP pollster Whit Ayers and Jonathan Martin, renowned author of “This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden and the Battle for America’s Future". Together, they embark on a deep dive into the week's tumultuous news cycle, examining everything from the latest New York Times poll to Trump’s hush money jury selection, the challenges and opportunities for both parties on abortion and immigration messaging, foreign policy, campaign infrastructure, margins of error, the golden bachelor, and so much more! 
This week, Axe and Murphy were joined by the distinguished Hack and renowned lie detective, Sasha Issenberg. Together, they delve into Trump's contradictory stance on abortion and his intriguing status as a Florida voter. The Hacks also dissect Biden's endeavors for student loan forgiveness, the evolving landscape of TikTok, the complexities of foreign policy, ongoing conflicts, the impact of social media, the rise of deep fakes, the lunar eclipse, and oh so much more!
This week Axe & Murphy were joined by a fan favorite Hackeroo, the great John Heilemann. The guys discussed Biden’s three presidents event, Trump’s holiday messaging, campaign financing, margins of error, debates, gag orders, hush money, porn stars, and so much more!
The week Axe and Murphy were joined by Bakari Sellers, a former South Carolina State Rep, current attorney, and political commentator—making his debut appearance on Hacks on Tap! The Hacks discussed the propitious time we find ourselves in (bet you can’t guess who chose that word), Trump as a Showman, recent polls and their contextual significance, one-party rule, running against the couch, as well as knives, forks, and geometry. And, of course, so much more!
This week Gibbs and Murphy were joined by the scoop-master Hackeroo extraordinaire Maggie Haberman, who is the Senior Political Correspondent for the New York Times and author of “Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America”. The Hacks discuss Trump’s colorful rally in Dayton, the Ohio Senate race, Biden’s messaging problems and opportunities, and so much more. Tune in for the brilliant analysis, listen all the way through for all of Murphy’s insider gossip.
Comments (48)

Ecere Seluk


Jan 18th

Janet S Lee

Christie won't endorse Nikki - ever! He doesn't trust that she won't ultimately endorse Trump - giving normies a permission structure to hold their noses and vote for the corrupt charlatan (as Sarah Longwell suggests Nikki will do).

Jan 12th

Richard Thornton

Florida is where #woke and #boomers go to die! 😂🤣

Jan 15th

Darcie Harris

How about if we stop using words like Trumpy, Trumpism & Trumpiest. What do those words really mean, truly stand for? Amoral? Corrupt? Authoritarian? Vulgar? Narcissistic? Power-hungry? Saying Trumpy is too benign. Let's call it like it is. Words matter.

Nov 14th

Ed Potter

Is Ms. Haberman saying that no ill intent beyond satisfying his large ego is the likeliest reason he would steal ts/sci documents? BTW, isn't the sheer volume amazing? He must have thought that by attrition he would keep some of the materials he stole. Then, to satisfy what need, to do what? Oh man! The uncertainty is just maddening.

Aug 17th

Darcie Harris

I agree with Mike...have a huge march with parents and children. And have a couple of dozen 10-year-olds testify in hearings!

May 26th

Jonathan David Wolf

Hi guys, please don't forget to mention that the guy that federman ran down and held a gunpoint now endorses veteran interesting point that seems to get overlooked all the time! thanks Jonathan both keep up the great show

May 19th

Estes Kefauver

i haven't heard anybody suggest that the leaker is somebody with access, but no official role inside the court: Ginny Thomas. She is delusional enough to believe the news would be greeted with cheers from her bubble, and has no care for her reputation outside that bubble.

May 5th

Kasey Kitterman

Andrew's mailbag question touches on why I am no longer a registered Democrat. The Party 'Left' me & I'm hourly reminded why I'm glad I exercised my 'r'ight to leave them & I'm equally gladdened by the change in reverence expressed by so many others. The thing now is to wrest control of the Party from the urban centric elite panderer's & restore a centrist rural blue collar ethos to a working man's & woman's Party. The first step to redemption is dumping the 'preening darlings' of corporate news & getting the aged mid-century dead wood lefties out of Congress & back on the streets where their brand of political street theater belongs. Millennials' problems are not 1970s' problems & it's time we had Party leadership who recognize the difference!

Mar 4th

Darcie Harris

Amanda, President Biden cannot "solve Covid." That's ridiculous. Nor can scientists, physicians, or researchers. All the Biden administration can do is help provide a defensive response to a disease that has a mind of it's own. Please don't be part of yet another misinformation campaign.

Feb 9th

Danny Griffin

You guys prove Repubs and Dems can coexist. Your friendships shine through in a time when partisans demonize opponents. Thanks you for showing us the way.

Dec 15th

Eliza Howarth

great podcast!!!!

Feb 9th

Mary Lentz

great show

Jan 8th

Ed Potter

I don't think anyone is buying Murphy's line about giving in to get along with the GOP! BEEN there time and again over the last 40 years. Nothing explains the Republican party accepting the abuse heaped upon us but hatred of US. They have betrayed US. They are cancerous. The president installs a bunch of goons in the Defence department on the last months of his 'administration' for no good reasons anyone can think of. The frog is boiling, it's eyes are bulging out. I ask (God) often, "What did we do to deserve this?"

Dec 18th

Eliza Howarth

thanks, hacks! other political podcasts have an ax to grind, but you guys are brutally honest & equal opportunity b.s. callers.

Dec 17th

Emily Elstad

Ok, I have got to ask... What the heck does "go all League of Women Voters on you" mean???

Nov 22nd

Darcie Harris

My hope is that one of Biden's first appointments is a clinical psychologist who is an expert in how to extract people from cults!

Nov 13th

Eliza Howarth

GOP and Dems outrageously, bluntly, expertly observed.

Oct 23rd

Eliza Howarth

No better political dialogue anywhere than on this podcast.

Oct 23rd

Kurt Gillon

as of late I have been thinking, it sure would be nice to get some introspective and wit for the late, great, Charles Krauthammer right about now.

Oct 13th