DiscoverHam Radio Workbench Podcast
Ham Radio Workbench Podcast
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Ham Radio Workbench Podcast

Author: Ham Radio Workbench

Subscribed: 1,182Played: 36,268


This is your bi-weekly deep dive on making, DIY, electronics, and technical topics of interest to the radio amateur. Join your host George KJ6VU and the HRWB team as they discuss current developments in ham radio while introducing listeners to a plethora of topics and skills such as test equipment, 3D Printing, Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and more. Ham radio is a hobby of hobbies - George and team introduce hams of all ages to experimenting and learning within ham radio, which can be one of the most rewarding aspects of the hobby.

We are proudly sponsored by Autodesk Eagle PCB design tools, Flex Radio and Digikey.
216 Episodes
Kirk is the author of Stealth Amateur Radio - Operate From Anywhere and he is a monthly columnist for the Spectrum Monitor magazine.
In this episode we meet famous YouTuber, Randy, K7AGE, and Hoodview ARC VP Josh, K7OSH, to talk about our Field Day experiences and what makes a good club Field Day event.  Josh is the Field Day Chairman of the Hoodview ARC and organized a great FD event.  Randy came up to join us for the FD weekend, did some operating and shot some great videos of the event.   The rest of the HRWB crew described their Field Day experiences from mobile to portable.  We discuss what worked and what could be improved. Hoodview ARC Randy K7AGE YouTube channel
In this episode we bring back our good friend Dan Quigley, N7HQ, to talk about restoring older radio equipment.  Should you return an old radio to it's original state or repurpose the chassis for a more modern project with the look and feel of a classic radio of the past?  We explore various approaches to restoring radio equipment including tools, test equipment and process. Dan is the director of strategic programs at Flex Radio and brings decades of professional engineering and ham radio experience to the discussion.
In this episode we meet Colin Vallance, KC8DHY, a professional network engineer who also manages the WiFi network at DefCon and other events.  We talk with Colin about how to set up your network in the ham stack.  We also have a round table discussion about our plans for Field Day 2024.
In this episode we meet Hamilton Carter, KD0FNR and his daughter, Hamie Carter, KO6BTY.  This amazing father / daughter team have build and deployed multiple creative radio projects.  One in particular, Project TouCans, puts a QRP transciever right at the dipole antenna feed point eliminating coax cables and communicates with the operator's station over Bluetooth. Follow along on thier radio adventures on their blog page at    
Kirk Kleinschmidt, NT0Z, has a deep background in radio and communications having spent over 30 years writing about radio.  Kirk is a former Assistant Managing Editor for QST by the ARRL, aughor of the book Stealth Amateur Radio and has been a regular columnist for Monitoring Times and Popular Communications.  You can follow Kirk today in his regular columns appearing in the Spectrum Monitor electronic magazine.  Kirk offers up his perspective on amateur radio in this episode.
This is a special edition featuring Mike Walker, VA3MW from Flex Radio, telling us all about the newly announced Flex 8400 / 8600 radios.  Mike is at Hamvention 2024 and took a few minutes out of his busy schedule to tell us all about the new radios.
In this episode we have our good friend, Dr. Doug Millar, K6JEY, join us to talk about multi meters, what they do and buying recommendations.  Every ham radio operator or DIY electronics fan needs a good multi meter.  But should you spend $20 or $200 on a meter and what's the difference?  Doug explains it all.
In this episode we meet Daniel Winn, WV1T, a very active portable ham radio opertor.  Daniel was searching for a way to filter out strong local signals when operating in the field and he started building stub tuned filters with coaxial cable.  This simple and cost effective approach is a great way to build notch filters that can significantly reduce unwanted interference from transmitters operating at the same location but in other HF bands.  This is a great technique for Field Day and similar activities.  Daniel holds an extra class amateur radio license and is a professional electrician.
In this episode we meet our good friend, Dr. Charles Powell, NK8O.  Charles is medical doctor specializing in neonatal infant care.  In addition to his professional accomplishments as a doctor, musician, and head of a medical non-profit organization, Charles is an avid portable radio operator and has logged many thousands of contacts from all over the US while participating in POTA and World Wide Flora and Fauna events and from exotic locations while living in Africa. Charles is an inspiration to us on many levels and a great friend.
In this episode we meet Mark Herbert, G1LRO, designer of the Universal Radio Controller.  We talk all about ham radio project building and Mark's journey of discovery as he envisioned the URC.  Taking an idea, overcoming challenges and turning it into something that people can use and be inspired by.  
In this episode we have two great interviews.  We kick things off with Dr. Scott Wright, K0MD, who clues us in on the latest hapennings in the world of contesting.  Technical innovations, operating tips and ways to encourage new hams to take up contesting.  Scott is a great ambassador and spokesperson for amateur radio.  We also interview Don Johanneck, a technican at Digikey, who redesigned the original Digikeyer project kit designed by the founder of Digikey, Ron Stordahl 50 years ago.  Digikey is one of the largest electronics parts distributors and is named after Ron's keyer project.  
In this episode we meet Ben, VE6SFX, who was licensed just a year ago and has already pushed the bounderies of antenna design and construction with an energetic and creative approach.  As a professional special effects and prop maker for the movie and TV industry, Ben has come up with novel construction methods including a cloth J-pole, mobile slot and other interesting antenna ideas.
In this episode we meet Ara Kourchians, N6ARA, a real life professional aerospace robotics expert and avid portable ham radio operator.  Ara has engiuneered some really cool products that he makes available through his web site N6ARA Electronics at
In this episode we talk with Eric Guth, 4Z1UG, the host of the QSO Today podcast and good freind of the show.  We get an update on Eric's ham radio activites and celebrate passing the 200th episode milestone of the HRWB podcast.  We also get an update on HRWBOTA, Ham Radio Workbenches On The Air.
HRWB 200 - Anniversary Show

HRWB 200 - Anniversary Show


In this episode we are joined by many close friends of the show to celebrate our 200th anniversary.  We kick things off with Jeremy KF7IJZ co-founder of the show along with George KJ6VU.  We are also joined by Dan  N7HQ, Paul WD9GCO, Troy K4JDA, Vince VE6LK, Mark N6MTS, and Thomas K4SWL.  We take a look back over the first 200 episodes and look to the future of the podcast.
In this episode we talk with Brian, AB6D, about his software development project SOTAMAT (pronounced sota-mate).  SOTAMAT has many features that allow you to spot yourself over the air, send messages, and even remotely control hardware.  This is a very interesting discussion with Brian who is a professional engineer and high tech executive who started out trying to solve a problem to spot his activations without access to the internet.  For more information check out the SOTAMAT web site 
On this episode, George KJ6VU, Thomas K4SWL, and Vince VE6LK are invited to join Morten LB0FI and crew on the European Ham Radio Show on YouTube.  We had a great time getting to know eachother and talking about all things ham radio. Check out their channel: 
In this episode we talk with Gaston, KT7RUN, about his software development project called EmComm tools.  Gaston hosts a very popular YouTube channel called The Tech Prepper.  Check it out.  
In this show we talk about what is on Dan's workbench and the increased demand for HF spectrum.  Dan is a wealth of knowledge on ham radio and electrical engineering in general.  We cover a wide range of topics in this show.
Comments (7)

Always In The Dark

Three hour podcasts are just way too long, especially for persons that follow more than one podcast. Shorter topical releases might keep listeners, and it will probably increase the audience. Unsubscribing next.

Jan 23rd

Paja Storec


Jan 16th

Christopher Wheeler

Great podcast! I invite you to join my group,

Oct 6th
Reply (2)

Kirk Mona

Jeremy: "Where do I go to learn CW? George and Randy: ........... dead silence.

Mar 17th

Cameron Woodard

1 hour and I completely forgot what this cast was about. 😵

Aug 19th