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Hidden Brain

Author: Hidden Brain, Shankar Vedantam

Subscribed: 1,061,659Played: 17,528,540


Shankar Vedantam uses science and storytelling to reveal the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, shape our choices and direct our relationships.
514 Episodes
How To Be Alone

How To Be Alone


We're always told to reach for that next ring, work that third job, go to that boisterous party after a long day at work. You only live once ... right? But psychologist Netta Weinstein says that when we constantly engage in achievement and distraction, we lose something essential about ourselves. This week, she makes a case for solitude, and examines what happens when we seek a quieter, more reflective interior life.If you like today's episode, check out our two-part series on mindfulness:Seeking Serenity: Part 1Seeking Serenity: Part 2
Changing Our Mental Maps

Changing Our Mental Maps


As we move through the world, it's easy to imagine we're processing everything that happens around us and then deciding how to respond. But psychologist and neuroscientist Norman Farb says our brains actually navigate the world by coming up with mental maps. These maps act like an autopilot system, allowing us to navigate our lives more efficiently. But sometimes, they can lead us astray, leaving us stuck on a path of negativity and unhappiness. This week, we talk with Norman Farb about how we can update our internal maps and see the world more clearly. If you like this episode, be sure to check out part two of our chat with Norman Farb for Hidden Brain+. That episode is called "Making Sense." You can try Hidden Brain+ for free with a seven-day trial by going to or 
Out of the Rabbit Hole

Out of the Rabbit Hole


Cognitive scientist Nafees Hamid studies the minds of people drawn to radical or fringe ideas. This week, he takes us on a deep dive into the motivations of people on the brink of extremism — and those who have already been radicalized. We examine what prompts people to turn to violence, and how to pull them back from the seductive appeal of extremist ideas.Interested in learning more about the themes and ideas we discussed today? Check out these classic Hidden Brain episodes:Romeo and Juliet in KigaliMoral CombatOur podcast subscription, Hidden Brain+, is now available across devices and podcast platforms. You can join on either Apple Podcasts or via our Patreon page. Thanks for your support of the show — we truly appreciate it! 
You know that negative voice that goes round and round in your head, keeping you up at night? When that negative inner voice gets switched on, it’s hard to think about anything else. Psychologist Ethan Kross has a name for it: chatter. In this favorite conversation from 2022,  we talk with Ethan about how to keep our negative emotions from morphing into chatter. Our podcast subscription, Hidden Brain+, is now available across devices and podcast platforms. You can join on either Apple Podcasts or via our Patreon page. Thanks for your support of the show — we truly appreciate it! 
Across every domain of our lives, our minds have a tendency to get accustomed to things. In fact, the brain seems evolutionarily designed to focus on the new and unexpected, on novel threats and opportunities. In our daily lives, this means we take wonderful things for granted. We cease to appreciate amazing people, or the good fortune of being healthy. This week, neuroscientist Tali Sharot explains why we get used to things — and how to see with fresh eyes.Our podcast subscription, Hidden Brain+, is now available across platforms and devices. You can sign up for a free seven-day trial at or Your subscription provides key support to help us build you many more episodes of Hidden Brain. We’re truly grateful. 
Our God-Shaped Brains

Our God-Shaped Brains


Some think of religious faith as just that: a leap of faith. But psychologists are increasingly filling in the gaps in our understanding of how beliefs shape — and are shaped by — the human mind. This week, psychologist Ara Norenzayan explores features in the brain that are tied to our capacity for faith. And he shows how all of us, both religious and non-religious people, can use this knowledge to find more meaning in our lives.For more of our reporting on religion and the mind, be sure to check out our episode "Creating God." 
Why You Feel Empty

Why You Feel Empty


Have you ever had an unexplainable feeling of emptiness? Life seems perfect - and yet - something is missing. This week, sociologist Corey Keyes helps us understand where feelings of emptiness come from, how to navigate them and why they're more common than we might assume.If you missed it, make sure to listen to last week's episode on Why Trying Too Hard Can Backfire On You. Thanks for listening!
Thinking is a human superpower. On a daily basis, thinking and planning and effort bring us innumerable benefits. But like all aspects of human behavior, you can sometimes get too much of a good thing. This week, we talk with philosopher Ted Slingerland about techniques to prevent overthinking, and how we can cultivate the under-appreciated skill of letting go. To hear more of our conversation with Ted Slingerland, be sure to check out our Hidden Brain+ episode with him, available now. You can join Hidden Brain+ via Patreon or Apple Podcasts. Thanks for listening! 
Innovation 2.0: Do Less

Innovation 2.0: Do Less


The human drive to invent new things has led to pathbreaking achievements in medicine, science and society. But our desire to create can keep us from seeing one of the most powerful paths to progress: subtraction. In a favorite conversation from 2022, engineer Leidy Klotz shares how streamlining and simplifying is sometimes the best path to innovation. Today's episode concludes our Innovation 2.0 series. If you've enjoyed these episodes, please tell a friend about them! They can find all of the stories in this series in this podcast feed, or at Thanks for listening! 
Most of us love to brainstorm with colleagues. But so often, our idea-generating sessions don't lead to anything tangible. Teams fill up walls with sticky notes about creative possibilities and suggestions for improvement, but nothing actually gets implemented. Some researchers even have a name for it: "innovation theater." This week, we explore the science of execution. Psychologist Bob Sutton tells us how to move from innovation theater . . . to actual innovation.You can find all the episodes in our Innovation 2.0 series in this podcast feed, or on our website, 
Think about the last time you asked someone for something. Maybe you were nervous or worried about what the person would think of you. Chances are that you didn’t stop to think about the pressure you were exerting on that person. This week, we continue our Innovation 2.0 series with a 2020 episode about a phenomenon known as as “egocentric bias.” We talk with psychologist Vanessa Bohns about how this bias leads us astray, and how we can use this knowledge to ask for the things we need. Did you catch the first two episodes in our Innovation 2.0 series? You can find them in this podcast feed or on our website. And if you're enjoying this series, please share it with a friend or family member. Thanks! 
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt that people wrote you off? Maybe a teacher suggested you weren't talented enough to take a certain class, or a boss implied that you didn't have the smarts needed to handle a big project. In the latest in our "Innovation 2.0 series," we talk with Mary Murphy, who studies what she calls "cultures of genius." We'll look at how these cultures can keep people and organizations from thriving, and how we can create environments that better foster our growth.Do you know someone who'd find the ideas in today's episode to be useful? Please share it with them! And if you liked today's conversation, you might also like these classic Hidden Brain episodes:  The Edge EffectThe Secret to Great TeamsDream Jobs
Why is it so hard to guess where we're meant to be? To predict where we'll end up? Nearly all of us have had the experience of traveling down one road, only to realize it's not the road for us. At the University of Virginia, Saras Sarasvathy uses the lens of entrepreneurship to study how we plan and prepare for the future. We kick off our new "Innovation 2.0" series by talking with Saras about how we pursue goals and make decisions.Do you know someone who might benefit from our conversation with Saras about expert entrepreneurs? Please share it with them if so! And be sure to check out our other conversations about how to get out of ruts and figure out a path forward: Who Do You Want to Be?You 2.0 : How to Break Out of a Rut
Parents: Keep Out!

Parents: Keep Out!


If you're a parent or a teacher, you've probably wondered how to balance play and safety for the kids in your care. You don't want to put children in danger, but you also don't want to rob them of the joy of exploration. This week, we talk with psychologist Peter Gray about how this balance has changed — for parents and children alike — and what we can do about it.For more of our reporting on children and parents, check out these classic Hidden Brain episodes:Kinder-GardeningBringing Up Baby  
We've all had those days when all we want is a little treat. Maybe it's a bag of chips, an ice cream sundae or a glass of wine. But sometimes, these desires become all-consuming. This week on the show, psychiatrist Judson Brewer helps us understand the science of cravings, and how we should respond to them. If you liked today's conversation, be sure to check out other Hidden Brain episodes about ways to regain a feeling of control over your life: Creatures of Habit and Taking Control of Your Time.
What Is Normal?

What Is Normal?


Anthropologist Tom Pearson was devastated after his daughter Michaela was diagnosed with Down syndrome. When he began to examine that emotional response, he found himself wrestling with questions that have roiled his field for decades. Early anthropologists would often compare people of different backgrounds and abilities, asking questions like: How is one group different from another? Which one is stronger or smarter? And how do we understand people who don’t fit our expectations? This week, we talk with Pearson about his family’s story, and the evolution of our thinking on disability and difference.If you liked today's show, be sure to check out these classic Hidden Brain episodes:"Emma, Carrie, Vivian""Why You're Smarter than You Think" 
If you've ever taken an economics class, you were probably taught that people are rational. But about 50 years ago, the psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky began to chip away at this basic assumption. In doing so, they transformed our understanding of human behavior. This week, we remember Kahneman, who recently died at the age of 90, by revisiting our 2018 and 2021 conversations with him. If you enjoyed this look at the work of Daniel Kahneman, you might also enjoy our conversations about behavioral economics with Kahneman's friend and collaborator Richard Thaler: Misbehaving with Richard Thaler Follow the Anomalies 
Are You Listening?

Are You Listening?


Have you ever sat across from your spouse, colleague or friend and realized that while they may be hearing what you're saying, they aren't actually listening? Poor listening can lead to arguments, hurt feelings, and fractured relationships. But the good news is that active, thoughtful listening can profoundly benefit both people in the conversation. This week on the show, psychologist Guy Itzchakov helps us understand where interactions go awry, and how to become a more attentive listener. For more of our work on how to better connect with the people in your life, check out these episodes: Why Conversations Go Wrong with Deborah TannenA Secret Source of Connection with Amit KumarRelationships 2.0: What Makes Relationships Thrive with Harry ReisRelationships 2.0: How to Keep Conflict from Spiraling with Julia Minson  
The Ventilator

The Ventilator


Many of us believe we know how we’d choose to die. We have a sense of how we’d respond to a diagnosis of an incurable illness. This week, we revisit a 2019 episode featuring one family’s decades-long conversation about dying. What they found is that the people we are when death is far in the distance may not be the people we become when death is near.If you enjoyed today's episode, here are some more classic Hidden Brain episodes you might like:The Cowboy PhilosopherWhen You Need It To Be True Me, Myself, and Ikea Thanks for listening! 
Escaping the Matrix

Escaping the Matrix


A little more than a decade ago, researchers began tracking an alarming trend: a dramatic uptick in anxiety and depression among young Americans. Psychologist Jonathan Haidt, like many other researchers, says the increase is related to our use of social media and devices. But he believes it’s also deeper than that — connected to our deepest moral beliefs and how they shape the way we view the world. He says there are simple steps we can take to improve the mental health of kids growing up in the smartphone era.For more of our work on how technology is shaping our lives, check out our two-part series "The Paradox of Pleasure" and "The Path to Enough."  And don't miss our classic episode on social media, "Screaming into the Void."
Comments (1177)

Marziyeh Hassan Abadi

what an episode. I couldn't agree more with all the facts mentioned

Jul 27th

Timothy Daniel Scheffler

Wonderful episode that clearly shows you CAN have too much of a good thing!

Jul 7th

farima roozitalab

I really needed to hear this in this period of my life. Thank you so much.

Jul 2nd

Vlad Donkov

What a worthwhile conversation! Thank you!

Jun 29th

Chemical Bull

Thanks for sharing this. It has been very enlightening.

Jun 22nd

Joe A. Finley II

So this clown Kurt thinks that ACTUAL footage of people parading through the Capitol with Confederate flags, smearing feces on walls, breaking furniture, bashing police officers' heads in doors and tasing police officers is somehow "equivalent" to the PERCEPTION by Alt-Right folks of Liberals as pedophiles with ZERO proof??!! Get outta here!

Jun 22nd
Reply (4)

Sara Gholamhoseinian

Hey, thank you so much for providing us with this insightful podcast. I would appreciate it if you make an episode on perfectionism and procrastination.

Jun 19th

Kay Grigar

j o

Jun 19th

Kay Grigar


Jun 19th

Chemical Bull

"I can't thank you enough for this valuable resource."

Jun 19th


سبحان الله عما یصفون Glorified is God above what they attribute to Him.

Jun 19th

Alex Hardwick

this episode solidified my disdain for religion. a way to control others

Jun 18th

Alex Hardwick

NPR shows need to stop with the ads. in a 55 min episode there are 20 mins of ads. stick to the fundraising drive

Jun 18th

Chemical Bull

Your expertise on the subject is impressive. Thanks for sharing your knowledge.

Jun 18th

Chemical Bull

Your detailed information is greatly appreciated.

Jun 17th

Maryam Shamsaei

It was great, Thank you

Jun 15th

Chemical Bull

This information is exactly what I needed. Thanks!

Jun 14th

Darlington Ken

There are so many moments in life that I've felt stuck and lacked direction. Thankfully, this episode has enabled me to see and approach this challenge differently. I've got a bigger picture now. Thank you, HIDDEN BRAIN

Jun 13th

sepehr sadeghi

start again

Jun 12th


thanks a lot... i was stressed and anxious for my exam... it was very helpful

Jun 5th