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What happens when classic stories go wrong? Our heroes go in and fix them, of course! Journey into beloved classics alongside our storyverse adventurers Cassidy and CRONICL. The immersive 3D sound design will place you in the room with the likes of Scrooge, Elizabeth Bennet, Dracula and more.

Brought to you by Dayton Writers Movement and Realm. Created by the makers of The Hidden People and Uncanny Valley.

2 Episodes
DWM presents M.U.S.E., episode 1 "Operation: Red Riding Hood" Written by Chris Burnside Directed by Emily Kallenberg Sound Design and Score by Katharine Seaton Distributed by Realm Dr. Cassidy Parker is recruited into the M.U.S.E. program to enter and explore famous stories. But first, she needs to complete the test story. Cassidy: Cora Ceipek CRONICL: Erin Crane Dracula: Stephen Kallenberg Wolf Grandma: Jacob Anderson Pilot: Aaron Brewer Ensign: Aaron Eechaute-Lopez Candidate: Stephen Gogol General Thompson: Sean Gunther Dr. Aarne: Luna Madison Dialogue Editing: McKinney Botts Artwork: Lydia Kladitis Check out for more info on the show, cast, and merch. M.U.S.E. Trigger List: Support DWM shows:  Connect with us: Discord: find our link for free at  Instagram: dwmpresents Facebook: M.U.S.E. is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real persons, places, and/or events is purely coincidental. Copyright 2025 Dayton Writers Movement ltd. All rights reserved. #MUSE #M.U.S.E. #AudioDrama #FictionPodcast #Literature #LittleRedRidingHood #Dracula #ScienceFiction #Fantasy #Books Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
M.U.S.E. Trailer

M.U.S.E. Trailer


What happens when classic stories go wrong? Our heroes go in and fix them, of course! Journey into beloved classics alongside our storyverse adventurers Cassidy and CRONICL. The immersive 3D sound design will place you in the room with the likes of Scrooge, Elizabeth Bennet, Dracula and more. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit