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Author: Milkless Media

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Searching for that parenthood balance so when our kids are old they look back and say, "yeah, my dad (or mom) was awesome," however we get there. And while we love our kids unconditionally, that doesn't mean we're wimpy pushover dads who have lost every shred of dignity and respect in the home. Let's find that balance together. We are Max Valverde and Matt Naylor. We are MILKLESS. 

69 Episodes
This is part 2 of a two parter. So if you haven't listened to episode #67, maybe hit that one first. This is a continuation of a wide-ranging conversation with Caitlin Murray of Big Time Adulting (@bigtimeadulting). We started off talking about how social media sometimes makes us feel like lousy parents, but in part two we wander into everything from the heartache of getting ready for school, to nasty hangovers, to learning to forgive ourselves for our inevitable failures. You don't have to l...
Matt and Max talk about how Max has been tired for the past four days and how his kids have been annoying him to no end.When=Now Episodes are a second bonus episode we drop some weeks. The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
One of the toughest parts about parenting is all the other examples we see of it around us every day. Whether it's a parenting influencer telling you how to handle tantrums better, or your high school friends posting pictures of the amazing arts & crafts they've done with their kids, it's easy to feel like you're not stacking up. Max and Matt have their good friend Caitlin Murray of Big Time Adulting on to explore why sometimes getting parenting advice from experts makes their blood boil....
Matt and Max talk about how Matt broke his headphones in an angry moment yesterday and how that might have some parallels with parenting.When=Now Episodes are a second bonus episode we drop some weeks. The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
This is part two of a two-parter (Part 1 is Episode #63). We don't really love the whole concept of "Parenting Hacks," because any trick that promises to make this sh*t-show easy is typically a load of hooey, and one-size-fits-all solutions don't work nearly as often as they claim to. But there are a handful of things Max and Matt have figured out over the years - mostly through trial and a comedy of errors - that have made certain aspects of the grind a little bit easier. On this Hot Takes e...
Matt and Max talk about a very recent moment when Max screamed at his kids.When=Now Episodes are a second bonus episode we drop some weeks. The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
We don't really love the whole concept of "Parenting Hacks," because any trick that promises to make this sh*t-show easy is typically a load of hooey, and one-size-fits-all solutions don't work nearly as often as they claim to. But there are a handful of things Max and Matt have figured out over the years - mostly through trial and a comedy of errors - that have made certain aspects of the grind a little bit easier. On this Hot Takes episode, The Boys are sharing those hopefully helpful strat...
Matt and Max talk about how friendship is so important in today's world and how sometimes we can get different things from different people in our life.When=Now Episodes are a second bonus episode we drop some weeks. The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
Trying something new here folks - it's our first ever Milkless Mailbag! Listeners sent in questions, and Max and Matt did their best to say useful things - with the help of good friend and returning guest Sam "Ice Man" Stolper. We cover topics ranging from overbearing grandparents, to sharing the load within a marriage, to the challenges of maintaining a clean home (and the value of recognizing that not everyone shares the same definition of "clean"). This is the hardest we've laughed making ...
Max and Matt are joined by the famous Bez, as the three Dads dive into the often tricky balance between firm boundaries and gentle parenting. What does it look like to put your foot down kindly with a kid who's truly ready to test your limits? What can we do before that meeting of the wills that will hopefully make it go better? How do we calm our own worries that those necessary limit-setting clashes will create long term ripples in the relationship? We also talk a lot about h...
Matt and Max talk about how one of the great mistakes of humankind is how we are more apt to follow consensus over what might yield the best outcomes.When=Now Episodes are a second bonus episode we're dropping each week. The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
The data is overwhelming: adults who commit themselves to acts of service and make volunteering a part of their life are just way happier. And, like everything else, that's a muscle you start building when you're a kid. But unless you belong to a religious community, you've kind of got to bring your own beer in terms of incorporating service into your family's life. And with young kids, your options can feel a little limited, because... well, no offense, but five year olds suck at a lot of st...
Matt and Max talk about how important it is to have adult time away from kids and then meander into how strange the parenting social media universe can be.When =Now Episodes are a second bonus episode we're dropping each week. The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
If you haven't listened to Part 1, go back and start there at Episode #55 (which is Part one of this two part episode). We know we keep talking about this, but we (and just about every other parent we know) keep struggling with it. How is it that - no matter how many times it happens, no matter how aware we are of the dynamics, and no matter how much we work against it - sometimes the temperature in the house just gets turned up so high that things explode? Luckily, we've got a new brain and ...
We know we keep talking about this, but we (and just about every other parent we know) keep struggling with it. How is it that - no matter how many times it happens, no matter how aware we are of the dynamics, and no matter how much we work against it - sometimes the temperature in the house just gets turned up so high that things explode? Luckily, we've got a new brain and a new perspective entering the conversation: our old friend and father of one Matt Rose, who pushes us into whole new wa...
There’s a fair amount of research to support the notion that spirituality and religion can be awfully good for people (and for their kids). But organized religion doesn’t exactly have a spotless track record - no matter what faith you’re talking about. Plus Matt and Max both grew up pretty much full-on heathen, so even if they do buy into the benefits, is religion really something that they could genuinely incorporate into their families’ lives? The Boys welcome the refreshingly open-minded D...
Matt and Max talk about how kids are doing travel sports younger and younger with their good friend Simon Salgado.When = Now is a new episode format for us. This will be the second episode we drop each week! The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
Has one of your kids ever asked you to look at them? How about in the last hour? How about in the last five minutes? This one seems to be totally universal, and boy can it drive you up the wall. It is simply not possible to live a full adult life while looking at your kids every time they ask you to. But the son-of-b*tch is that it's also really important for kids to consistently feel seen by their parents. So how do you balance this impossible task? How do you handle those moments when your ...
Matt and Max talk about how watching science videos with their kids can be a fun way to learn about the world and the wonder within it.In case you missed Episode #48 (When = Now (Uncut) | Modern Frustration), we're dropping a second episode each week! The format of the second episode is called "When = Now." The topic is something that's going on in our life right now. Less research, more gritty, no editing, and more free flowing. Enjoy!Buy Violet Archer on Amazon Here
We've got another kickass guest - and this one's kind of, like, a famous guy. Colton Underwood's resume is truly unique: a Catholic-raised college football star from rural Illinois who made it all the way to the NFL, then appeared on three seasons of The Bachelor... then came out as gay at age 29. Colton is now married with a kid on the way and hosting the hit podcast Daddyhood, but coming out was a long and painful process that he wouldn't wish on anybody. Colton joins Max and Matt for an ho...