Motivation with Brendon Burchard
Author: Brendon Burchard
Subscribed: 38,637Played: 1,892,140Description
Get in-depth motivation, personal growth advice, and powerful life coaching from Brendon Burchard, the world's #1 high-performance coach.
Brendon is the founder of GrowthDay and one of the most watched, followed, and quoted personal development trainers in history.
A #1 New York Times bestselling author, his books include The Motivation Manifesto, High Performance Habits, The Charge, The Millionaire Messenger, and Life's Golden Ticket.
Famed for his in-depth research and innovative curriculum for human behavior change, over 3 million people from 185 countries have taken Brendon’s online courses.
6 million people follow Brendon on social media. His videos have been viewed over one billion million times. His famous life quotes have now been shared over 1 billion times.
His podcast, previously The Brendon Show, has over 100m downloads.
Over 4m have subscribed to his newsletters - visit
As the keynote motivational speaker for the largest companies and venues in the nation, Brendon speaks to over 50,000 people per year.
Oprah and O, the Oprah Magazine named Brendon "one of the most influential leaders in personal growth." Forbes named him "the world’s leading high performance coach." Larry King called him "the world’s leading life coach and motivational expert." Success Magazine featured Brendon on its cover twice, and ranks him as one the top success teachers of all time along with Oprah Winfrey, Dr. Phil, Tony Robbins, Tim Ferriss, and Deepak Chopra.
Brendon is a recipient of the Maharishi Award, a member of Oprah’s Super Soul 100, and an early investor in companies like,, and He founded GrowthDay and Ultra.Vip.
This podcast is sponsored by GrowthDay and part of the GrowthDay Podcast Network.
I like this message. one we should really be teaching to kids.
the last ten minutes makes the most sense. Don't end the week without a courageous ask.
Just what I needed today, tnx for this great job you're doing🌻💎
i just read this part of book this morning.
Finding the community that lives an elevated life seems to be tough . Any suggestions?
I realized that I want to increase my capacity to listen.And avoid trying to solve, criticise, argue or complains about what the other(s) have to say. The episode is clear and simple
thank you for this pod cast. I see that I have work to do in the areas that you mentioned, towards other and myself. Thank you for your uplifting tone of voice and your sincerity!
I am surprised about the autonomy description. But I got your point!
thank you ❤️
plllllllllllllllllllllllllllollllllllllolllollollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllollll ppl llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllollllllollllollllolll ppl llllllllllllolllllllollllllllllollolllloolllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllllllllllllollllllllllllll ppl llllolllllllllo ppl llll ppl llllllllllllllllollllolllllllolllllllllllllllllololllllllllllolllllllllollollllolllllllollllllllolllllollllo ppl lllllllolllllolllolllllllllolllllollolllllllolllllllllllllllllolllllllllolllllllolllllllllllollollolllollllllllolllllllollllollllllolllolllll ppl llll)lllll ppl llllolollololollollllllllllllllllllolllllllllllllllllollllolllloolollllllllllolllollllllllllllllllllllllloolllollllll ppl oolllllllllllllollolllllllllollollllllllllo ppl lllollllllllolllllllllllllllllllllollllllloolllollllllllllllllollollllllllllllllllollllllllllllolloollllllllololllllllllollllollllolllllolllllllllollllllllllollololllllllll ppl llllllllolololoolllllolllolllllllllollllllllll
Great episode! It is a powerful and healthy habit to do self soothing techniques. I surely need to implement this into each day. Thanks !
really appreciated and resonated with this talk. Took down some notes feeling extremely inspired and ready for my Tomorrow! #THEBRENDONSHOW #GROWTHDAY #TALK
Thank you Brendon for this fantastic interview and for honoring a great man who inspires the world . I not only enjoyed this interview but his words have made me think about things I am letting hold me back. Thank you.
absolutely the best ! ❤️thank u now I know I was in the land of learning time to move on
sadly a lot of it was advertisement. still good content though
love this
There are plenty of things to be afraid of.
awesome sir
Interesting podcast. Well brought and make sense too! I recommend anyone to watch it!