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Only One In The Room

Only One In The Room

Author: Laura Cathcart Robbins

Subscribed: 204,859Played: 4,874,061


Hosted by Laura Cathcart Robbins, a writer and a recovery thriver and survivor, Laura found herself in an all too familiar position. In September 2018, she was the only black woman in the room at Brave Magic, a famed writer’s retreat. After it was over, she wrote about her “only one” experience in The Huffington Post and comments started flooding into her DM. These comments were from people from all races, ethnicities, creeds, and nationalities who had felt “othered”. Laura beautifully interviews a person about their Only One story each episode and addresses as many of those DM’s as possible in the process. In this podcast, you’ll hear raw, vulnerable accounts from people who are, like most of us, just eager to connect. Our hope is that The Only One In The Room will inspire a change of perspective in how we all see and hear each other’s stories. We want you to think twice before judging the person standing next to you at a party, in the pick-up line at school, or in a crowded subway car. This is a podcast for anyone who has ever felt alone in a room full of people – which is to say, that this podcast is for everyone.

834 Episodes
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest William Fitzsimmons right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at  Quince: Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guests, Jane Boroski right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What if when you were seven months pregnant you were stabbed 27 times by a serial killer and left for dead? Invisible Tears Podcast host, Jane Boroski, was twenty-two years old and drinking a soda in her car when she was attacked by a man who pulled up next to her in a Jeep Cherokee. So what would you do if you survived, but the man who tried to murder you was still at large? Would you try to forget what happened and go on with your life? Or would you start a podcast dedicated to telling the stories of other cold-case victims? More From Jane Boroski: Visit: Listen: Invisible Tears Podcast Finding Jane Boroski: Facebook: @invisibletears Instagram: @invisibletearspodcast Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guests, Charlie Cifarelli right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine reading the paper and seeing a horrific story about a dog who died after being shot by the police, and inexplicably feeling that the public was being misled, that the dog was not dead, but alive. A former correctional officer and businessman, Charlie Cifferalli was living in Nebraska when we read the story of Star The Dog getting shot in the head by a New York City police officer while she was trying to protect her unhoused guardian. So what would you do if everyone you contacted said that Star was dead, but you just KNEW that she was still alive? Would you decide to let the notion go and get back to your life? Or would you follow your intuition and go on a journey that would change your life forever? Website:  LinkedIn: @Charlie Cifarelli Instagram: @charlie_cifarelli Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guests, The Anxiety Sisters right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine sharing everything with your best friend, and then discovering that the two of you had another common bond, something that appeared to set you apart from your peers - an anxiety disorder. Counselors, mental health advocates, authors and podcasters, Abbe Greenberg and Maggie Sarachek met in college and soon discovered that they were both long-time anxiety sufferers. But what would you do if you’d figured out that the combination of good information and community could equal relief? Would you think, “a sisterhood might be nice, but it sounds like too much work?” Or would you launch an online community that shows over 200,000 members how to live happily with anxiety? Website:  Podcast: The Spin Cycle Read: The Anxiety Sister's Survival Guide  Instagram: @theanxietysisters Facebook: @anxietysisters Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Ryan Dusick right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
What if you were the drummer for Maroon 5, and soon after you became one of the best-known bands in the world, you realized that there was something very wrong, something that impaired your ability to play? Founding member of Maroon 5, author and associate marriage and family therapist, Ryan Dusick, found himself keeping his condition a secret from Adam Levine and the rest of his bandmates. Hoping that he’d never have to reveal to the others what was really going on. But what would you do if one day your bandmates confronted you and asked you to take a step back? Would you insist on continuing anyway, unwilling to let go of the band you’d help build? Or would you take a step back, way back, and change the course of your life forever? Website: Instagram: @ryan_michael_dusick  LinkedIn: @Ryan Dusick Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Peter Sage right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine going to court on a civil matter and then finding yourself being sentenced to prison - for contempt of court. Motivational Speaker, Tedx Speaker and best-selling author, Peter Sage, thought he’d be back in time to finish his workday when he went to court in January of 2017, but instead, he was sent to Pentonville, the UK’s most violent prison. So what would you do if you were wrongfully imprisoned and had to say goodbye to your fiancee, your life, and the money you’d just invested in a major business event? Would you fight for freedom, using every resource at your disposal? Or would you become a secret agent of change and show others how they too, could conquer adversity? More From Peter Sage: Visit: Books: How To Master Your Life: The Four Keys To Excellence The Inside Track: An Inspirational Guide To Conquering Adversity Finding Peter Sage: Instagram: @therealpetersage Facebook: Peter Sage Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Matt Cox right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine being a conman doing a lengthy prison sentence for a variety of bank fraud charges and finding that instead of the yard or the track, you feel drawn to the library. Matt Cox, former conman and true crime author, spent years in prison writing stories, starting with his own and then going on to write the stories of his fellow inmates. But what would you do if you realized that once you were released the only legal ways you knew how to earn money were now off the table? Would you go back to a life of crime or would you embark on a new career and become a legit true crime author? More From Matt Cox: Youtube channels: Mathew Cox & Inside True Crime Cox Pop Art Website: Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Chad Foster right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Can you imagine what it’d be like to watch the sunset, or a football game, or even take a picture, knowing that it would be the last time that you could see what was in front of you? Author and inspirational speaker, Chad Foster, was just three years old when he was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a disease that gradually robs you of your eyesight. Twenty years later, he was self-medicating with alcohol, riddled with embarrassment, depression and grief about going blind and thinking that his life was over. But what would you do if you’d decided that feeling sorry for yourself wasn’t how you wanted to spend the next fifty or so years? Would you cower from a future that was too scary to imagine? Or would you transform yourself from “poor me” to a leader that inspires others to improve their vision? More from Chad Foster: Visit: Get his book Blind Ambition Finding Chad Foster: Instagram: @findchadefoster LinkedIn: Chad E. Foster New speaking reel (short): New speaking reel (full): Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Jennifer Eikenhorst right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine driving home, your daughters in the backseat, and suddenly a flash of light on the driver’s side warns you that there’s a vehicle approaching and you and your girls brace for impact. Jennifer Eikenhorst, teacher, wife, mother of four, and a woman of strong faith was almost home when she’d realized that vehicle she’d collided with was a motorcycle and that somehow, she had caused a devastating accident. So what would you do if the man on the bike died a few days later in the hospital? Would you lose hope and question your faith? Or would you force yourself to keep going and start a podcast that gives hope to others who have killed someone by accident? More From Jennifer Eikenhorst: Listen to Accidental Hope Visit: Read Left Turn, life unimagined Watch her appearance on The Red Table Talk with Jada Pinkett Smith Finding Jennifer Eikenhorst: Instagram: @jenneikenhorst, @accidentalhope Facebook: @accidentalhope Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Scott Slaughter co-host and producer of The Only One In The Room has a short and casual, yet deep conversation with our guest Mistress Marley right after the show. Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Imagine celebrating your 27th birthday in Tulum, Mexico. A trip financed by your online suitors who obeyed your financial commands and waited only for you to tell them how much money you required. Pro Dominatrix or Findomme, Mistress Marley googled “how to make more money” after getting her degree in fashion design and discovered the world of BDSM.  But what would you do if when it came to the psychological kink of controlling someone’s wallet, you realized that you had a very special skill set? Would you take the safe route and pursue a career in fashion? Or would you take the money that men were lining up to give you? More From Mistress Marley: Visit: Finding Mistress Marley: Instagram: @thechocolatedomme_, @blkandknky Twitter: @eyesxonfire Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Laura has selected several of her favorite pages and passages to share from Stash, My Life in Hiding. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we do.   Join our Only One In The Room Facebook Group if you'd like to ask a question of any of our upcoming guests for this series. Also visit the website for the latest from our host Laura Cathcart Robbins like featured articles and more. We love hearing from you in the comments on iTunes and while you're there don't forget to rate us, subscribe and share the show! Join our Patreon: Become an Only One In The Room patron by joining us on Patreon! Starting at only $5.00 per month, you’ll get bonus content, access to outtakes that the general public will NEVER see, extremely cool merch, and depending on what tier you get, monthly hang time with Scott and Laura. Join our Patreon today at Don’t wait until the new year, start building healthier eating habits this fall with Green Chef. Go to and use the code 60onlyone to get 60% off plus free shipping. Upgrade your closet this summer with Quince. Right now go to to get free shipping and 365-day returns on your next order. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (36)

barry kaauamo

I trust you will post more like that later on.Appreciative for sharing such mind blowing information.

Nov 12th

Denial Brown

Thank you for your podcast, it was interesting to listen and understand some of the theses. In fact, now many just order papers on sites like but those talented writers who touch on important topics always stand out from the crowd

Oct 31st

Farhad Rad

#Mahsa_Amini #Nika_Shakarami #Sarina_Smailzade #Hadis_Najafi #Dictator_Governance #Protest #Iran #مهسا_امینی #نیکا_شاکرمی #حدیث_نجفی #سارینا_اسماعیل_زاده ✌️✌️✌️

Oct 9th


as opposed to say, non black kids in a HBCU? Jesus Christ, grow up, black ladies. it's not all about you.

Oct 9th


so impressive

Mar 18th

Nickolas Cordova-Dee

. .

Oct 30th

Nickolas Cordova-Dee

. .

Oct 30th

Elaine West

ty for this.

Oct 4th
Reply (1)


Ashamed to be white? Please all races and ethnic groups have trash. White skin privilege? How about black coworkers who make the same mistakes as whites on the job, but they get more chances or don't get fired because the company us scared to take action because the person is Black. While racism exists, so does the free black pass. No black person who's heavily pushing anti racism acknowledges that. But blacks seem too look at democrats for safety, but democrats have screwed black people time and time again. Yet the blame is white citizens. Asians have disliked blacks and are openly racist, yet the focus again, is whites. Spaces that are all white? Maybe it's because there are no blacks who feel comfortable going to a primary white space. It's not that they are not accepted. Just like whites would feel odd going to an all black place. It's culture differences. Has nothing to do with skin color when it comes to that. There's lots of black colleges, no whites, but this is looked over

Mar 27th
Reply (16)


Talk about a racial baiting podcast.... Kept asking racial questions as if they were valid and the girl said no, not at all many times....

Mar 26th

For The Love Of a HORSE

I feel that way in the house my husband built. He has this way of telling a story to new neighbors that leaves questions hanging about me. I won't turn into him, full of revenge over a less than perfect childhood. So very tired of it all. I visit or call shortly after and will explain to who visited. With no place to go, and I have to leave, every day is living alone within alone. This podcast is excellent in every way. I wonder if living in a collective of women, like minded but keeping individuality, there might be merit in solving some women's issues. I know racism would fade fast if it even showed at all. Women band together for good.

Jan 26th

Hazel Goodwin

On target in so many ways. I am a 74 year old who spent a career as "the only one in . . ." So many thoughts cross my mind. Glad to discovered you.

Oct 30th
Reply (2)

Abdullah ÖZDEMİR


Jul 6th
Reply (1)

Jhoecel Tumamao

the trailer did instantly caught my attention! this is a must-to-listen podcast💛

Mar 17th

Authentictalks 2.0

I love this podcast.

Feb 7th
Reply (1)