Part-Time Genius

Part-Time Genius
Author: iHeartPodcasts and Kaleidoscope
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Will and Mango have lots of questions. Will we ever live without sleep? How do rats keep outsmarting humans? Where are the sunniest tax havens to hide your money? Join these Part-Time Geniuses as they dive into ridiculous topics... and discover some pretty smart stuff along the way.
328 Episodes
Looking for a last-minute idea to impress your valentine? Don’t follow the lead of anyone in this episode! Today we’re celebrating nine of history’s most over-the-top expressions of love… and the epic ways they failed. Raise a glass to the man who surprised his wife with an ancient monument, the legendary political figure whose way with words didn’t prevent him from getting rejected, the Hollywood stars with big diamonds and even bigger problems, and more. If you have a great (or so-bad-it’s-great) Valentine’s Day gift story, tell us about it on Instagram @parttimegenius. [Pictured: Catherine the Great, and someone who was NOT the man who gave her a very very fancy diamond.]See for privacy information.
Want to know what makes the only swimming pool on the National Registry of Historic Places so special? Or who actually built the first pool specifically for swimming? Or the strange reason Boston invested in an indoor public pool? From the secret swimming pool hiding in the White House to New York's zaniest swim team, Will and Mango dip into the surprisingly refreshing history of pools. (Jump in, already! The water's fine.) If you have a question or comment for the show, hit us up on Instagram at the handle @parttimegenius. We're waiting to hear from you!!! Photo by Julie Aagaard. (Thank you, Julie!) See for privacy information.
In this classic episode, we’re all about Gators as Will and Mango chat about the best way to get an alligator to duet with you, why gators are surprisingly good mothers, and how a California theme park taught Americans to share their water slides with these toothy beasts. If you have a question or comment for the show, hit us up on Instagram at the handle @parttimegenius. We're waiting to hear from you!!! Photo courtesy of Jan Venter (Thank you Jan!) See for privacy information.
This episode, we're fastening our seatbelts and armchair traveling to Denmark-- a land where treasure hunting is encouraged, Disney stole ideas for his theme parks, and there are very specific ways to eat your sandwich. Plus: a Danish conspiracy involving... the Swedish Chef! See for privacy information.
From ancient Chinese lie detection methods involving a mouthful of rice, to the clever ways toddlers, apes and drongo birds stretch the truth, to the surprisingly honest way that Charles Ponzi got his start in business, Will and Mango have a whole lot to say about lying (honestly!).See for privacy information.
Is cooking and preserving your food underground the hottest new culinary trend?! Probably not. But it is fascinating! From mummified victuals to Appalachian cabbage, bean hole suppers to Peruvian pachamancas, Will and Mango dig into a world of underground cuisines. See for privacy information.
Join Will and Mango as they announce the very prestigious 43rd Annual Part-Time Genius Awards, where the duo celebrates everything from 2024's greatest economic innovation (it involves Seagulls) to advances in human-snail relations, to celebrating the year's best villain (you'll definitely want to invite him over to your place). If you have a question or comment for the show, hit us up on Instagram at the handle @parttimegenius. We're waiting to hear from you!!! See for privacy information.
From Mark Twain's bizarre hatred of Jane Austen, to the heated argument that launched two great grocery stores, to the strange prank that ended two comedians' legendary partnership, this episode, Mango and super-producer Mary go looking for historical beef and find plenty of sizzle!See for privacy information.
Turns out, the history of Board Games isn't as simple as just passing Go and collecting $200. From the surprising way Abraham Lincoln's beard changed Milton Bradley's career, to the socialist board game that took off on Ivy League campuses, to the ancient Sumerian board game you can still play, this episode Will and Mango go wild game hunting and come back with plenty of stories to tell. See for privacy information.
Whether you're trying to spot a Michelin critic in the wild, or you're on the hunt for the world's best reindeer tartar with moss and fermented mushroom (a very common thing listeners ask us about), we've got you covered. From Katy Perry's Michelin mishap, to chefs trying to sue the guide because they want more stars, to the bizarre reason the Michelin Man prefers to pair his meals with a goblet full of nails, we've prepared a piping hot plate of facts for you. (Go ahead and tuck in!) ... Want to get in touch? Whether you want to share a fact, story, or even just let us know how we're doing, you can write our moms (Lalita and Paulette) at Don't worry. They'll pass the message along.See for privacy information.
Can smiling during running improve your marathon time? Will an old age app help you make better resolutions? And is there real science behind the Coffee Nap? Will and Mango examine big and little ways to improve your 2018, including why you'll probably need to carry a plunger around with you in the New Year. Featuring Mango's wife, Lizzie.See for privacy information.
Grab a mug of cocoa and hit play already! From Renaissance snow angels to an award-winning trick for never slipping in the snow, Will and Mango have a special wintery mix ready for your snow day.See for privacy information.
Want to know why George Washington's eggnog was so potent? Or how new immigrants partied on Ellis Island? Or what was the wildest party to ever take place at West Point? Or the very particular way that Thomas Edison changed the way we make shrubbery more festive? You're in luck! Will and Mango get the lowdown on just a few of the historical parties they weren't invited to. See for privacy information.
Want to know why Indonesian postal workers have one of the hardest jobs in the world? Or why the country is the best place to find new bird species? Or why it's an honor when someone makes you a tall glass of jammu? From the best types of fabric to throw into a volcano to make it stop erupting, to how to track a super-short Sasquatch, Will and Mango scour the country's 17,000+ islands to bring you Indonesia's best facts. See for privacy information.
Whether you're trying to analyze your sled dogs' athletic performance, get your pooch to stop barking at the mailman or simply trying to get an extra year or two with man's best friend, the newest doggy technologies have a solve for you and your very best boy. See for privacy information.
People have been writing by hand for thousands of years—ever since the Mesopotamians started doodling in cuneiform. That means there’s a vast, inky world for Will and Mango to explore, from the difference between scribes and scriveners to the best feathers for quill pens. They also reveal a shocking truth about fountain pens, and discover all the ways handwriting benefits our brains. (Yes, we recognize the irony of typing that.) Have a favorite pen? Upload a photo and tag us on Instagram @parttimegenius. See for privacy information.
'Tis the season for knitwear! So we’re celebrating sweaters of all shapes and sizes. Did you know that the ugly Christmas sweater trend got its start over a hundred years ago? Or that American soldiers in WWI had beef with amateur knitters? We cover all that and more, including the most expensive sweater ever sold and delightful facts about sweater-loving celebrities like Mr. Rogers, Weezer, and… Sting? Look, if this episode doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies, we don’t know what will. Show us your best, weirdest, and/or ugliest sweaters! Tag us on Instagram @parttimegenius. See for privacy information.
Pack your bags! Today, Will and Mango are taking you on a trip to Europe’s second-least visited country: Liechtenstein. Along the way, we’ll discover how this tiny spot on the map came to exist (spoiler alert, it’s all thanks to a guy named Karl), and we’ll delve into its fascinating economy, which relies heavily on tax incentives and false teeth. Need a lunch break? No problem, we’ll pull over at the country’s only McDonald’s, and learn about the world-famous Liechtenstein wines (Liechtenwines?). If you have a Liechtenstein travel story of your own, please share it with us on Instagram! We’re @parttimegenius. See for privacy information.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… an ad for cigarettes?! For the past 102 years, people have been using airplanes to turn exhaust into ads, political slogans, birthday greetings, and more. But where did this strangely brilliant idea come from? What kind of sorcery do pilots use to make it happen? And why is it at risk of becoming a lost art? If you have a question or comment for the show, hit us up on Instagram @parttimegenius (it’s easier than renting a plane). See for privacy information.
Which airport should you hang out at if you want to meet a mini-horse? Why is the art in the Denver Airport so evil? And are TSA agents more likely to search you if you're carrying an Almanac? Will and Mango investigate. You don’t need to travel to find us on Instagram. Just go to @parttimegenius. See for privacy information.
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Good place for dems to go. huh.
I remember you. 😒
glad you guys are back!
Fascinating episode! The American Territories are seldom given a second thought-
YAY!!!! IT'S BACK!!!!
where are you guys?- the world NEEDS you! PLEASE come back, this is one of the BEST podcasts.🙂 ps- i hope you & your families are in good health.
Why are the new episodes not releasing with the same frequency as the past couple years??? I'm starting to PANIC!!! We, as a society cannot afford to lose your GENIUS!!! WE NEED YOU GUYS! THIS AWESOME SHOW IS ONE OF THE PRECIOUS FEW OUTLETS THAT HELP DISTRACT US FROM THE REALITIES OF THIS VIRAL HELLSCAPE & CURRENT NIGHTMARE OF THE ORANGE MONSTER-IN-CHIEF.
Philistines had art they just resented it which is artistically hilarious
this is an awesome podcast!! I am so glad I discovered it. having a blast and learning so much. currently binge-listening through your list 😁 thank you so much, guys!!
how do you leave out that he killed his older brother.
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Hey guys, you’re doing a great job. Keep coming these episodes! I love them
Incredible podcasts content!!!
Not showing gratitude to the right person can get you killed so I'd say yes lol XD
My local newspaper works with the silly putty trick
donald trump