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PragerU: Five-Minute Videos
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5-Minute Videos are the flagship viral product that put PragerU on the map. They take the best ideas from the best minds and distill them into five focused minutes. Listen to hundreds of 5-Minute Videos to get reliable, truthful information about politics, economics, history, and America. These educational, entertaining videos, which are Judeo-Christian at their core and promote the values of liberty, economic freedom, and limited government, have been changing the hearts and minds of millions of young people for over a decade.
605 Episodes
What do hurricanes, wildfires, floods, extreme cold, extreme heat, and even airplane turbulence have in common? According to environmental activists, they’re all caused by—you guessed it—climate change. But are they right? Matthew Wielicki, Earth scientist and author of the Irrational Fear Substack, sets the record straight.
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God performed many wonders to reveal His power to Moses, Pharaoh, and the Israelites—from the Ten Plagues to the parting of the Red Sea and to the giving of the Ten Commandments. So, why did the “Children of Israel” so readily reject God’s authority? Dennis Prager, author of The Rational Bible, delves into this profound section of the Torah, uncovering timeless lessons that still resonate in our lives today.
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Men—and the boys who aspire to become men—are in a sorry state. If only there were an organization to encourage boys to strive for goodness, self-mastery, and excellence! Of course, such an institution already exists—or at least it did. What happened to it? Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has the answer.
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On the heels of a military victory in Iraq, a successful conclusion of the Cold War, and an 89% approval rating, President George H. W. Bush should have sailed effortlessly into a second term. But it didn’t work out that way. What happened? Presidential historian Tevi Troy explains.
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Is income inequality our biggest social problem? If we take more from the rich and give more to the poor, can we solve it? Joshua Rauh, professor of finance at Stanford and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, addresses these questions in this challenging video.
This video was made possible by a generous gift from The Peter & Judy Copses Foundation.
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Joseph brought the Jews into Egypt, and Moses led them out. But what happened in between? How did God's chosen people fall from favor under one Pharaoh to slavery under another? Dennis Prager, author of The Rational Bible, unpacks this pivotal section of the Torah.
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Will there be $1,000,000 waiting for you when you retire? Not if you’re relying on Social Security, which is barely on life support. Can we mend this broken government program, or do we need an entirely new approach, call it a retirement revolution? Economist Stephen Moore has some ideas.
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Brad Anderson knows something about the for-profit world. As the CEO of Best Buy, he led the consumer electronics retailing industry into a new era. He also knows something about the nonprofit world. He’s sat on boards of colleges, community organizations, and hospitals. But of all the nonprofits he’s helped over the years, one holds a very special place in his heart.
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Martha Njolomole grew up in a village in Malawi, Africa. Her laundromat was a nearby river. Her school was a clearing under a tree. When she won a scholarship to come to America, she was overwhelmed by the comparative luxury. What was the secret to America’s success? She had to find out.
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After the Watergate scandal, Jimmy Carter had the perfect campaign slogan: “I’ll never lie to you.” No one questioned his character; only his policies. He thought he could change the world. But the world ended up changing him. Historian Tevi Troy tells the story of the 39th President’s rise and fall.
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Cain and Abel, Noah and the flood, Abraham and the 12 Tribes of Israel, Joseph and his coat of many colors—these are some of the greatest stories of the Book of Genesis. Dennis Prager, author of The Rational Bible, explains why they still mean so much to us today.
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When Richard Nixon resigned as President following the Watergate scandal, America was in a bad way. The nation needed a leader who could mend the country’s divisions. Was Gerald Ford that leader? Political commentator Hugh Hewitt has an answer.
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Where do we come from, and why do we think the way we do? These are the first preoccupations of the book of Genesis — the creation of man, woman, and the Jewish people. Dennis Prager, author of The Rational Bible, explains how these timeless stories have shaped our worldview and why the lessons they teach us are still relevant today.
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For the past fifty years, the government has dramatically increased spending on education, healthcare, and welfare programs. But have these billions of dollars really made Americans smarter, healthier, and more prosperous? Joshua Rauh, professor of finance at Stanford and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, explains why big government leads to big problems.
This video was made possible by a generous gift from The Peter & Judy Copses Foundation.
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Is diversity our greatest strength? Ask Western Europeans, who over the last decade have endured a tidal wave of immigration from the Muslim Middle East and Africa. Konstantin Kisin, co-host of the Triggernometry podcast, explains why multiculturalism might bring more problems than benefits.
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Lyndon B. Johnson wanted to wage a war on poverty. Instead, he waged a war halfway around the world in Vietnam. That conflict defined him, his presidency, and the decade of the 1960s. Historian Bill Whittle tells the story.
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Lyndon B. Johnson created hundreds of social programs to "cure" poverty. But who would administer those programs? And how exactly would they work? No one seemed to know. No one seemed to care. The goal was noble, and that’s all that mattered. Renowned historian Amity Shlaes explains.
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If you think Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution is ancient history, think again. The tactics Mao used to take over and ruin China in the 20th century are alive and well in America, just under a different name. James Lindsay explains.
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Former UK member of Parliament Douglas Carswell believes that the new battleground for freedom is in America—specifically in the American South. That’s why he moved his family 4,000 miles to Mississippi.
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Do you work to live? Or do you live to work? Most people today would probably affirm the former—work to live. Most people would be wrong. David Bahnsen, author of Full Time: Work and the Meaning of Life, explains why.
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United States
Correction needed for this podcast. In the biblical account of Abraham, (which is the only account of Abraham) : Abraham was not the first Jew. Judah was the first Jew. Abraham was Judah's great grandfather. Judah was one of the twelve sons of Israel. Isreal was the grandson of Abraham. The biblical Abraham was the father of many nations besides the nation of Israel.
spot on!
Admitting that systemic racism exists is CRT and a commie liberal, soros funded plot. I learned that from professor Candace Owens. Are you saying she was wrong?
you got to be kidding me
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As I've aged and look back on my 60+ years, I'm positive not having a father in the home had a massive effect on my life. Especially from age 12 to 30.
SNOPES??? An outfit on factchecking, I find this too funny,
My grandmother came from a large, poor family. And they still shared what they had with traveling, poor, black people. Before she died she was a much better off than at the start of her life, but she still shared what she had no matter what the skin color. It's character and attitude that makes a person great not where or who they're born.
What a lovely lady😍 Take heed, people 🙏
Great episode 👍👍
Women want more than equality . Like some are more equal than others ! Both men & women are responsible for the mess we have in society. Was it like it is today in early last century ? I think things were just fine. That is the culture I grew up admiring when I grew up in India ! Today I am thoroughly disappointed in general with American society. Look at some Elite lady politicians who I do not want to mention ! They are a disgrace to their peers !
So much for Freedom & Democracy in the country that gave almost everything in culture to the world ! I who am not a citizen but raised my children to appreciate everything good in America, am terribly disappointed in which direction America is headed. God bless America and protect it from all Evil ! The Amendments ? Which ?
If one is happy he or she makes the atmosphere happy and everybody around is happy ! It’s a snowball effect !
Interesting comments by Mr. Paul Johnson . His advice to young people is good but he had to say one more thing ! Be disciplined in everything and everything will fall into place and the world will be a better place !
I enjoy these podcasts. Yet this one is over the top and I had to drop out early. Good heavens!
y bc gc
Listen to this one. Raising minimum wage is a terrible idea. Simone explains why. 👍👍👍
Smart lady👍👍
They have their own ideas. They also have a lot of experts and valid info. Everything else is so biased towards the left and this is why this is so out there. You don't have to agree with everything they say, but it is important to educate yourself on both sides. Listen and take from it what you will. Even if you disagree with their world view there is surley still valuable logic and information to gain. It is good to challenge they way you think in order to expand your mind and reevaluate what you think you know. Thank you Prager U for being truthful and open, not being afraid to defend America that our fathers fought so hard to preserve.