DiscoverRemember The Game? Retro Gaming Podcast
Remember The Game? Retro Gaming Podcast
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Remember The Game? Retro Gaming Podcast

Author: Adam Blank

Subscribed: 589Played: 36,439


Comedian Adam Blank hosts "Remember The Game?", a retro gaming podcast. Each week, Adam and his guest will select a video game that they grew up playing, and spend time reminiscing about what they loved (or hated) about it. Not intended to be a history lesson, "Remember The Game?" is more like a conversation you'd overhear on the playground as a kid. The discussions are all over the place, and are guaranteed to fill you with that warm, nostalgic feeling. (Or rage, like you felt with the underwater level in the original Ninja Turtles game). Either way, it's gonna be fun! New episodes every Wednesday!

357 Episodes
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! We don't show the Wii a lot of love on RTG, but with Nintendo re-re-releasing one of the system's best games on the Switch last month, I figured it was time. We're talking about the superb Donkey Kong Country Returns this week. DKC Returns is everything I want in a platformer. It plays really well. It's tough as hell (especially if you try to get all the collectibles). The soundtrack is banging, the graphics are good, there's level variety. The name says it all; this really is a return to classic Donkey Kong Country. PENDING RTG Hall of Famer and the Diddy to my Donkey Kong, ye olde Mark McCue is my guest this week. We came at this game from 2 different directions and had 2 very different playthroughs, but met up at the end to agree this is just a hell of a platformer and a game no DKC fan should miss. And before we go banana collecting, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks when I found games started to get a little soft. Should boss fights have their own separate difficulty sliders? And what game series peaked with its first release and then just gradually got worse? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features DK classics: Donkey Kong Country, Donkey Kong 64, and Donkey Kong '94. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
We skip the first Wednesday of the month to give me time to pay the games for RTG, but fortunately we have a backlog of about 1,000 podcasts on Patreon to draw from to fill in the gaps. And this week, we have a big one for you. Back in 2023, Mark McCue joined me to talk about The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom. We kept the base review pretty spoiler-free, and then tacked on a spoiler cast at the end to talk about the finale of the game and some other stuff. Mark loves Zelda, I know most of you love Zelda, and I hope you love this podcast. Let's go! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Tyler's wheeling and dealings over at: We're talking about a bonafide classic and a game many consider to be one of the GOATs this week: Half-Life 2. From the atmosphere, to the story, to the variety in gameplay, to that sick physics engine; Valve knows their way around a video game. We shoulda covered this one a long time ago. I first played Half-Life 2 on my OG Xbox back in the day, and went in totally blind. It made an impression, and as soon as I finished, I knew that I had experienced something special. Replaying it in 2025, I'm happy to say it aged like wine. I was genuinely shocked that none of the game mechanics felt outdated or anything, and the pacing is actually BETTER than some of the games I've played in recent years. What a classic. A game about fighting aliens calls for a conversation with an alien. My buddy Tyler is my guest this week, and I really hope this episode delivers. Tyler was battling a cold, I was battling the influence of the devil's lettuce, and we really got a little more scatterbrained than we usual get on the show. But at the end of the day, it's an hour of 2 guys talking about how great Half-Life 2 is, and that's what you're here for, right? And before we start swinging crowbars, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone says they will never buy a game at full price again. Does anyone else get to the end of a game and then quit for some reason? And what third-party games would make the biggest splash on the Switch 2?? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 Valve classics: Left 4 Dead, Portal, and Counter-Strike. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Daniel's streams at: Look, I know there's a few PC Master Racers amongst our ranks, and I wanted to mend the bridge between us. So I ran a PC only Patreon Poll, and The Secret of Monkey Island took it down. I have to be honest, point & click games aren't my jam. But this one is so damned charming it almost makes up for that. I can't imagine there's too many people listening to this show that don't know point & click games. Select commands like "open", "pick up", "use", and combine them with items on the screen to solve puzzles. I think some of the puzzles in Monkey Island a little tedious, but even with one eye I can see how people love this game. It really is funny, and the humour and clever writing offset the occasional frustration I experienced while trying to kill pirates with root beer. One good monkey deserves another, so my guest this week is my buddy Daniel (Stpd_Mnky). He likes this game more than I do, and while we made not have felt the same way about the sword fighting system or how to make a soup or whatever the fuck it is with the cereal, we had a good time laughing at some of the dialogue and puzzles. And we're still not sure what the secret of said island is... And before we point and click, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, we HAD to talk about the Switch 2. How do those of us that dislike multiplayer games get into them? And I love Bioshock, but how do I feel about the sequels?? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 PC classics: King's Quest VI, Day of the Tentacle, and Sam and Max. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Captain N's Retrotopia Podcast here: People have been bugging me to review Rocket Knight Adventures for years, and now that I finally have, I get why. This is one of the finest 16-bit platforms I've ever played. One of those Genesis games that makes me jealous as a Super Nintendo kid. You control a possum in a suit of armour with a sword and a rocket pack, and you fight pigs as you travel from a village to outer space. makes sense when you play it. Kinda. The controls are crisp and the rocket pack mechanic really takes the gameplay to the next level. Great variety between stages, an awesome soundtrack, sharp graphics, and it's the way all retro games should be: tough as fuck. I love this game. I crossed the retro podcast streams this week and asked Captain N of the Retrotopia podcast to join me, and we spent nearly an hour singing the praises of this possum and his adventures. I can say this game is a lock for my top 10 Genesis games now, and it's knocking on the door of the very exclusive top 5 club... And before we rocket away, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks what my favourite part of RTG is? Are there too many rouge-like card combat games these days? And if I could host one major TV gameshow, which would it be? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 of my all-time favourite Genesis games: Shining Force, Gunstar Heroes, and Streets of Rage 2. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! It's pretty well known that I'm a diehard Mega Man fan. But it took me over 20 years to finally play my first Battle Network title. I'm not sure I loved this game, but I'm a pretty big fan of what the franchise is trying to do. If you've never played it, it's a tactical RPG spin on classic Mega Man. You play as a grade 5 student trying to save the world from computer viruses (and Dr. Wily of course), and you do it with your MegaMan.EXE program. The game is split between over world traversal and tactical combat, and while navigating the game's maps drove me crazy, the combat system really peaked my interest. I'll play more of these games at some point, no doubt about it. Long-time hot dog and power mad Discord mod, Keegs, is my guest this week. We both agreed that there's a great concept for a Mega Man game here, even if the execution is a little flawed. I think you can say the same about the first mainline Mega Man game, and that ended up working out ok... And before we jack-in, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks if I've ever played the Mega Man ZX games? Does anyone else regularly fall asleep while gaming?? And what if Link to the Past had been on the NES?? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 of Metacritics highest scored GBA RPGs: Golden Sun, Tactics Ogre, and Fire Emblem. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Happy New Year! We'll be back with new episodes of RTG next week, but to help you nurse your new year's hangover, here's my annoying voce counting down my favourite arcade games of all-time. It's about time we showed the arcades of yesteryear a little more love. This episode originally aired for Patreons on January 3, 2024. Thanks for all the support in 2024, and here's to a great 2025! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
I'll warn you right now: this one is a tear-jerker. We had to put our dog, Molly, down this month, and I wanted to wrap the year up talking about her legacy and how much we love that dog. No ads on this one, but you might not want to listen at work if you're a crier. Have a great holiday, show your pets some love, and we'll see you in 2025. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Apologies for the lack of RTG, hot dogs. I'm taking a little time off for the holidays. Fortunately, we have a Patreon archive of about 1000 episodes to draw from, so you still get your profanity-laced fix. Sonic Frontiers is the open-world Sonic game that released a couple years ago, and it just got added to PS Plus. So it seems like the right time to open this review up to the world and let you know why I didn't love this game, but you still might. Enjoy the episode, thanks for the support, and see you in 2025! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Happy holidays, everyone! We're going to part-time hours for the rest of December so I can catch up on some personal stuff and get some games played for the show in 2025. Fortunately, I have a backlog of hundreds and hundreds of podcasts to draw from so you can still get your fix. This is an episode of The Rambling Idiot, one of our Patreon exclusive podcasts where I talk about, well, anything. On this episode I talk about my love of board games, and count down my 10 all-time favs. Enjoy the episode, thanks for the support, and here's to 2025! Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can find ye olde Bradley McCue here: Instagram: @TheGamingOdyssey I have played a LOT of NES in my life, so it takes a pretty special game to crack my favourite NES games list at this point. But damned if Castlevania III hasn't pulled it off. This game is spectacular. It takes everything the original Castlevania did and pumps it full of steroids. More levels, optional routes, additional playable characters, multiple endings. I say it on this week's show and I stand by it - there are two groups of people: People that think Castlevania III is one of the best games in the NES library, and people that have never played Castlevania III. My resident Castlevania guest, Bradley McCue, gives me a call this week. We praise this game, talk about what a beast Alucard is, Bradley teaches me a little about Castlevania history, and we both admit that while we want to, neither of us can beat this damned game... And before we go vampire hunting, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks me which franchise I regret missing out on as a kid. Do I have any gaming takes that I've 180'd on over the years? And what games did I pick up on Black Friday? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 of my favourite tough NES games: Super C, Mega Man 3, and Ninja Gaiden. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! We're back with a bang this week. I've been calling for more F-Zero for years and figured it was time to start showing the series more love on RTG. So it's all about the superb F-Zero X for the N64 this week. Possibly the fastest game of the 90s? I didn't play this one much growing up, but I was blown away (George! Blow blow blow blow blow blowwwwwwn away) by how fast and smooth this one runs for a freaking Nintendo 64 game. More racers, more tracks, better soundtrack, higher speeds; it's the SNES game on steroids. And it's one of the best games on the 64. My guest this week is PENDING RTG Hall of Famer, Mark McCue, and we showed F-Zero some love this week. We both suck at this game but it didn't stop us from talking about how awesome it is, and we got into the potential future of the franchise, too. And before we try and push other drivers to their doom, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks what it means to "100%" a game these days. Does anyone else hate it when people say "get good"??? And why do I like playing the "evil" playthroughs of games? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 N64 heavies: Wave Race 64, Star Fox 64, and Pilotwings 64. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sorry for the missing RTG everyone, I'm taking a couple weeks away from the show for personal reasons. But fortunately, our Patreon archives are full of hundreds of bonus podcasts, so you'll still get your fix. This week, I'm ranking every Nintendo console of all-time. I've never hidden the fact that I'm a Nintendo fanboy, so this was like ranking my children (and the Virtual Boy). If you enjoy this, we have a TON more waiting for you on Patreon (ad-free, too!). You can also write into the show, join our Discord, help choose the games we cover, and more! Subscriptions start at just $3/month at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Sorry for the missing RTG everyone, I'm taking a couple weeks away from the show for personal reasons. But fortunately, our Patreon archives are full of hundreds of bonus podcasts, so you'll still get your fix. This week, I'm taking my second shot at counting down my 100 favourite games of all-time. I update this list every couple years, and it never gets any easier. Enjoy the episode! If you enjoy this, we have a TON more waiting for you on Patreon (ad-free, too!). You can also write into the show, join our Discord, help choose the games we cover, and more! Subscriptions start at just $3/month at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! Every year as part of our Extra-Life stream, we auction off a chance to be my guest on an episode of the show. Last year's winner picked Mass Effect 3, and even though it took us a year to get it done, it's time to talk a great game, from a great series, for a great cause. (Spoilers within!!) I'd hear an argument that Mass Effect is the greatest trilogy in video game history. Incredible setting, fun gameplay, awesome story, and the decisions you make ACTUALLY matter. And not just for the game you're playing, but for the entire trilogy. Stuff you did in Mass Effect 1 can have a direct impact on how Mass Effect 3 plays out. This one sees Shepard flying around the galaxy uniting everyone to take on the Reapers in a final standoff, and it plays as epic as it sounds. My guest this week is, as I mentioned, one of the winners of our charity auction from last year, and a long-time hot dog, Ian. We talked for almost an hour and a half about the many highs (and occasional "lows") of not only Mass Effect 3, but the Mass Effect trilogy as a whole. And before we save the galaxy, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks what it would take for Capcom to show Mega Man the love they show their bigger franchises. Should they bring back character specific weapons for Mario Kart 9? And now that I'm a COD guy, will I finally cover one on RTG?? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 of my fav modern RPGs ever: Skyrim, Fallout 3, and KOTOR. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Tyler's wheeling and dealings over at: We wrap up October with the winner of our scary game poll - Alien: Isolation. Some say this might be the scariest game ever made, and I agree, but not for the right reasons. I love the Alien franchise, but I HATE this game. The concept is cool. You play as Ellen Ripley's daughter, and you have to escape a ship full of Aliens, killer robots, and hostile staff. It's a great idea, and the first-person concept works perfectly. But it's also a stealth game, and I fucking HATE stealth games. You spend this whole game hiding in lockers or under desks and after about 6 hours of snoozing and losing, I rage quit as hard as I've ever rage quit a game. Tyler returns to the show this week, and he may not hate this game QUITE as much as I do, but he's not a fan either. We don't think it's a "lazy" game, but we don't think it's fun. Fucking game... And before we talk about that stupid Alien, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks if I think we'll ever get another Mega Man game? Would I recommend the Steam Deck to someone that just lost their Switch? And if I could be a fly on the wall and oversee a game's development, what would I pick? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 Alien games: Alien vs Predator, Alien 3, and Alien Trilogy. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Daniel's streams at: I might love the Ghostbusters as much as I love video games. Unfortunately, most Ghostbuster video games suck. So when it was announced that a new game, WITH the original cast, was in the works? Well, I lost my freaking mind. I think this game is fan service cranked up to 11. You get to join the Ghostbusters, use a proton pack, hang out at the firehouse, and catch ghosts. Janine is there. Walter Peck shows up. You fight Stay Put, for fuck sakes!!!! I don't think the game under the Ghostbuster makeup is as good as it could be, but at the end of the day it doesn't really matter. When you wanna talk Ghostbusters, who ya gonna call?? My buddy Daniel. We both adore what this game means to the Ghostbusters community, but we also both think it could have been a little better from a gameplay perspective. And how the hell are you not gonna let us drive the Ecto-1?! And before we get to bustin', I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks which gaming magazine I'd read, renew, and remove? Which video game character would make the best Canadian Prime Minister? And why don't I like Retronauts?? Plus we play a round of 'Watch One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 games based on movies: Spider-Man 2, The Warriors, and Goldeneye 007. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Andre's wheeling and dealings over at: Twitter @thatcanadaguy Instagram @thatcanadadude Video game movies may be the talk of Hollywood these days, but back in the 90's and early 2000's, the bar was much lower. Enter 2002's Resident Evil, which by the era's standards really wasn't...bad....? I struggle with this one because I like the movie enough, but they really went off the beaten Resident Evil path. The mansion and Umbrella are there, but everything else is pretty new. Including the main protagonist, Alice. The new stuff isn't "bad", it's just not what you'd expect. The laser room scene is pretty dope, too. My guest this week is Remember The Game's resident "evil", my pal Andre. We're both kinda torn on this movie, because like it, but we know it's not really that good. Kinda how I'd describe this podcast, frankly. And before we get evil, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks if I'd ever consider doing a'PG' episode of the show? Why do I hate Disney? And what makes a scary video game a GOOD scary video game? Plus we play a round of 'Watch One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 horror gaming flicks: Alone in the Dark, House of the Dead, and Silent Hill. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Patrick's handywork at: Or on Instagram: @burgerfinger @discount.lion.safari @breakfastwizardtoy This has to be one of the most requested episodes in RTG history. And with the Remake dropping this week, I figured it's finally time to talk Silent Hill 2. I get why so many people say this is the best game in the series now. Superb video game. Over the past few years of Remember The Game?, I've played Silent Hill 3 & 1, but 2 always got stuck in the backlog. I was a little nervous that when I finally got around to playing it, it wouldn't live up to the years of hype from listeners. And while I still think I prefer Resident Evil for my horror fix, Silent Hill 2 is fantastic. Intriguing (albeit confusing) story, great setting, I liked the characters. Honestly, I can't think of too much about this game I don't like. Except maybe James's inability to stop staring at Maria... My buddy Patrick completes to Silent Hill hat trick on the show this week, and honestly this was one of my favourite episodes of the past few years. We had a great chat about a great game, got into what we interpreted the ending to mean, and pretty well just blew smoke up the ass of Silent Hill for an hour. And before we start checking doors, I stumble through another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks what I think of the "review bombing" trend online these days. Have I ever played one of the LEGO games? And in an era of micro-transactions, employee layoffs, and incomplete games, why does From Software stand out? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one is all Silent Hill: Silent Hill 1, Silent Hill 3, and Silent Hill 4.  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Are you on social media? Of course you are. So follow us!  Twitter: @MemberTheGame Instagram: @MemberTheGame And if you want access to hundreds of bonus (ad-free) podcasts, along with multiple new shows EVERY WEEK, consider showing us some love over at Patreon. Subscriptions start at just $3/month, and 5% of our patreon income every month will be donated to our 24 hour Extra-Life charity stream at the end of the year! And you can check out Tyler's wheeling and dealings over at: I love Jurassic Park. Phenomenal movie. Outstanding book. I figured the SNES game had to be great too, right? Wrong. I'd rather share a bathroom with Dennis Nedry than play this fucking game... The concept is solid. It's part top-down shooter, part first-person shooter. Dinosaurs are running wild, the soundtrack is great. It should be fun. But the non-stop deaths, running around aimlessly looking for ID cards, and the tedious/slow first-person segments just shut it down before it gets started. Poor Tyler is my guess this week, and we were on the same page for this one - Jurassic Park sucks. That dickhead Angry Adam even makes an appearance this week. I tried to stop him, but this game... And before we talk about this big pile of shit, I put together another edition of the Infamous Intro! This week, someone asks about having too much to play and not being able to choose a game to stick with. Did I ever play gams on my graphing calculator? And what's my focus for my retro game collection these days?? Plus we play another round of 'Play One, Remake One, Erase One', too! This one features 3 SNES games based on 90's movies: The Mask, Batman Forever, and T2. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit
Comments (18)

JaeHyun (Matthew) Choung


Jan 12th

Carpenter Carpenter

Remember The Game" evokes memories of late nights filled with laughter and anticipation. From the clinking of chips to the spin of the roulette wheel, the atmosphere of a bustling casino is unmistakable. In the heart of it all, the phrase resonates, summoning images of skilled dealers orchestrating the excitement. It symbolizes not just a job opportunity, but a vibrant lifestyle, where every hand dealt is a chance for fortune. As we reminisce about the thrill of the game, we're reminded of the camaraderie shared with fellow players and the unforgettable moments that define the casino experience.

Apr 1st

McClure McClure

Remember The Game" is a nostalgic journey into the heart of gaming culture, where pixels and polygons reign supreme. From classic consoles to modern masterpieces, every player has a story to share. Whether it's conquering levels or forging friendships in virtual worlds, the memories forged through gaming endure. Amidst the ever-evolving landscape, one thing remains constant: the joy of play. As we reminisce on past triumphs and defeats, we celebrate the enduring power of gaming to connect us across time and space. So let's press start and embark on a quest through the digital realms of, where every game tells a tale.

Mar 26th

McClure McClure

Remember The Game" evokes nostalgia for the thrill of old-school gaming, but today, it's more than just a trip down memory lane. In the digital age, it's about embracing innovation while cherishing the classics. Whether it's retro consoles or cutting-edge VR experiences, gaming bridges generations. Yet, amid the excitement, caution is key. Online gaming offers endless possibilities, but safety matters. Always remember: (casino site guarantee) ensures a secure and enjoyable gaming experience, preserving the essence of fun for all.

Mar 19th

Sandra marg


Feb 9th

Jay M

Another fantastic episode of this podcast. This South Park game was ridiculously fun but also ridiculously easy to play. In all honesty the easiness never took away from anything in the game.

Nov 30th


I hope you review Shining Force 2 some day.

Oct 17th

Bob Michigan

I just found this podcast, I love it! Hits me right in the feels, I’m a huge gamer so this is perfect for me. It helps me through my 10 hour work days. I’m on episode 64. I hope this never ends. Being a big RPG fan I hope there is an episode on Secret of Mana. That is the game that got me into RPG’s, I try to not look ahead bc I like to see if I can tell the game by the music. 5 stars dude, you are funny as fuck keep it up.

Aug 24th

Carol Lawrence

One of my favourite hobbies when I have free time is playing online slots. That's something I feel I'm genetically inclined to. Visit a casino website like (Microgaming) to play slot games online. The winner is Jack Win. Play Playboy, Immortal Romance and Major Millions, my recommendation. These are a few of my favorite online slot machines.

Jun 13th

Jefferey Jinkles

Yo! Noid is one of my favorite nes games of all time. Never beat it but its just one of those games that has a soft spot in my heart as a great time waster.

May 13th

Justin Rutzer

Just discovered this podcast. Nostalgia overload. Much love from Calgary keep it up!

Dec 3rd

Ryan L

Xp share was in gen 1! And victrrebell is a better grass type :p

Nov 17th

Ryan L

My issue with the gamecube controller is how loud the shoulder buttons are other than that my gave controller also!

Nov 10th

Ryan L

The zoras I can't remember wich but one of them tell u to put fish in front of jabu haha

Nov 3rd

Ryan L

Love Ur series never liked podcasts but now I'm addicted! Keep it up!

Nov 3rd

Warren Jenkins

Bob Hoskins could not be Mario again as he passed away in 2014 but I do agree he played a good Mario

Apr 21st

Rapha Gamer

can you Record a podcast about Silent hill ? classic horror the Playstation one.Brazil here and I love your project

Dec 14th

Warren Jenkins

what a game this was... I really enjoy the pod casts keep up the good work

Dec 12th