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Rotten Mango

Author: Stephanie Soo

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Rotten but still a little sweet! Rotten Mango is a true crime + all things spooky podcast. We love doing deep dives into the darkest crimes and we tend to not leave out any details - which can get a little rotten at times. If you want deep dives in the psychology of killers, no holding back storytelling of crimes, and stories of lesser known criminals from around the world this is the place for you.

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435 Episodes
In Brazil, this specific prison is known as the “real dungeons.” Because once you get in - you feel like you’re trapped in hell until they let you out. That is - if you can even get out alive. BBC reporters are there to interview one of the most high profile prisoners. Every single prisoner in there has been deemed a dangerous criminal - this one even more so. She walks out. Thin frame. Short blonde hair. She used to be a model in NYC and was reported to have dated Leonardo DiCaprio. What is she doing in here? “Why are you in here?” - they ask her. “They say I can control people minds. Change their brains.” - she responds. “Can you?” “What do you think? Can I? I hope so… when I get out you will see the power that I have and if it is real or not.” “Is that a threat” Did the prisoner just threaten the BBC reporters? This is the case of Kat Torres - the Brazilian Instagram “influencer” with over 1 million followers that has been charged with human trafficking and slavery charges.   Full show notes at 
It’s not the most captivating livestream. Ash Trevino is on the phone with her boyfriend and we, the viewers, are forced to just listen to their seemingly mundane conversations. Out of nowhere, the 36 year old mom of two starts getting angry. She starts screaming - “He’s innocent. I don’t care what y’all say. He is innocent and y’all are going to see that. My comments are saying RIP to those who lost their lives...” Ash Trevino starts cackling. What is so funny? Is she laughing at the 2 teenage girls her new boyfriend killed? Or is she laughing at all the other victims her other boyfriends in prison have killed? Welcome to the world of Ash Trevino. Dubbed the “inmate hopper” and the “worst mom on TikTok.” The internet is collectively trying to get her accounts closed and are mass reporting her to Child Protective Services.   Full show notes at
16 year old Manohara is walking up towards the private plane. Her mother and sister are grabbing their bags from the black car behind her. She’s walking up the private jet steps… when she feels something. It’s a wave of panic? A sixth sense? Something in her body is telling her this is not where she should be right now. She turns around and starts heading back down the steps when she hears footsteps behind her. 5 burly men come up behind her and grab her by the arms, dragging her onto the plane. They slam her down onto her seat and refuse to let her leave. They refuse to let her family get on board. The instructions were allegedly very clear. Kidnap 16 year old Manohara and make sure she is returned to her rightful place in the palace. To her husband. The Prince of Malaysia.    Full show notes at 
“New Parent Decision Coin.” It’s a great gag gift for new parents. On one side it reads - “daddy’s turn” and on the other it reads “mommy’s turn.” When the baby starts getting fussy, you flip the coin, and whoever’s side it lands on gets to take care of the new baby. 13 year old Maddie sends the link to the coin with the text - “We need this - can you get this for us?” She sends the text message to her mom’s 37 year old boyfriend, Stephan Sterns. It does not appear that Maddie’s mother is pregnant… so who is the coin for? 2 months later - Maddie is found dead. Her “stepfather” is arrested and graphic pictures and videos of Maddie are found on his phone. Did he kill her? Why did he kill her? Was she pregnant? And how did her mother not know anything about this? Those are all the questions netizens have in the case of Madeline Soto.    Full show notes at
The plot of a famous thriller goes viral. It goes something like this. A wife is called into the police station to talk about her husband. There are pictures of her husband with another girl. Graphic photos and now that girl is missing. Does the wife know what her husband did to the missing girl? Will the wife support her husband or leave him immediately? Jennifer Soto is at the police station and unfortunately for her - this is not a book plot. “Do you recognize your boyfriend’s penis?”“Yes. That’s him.” She is shown graphic photos of her boyfriend and the girl that has now gone missing but Jennifer isn’t convinced her boyfriend did anything wrong. She says - “I believe the sex stuff but I don’t think he did anything evil.”The investigators pause. What did she just say?They’re disgusted. Because the missing girl is Jennifer’s own daughter.13 year old Madeline Soto. The one her 37yr old boyfriend has been abusing. And yet she defends him?     Full show notes at 
There’s been a crime in the workplace. Tim, the man in charge, is tasked with figuring out what exactly happened. He calls in the informants and sits them down at his desk. “What did you hear?” They lean forward - “I heard that they meet after hours in her car and they’re having a very inappropriate relationship. She might even be pregnant.” Tim takes notes. He interviews each of the people that could know exactly what happened… before concluding. These are all just workplace rumors. There is nothing more he should do about it. There’s just no way that Teacher Of The Year - Brittany Zamora is SAing her 13 year old student in a classroom full of kids. There’s no way. What would her poor husband say about this? A lot. He has a lot to say. All words of support for his wife.   Full show notes at 
Dina and Tim know that the footage is going to be bad. They had already seen glimpses… but they weren’t prepared. The baby camera footage shows a 56 year old woman standing at the edge of the bed. She’s emotionless yet she's holding a newborn baby in her arms... She takes a moment before calmly - using all her force - to chuck the baby across the room onto the bed. Ever so calmly she walks over and stuffs blankets into the baby’s mouth and slams her down. This is the case of the worst nanny in San Francisco. And strangely, how a TikTok executive and Snapchat executive get involved in this viral case.    Full show notes at
“I thought trash day was just a few days ago?” Diane hears her neighbors bringing out their trash bins to the street. How is it already trash day? Diane is a young, single mom, and sometimes things slip her mind. She shrugs and grabs the trash bins. As she’s walking out of her backyard - a man and a young woman appear in front of her. They smash her on the head with a metal pipe. They grab a bottle and pour hot, burning, liquid acid all down her face and back. Diane knows exactly who did this to her. Her ex-bf. The YouTuber known for eating raw squirrels and pig heads on the streets of London. He just tried killing her. And he’s going to try again. All whilst making videos for YouTube. 
December 12th is the night that everyone has been waiting for. The invitation is cryptic - it takes some guests weeks to figure out what it reads. “Sdaeh tsilaer & sesserd gnol eit kcalb?” The secret is this - you have to reflect it into the mirror to figure out what it says. “Black tie, long dresses & surrealist heads.” Welcome to the Rothschild's (one of the wealthiest and most powerful families) newest secret party. Everyone walks in donning a giant bejeweled mask of animals that you would normally hunt. Stags. Deer. Birds in cages. The staff in the massive mansion are dressed as cats, perched on the stairs, meowing at the passing guests. There’s no way they’re not hunting people afterwards right? That’s always been the conspiracy. Rich people hunting the poor for sport. But what if it is true? What if it happened in South Korea and became the inspiration of the Netflix show - Squid Game?
It’s the biggest church in South Korea but nobody knows it exists. The church itself can fit at least 4,000 church goers all at once. But that’s not the intriguing part of the church… they just do things differently. There are a row of people standing in front of the pastor. They are asking him for forgiveness but they’re all wearing the same thing. A red sack with big ugly painted letters on there that read “I am a sinner who has gone against God’s word.” Pastor Lim prays over them - one by one. Before he turns around and pulls out a set of red boxing gloves. He slowly, calmly puts them on and starts beating the people down. He doesn’t stop till the entire row of red sack wearing people are bloody on the floor. Then he calmly fixes his clothes and heads back to the podium to continue preaching to the church goers. This is not a cult story. This is Brother’s Home.A government funded camp to cleanse the humans of South Korea ahead of the Olympics. The true story behind the Squid Game show. 
They’re all wearing the same blue tracksuit. Thousands of them standing out in the middle of the woods wearing the same thing. What is this place? They’re out in the middle of the woods - in what appears to be a small secretive city? A military base? How did they get 60+ buildings out here in the middle of the forest? And that giant wall… it’s 30 feet tall. Tall enough to keep people out. Or keep them in.  The guards are watching each of the track suit wearing people with precision. One wrong move and you get beat. That’s when they hear it…  The man starts running up onto the roof of one of the buildings - and there he goes. He flies off the top and lands in front of everyone. On his head.  Someone standing right there says - “honestly, I didn’t know the sound of someone’s head exploding could make such a loud splitting sound. I saw his skull explode open.” A guard member walks out and sweeps up his brains and bones as if nothing happened. Sounds familiar doesn’t it? It kind of sounds like the plot of one of the most famous series on Netflix, Squid Game. But it’s not.  This is the real life case of the Brother’s Home in South Korea. The true story behind Squid Game. Full source note:
I received an email from the ex-wife of a serial killer. The subject reads: “ I was married to a serial killer for 7.5 years and I need help!!” Her ex husband was sentenced to death for the murder of 3 women. When authorities searched his house they found a soundproof torture chamber. Whips, iron chains, and many many files. Video files of him torturing his victims - plucking out their nails one by one.  Now, his ex wife has come forward to ask for help. She was not only one of the first people he tried to kill but now her son (that she shares with him) has been taken. The serial killer’s mother has taken her son and now she’s on the hunt to get him back.   This is her GoFundMe: Source Notes: 
Sang’s mom is haunted. Everyone has their own explanations for it but it’s that simple. Every time she sets the dinner table - she stares at the empty seat. Sometimes smiling, sometimes pouting, but always as if someone is sitting there. Sang would ask - “Mom, is everything alright?”“Just make sure to save some of the meat for Niuniu - you know that’s her favorite.”Sang’s mom would motion at the empty chair and smile. The haunting started when Niuniu, Sang’s little sister, went missing. Nobody knew what happened to her other than the fact that she received a creepy doll with moving eyes shortly before she went missing. 26 years later Niuniu would come back to tell everyone the truth. She was kidnapped, trafficked, and sold. After 26 years she was coming back to kill her trafficker. Get her revenge.   Full Source Notes:  
The man in the olive green jacket is ready. Today is the day. He’s nervously walking through the crowd of New Yorkers to get to his destination. The last thing he needs is to get stopped by anyone - especially the NYPD. A man passes by him muttering - “Bro, idk if you should be doing this but your life choice I guess?”Another citizen points and squeals - “He’s the one! He’s the one!”With that.. the man in the jacket smiles. He is contestant number 6 in the lookalike contest for the shooter that killed Brian Thompson. The CEO of United Health Care. This man just won $50. How is it that a man is shot and killed in the middle of Manhattan in broad daylight, his body hasn’t even been laid to rest yet, and the shooter is still on the run… and yet. There is a lookalike contest for the killer?Most Americans have been asking themselves this past week - who really is the true victim here?Is it the one that was shot and killed?Or is it the shooter himself?Or is it all of us?  Full Source Notes: 
“To Catch A Predator” steps:Hire an adult decoy to lurk on websites advertising themselves as 13 year olds looking for a middle aged companion.Invite the adult predator to a house that has been wired for audio and video recording.Have the host of the famous TV show pop out to ask the predator questions and arrest them on the way out.That is the premise to the show “To Catch A Predator” that has now been cancelled for its moral dilemmas. But now influencers are recreating the show themselves on their platforms. Luring in predators, confronting them, and then calling the police. That’s what 17 year old Gavon tells the cops was his plan… He met up with a middle aged man on Grindr for the purpose of robbing him because he deserves it. Why else would he talk to a minor?But for the police to believe his side of the story they have to go through his phone… and that’s where they find a folder titled - “Dark.” The password? “Murder.” Suddenly a simple robbery case turns into a murder investigation because in it… are videos and photos of 17 year old Gavon Ramsay killing and SAing a 98 year old woman in her own home. Gavon Ramsay is the predator.   Full Source Notes: 
Do you trust a random stranger to give you life-altering advice?A TikToker is standing on the sidewalk with a giant pasteboard - “ASK ME FOR FREE ADVICE.” A middle aged man on a bike stops and asks“Do I go to Uzbekistan or stay here?”The whole exchange is bizarre. She asks him why would he move? He tells her for a woman. She asks him why doesn’t he just date an American woman? He tells her that he’s already married with kids…All of this is made more confusing by the fact that the entire time the man appears calm. He’s pleasant and keeps smiling… That TikTok is filmed in June. In August, just 2 months later, a man goes missing in one of the deepest lakes in the state. He’s presumed dead. But why does he look identical to the man in the TikTok video?Did this man actually drown? Or did he fake his death, abandon his wife and kids, to be with a new woman?  Full Source Notes: 
“I woke up alone in a hospital. There is nobody here. I can’t find a single person. Humanity is extinct. The date is February 2027.”That is from a viral TikToker, Javier, who claims he is from the future to warn us about humanity. But there’s no way he’s actually from the future, right?Meanwhile, in Miami - an IG model is telling the police - “the aliens are coming. They’re coming. They’re coming. They’re coming. They’re coming. They’re coming.”The authorities are confused. She tells them - “I’m from the future. I’m a crystal ball. You can live off me.”The police ask her if she remembers what happened. “Yes, I remember. I died.”Puzzling. Because she’s not dead. She is very much alive but just one block down there are two people that are dead and they’re not coming back. Full Source Note:
Gone South, the Edward R. Murrow award-winning podcast, is back. Unlike previous seasons, writer and host Jed Lipinski brings listeners new episodes every week with no end in sight. Each episode of Gone South Season 4 tells a different story about one of the South's most interesting crimes.
Someone is going to die at the luxury 5 star resort… it’s going to happen. It happened in Hawaii. The hotel manager was stabbed by a wealthy hotel guest. Then in Italy. A wealthy woman was killed by her husband for her inheritance. And now - someone is going to die at the Four Season Resort in Thailand. At least in the show White Lotus. Season 3 with Lisa from Blackpink will debut sometime in 2025. The only thing is - did you know there was an actual real life murder mystery there? The wife of one of China’s richest men was found floating in the private villa pool. She was dead. But more interesting than that is the rich man’s first wife was also found dead 10 years prior. Leaving everyone to question - is this wealthy man and high profile business tycoon killing off his wives one by one?How is he getting away with it?3 deaths spanning across 3 countries. 1 billionaire family and a son searching for his dad to get answers. Will White Lotus be based on this true story?Full Source Notes:
When you walk into an Abercrombie & Fitch store - just know, that they’re watching you. They know that most likely you will take a right upon entering. They know approximately how long you will stay in the store. What the scent and the music of the store does to impact your spending. But most importantly - they know that you were lured in by the shirtless guys standing out in the front. Each employee is meticulously hand selected for their looks and attitude. It’s all about the brand. This is all the work of then CEO, Mike Jeffries, a “mad genius.”Who has now been indicted for running a sex trafficking ring of male models. His alleged ties and connections to Jeffrey Epstein and Diddy are starting to come to light. With everyone wondering - how did this go on for decades?Full Source Notes:
Comments (542)

Shah sahb

These episodes are much amazing. I usually listened it while visiting Sonic Drive-In and eating thier Breakfast menu items. If you are interested in their Breakfast menu but you are a health-concious person, then visit to check the allergens.

Feb 17th

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Feb 15th

Oussaymaa Larg

i love you i have heard evrey single 433 episode your voice is so soothing i downloaded this app just to hear you keep going i love you

Feb 10th

Denice Stanfield

there doesn't have to be one person to win. he said they just get greedy and kill the others

Feb 8th

Bea Kiddo

Can’t stand the spam comments.

Feb 7th
Reply (1)

Shah sahb

The idea of a real-life Squid Game is both thrilling and thought-provoking, as it highlights how immersive experiences are shaping modern entertainment. Just like in set designs for such elaborate events, attention to detail is key in creating engaging and functional spaces. This is especially true in commercial and residential projects, where ensure that designs are not only visually appealing but also meet safety and regulatory standards.

Feb 6th

Shah sahb

This music track is literally amazing. I often listen it while eating Singapore foods that I bought on recommendation of Their recommendation is very good.

Feb 3rd


Great post. It was much needed. Love your simplistic style of explanation.

Jan 30th

Engrmohammadtaha Memon

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Jan 24th

Charsi Smith

whats gets me is you can be ugly and have a bad personality and still get a girl it be mens own standards that get them nowhere but hate

Jan 19th


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