Sober Powered: The Neuroscience of Being Sober
Author: Gillian Tietz, MS, CPRC
Subscribed: 828Played: 26,542Description
Being sober isn't a punishment. Sober life is not a last resort for weak-willed losers who aren't strong enough to figure it out. You can be sober without feeling deprived or left out.
Millions of people wake up with another hangover and Google, "how do I know if I'm an alcoholic?". We get stuck on the label and the stigma, when instead we should be asking ourselves, "is alcohol making me miserable?" and "would I be happier if I quit drinking?" In the Sober Powered Podcast, Gill, a former biochemist turned sober coach, walks you through the latest research on alcohol use disorder using her own sober story as a case study along the way. The science of how alcohol affects the brain can help you depersonalize your drinking experience so you can finally say goodbye to your hopes and dreams of moderating someday (because you clearly can't moderate!). Getting sober doesn't mean you are a weak-willed loser with no self-control, it simply means you are a person who can't drink. Your brain loves it too much and you are too hardcore.
Each episode features in depth explanations of what is going on in the brain along with the tools and mindset shifts that Gill works on with her clients to help them accept being sober, let go of shame, and learn the coping skills required to manage stress and emotions sober -in the hopes of helping you do the same.
Website: www.soberpowered.com
I need to listen to this again. there is so much great information here
Thank you so much for all the advice. You make it easier to navigate this new way of living!👏
thank you so much for everything. I'm on day 2 and I'm glad I found this podcast! you're amazing!
Wow! I'm definitely going to listen again, with pen and paper at the ready. The analogy of the gremlins was super helpful. I had joy tears Gill listening to you describe your enjoyment of being awake in bed. Great to know that by improving homeostasis, means I'll be able to have more moderate enjoyment, eg bed sheets 🤣, has certainly been my experience. Thanks Gill, love your work