Sounds Like A Cult
Author: Studio71
Subscribed: 7,423Played: 295,463Description
Putting the “cult” in culture… Do you think SoulCycle is a cult? What about the Royal Family? What about Disney Adults? Or spiritual influencers? Is Instagram itself a cult? We’re Sounds Like A Cult, an iHeart Radio Award-winning podcast that analyzes a different fanatical group every week to try and answer the big question: This ~sounds~ like a cult, but is it really? Created and hosted by New York Times-bestselling author Amanda Montell, co-hosted and produced by Chelsea Charles and Reese Oliver.
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Some excellent points. But I feel like it's the tip of the iceberg.
this epizode was disturbing. not because of Kardashians, but the guest who wants to destroy capitalism via revolutionary means. I am from a former Soviet colony. Even 30 years after doing away with the totalitarian communist regime the country struggles with justice, democracy and human rights. The ignorance and zeal of the lady proposing this idea was shocking. Learn some history & economy before spewing this bullshit. revolutions of this type always brought about bloodshed and suffering. wtf.
Do these women even listen to these recordings before releasing them? They say "like" almost every other word! It absolutely detracts from intelligent commentary.
Very intelligent and articulate young women, but their interjection of the word "like" into every sentence is so distracting and detracts from the presentation of the material.
No real substance to this episode, just people chatting about their personal thoughts on veganism. Had to bail on the me, me,me.
I enjoy this podcast. The hosts are refreshingly articulate. However, it would be great if they could minimize the vocal fry and saying "like" all the time.
I would give up so much to be able to be a stay at home mom 😭 I only have 2 weeks left of maternity leave and I cry about it daily
this episode won't download or play
Lume Schmume. lol How many millions are spent annually to make us believe we stink? Could you be more selective with your sponsors? Think about it. Thanks!
"doctors have a corps of nurses" 🙄🙄🙄
not all rich ppl are white. not all white ppl are rich. racist bitches.
A frustrating listen that often tends to get distracted, miss background details and not get to the point. The presenters have a habit of not letting those they interview actually fully answer the questions which gets really frustrating. So often they go off on a tangent with a personal story which to be honest is not that interesting.
the culty-est part of Apple is how you say iPhones and iPads instead of phones and tablets when you aren't talking about Apple
You are talking about woman getting scammed, fear mongering, pseudo science and all very legit problems in our society today. Yet you are in the commercial break promotion a company that does food sensitivity testing? Please do some more research before promoting that nonsense... Those test are a cult on themselves.. Please inform yourself and do better...
The BSA actually put a lot of rules in place years ago to prevent child abuse. No adult is ever allowed to be alone with a child, for instance. Anyone who has been involved with Scouting in the last 35 could have told you that.
I listened to an ep recently, and they mentioned that Mexican parents are “naming their kids Usdollar” for some sort of clout or class-conscious reason. That sounds like one of those racial used myths (have heard similar myths spread about black parents). Anyone wanna help me out on the source?
I’m not a Kardashian fan at all. I agree they are problematic. But WTF? The goal is not ‘to abolish the police and prisons’. That’ll happen when we abolish crime. Kim is also not ‘deciding who deserves to be free and who doesn’t’. She is advocating for a prisoner who she believes (and likely is) wrongfully convicted.
The amount of ads on this is ridiculous
About you fearing the swiftie fandom! Hi! Swiftie here! I Wanted you to cover her fandom, since we are a bit culty sometimes hihi. Love you guys dw ever