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Speak English with - Learn English Fast

Speak English with - Learn English Fast


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Learn English now with a proven method that's fast, effective, and enjoyable. Speak English with will improve your English listening and speaking faster than any other approach. These daily and cultural English lessons are brought to you by Dr. Lucy Tse and Dr. Jeff McQuillan, former professors of applied linguistics and education. Join more than 15 million people in 189 countries who have learned English with Want to improve your English even faster? Become an Unlimited English member and get more than 1,800 lessons, or subscribe directly on Apple Podcasts to get three new lessons each week. Go to for more information.
12 Episodes
110 - Hotel Reservations

110 - Hotel Reservations


Learn how to make a hotel reservation in English in this podcast. Slow dialog: 1:27 Explanations: 4:21 Fast dialog: 14:53 I just finished a huge project at work and I needed some down time. I decided to take a short vacation. I liked the idea of a long weekend out of town. My friend Sara offered to let me crash at her place in San Francisco, but I decided to stay at a hotel instead. Sara has a couple of roommates and I thought it might be too crowded. I called the toll- free reservation number for a major hotel chain. The reservation agent was very helpful, after I got through the long phone tree. Agent: Dutton Hotels. How may I help you today? Jeff: I wanted to check rates and availability for your San Francisco location. Agent: Certainly, I can help you with that. Will that be the downtown or waterfront location? Jeff: The waterfront location. Agent: What date do you plan to check in? Jeff: I'd like to check in on October 12th and check out the 15th. Agent: Okay, let me see what we have. For how many? Jeff: One. And, if possible, I'm looking for a non-smoking room. Agent: Sure, we have a non-smoking queen with an ocean view for $189 or a standard room with a courtyard view for $139 a night. Jeff: I'd like to book the standard room. Agent: Okay, your last name? Jeff: Rama. Agent: And, your first name? Jeff: It's Jeff. Agent: Okay, I have you booked in a standard non-smoking queen, checking in on October 12th and departing the 15th. What major credit card would you like to use to guarantee the reservation? Jeff: A Visa. Agent: The number and expiration? Jeff: It's 7388- 2424-3535- 1818 and the expiration is 05/08. Agent: Your confirmation number is PD672. Is there anything else I help you with? Jeff: No, that's all. Thanks. Agent: Have a nice day and thank you for calling Dutton Hotels. Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Learn how to ask for clarification in English in this podcast. Slow dialog: 0:54 Explanations: 2:29 Fast dialog: 12:46 I was negotiating a contract with a new business partner, and we had a meeting to clarify the terms. Bill: If I understand the terms correctly, the length of the contract would be one year with a one-year option. Is that correct? Ms. Samuels: Do you mean the contract for equipment rental or the one for training? Bill: I was under the impression that both contracts had the same terms. Ms. Samuels: Yes and no. Let me see if I can clarify that. The terms are the same except that the contract for training has a clause that allows for the cancellation after the first six months. Bill: Could you elaborate on that? Ms. Samuels: Sure. What I mean is that either side could cancel the training contract after the six months as long as it’s in writing. Bill: Let me see if I have that right. This contract is for six months of training, but if it isn’t cancelled, continues for another six months. Is that right? Ms. Samuels: Yes, that’s right. Bill: Okay, that’s clear enough. Let’s move on to the other terms . . . Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Learn how to take and leave phone messages in this podcast. Slow dialog: 0:57 Explanations: 3:42 Fast dialog: 21:10 I was looking forward to a quiet evening at home. As soon as I walked in the door, though, the phone rang. Paolo: Hello. Evelyn: Hi, could I speak to Tony? Paolo: He’s not here right now. Can I take a message? Evelyn: Do you know when he’ll be back? Paolo: No, I don’t. Evelyn: Okay. I’ll call back later. Thanks. …… Ten minutes later, the phone rang again. Paolo: Hello. Pam: Hi, is Tony there? Paolo: No, he’s out. Pam: Could I leave a message? Paolo: Sure. Give me a second to get something to write with…Okay, I’m ready. Pam: Could you tell him that Pam called and ask him to call me back as soon as he can. Paolo: Does he have your number? Pam: He should, but I’d better give it to you. It’s 279-555-6347. Paolo: Okay, I’ll tell him. Pam: Thanks. ….. As soon as I put down the receiver, the phone rang again. I couldn’t believe it. Paolo: Hello. Susan: Hi, is this Tony? Paolo: No, I’m his roommate, Paolo. Tony’s not here right now. Susan: I need to get a hold of him. Do you have his cell number? Paolo: Uh, yeah, I do, but I’m not sure he wants me to give it out. Susan: Oh, I’m sure he’d want me to have it. Paolo: I tell you what. Why don’t I take your number and have him call you back? Susan: I really need to get a hold of him right away. Paolo: I’ll give him your message as soon as he gets home. Susan: Fine. This is Susan and my number is 742-555-3655. Please make sure he gets it. It’s important. Bye. Paolo: Bye. As soon as she hung up, I took the phone off the hook for the rest of the night. I’d had enough of being Tony’s answering service for one night! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
600 - Talking About Sight

600 - Talking About Sight


If you can’t read this, then put on your glasses and listen to this episode on having bad eyes. Slow dialogue: 1:07 Explanations: 2:45 Fast dialogue: 15:19 Sue: This medication I’m taking is messing with my vision. Everything is blurry. Hamed: That’s a good reason for you to stay home from work today. Sue: I can’t. I have to give a presentation this afternoon and I can’t flake out on my coworkers. Hamed: What good are you to them if you’re blind as a bat? Sue: Everybody else will have crystal clear vision, so all I have to do is to put in an appearance. Things may not be as sharp as I’d like them to be, but I can still make out people and objects – as long as they’re really big. Hamed: I don’t think your coworkers are going to want you to blindside them today with your strange behavior. You’re going to do more harm than good. Sue: I can see well enough. I only see double if I move my head like this. Whoa… Hamed: At this point, I don’t care if you have X-ray vision. That medication is affecting more than your vision. It’s impairing your better judgment! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
802 - Talking About Movies

802 - Talking About Movies


Lights! Camera! Action! We’re off to the movies. Learn how to talk about seeing a good film in this episode. Slow dialogue: 0:57 Explanations: 2:37 Fast dialogue: 15:35 Martin: What did you think of that movie? Joanna: It was okay, but I’m not really into big-budget movies with a lot of special effects and big-name stars. Martin: Oh, you’re a film snob. I bet you only watch indie films made on a shoestring budget with low production values. Joanna: No, that’s not true. I just don’t like crowd-pleasers that are predictable. I like movies that stretch the imagination and have some artistic value. Martin: You mean you like those weird movies with no plot and a lot of strange characters. They’re artsy, but leave you totally confused. Joanna: I don’t mind some ambiguity, if that’s what you mean. Martin: Well, I’m going to see the new Spiderboy movie next week. I don’t suppose you want to come? Joanna: Spiderboy? I’ve been looking forward to seeing that movie. Martin: But it’s a big-budget blockbuster. Joanna: I can’t watch artsy films all the time. Variety is the spice of life, don’t you think? Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Take a look in the mirror and see if you recognize yourself in these descriptions of the beautiful people. Slow dialog: 1:30 Explanations: 3:18 Fast dialog: 17:55 Pamela: You know that your tongue is hanging out of your mouth, right? David: That’s because I’ve never seen so many beautiful women in one place before. Why have I never been to this beach before? Look at her! She’s a hottie! Pamela: Isn’t that what you said about that woman over there? David: No, I said she’s a babe. Look at the way she sways when she walks. Pamela: Stop ogling her or her boyfriend or husband is going to come over here. David: I’m not ogling. I’m admiring the perfection of the female body. Pamela: You’re undressing her with your eyes. Avert your gaze before you regret it. Oh, wow! David: What? Pamela: Check out that guy over there. Hello, Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome! David: That pretty boy over there? He’s too into himself. Look at the way he’s posing so every woman on this beach can get a look at him. He’s nothing but an exhibitionist. Pamela: And the women you’ve been ogling in the teeny tiny bikinis? David: Those women? They’re just showing off what God gave them! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
Do you ever go to the supermarket without finding what you’re looking for? Learn more about it in this episode. Slow dialog: 1:11 Explanations: 3:17 Fast dialog: 16:18 Stocker: Can I help you find something? Meg: Yes, I’m looking for coffee. Stocker: That’s on aisle 3. Let me show you where it is. Meg: Thanks. Hmm, I don’t see the Jitters brand that I normally buy. Stocker: It looks like we’re out of stock. We should get another shipment next week. Meg: Okay, I’ll check back. I’m also looking for the Fructose brand soda, but I didn’t see it in the soda aisle. Stocker: I’m afraid that’s been discontinued. Their parent company no longer makes soda. Meg: Really? I love Fructose soda. How about the Mushy brand bread? I didn’t see it when I checked the bread aisle. Stocker: We no longer stock the Mushy brand. There were so quality control issues at the company, so we’ve pulled all of their products from the shelves. Can I help you find anything else? Meg: No, I guess I’ll just have to try some new brands. Oh, yes, do you carry Worm organic apples? Stocker: We normally do, but they’re out of season right now. We won’t have any until early summer. Meg: All of this shopping and I have nothing to show for it. I guess I’m going home empty-handed. Stocker: We do have chocolate cakes and cookies on sale. Meg: I’m there! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
English Cafe #450

English Cafe #450


Topics: Famous Americans – Charles Schultz and Peanuts; The Wrangell-St. Elias National Park and Preserve; to be pleased to versus to be happy to versus it’s (one’s) pleasure to; to sit versus to seat; willy-nilly Words: cartoon freelance folks memoir tomboy national park national preserve glacier mine to designate volcano to be pleased to to be happy to It’s (one’s) pleasure to to sit to seat willy-nilly
English Cafe #490

English Cafe #490


Topics: Famous Americans – Muhammad Ali; The Golden Gate Bridge; valuable versus invaluable; north/south versus northern/southern; common ground and universal experience Words: to take up professionally agile to reign nationalist social activist to be drafted to indict bridge strait fog precaution dizziness valuable invaluable north / south northern / southern common ground universal
English Cafe #517

English Cafe #517


Topics: Movies – Die Hard; American Authors – Emma Lazarus; in front of versus ahead of versus before; as if versus as though versus as for; to take stock Words: to be separated to give (something) another try to freshen up hostage safe cowboy to be descend from to be well received to dedicate to persecute to huddle to yearn in front of ahead of before as if as though as for to take stock
Let’s not talk about the topic of today’s episode right now. So, how’s your day going? Slow dialog: 1:25 Explanations: 4:00 Fast dialog: 18:29 Lila: Why aren’t you dating? I have so many friends who would love to go out with you. George: Let’s change the subject. Talking about my love life isn’t very interesting. Lila: But really, you’re not getting any younger and… George: Moving on! Have you seen any good movies lately? Lila: Listen, all of your friends are settling down and you don’t want to go through life alone and lonely… George: That reminds me, didn’t you say that you were going to get another dog so that Rover isn’t lonely when you’re not home? Lila: Forget about my dog. You remember Rachel, don’t you? She just broke up with her boyfriend and she’d be perfect for you. George: Speaking of Rachel, how is her mother? Wasn’t she in the hospital? Lila: If Rachel isn’t your type, how about Amina? She has great legs and I know you’re a leg man. George: And now for something completely different…How is your diet coming along? Have you lost any weight yet? Lila: I don’t really want to talk about my weight. George: But I think you’re having trouble shedding those pounds, right? I have lots of suggestions on what you can do. Lila: Anyway, as I said before, I don’t really want to talk about my diet… George: You need to cut out sweets if you want to lose weight. Are you eating too many sweets? Lila: That’s none of your business! George: My sentiments exactly! Script by Dr. Lucy Tse
English Cafe 552

English Cafe 552


Topics: American Presidents – Barack Obama; Famous Songs – “Anchors Aweigh”; diffidence versus timidity versus shyness; receipt versus reception; no problem versus not at all versus no big deal Words: community organizer healthcare candidate rising star biracial campaign slogan grassroots polarized affordable anchor ashore foam diffidence timidity shyness receipt reception no problem not at all no big deal
Comments (332)

Raed Al-homsi

thanks Dr. please please continue your lessons. ❤️

Aug 20th

Hamide Arab

perfect podcast ⚘️

Jul 25th

Melika Alipour

thanks a lot,this episode is so useful.

Jul 19th


How can i get access to the rest of the podcasts?

Jun 30th


Thanks alot for sharing this podcast, pls share more, we need it.

Jun 21st

اعظم رباط جزی

You are great. 👌

May 29th

Mahdieh .h

soOOOooo good 😊👍

Apr 24th
Reply (1)

fa you

and the rest of them???

Apr 23rd

Atefeh Mitra

somebody is too into herself/himself

Apr 9th

Atefeh Mitra

to avert your gaze

Apr 9th

Atefeh Mitra

sth is messing with sth else / sth interfere with sth else

Apr 7th

Atefeh Mitra

why don't I take your number and ask him to call you back?

Apr 7th

Atefeh Mitra

I need to get a hold of someone / something

Apr 7th

Евгений Дроздов

Thank you very much!

Apr 5th
Reply (1)


How can we reach out to Text of these podcast?

Apr 1st

Azadeh Khazae

چطور میتونم متن پادکست را پیدا کنم

Mar 4th
Reply (1)

Mahsa Jafari


Feb 6th

Saba Shehzadi


Feb 5th

Shahad Muaaz

not play with me

Jan 22nd

Roonak Namdary

It’s so useful to me

Jan 21st