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Standard of Truth
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Standard of Truth

Author: Dr. Gerrit Dirkmaat

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The purpose of this podcast is to help Latter-Day Saints better understand their history and increase their faith. The podcast hosted by Dr. Gerrit Dirkmaat, associate professor of Church History and Doctrine at BYU.
188 Episodes
The episode begins with a TREMENDOUS amount of gratitude for those who donated to Sweetwater Rescue’s fundraiser to help Latter-day Saints in Rio Gallegos get to the temple  ( Gerrit answers litner’s questions about the changes made to Aaronic Priesthood offices and responsibilities. Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠ Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th
Sweetwater Rescue

Sweetwater Rescue


Gerrit is asked for his favorite story from Church history, leading to a discussion of the rescue of the Willie and Martin handcart companies at the Sweetwater River.  Richard talks about the organization Sweetwater Rescue and their goal to help people get to the temple. He shares a miraculous story about saints in southern Argentina and the work being done to help them. Sweetwater Rescue website: ⁠⁠ President Hinckley's conference address about the Sweetwater Rescue: ⁠⁠   Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ ⁠⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠ Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: ⁠⁠ Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th  Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th
Attacking the Book of Mormon is a staple of anti-Mormon commentary, however, the fact that it exists creates a problem. There are many theories about the origin of the Book of Mormon that attempt to explain it away and in this episode, we explore a lesser-known theory. Gerrit also makes a definitive statement that Joseph Smith did not steal the line “I have dreamed a dream” (1 Nephi 8:2) from the 1980 musical Les Misérables. Gerrit also sets up the context of one of his favorite stories from Church history.   Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: ⁠⁠ Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th  Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ ⁠⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠
We start the episode by providing an answer to a litner’s email, if they could choose the date for their child to be born, what date from Church history would Gerrit choose. We then go on to answer the following questions about Joseph Smith from a missionary’s email: What was Joseph Smith’s education? What was Joseph’s military service? What were Joseph’s financial circumstances? What were some of the radical teachings from the Prophet Joseph Smith? Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠ Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th
In this episode, Gerrit’s dander and blood pressure both continue to remain way up as he continues to refute the assertion that Joseph was in any way a fallen prophet. Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th Sign up for our free monthly email:  ⁠⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠
We begin with a discussion about the author of Lectures on Faith and why was it removed from the Doctrine and Covenants. Then the episode takes a sharp turn as Gerrit refutes an argument made on social media that Joseph Smith was taken from the earth because he refused to practice polygamy. Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
In this episode, we respond to a litner’s email who has had many friends and family leave the Church. Gerrit describes all of the problems with the standard definitions of God without the further light we receive from the Restored Gospel. We cover just about everything from mosquitos to syphilis. Gerrit also answers a question about canes made from the coffins of Joseph and Hyrum Smith. Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025:  Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th We also received an email that references Marinda Hyde and polyandry so we want to provide the references to those two episodes ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ ⁠⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠
In this episode, we answer some missionary emails relating to the First Vision, Joseph’s early persecution, and Joseph’s experiences attending other churches. There is also a healthy discussion about frocks. Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: Missouri/Nauvoo – June 22nd through June 28th Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
We start the podcast with a discussion of General Authorities conference talks that focus on adultery. For the prize of a $50 Olive Garden gift card, we play everyone’s favorite game “Fun With Adultery” where Gerrit has to guess which decades adultery was a larger focus and which prophets and apostles spoke about the topic the most. Gerrit lost and Richard retained the $50 gift card for use in a future “Fun With _________” game. We answer a litner’s question about the change to the language used in the ordinance of baptism. We also announce the Standard of Truth Tour dates for 2025 and Richard talks about how much he is willing to pay for a great-grandchild to be named Richard Andrew LeDuc IV. Standard of Truth Tour dates for the summer of 2025: Missouri/Nauvoo - June 22nd through June 28th Palmyra/Kirtland – August 3rd through August 9th Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
We start with an email we received from a Catholic in Quebec and a new litner from France that we met on our recent Church history tour. In this episode we discuss the following quote from Joseph Smith "If a man commit adultery, he cannot receive the celestial kingdom of God. Even if he is saved in any kingdom, it cannot be the celestial kingdom."  We discuss where this quote comes from, the context of the quote, and Gerrit shares a story about George Adams having a child through an adulterous relationship and the statement from Joseph Smith when George repents and comes back to the Church Just in case there is any confusion the Standard of Truth Podcast takes a very strong position against adultery, and we would like to refer you to President Hinckley’s April 1991 conference address on the matter (in addition to the 295 conference addresses on the topic since 1850): Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
It has been 180 since the prophet Joseph Smith was murdered in Carthage Jail. In this bonus episode, Gerrit discusses the martyrdom and shares his feelings about the Prophet Joseph Smith.
Sword of Laban

Sword of Laban


As Gerrit and Richard return from several weeks of Church history tours there is much to discuss. Because of this, we wanted to provide a full Rex’s Elders Quorum President Warning that we begin our discussion of the Sword of Laban 42 minutes and 18 seconds into the episode. In this episode, we talk about our exploits on our recent Standard of Truth Tour. Have you ever wondered what it means to out kick your coverage or what a coffin corner punt is? You are in luck, Gerrit gives a great description. We read several litner emails and because the people cry out we also talk about the Sword of Laban and Gerrit explains why he believes it was shown to the Prophet Joseph Smith. Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
This episode was recorded in front of a live studio audience on the banks of the Mississippi River in Keokuk, Iowa. In this episode, we answer questions from the litners that are on the Standard of Truth Tour in Missouri and Illinois. Question: An LDS press was destroyed in Independence, but it was a big deal when the City of Nauvoo destroyed the Nauvoo Expositor. Other than LDS bias why was it different or was it different? Question: How can we start a Mormon Reparations movement? Question: Gerrit, Disney has their top 10 villains. Who would you say are the top 10 villains of the restoration? I’m guessing Doctor Philastus Hurlbut, John C Bennett, Gov Boggs, Thomas Marsh, George Hinkle, and Thomas Sharp would make the list. How does that align with your list? Who else should be added? Aaron Burr Got Milk commercial was directed by Michael Bay even though Richard said it was Jerry Bruckheimer - Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
Anti Mormon Legislation

Anti Mormon Legislation


From the shadow of the Hill Cumorah, we bring you questions and answer recordings in front of a live Standard of Truth Tour audience. Below are the questions that led the discussion for this episode: Who was Joseph Smith going to have as his vice-presidential running mate? How frequently did Church members gather for a “sacrament” meeting from 1830 to the end of the Nauvoo period? What is the Mount Rushmore of Restored Gospel doctrines/teachings? We know the plates were stored in a stone box (or at least stones arranged together to contain plates when buried). Are there any accounts of anyone finding the empty stone box? Surely, individuals have tried to find the box, maybe even the antis in their zeal to prove there "never had been a stone box, hence never plates". Perhaps, the box was destroyed by an angel or even Joseph as it was no longer pertinent to anything. Taylor, the brother of the lady who emailed you when she was in labor, asked for further elaboration on the laws that were passed/attempted to pass around eradicating the early members of the church/pioneers…and of course, polygamy.  Sign up for our free monthly (likely quarterly) email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
In this episode, we discuss whether or not God created the Dodge Dart. Marcion also had a question about whether or not the God of the Old Testament was the same as Jesus. His heretical arguments lead to the formation of the accepted Christian canon. ⁠Subscribe to our free monthly email - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Please visit our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠
As it is the season when many missionaries receive their callings, we want to help provide additional resources for mission prep. In this episode, we replay a premium episode from Joseph Smith and the Restoration that discusses the Nicene Creed. We inch ever closer to Joseph Smith and the Restoration by leaping from the 2nd century A.D. to the early 4th century A.D. We discuss the Arian Controversy and the Council of Nicea that was called to provide a definitive answer to the Nature of Christ. ⁠Subscribe to our free newsletter⁠⁠ - ⁠⁠⁠⁠ Please visit our website at ⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠
If you love the anti-Mormon book Mormonism Unvailed boy, do we have an episode for you. In this episode, Gerrit reads from Mormonism Unvailed where definitive statement after definitive statement is given by friends and family of Solomon Spaulding saying how the Book of Mormon was taken word for word from Spaulding’s manuscript called “Manuscript Found”. Unfortunately for all of Spaulding’s lying friends and family, Manuscript Found is found and doesn’t resemble anything in the Book of Mormon at all. We also replay part of Gerrit’s rant from a previous premium episode.  Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ ⁠⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠
In a premium episode several weeks ago Gerrit may or may have gone on a rant about Doctor Philastus Hurlbut and Solomon Spaulding and we wanted to play a section of that rant. So In this episode, Gerrit provides additional context to Hurlbut and the Solomon Spaulding Manuscript. Gerrit also talks about the Restoration Proclamation that was read during General Conference in April 2020. Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠
We continue our discussion of Eliza Gibbs and the trials she suffered in Nauvoo, Iowa, and Utah. Despite her difficulty, she remained faithful. Gerrit shares a letter to Eliza from Wilford Woodruff to comfort her and share with her the laws that govern angels and spirits that depart this life.   Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ ⁠⁠ We had a couple of cancelations and have a couple of spots available on the Palmyra/Kirtland tour and 2 spots available on the Missouri/Nauvoo tour. ⁠⁠  If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠
We begin this episode, like most episodes, with a discussion of the faith crisis of a 19th-century 20-year-old woman with consumption (tuberculosis). She has a miraculous experience and seven years later is introduced to the gospel. She believes the message immediately and despite the opposition she faced by her family she joins the Church.  Images mentioned on the podcast: ⁠⁠ Sign up for our free monthly email: ⁠ ⁠⁠ We had a couple of cancelations and have a couple of spots available on the Palmyra/Kirtland tour and 2 spots available on the Missouri/Nauvoo tour. ⁠⁠  If you have any questions or possible topics of discussion for upcoming podcasts, please email us at: ⁠⁠⁠
Comments (6)

Susan Baker

This is so hard to listen to! I hope the reverb recording is a one off.

Apr 4th

Larry Dickinson

getif. I I I II. I I well we can it iif me y or

Sep 22nd

Susan Baker

My cousin turned me on to your podcast last month. I have been spending hours with you every day, listening from the beginning, and when I get caught up, I may have to start over. My children have left the faith, one by one, and I'm thinking it's time to tell my returned missionary sons that they ought to spend at least as much time listening to you as they did to the antis. And, my daughter, who has degrees in history, poly-sci, and law, if she could get past her disdain for the Church's stand on a few issues, I think would love the expertise on 19th history that just flows freely.

Aug 8th
Reply (1)


I hear lots of criticism that doesn't sound reasonable from you two. Any body knows you shouldn't trust a man who's just educated even after years, especially seeing what's happening now in the world now with marxism.

Feb 10th

Matt Bowen

Excellent information, historical, factual, entertaining

Jan 29th