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Author: NPR

Subscribed: 50,408Played: 529,894


Stories of the human heart. A candid, unscripted conversation between two people about what's really important in life: love, loss, family, friendship. When the world seems out of hand, tune in to StoryCorps and be reminded of the things that matter most.
171 Episodes
After a 13-year-old girl fends off unwanted male attention for the first time, her mom convinces the girl's middle school to teach consent ed. It doesn't go as planned. This episode comes from The Longest Shortest Time, a podcast about parenthood and reproductive health that recently relaunched after a hiatus.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
EXTRA: 14,468 Feet

EXTRA: 14,468 Feet


Anna Cherepnina fulfilled a long-held dream of serving in the military when she enlisted in the Army Reserves in 2009. But a string of personal tragedies brought her to the darkest moment of her life. At StoryCorps, she reflected on how an encounter with an insolent fox and a trip to the base of Mount Everest helped her see the light again.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Leah Bash is an avid runner, a dog mom, a wife – and there's a part of her family's history she can't stop thinking about. Both sides of her family were incarcerated alongside 125,000 other Japanese Americans during World War II. Her father and his six siblings spent more than three years behind barbed wire at isolated camps in Manzanar, California and Crystal City, Texas. After Leah learns about her father's struggles with panic attacks and is herself diagnosed with bipolar disorder, she starts to wonder: could those experiences at camp during World War II have far-reaching consequences a generation later? In this episode of Inheriting from LAist Studios and the NPR network, Leah has a candid conversation with her cousin Joya, for the very first time, about their family's mental health and the effects of the incarceration camp.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
We're back with more listener voicemails. This week: Your stories about music boxes, family secrets, and the people who made a mark on you. Tell us your story at 702-706-TALK.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
A Damn Good Shipmate

A Damn Good Shipmate


Navy veterans Windy Barton and Michael Davidson struggled to feel fulfilled after leaving the military. Then they discovered Team Rubicon: a special team of veterans who go into the fray when natural disasters strike. The two friends came to StoryCorps to reflect on what inspired their sense of duty.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Brave Enough To Ask

Brave Enough To Ask


StoryCorps does a lot of different things, but they all come down to connecting people— even if they disagree. That's the idea behind our One Small Step initiative, where we pair strangers with opposing political views to have a conversation, not about politics, but about their lives. In the last episode of our season, two people who connected — even though their beliefs divided them.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
12 Feet From a Bomb

12 Feet From a Bomb


On the morning of January 29th, 1998, a terrorist bombed the New Woman All Women Health Care Clinic in Birmingham, Alabama, killing a police officer and severely injuring a nurse. Both victims risked their own safety to show up for others—despite having different beliefs—and will forever be linked by the same act of political violence.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Love Thy Neighbor

Love Thy Neighbor


As communities across the Southern United States set about recovering from one of the most devastating hurricane seasons ever, we're doing what Mr. Rogers always told us to do when the news is scary: we're looking for the helpers. In this episode, two stories about people who have stepped up for their neighbors, despite their differences.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
The World Peace Game

The World Peace Game


For almost fifty years, people have been gathering in Charlottesville, Virginia to achieve something that seems impossible: world peace. And despite the fact these people are kids, they're pretty successful. Schoolteacher John Hunter invented The World Peace Game as a way to teach messy geopolitical realities. He never could have anticipated what his students ended up teaching him— or that the game would bring him face-to-face with the heights of real-world power.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Stepping Up

Stepping Up


As we enter the home stretch of this presidential election, we're bringing you an all new season of the StoryCorps Podcast called Stepping Up. We're sharing stories from people who did just that, by making the decision to confront the difficulties and divides in their own lives head on; those who chose to seek connection when the opposite path seemed easier or sometimes even more logical. These stories aren't about finding an easy solution, they're about dealing with the reality of the world, and trying to make the best of it.If you want to leave the StoryCorps Podcast a voicemail, call us at 702-706-TALK. Or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
We're back with more stories that listeners, like you, have shared on our voicemail. This week: The thin lines between life and death, and friendship and love. Leave your own voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Cynthia Alvarez fell in love with Marine Corporal Daniel Mark MacMurray. She was a peace activist, he was a proud veteran, and the two didn't always see eye to eye. But they agreed to love each other.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
The Long Run

The Long Run


Gwen and Yasir weren't the type of couple that liked to run marathons, at first. As hardships pulled their lives in unexpected directions, running became their best— and sometimes only— way of remembering what really mattered.If you want to leave the StoryCorps Podcast a voicemail, call us at 702-706-TALK. Or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
For the Fans

For the Fans


Being a sports fan means putting a part of your happiness in the hands of strangers. When they lose, you die a little. But when they win, it's incredible. This week, stories about the triumph and tragedy of being a fan.If you want to leave the StoryCorps Podcast a voicemail, call us at 702-706-TALK. Or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy



Athletes get all the glory, but there are countless people around them making the games happen– from referees making judgments, to vendors in the stands hawking snacks and beer. In this episode, we're talking to people on the sidelines.If you want to leave the StoryCorps Podcast a voicemail, call us at 702-706-TALK. Or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Every athlete's looking for that extra edge — and for a lot of them, it's their family. Who drove them to practice? Who told them to never give up? In this episode, player's loved ones step into the spotlight.If you want to leave the StoryCorps Podcast a voicemail, call us at 702-706-TALK. Or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Game Changers

Game Changers


On the first episode of a new sports-themed season of the StoryCorps Podcast, we're talking about the game changers: People who altered how their sport was played. Some of these changes were tiny ones we now take for granted. Others changed how the sport looked. But after they made their mark, nothing was the same.If you want to leave the StoryCorps Podcast a voicemail, call us at 702-706-TALK. Or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Today, an episode by our friends at Radio Diaries and Radiotopia from their latest series, "The Unmarked Graveyard: Stories from Hart Island," untangling mysteries from America's largest public cemetery.Artwork by Juan Astasio.Learn more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
EXTRA: I'll Be There

EXTRA: I'll Be There


Marine Staff Sergeant Nick Bennett and Sergeant Major Dan Miller remember a deployment during the Iraq War that changed their lives.Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
EXTRA: 702-706-TALK

EXTRA: 702-706-TALK


All last season we asked our listeners to call our voicemail and tell us their stories. In this special bonus episode, it's their time to shine. Leave us a voicemail at 702-706-TALK, or email us at more about sponsor message choices: Privacy Policy
Comments (35)

Bruce Banner

such a relatable topic. it's always a pleasure listening to someone that allows themselves to be vulnerable and share their unique life experiences. I wish I could have met him in person

Oct 4th

Case M

He did what he thought was the correct choice. he was just a kid. I hope he forgave himself with time.

Mar 28th

Arpita Sen Gupta


Feb 24th


that was such a beautiful and sad story ❤️

Jun 14th


Is there transcript for this podcast?

May 30th


I use to really enjoy Story Corps, now it seems to mostly be social justice stories and race. These relentless stories make these issues more of a problem. I'm out.

Jan 7th


Heartbreaking, as the StoryCorps stories often are. Thank you for bringing the memories to life

Sep 12th

Christina Donaldson

This episode blew me away, feeling sadness but also so much love and wonder at what a difference forgiveness can make.

Mar 5th


Beautiful story. Forgiveness is a beautiful way to honor memory.

Mar 2nd

Alan Tang

thank you. what a wonderful story. bless you

Jan 5th


A wonderful episode

Dec 8th


😭 the triplets are so cute and sweet.

Jun 2nd


Everyone needs to listen to this.

Feb 6th


this is so touching

Jan 7th
Reply (1)


I love how these interviews are by people who know each other well, usually family members or loved ones.

Dec 17th
Reply (1)


this episode was very touching

Dec 3rd


a great episode

Dec 3rd
Reply (1)


Podcasts like StoryCorps and the Moth bring more good into the world.

Dec 1st

Stephen Boykin

Great stories I really enjoy hearing these young men tell their real life stories. Awesome!

May 10th

D'Kota HintonLouis

New episodes 🙄?

Mar 22nd