

Author: Dotsie Bausch and Alexandra Paul

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Do you want to live a healthier and more robust life? The key to living a full, healthy, and joyous life lies within the foods we eat—and our relationship to them. Because health isn’t accurately measured by the circumference of your waist or how much you can bench press- true vitality is measured by how you feel, not just physically but deep within.

Olympic medalist Dotsie Bausch alongside Baywatch actress and certified health coach, Alexandra Paul, take listeners of all ages on a journey to optimal health and stamina through plant based eating.

Dotsie and Alexandra, who both fought back from severe food addictions in their twenties, interview expert nutritionists, pro athletes, innovative thought leaders, physicians and plant-based celebrities. Through their stories, you’ll learn how to optimize your health and pave a path for a more meaningful life.

So get inspired and join the Switch4Good revolution.
360 Episodes
"So, if you keep a pitcher of water in your fridge, or if you prefer room temperature, you just put it on a counter, cut up some fruit or cucumber to give it a fancier taste. And I actually thought that’s what you did, Jason, because I kind of imagined you having water with, like, cucumber in it. I’m not that fancy, but it’s the easiest thing in the world. I mean, now that you’re saying it, there’s no reason why I wouldn’t. It makes it a little more interesting. Right?"-Alexandra Paul -Jason Wrobel We’re bombarded with health advice—ditch gluten, detox your body, drink more water—but how much of it actually holds up? In this episode, Alexandra and Jason separate fact from fiction on gluten sensitivity, mycotoxins, glyphosate, hydration, and natural detoxing. Plus, Jason shares his stellar tips for vegan baking. Tune in for a smart, refreshing take on today’s most talked-about health trends! Podcast sponsor: Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. - What we discuss in this episode: How to make a vegan cake without using eggs. Jason’s top pick for the best vegan butter for baking and everyday use. Understanding gluten, what it is, where it’s found, and who benefits from a gluten-free diet. Wheat and mycotoxins. Tips to reduce glyphosate exposure. Hydration hacks: simple tips to drink more water throughout the day. Chelation therapy: what it is and which foods help remove heavy metals. America’s fast food habits. Resources: Ditch the Gluten, Improve Your Health? A Gluten-Free Diet, Not an Appropriate Choice without a Medical Diagnosis - PubMed Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance - PMC. Chelation: Harnessing and Enhancing Heavy Metal Detoxification—A Review - PMC Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act Share the website and get your resources here Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
In this episode, Alexandra and Jason dive into the surprising role plants played in human evolution, challenging common Paleo diet myths. They share expert-backed strategies for staying lean long-term, including how to feel more satisfied with meals, and make time for exercise. Plus, Jason reveals his go-to superfood beverage and favorite breakfast recipes. The duo also answers your burning questions—exploring the potential health benefits of amla (Indian gooseberry) as a cancer-fighting supplement and whether late-night eating poses real risks. Don’t miss this packed episode full of science-based insights and practical tips!  Podcast sponsor: Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. - What we discuss in this episode: Exploring the complex plant foods our ancestors processed and why gathering may have been more significant than hunting. Part 2: Effective weight loss strategies and how to maintain long-term success. How to get breakfast right for sustained energy and satiety. Alexandra’s breakfast of choice and her top lunch tips for weight loss. Simple strategies for making lunch at home. Tips for better digestion and gut health. The importance of introspection—how acknowledging emotions can help prevent emotional eating. What you need to know about late-night eating. Resources: 14 Best Dairy-free Milks You Must Try Lose Weight & Keep it Off; Are Seed Oils Bad for You? Microplastics in Our Brains with Alexandra & Jason - Switch4Good Starch-rich plant foods 780,000 y ago: Evidence from Acheulian percussive stone tools | PNAS Should Dinner Be the Smallest Meal of the Day? - The New York Times Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act Share the website and get your resources here Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
“GLP-1 is this thing that they are putting in medications now to lower our appetite. And GLP-1 is made by our bodies too, but it’s down in our lower part of our intestine, and processed foods generally get processed way up high in the intestine because they don’t have a lot of fiber—they just get processed right away. But the higher-fiber whole foods make it down there and trigger the GLP-1 sensors to say, ‘Oh, we’ve got food, let’s cut off that appetite drive.’” -Alexandra Paul  In this episode, Alexandra and Jason break down the real science behind weight loss—what actually works, why lifting weights matters, and the first step you must take to see results. They also tackle the controversy around seed oils, how to use them wisely, and offer healthy alternatives. Plus, they uncover where microplastics are lurking in your daily life and share ways to reduce exposure and support your body’s natural detox processes. Jason also shares his go-to cooking strategies and grocery shopping hacks. Tune in for practical insights, myth-busting, and actionable tips to help you thrive!  Podcast sponsor: Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. - What we discuss in this episode: Jason’s favorite ways to cook with seed oils. The risks of rancid oils and how to avoid them. Omega-6 fatty acids—what they are, how they affect your body, and why they get a bad rap. The best vegan sources of omega-3s.  Jason’s take on cooking with veggie broth. The fundamentals of weight loss. Why tracking calories can be a game-changer. How eating more plant-based foods can support weight loss and long-term health. Eating out while trying to lose weight—hidden pitfalls and how to navigate them. Resources: 14 Best Dairy-free Milks You Must Try Let's Eat with Forks Over Knives' Chef Del! - Switch4Good Get Ready for Thanksgiving! with Forks Over Knives Chef Del Sroufe Chef AJ Shares How She Lost 50 Lbs and Food Addiction Great Health on the Nutritarian Diet with Dr. Joel Fuhrman - Switch4Good Losing 160 lbs & Keeping it Off with Anthony Masiello Massive study uncovers how much exercise is needed to live longer | American Medical Association There's no reason to avoid seed oils and plenty of reasons to eat them | American Heart Association Scientists debunk claims of seed oil health risks Increasing dietary linoleic acid does not increase tissue arachidonic acid content in adults consuming Western-type diets: a systematic review | Nutrition & Metabolism   Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act Share the website and get your resources here Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
“So, for people who might think, ‘You see, the vegan diet is too expensive’—no. You can get frozen fruits and vegetables too if you can't get the fresh ones. Absolutely, absolutely. This is true. And I'll do a tangent on your tangent. One of the things that I always recommend to people when I've done nutrition coaching in the past is, if they're price-sensitive, getting dried legumes and dried beans. They are some of the most nutrient-dense and cost-effective things you can buy.” -Alexandra Paul and Jason Wrobel How much cardiovascular exercise do you really need? What’s the truth about soy, cholesterol, and daily protein intake? In this episode, Alexandra and Jason cut through the confusion, tackling the dangers of visceral fat, the surprising science behind intermittent fasting and autophagy, and the truth about frozen versus fresh produce. Plus, we uncover the hidden risks of alcohol, including its link to cancer, how acetaldehyde affects your body, and so much more. Tune in for a no-nonsense dive into the facts that matter for your health! Podcast sponsor: Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. - What we discuss in this episode: The impact of exercise on all-cause mortality. Essential foods you should be eating every day for optimal health. Why consistent movement is key to long-term well-being. Tips for reducing gas production from beans. Intermittent fasting vs. extended fasting—key differences and benefits The French Paradox. How alcohol contributes to gout and ways to manage risk.  Resources: Episode #289: Can Fasting Save Your Life? with Dr. Alan Goldhamer Physical activity and dietary behavior in US adults and their combined influence on health - PubMed. The Role of Diet Compared to Physical Activity on Women's Cancer Mortality: Results From the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey - PubMed U.S. Surgeon General Calls for Cancer Warnings on Alcohol - The New York Times Who is the oldest person in the world in 2024? | BBC Science Focus Magazine Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act Share the website and get your resources here Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Today’s episode tackles big health questions and real-life challenges. Can breastfeeding vegans provide all the essential nutrients for their babies? A groundbreaking study from Amsterdam has the answer—and it may surprise you. Plus, can you rewire your microbiome to reverse lactose intolerance? If so, should you? And Jason shares firsthand what it’s like living with Los Angeles' post-wildfire air—spoiler: the real danger isn’t just in the smoke. From nutrition myths to hidden environmental threats, we’re cutting through the noise with facts that matter. Don’t miss this eye-opening conversation!   Podcast sponsors: Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. - What we discuss in this episode: Detoxing from heavy metals. Protecting lung health. Acidic foods, inflammation, and the potential benefits of alkaline foods. Bottled water vs. tap water. The best plant-based foods to support menopause—and what to avoid. Resources: Episode #68 with Dr. Neal Barnard: Vegan or vegetarian diet and breast milk composition - a systematic review - PubMed Vegan mothers' breastmilk contains two important nutrients Vegan Nutrition for Mothers and Children: Practical Tools for Healthcare Providers - PMC Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act Share the website and get your resources here Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Get ready for a jam-packed episode that’s as exciting as it is informative! We’re diving into the power of black foods, the protein-packed perks of fava bean tofu, and tackling the big question: can you really get enough iron on a vegan diet? We’ll also explore how plant-based diets help combat inflammation and share a hot-off-the-press study debunking myths about plant-based alternatives—all with a side of Violife cheese deliciousness. Don’t miss this feast for your mind!   Podcast sponsors: - Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. -   “Food is not, for some people, just about sheer nutritional intake. There’s history. There’s heritage. There’s comfort. There’s an emotional connection to the things we eat.” -  Jason Wrobel   What we discuss in this episode: - Exploring the unique benefits of black foods. - Debunking the myth: Can you get enough iron on a vegan diet? Plus, top vegan iron sources and how to boost iron absorption. - Heme vs. non-heme iron: Key differences between meat and plant-based iron. - Phytic acid: Its unexpected health benefits.  - Listener Q&A: Can a whole-food, plant-based diet reduce joint pain? How it lowers inflammation and supports joint health. - Practical tips for reducing inflammation—and how eating animals can increase it. - Exposing the ultra-processed myth: How meat and dairy industries spin stories about plant-based alternatives.   Resources: - Super Tonic Herbs Morning Jing: MORNING JING - Morning Smoothie - Super Tonic Herbal Formulas - - Big Mountain fava bean tofu: Soy-free Tofu - - Violife Chihuahua cheese: Just like Chihuahua bloque | Violife - - Iron and vegetarian diets | The Medical Journal of Australia - - A multicriteria analysis of meat and milk alternatives from nutritional, health, environmental, and cost perspectives -,our%20assessment%20across%20all%20domains   ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
In this episode, we’re kicking off an exciting chapter—shaking things up with a fresh format and welcoming our new cohost: celebrity chef, author, and culinary innovator Jason Wrobel! Alongside the expert guests and transformative insights to help you thrive, we’re bringing you streamlined episodes packed with essential tips, myth-busting, cutting-edge research, and answers to your most pressing questions. It’s all designed to energize, inform, and inspire you. Join us as we introduce Jason and dive into this bold new era together! Podcast sponsors: - Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. -   “Complementary proteins are two or more incomplete protein sources that, when eaten together, provide all these nine essential amino acids. And they are simple combinations that we eat every day. Rice and beans, hummus and pita bread, lentils, and quinoa, and, you know, Americana favorite, peanut butter and jelly.” -  Dotsie Bausch   What we discuss in this episode: - What colostrum is, safety concerns for human consumption, and debunking common myths around it. - The truth about dairy’s effects on testosterone.  - Your questions answered: The best non-dairy sources of calcium, how much calcium we actually need, and the truth about calcium absorption. - Debunking the myth: Does dairy really contribute to stronger bones? - Maintaining muscle mass on a vegan diet and as you age. - Essential tips for getting enough protein on a vegan diet. - Chef Jason’s expert tips for cooking beans. - How to lower phytate content in plant-based foods for better nutrient absorption. - Exploring the potential health benefits of adding mushrooms to your meals. - Understanding complete vs. incomplete proteins and how they support muscle protein synthesis.   Resources: - Switch4Good podcast episode #58: Listening to Your Gut With Jason Wrobel - - Protein study: - Milk, Modernity and Muscles: Raw Dairy and Bodybuilding in 1960s America -,%2C%20ambition%2C%20discipline%20and%20virility - Dairy and testosterone: 10 Foods to Avoid if You Have Low Testosterone - - What is bovine colostrum:   ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
As we wrap up the year, we’re sharing an uplifting story to inspire your fresh start. Today’s guest, Sharme Ridley, faced serious health challenges and saw her weight reach 300 pounds. Embracing a plant-based lifestyle, she reclaimed her vitality, becoming medication-free and thriving as a chef. Now, Sharme empowers others through her Atlanta Creole YouTube channel, her work as a Licensed Food for Life Instructor with the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, and her role as a host for CNS Kitchen. Tune in to hear how she transformed her health—and how you can take the first steps to improve yours! Podcast sponsors: - Book your Application Call: - Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. -   “I turned 65 this month, and I take no medicines. If a person is pre-diabetic and they want my advice, the very first thing I would say is don't eat anything with a mother. When I found out that animal products caused inflammatory responses in the body, I knew my issue was inflammation. I remembered someone said that you can heal your body with food. Found it, and that's what started my searching for a different way. It's weight, and it's health. If I had to choose between one or the other, I would take health in a minute. I don't know anyone in my personal life who eats better than I do, and there is no way that I want to go back to that chronic pain, constant pain.” -  Sharme Ridley   What we discuss in this episode: - Sharme’s journey transitioning to a plant-based lifestyle and the lessons she learned. - Her insights on fasting and its role in her wellness routine. - Understanding autophagy: what it is and how it works. - Practical tips and strategies Sharme uses to stay on a healthy path. - Sharme’s advice for those who are pre-diabetic. - Recommendations for new vegans or anyone curious about trying a vegan diet. - What a typical day of meals looks like for Sharme, along with some of her favorite dishes, go-to recipes, and how she keeps her meals flavorful and nutritious. - Tips for cooking without oil, including Sharme’s sautéing techniques. - Sharme’s work with CNS Kitchen.   Resources: - Sharme Ridley: - Atlanta Creole: - Plant-based Atlanta Creole: - CNS Kitchen - - - WFPB Cooking: A Beginner's Course - - WFPB Cooking: Meal Planning Made Easy - - Get Ready for Thanksgiving! with Forks Over Knives Chef Del Sroufe - - Let's Eat with Forks Over Knives' Chef Del! - Switch4Good -   ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Chef Babette Davis, born and raised in East Los Angeles, is a force of nature who’s turned adversity into triumph. As the founder of the wildly popular vegan restaurant Stuff I Eat in Inglewood, California, she’s known for her soul food platters and vibrant health. At 73, Chef Babette is a fitness icon with legions of followers—whether she’s working out, cooking, or running stairs around Los Angeles. Stay with us for an insightful conversation with the one and only Chef Babette—always authentic, always funny, always inspiring! Podcast sponsors:  - Book your Application Call: - Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. -   “The human body is incredibly intelligent and responds to the love you give it or not. If I don’t get my ass up in the morning and go work out, nobody is gonna do that for me. I don’t care that I’m 72. I’m on no medication. I can stand up, put my shoe and my sock on, and balance myself through the entire process. If you’re an older person, move and nourish yourself. Do it for you. We have been misled and misguided by people that don’t know what the hell they’re talking about. Along with all of the barbecue and the ribs and potato salad and coleslaw, and everybody’s sitting back piling up all this food at one sitting and wondering why they feel like crap afterwards.” -  Chef Babette Davis   What we discuss in this episode: - How Chef Babette became vegan and how it transformed her health. - How timing when she eats certain foods has proven beneficial for her. - How the books Fit for Life and Mucusless Diet Healing System changed her life. - Why she does a juice cleanse three times a year. - Her journey from catering in a parking lot to opening her incredibly successful restaurant, Stuff I Eat. - How a predominantly meat-eating community was convinced to try plant-based dishes, leading to a thriving restaurant with a loyal following of regulars. - Lifestyle choices that maintain her health and advice on how others can achieve their best selves and longevity. - Her exciting show, Peeled. - The dishes she recommends for thriving like she does.   Resources: - Instagram: - Chef Babette’s book: Cash In On Cashews: 50 plus Desserts using One Nut -   ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
What if the secret to transforming your productivity, relationships, and health was right within your grasp?   In this episode, we explore the transformative power of sleep with Devin Burke, founder of the Sleep Science Academy and author of The Sleep Advantage. Named one of USA Today’s top ten coaches of 2023, Devin shares evidence-based strategies to turn sleepless nights into a source of renewal and vitality.   If you’ve ever struggled to fall asleep or found yourself wide awake in the middle of the night, this is the episode you won’t want to miss!   Podcast sponsors:  - Book your Application Call: - Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   “A great night of sleep starts as soon as you wake up. So most people start their day… Your body knows how to sleep, it wants to sleep, it's just our minds get in the way. Caffeine has a half-life of about six hours. That means that it's in most people's systems for 12 hours. So, that's why having a cutoff with your last cup of coffee, or tea, or energy drink, or whatever has caffeine tends to be helpful for people and their sleep. If you wake up and you feel refreshed, if you feel energized, if you're able to focus and you have sustained energy, that's a good sign that you're getting enough sleep and enough quality sleep.” -  Devin Burke   What we discuss in this episode: - How much sleep you truly need and how these needs are determined. - Recognizing the signs and potential causes of sleep apnea. - Caffeine and sleep. - The critical role of natural light exposure in regulating your sleep cycle. - The value of prioritizing rest in your daily routine. - How nighttime content consumption—especially news—affects your sleep quality. - Tips for when you can’t fall asleep. - Managing sleep when crossing time zones. - The difference between sedation and true restorative sleep. - The effects of alcohol and THC on sleep quality. - Devin’s advice on alarms, snooze buttons, and starting your day right.   Resources: - Sleep Science Academy: - Devin Burke: - Instagram: - YouTube: - Facebook: - Devin’s book: The Sleep Advantage: Optimize your night to win your day: Burke, Devin -   ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
What if animals think and feel in ways we’ve yet to grasp? In this episode, we delve into this fascinating question with Dr. Marc Bekoff. Dr. Bekoff is a pioneering ethologist and professor emeritus of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Renowned for his groundbreaking work on animal emotions, rewilding, and ethics, he has collaborated with figures like Jane Goodall to challenge our perceptions of nature and published numerous books and essays, the latest of which include A Dog's World: Imagining the Lives of Dogs in a World Without Humans, Dogs Demystified: An A-to-Z Guide to All Things Canine, and The Emotional Lives of Animals: A Leading Scientist Explores Animal Joy, Sorrow, and Empathy―and Why They Matter.    We’ll also explore his recent book, Dogs Demystified, uncovering fresh insights into our canine companions—how they experience the world, communicate, and how we can improve their lives.   “More and more science is being done that shows that animals have rich and deep emotional lives. It's also common sense. What is the number one thing you believe a person can do to give their dog a wonderful life? Love them. Spoil them. Make them the most special beings in the world. And I really mean that. One myth about dogs is that they are unconditional lovers. The other myth is that they're our best friends. Neither is true. Basically, the general bumper sticker is that dogs off leash are better behaved, maybe less assertive, less aggressive, more playful than the same dog on a leash. People who leave their house at eight in the morning and come home at six at night and the dog has no company, I would consider that relatively abusive.” -  Dr. Marc Bekoff   What we discuss: - Tips for enriching your dog’s life. - The truth about alpha dogs and the reality of social hierarchies. - What your dog feels when left alone—and how to ease their stress. - Recognizing when your dog needs to go outside. - Why a vegan diet can be a safer, healthier choice for your dog. - Fascinating facts about a dog’s nose and the critical role of scent in their world. - Dr. Bekoff’s perspective on purebreds vs. mutts—and what genetics mean for your dog.   Episode resources: - Dr. Bekoff’s homepage: - - Twitter/X:  - Switch4Good podcast episode 18: Marc Bekoff: Compassionate Conservation & the Lives of Animals -   Podcast sponsors:  - Book your Application Call: - Vedge Vegan Collagen: – use code S4G for 30% off your order. - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Today, we’re thrilled to welcome back culinary innovator Chef Del Sroufe, the mastermind behind Forks Over Knives—The Cookbook. Since his plant-based journey began in 1989, Chef Del has made it his mission to create flavorful, nourishing food that’s accessible to all. With experience ranging from running his own bakery to executive chef roles, he now shares his expertise at the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies.    Just in time for the holidays, join us as Chef Del shares his tips for crafting delicious, crowd-pleasing treats to bring everyone to the table!   “It's a lot easier for people to come towards you when they're not feeling defensive about their own choices. And then to give up on the idea of perfection for others, what you do and what you eat is your choice. They're going to make their own. You can make it available. You can make it beautiful. You can make it taste great, but that doesn't bring them to the table. They've got to make that decision for themselves. The only people who are not getting enough protein are people who do not get enough calories. Get rid of the steamer, get rid of the boiler, get on the stove top or get in the oven and roast and see the difference in your foods. The problem is that these guys are gonna find out In their 50s and 60s that they've got kidney disease now because they had so much protein beating up on their body.” - Chef Del Sroufe   What we discuss in this episode: - Chef Del’s advice for navigating the holidays as a vegan. - The truth about protein on a plant-based diet and how to meet protein needs easily. - Thanksgiving turkey alternatives from Chef Del. - Key techniques for oil-free cooking. - How to make delicious vegan mashed potatoes. - Chef Del’s holiday recipes, preparation tips for holiday feasts, and details on his upcoming cooking classes. - Ideas for vegan dishes perfect for potlucks. - An overview of Chef Del’s cooking retreats.   Resources: - Website: Chef Del Sroufe - - CNS Kitchen community: CNS Kitchen - - Chef Del’s upcoming events, courses, and recipes:  WFPB Cooking: Live Holiday Cook Along with Chef Del - CNS Kitchen Whole Food, Plant-Based Cooking: A Beginner's Course - CNS Kitchen Whole Food, Plant-Based Cooking: Meal Planning Made Easy - CNS Kitchen Whole Food, Plant-Based Living: Getting Started - Holiday Themed Recipes - 17 Whole Food, Plant-Based Holiday Dessert Recipes - 19 Whole Food, Plant-Based Recipes Everyone Will Love - - Instagram: - Facebook: - His books: - Episode #169: Let's Eat with Forks Over Knives' Chef Del! - Switch4Good - - Episode #299: How Our Racist Food Policies Make Us Sick with Professor Andrea Freeman - - Book your Application Call: - VEDGE Vegan Collagen at 30% off code: S4G - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Anthony Masiello—a devoted father who, after years of battling obesity and life-threatening health issues, received a wake-up call that changed everything. In 2005, weighing 360 pounds and denied life insurance, Anthony was faced with the realization that he might not be there to see his children grow up. Determined to change his fate, he embraced a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle, shedding 160 pounds and reversing chronic health conditions like migraines, high blood pressure, and sleep apnea.   Flash forward 15 years, and he’s thriving. His incredible journey has been featured in media outlets such as PBS, The Huffington Post, Forks Over Knives, and Runner’s World, and as the co-founder and CEO of Love.Life Telehealth—a wellness network focused on addressing the root causes of chronic disease and offering holistic solutions—he continues to inspire and drive change in healthcare.   Join us today as we dive into his powerful story!   “What made you change at age 33? The spark was being denied that life insurance policy. My wife was pregnant with our second son. And, I wanted to, as a father and as a provider for my family, I wanted to make sure that my family would be taken care of if something happened to me. It wasn't like I was going through the formalities of getting a life insurance policy. Like, this is something that I was proud to be putting in place for my family so if something happened, they would be able to take care of themselves. And getting denied was like a ton of bricks coming down. Not only would they not give me the insurance, so I couldn't be proud to know that if something did happen to me, that my family would be able to take care of themselves, but the fact that they didn't think I was going to make it 20 years was even more hard to take because here I am holding an infant with an 18-month-old toddler running around. So my focus was eating more, eating more fruits and vegetables every single day. And I was letting that naturally crowd out all the other stuff that I should be eating less of. So I didn't start with a hard line on no cheese. I didn't start with a hard line on no bread or flour or those kinds of things. So glad that I did it this way. It wasn't necessarily as conscious. It's kind of what I heard. I was working in pharmaceutical research and I had more of an informatics role there where I was helping with data analysis and things like that to help bring new drugs to market. I was really excited about that when I started working there because I thought it was an opportunity to help people. And, through my own transformation, I realized, wow, I would rather help people to not need medications to come up with new medicines that may or may not help people to actually feel better.” - Anthony Masiello   What we discuss in this episode:  - How Anthony’s struggle with weight became central to his identity, along with the health complications he faced. - The pivotal early months of his journey, what sparked his shift to a vegan lifestyle, and how he built a new, health-transforming way of eating. - How he overcame cravings and avoided unhealthy foods. - The role of exercise in his weight loss and overall health. - Anthony’s keystone habits and advice for lasting lifestyle change. - A look into his daily meals and how he stays nourished. - How Love.Life Telehealth empowers people to take control of their health—and Anthony’s role in driving this movement.   Resources: - Website: Love.Life Telehealth - Love.Life Telehealth Instagram: - Anthony’s Instagram: - Facebook: Anthony Masiello - - Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Revised Edition: Fuhrman MD, Joel - - Book your Application Call: - VEDGE Vegan Collagen at 30% off code: S4G - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Did you know nearly half a billion people worldwide are grappling with type 2 diabetes? It’s a staggering statistic, revealing a global health crisis. But here’s the good news: It doesn’t have to be a life sentence!   Our guest today, Lewis Bertus, a passionate Physician Assistant with a personal connection to diabetes, has dedicated himself to transforming lives through a holistic, plant-focused approach. Inspired by the impact he’s seen in both his patients and his wife, he founded Diabetes 180 to show that reclaiming health is truly possible.   In this episode, we explore his evidence-backed strategies, the power of dietary shifts, and his mission to spread a plant-based message of hope and change. For anyone facing diabetes or supporting someone who is, this conversation is one you won’t want to miss!   “Type 2 diabetes, I should say, is a disease where your body is no longer sensitive to its own insulin. So your pancreas is now in overdrive, overproducing insulin. And this is why the disease gets worse because the pancreas gets stressed. Type 1 diabetics is different, but they can also suffer from insulin resistance. With a Type 1 diabetic, their pancreas is no longer producing a sufficient amount of insulin. But, even the insulin they inject can get to the point where your body is rejecting it. The lifestyle and the diet is basically promoting resistance to the insulin. So when you go on the right lifestyle – low fat, whole food plant-based, intermittent fasting, exercising is a good thing. I encourage people to build their lean muscle. See it as cabinet storage for sugar. So it takes less insulin to do its job, whether you're injecting it as a Type 1 diabetic or your body is producing it. And that's what really leads you to reverse the disease because guess what? Now you could eat carbs, a bowl of fruit for breakfast, and your body just responds like it normally should.” - Lewis Bertus Pa-C   What we discuss in this episode: - How Lewis’s wife transformed her health through a plant-based diet. - Understanding diabetes, fat intake, and insulin resistance. - Strategies for coping with sugar cravings. - Benefits of intermittent fasting for patients, including how it works and supports health. - Inspiring success stories from Lewis’s patients. - Lewis’s recommendations for starting a plant-based diet.   Resources:  - Website: Diabetes 180 - - YouTube: Lewis Bertus PA-C - Diabetes Reversal Health Coach - YouTube - - Facebook: Diabetes 180 - - Lewis Bertus Instagram - Lewis Bertus Pa-c (@diabetes_reversal_coach) • Instagram photos and videos - - Book your Application Call: - VEDGE Vegan Collagen at 30% off code: S4G - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429     ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Dr. Monica Aggarwal is the perfect example of what can happen when you don’t take care of your body … she’s also the perfect example of what can happen when you do take care of your body. Living under the constant pressure of defined gender norms in a subspecialty medical profession, Dr. Aggarwal strived to be perfect. After finishing school and experiencing several miscarriages, she had three children in four years and tried to be Super Mom along with her full-time job as a cardiologist. Ultimately, her body broke down and she was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. Months passed until she took control of her health—not with medicine, but with lifestyle. When she prioritized sleep, plant-based eating, and more gentle forms of exercise, she put her disease in remission. This is part one of our two-part interview with the fabulous and knowledgeable Dr. Aggarwal. We just couldn’t cover everything in one short hour. Buckle up and get ready to learn.   “So there's a study that shows that if you have high genetic risk and you have a poor lifestyle, your risk of building plaque stays here. But if you have that same high genetic risk and you have a great lifestyle, you can reduce that risk by 50 percent. So similarly, if you look at somebody with low genetic risk, then that person has a good lifestyle, they will have maybe a risk of heart disease of this. But if they have a low genetic risk and a poor lifestyle, they will double their risk by 50 percent. So why are we not working on lifestyle? Such a big and important problem. The reality is that our medical system is so flawed because we focus on acuity-based care and not value-based care, and that's fundamentally the problem.” - Dr. Monica Aggarwal   What we discuss in this episode: - Expectations placed on women in the medical field - Gender roles - Dr. Aggarwal’s story of healing - Rheumatoid arthritis and autoimmune disorders - Understanding inflammation and disease - Inflammatory foods and triggers - Understanding heart disease and risk - Preventative measures to decreasing risk of illness   Resources:  - Book: Body on Fire: How Inflammation Triggers Chronic Illness - - Instagram: @drmonicaaggarwal - - Book your Application Call: - VEDGE Vegan Collagen at 30% off code: S4G - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
In 2017, The Game Changers documentary caught the attention of millions, sparking a new conversation about plant-based nutrition and athletic performance. Behind its scientific integrity was David Goldman, the film’s chief science advisor, who ensured its message was grounded in robust, evidence-based findings.    David is a certified specialist in sports nutrition and strength conditioning, with a master’s degree in applied physiology and nutrition from Columbia University. He has worked with college, professional, and Olympic athletes, helping them excel through plant-powered strategies. Join us as we explore his latest research, insights, and actionable strategies for optimizing your health and unlocking your potential!   “When weight is lost, a whole bunch of things come down, generally, like inflammation, inflammatory markers, for example, like C-reactive protein or your cholesterol will drop. But then when you have people do it with a diet like a carnivore diet that's real, or a keto diet that's really high in saturated fat, you have this competition between weight loss, lowering cholesterol, paired with saturated fat and dietary cholesterol, increasing cholesterol, and so that's where there's this sort of mixed findings on what the effects of these diets are on some of these blood markers. Now, if you were to lose weight on a plant-based diet, it just drops like a rock. You know, you can just drop cholesterol LDL, especially blood pressure, and you can just drop these like crazy. There's no competition. Be in the driver's seat of your own dietary choices for your life. And those are hard decisions you have to make. A lot of those same benefits can come even to greater extents eating plant-based diets.” - David Goldman   What we discuss in this episode: - The facts about vitamin B12 supplementation. - Why carnivore and keto diets aren’t sustainable, the risks they pose, and why some see short-term results. - David’s approach to fostering healthy eating habits in his children. - The connection between plant-based eating and erectile function. - How increasing whole plant foods improves women’s sexual health. - The link between plant-based diets and better Covid-19 outcomes. - Ensuring sufficient omega-3 intake on a plant-based diet. - The hidden dangers of estrogen in cow’s milk and its effects on health. - Debunking the myths around soy and plant phytoestrogens.   Resources: - Can Athletes Get Enough Protein and Leucine on a Plant-based Diet? New Modeling Studies Say Yes - Switch4Good - - Acute Effects of Dairy or Soy Milk on Sex Hormones Following Resistance Exercise in Males: A Randomized, Crossover Pilot Trial | Cureus -!/ - Let The Plant-based Games Begin: Optimizing Athletic Performance with Plant-based Nutrition - - The Game Changers - - Book your Application Call: - VEDGE Vegan Collagen at 30% off code: S4G - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
According to the CDC,  about 659,000 people in the United States die from heart disease each year. That’s 1 in every 4 deaths. A staggering 100 BILLION dollars were spent several years ago on stents and bypasses. But how effective are those dangerous, invasive, and costly procedures in improving the patient's quality of life? Is there an alternative?   Today's guest is Dr. Dean Ornish, the founder and president of the nonprofit Preventive Medicine Research Institute. He is a clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, and the author of seven books, all national bestsellers. Dr. Dean Ornish has directed revolutionary research proving that lifestyle changes can often reverse or undo the progression of many of the most common and costly chronic diseases and even begin reversing aging at a cellular level. He documented his findings in his landmark book UnDo It!   Dr. Dean Ornish studied medicine under Dr. Michael DeBakey, an American vascular surgeon and cardiac surgeon, scientist, and medical educator known for his trailblazing efforts in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.    Today, Dr. Dean Ornish is helping people regain their health with his program, The Only Program Scientifically Proven to Reverse Heart Disease, which is reimbursed by Medicare from anywhere in the U.S. ’Nuff said! Let's dive into this eye-opening episode and UnDo It!   “When I was in medical school, we were taught that the only way to change your genes is to change your parents, meaning you can't do anything about it. But we did a study with Craig Venter, who was the first to decode the human genome, and we found that over 500 genes were changed in just three months. Same lifestyle changes turning on the good genes, turning off the bad genes in simple terms. And there are mechanisms. There is something called methylation, which is a molecule that's like a switch that can turn on or turn off a gene. Technically, the genes are the same, but the expression of the genes—if you can turn off a gene that causes cancer, then it's as though you're changing your genes. Or different proteins, histone, and non-histone proteins, they act as switches, and sirtuins and others that turn on and turn off the genes. And we found that over 500 genes were changed in just three months.” - Dr. Dean Ornish   What we discuss in this episode: - Dr. Dean Ornish walks us through that pivotal moment when he met Woodstock Guru Sri Swami Satchidananda and how that encounter changed the direction of his life  - How stress increases our predisposition to cardiovascular diseases and the worst thing about being depressed - Is there something wrong with traditional medicine?  - Dr. Dean Ornish talks about the joy that his work brings, enabling people to have options vs. undergoing costly medical procedures - How to UnDo It! Eat Well, Move More, Stress Less, Love More - How comprehensive lifestyle changes influence DNA methylation and gene expression - Does eating specific foods (sweet potato meals vs. blueberry vs. cheeseburgers) influence cancer genes? - What hope do we have in getting the message to people about the way we view our health and the overall healthcare system? - Choosing a plant-based diet - What you gain is so much better than what you give up! Watch The Game Changers, a revolutionary film about plant-based eating, protein, and strength.  -The Ornish Diet - What you include in your diet is as important as what you exclude. - The Gut-Brain Connection and how our bodies are affected by the food we eat   Resources: - Book: UnDo It! - - Website - - Instagram - deanornishmd/ - - Facebook - Dean Ornish - - Book your Application Call: - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Is your diet keeping you sick?   Dr. James Loomis is a whole-food, plant-based internal medical practitioner spreading the message that food is the best way to combat illness and disease.   After experiencing a decline in his own health, Dr. Loomis made the switch and saw miraculous results: a significant drop in weight, cholesterol, and blood pressure in under three months.    He says that most problems that walk into his office can be traced back to inflammation and stress, often resulting from the Standard American Diet.    The former internist for both the St. Louis Cardinals and Rams now serves as the Medical Director of the Barnard Medical Center and advocates for using food -- over prescriptions -- as medicine.   In this episode, Dr. Loomis joins Alexandra and Dotsie to explain exactly how what we eat works to either heal or harm our bodies.   You’ll hear why whole foods are the best way to combat inflammation, why manipulation by the dairy industry is so dangerous, and how you can get empowered to critically evaluate medical research on your own.     This is a must-hear episode to understand why eating whole foods is as important as eating plant-based for your health.   “90% of the problems that walk into this office are fundamentally related to food, how we move, and stress. Almost all will respond to a whole-foods plant-based diet.” - Dr. James Loomis   What we discuss in this episode: - Dotsie and Dr. Loomis’s experience presenting to athletes in Atlanta and some good signs of progress - The health crisis that encouraged Dr. Loomis to make the switch and the amazing benefits he saw within three months - Chronic disease can often be traced back to inflammation and stress. How is the Standard American Diet keeping us sick? - How a whole-foods plant-based diet will heal your gut - The lies behind “bro science” and how athletes are working to lead by example - Busting myths around the obsession with protein and calcium: IGF-1’s connection to cancer, over-consumption of protein lowering the PH of our blood, and why most people become lactose intolerant by age 5 - The science behind inflammation: Why you need to decrease your Omega-6 intake, increase your Omega-3 intake, and eliminate highly processed foods - The truth behind the popular Chocolate Milk and Butter studies - How to better critically evaluate medical and nutritional research, plus suggested resources from Dr. Michael Greger and David L. Katz   Resources: - X: @jfloomismd - - Blog: Forks Over Knives blog - - Book your Application Call: - Website: Barnard Medical Center website - - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Is everything you’ve been told about finding the perfect partner missing the mark? Beyond mere attraction, what really makes relationships endure? Today, Dr. Darren M. George joins us to challenge conventional wisdom and unveil surprising truths that can reshape your understanding of love.   As a professor of psychology, researcher, and co-author of The Compatibility Code, Dr. George has spent decades exploring what truly makes relationships thrive. His insights offer a compelling roadmap for navigating the complexities of partner choice and cultivating lasting, meaningful connections.    Join us as we explore these groundbreaking ideas and consider new perspectives to enhance your love life!   “The younger you marry, the greater the likelihood of change, which will render you incompatible. I find, for instance, when I teach the class on marital compatibility, some years ago, if there is an 18-year-old who'd never dated, she would be so naïve they couldn't even benefit from it because they hadn't experienced enough life to know that. In that sense, that's why teen marriages have a very high non-success rate, because there is no identity. But here’s the deal… In the in-love phase, you're intensely emotionally engaged. But in love, according to research, it lasts, on average, about two years. So what happens is you go a year and a half, you start dating someone, you fall in love with them. You go a year and a half; you get married. You got six months to go. What are you going to do for the next 59 and a half years? How are you going to keep that flame alive? How are you going to keep that relationship vibrant?” - Dr. Darren George   What we discuss in this episode: - Key elements for building successful relationships. - Balancing personal growth with relationship dynamics. - The value of developing a strong identity before entering a committed relationship. - Understanding why people often choose the wrong partner repeatedly and how to break the cycle. - Strategies for healing after the end of a long-term relationship. - Techniques to reduce conflict, maintain harmony, and keep your relationship vibrant. - The strongest predictor of a healthy marriage.   Resources: - The Compatibility Code: The Compatibility Code: An Intelligent Woman's Guide to Dating and Marriage. Second Edition eBook - - Book your Application Call: - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★
Prepare to explore the groundbreaking realm of microdosing psychedelics with Paul Austin, a leading figure in the modern psychedelic movement, known for his mission to harness these substances to enhance mental health and personal growth. As the founder of The Third Wave, Paul is dedicated to educating others on the transformative potential of psychedelics, promoting their safe and intentional use to unlock creativity, boost performance, and improve well-being.   In this episode, we delve into the possible effects of microdosing to inspire behavioral change, deepen spiritual awareness, and sharpen focus. Paul also shares his experiences with psychedelics and how they’ve contributed to his healing journey and expanded sense of consciousness.   Join us for this eye-opening discussion as we explore how psychedelics might influence modern life and expand our understanding of human experience!   “Microdosing is a very low dose of a psychedelic, and it's typically defined as a sub-perceptual or even sub-intoxicating dose level—about a tenth of a regular or therapeutic dose of psychedelics. And the key with microdosing is that it's done two or three times per week over a period of 30 to 45 to 60 days. We, as humans, we've been using psychedelics for thousands, if not tens of thousands of years, but largely, they've been used in ceremonial, shamanic, very high-dose containers to connect with God or source or a greater power. And microdosing is much more nascent in its discovery. It's only been talked about for the last really 10 or 15 years. And so it's a totally new take on an ancient practice.” - Paul Austin   What we discuss in this episode: - What psychedelics are, how they work, and what qualifies as a microdose. - The differences and commonalities between LSD, psilocybin, and ayahuasca. - Paul’s first experience with LSD and how it shaped his perspective. - The role of psychedelics in spirituality.  - Paul's advice for those considering microdosing.  - Safety considerations when microdosing. - The impact of microdosing on creativity and focus. - Microdosing’s relationship with serotonin and its potential effects on depression. - The influence of psychedelics on ego dissolution.   Resources:  - Paul F. Austin: - - Book: Mastering Microdosing: How to Use Sub-Perceptual Psychedelics to Heal Trauma, Improve Performance, and Transform Your Life - - Instagram: Paul F. Austin (@paulaustin3w) • Instagram photos and videos - - X: - Sign up for Project Adapt: - Book your Application Call: - 20% off code: Switch4Good -,243429   ★☆★ Help us remove dairy from the Dietary Guidelines for Americans! ★☆★ ★☆★ Click the link below to support the ADD SOY Act! ★☆★ ★☆★ Share the website and get your resources here ★☆★ ★☆★ Send us a voice message and ask a question. We want to hear from you! ★☆★ ★☆★ Dairy-Free Swaps Guide: Easy Anti-Inflammatory Meals, Recipes, and Tips ★☆★ ★☆★SUPPORT SWITCH4GOOD★☆★ ★☆★ JOIN OUR PRIVATE FACEBOOK GROUP ★☆★ ★☆★ SWITCH4GOOD WEBSITE ★☆★ ★☆★ ONLINE STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM ★☆★ ★☆★ LIKE US ON FACEBOOK ★☆★ ★☆★ FOLLOW US ON TWITTER ★☆★ ★☆★ AMAZON STORE ★☆★ ★☆★ DOWNLOAD THE ABILLION APP ★☆★