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TED Talks Daily (SD video)

Author: TED

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TED is a nonprofit devoted to ideas worth spreading. On this video feed, you'll find TED Talks to inspire, intrigue and stir the imagination from some of the world's leading thinkers and doers, speaking from the stage at TED conferences, TEDx events and partner events around the world. This podcast is also available in high-def video and audio-only formats.
798 Episodes
What can acting reveal about the mystery of consciousness? Actor and producer Yara Shahidi and cognitive neuroscientist Anil Seth unpack the surprising ways that portraying different characters can reveal insights about our authentic selves — even if we're not actually performing onstage or onscreen. Explore the intersection of consciousness and identity and discover how our brains and bodies work in tandem to form our understanding of ourselves. (This conversation is part of “TED Intersections,” a series featuring thought-provoking conversations between experts navigating the ideas shaping our world.)
Many of the jobs that keep the world running — like cleaning bathrooms, picking up trash, caring for the elderly — pay so poorly that workers can barely make ends meet. Nonprofit leader Zeynep Ton is intent on changing that, showing why everyone wins when companies pay their people livable wages and offer opportunities for growth.
Drawing on her research into the science of play, evolutionary biologist Carole K. Hooven delves into how testosterone impacts the body and brain, interacting with culture to create differences in human behavior — starting with why boys tend to prefer rougher play than girls.
How do you find yourself when you belong to two seemingly opposing cultures? Embracing the paradoxes of dual identity, creative disruptor Farhad Mohit explores how being both Iranian and American allows him to navigate the tension between independence and interdependence, progress and presence — and to live fully in the here and now.
When we avoid feeling awkward, we often miss an opportunity for growth, says workplace performance expert Henna Pryor. She shares tips on embracing discomfort for the sake of self-betterment and shows how pushing past the "cringe chasm" — the gap between how we perceive ourselves and how others see us — can open up chances to get ahead at work and in life.
The basic infrastructure that controls plumbing, electricity and more is vital to your individual agency, says engineering professor Deb Chachra. She offers a crash course on how these systems connect to shape our lives — and suggests some key improvements for providing long-term, sustainable energy to everyone.
Small Indigenous communities make up only five percent of the world's population, but they defend 80 percent of the biodiversity that remains on Earth, says war reporter Anjan Sundaram. He paints a picture of Mexico's embattled ecological frontlines, where invisible heroes are fighting corporations and cartels alike to save our planet's last natural ecosystems.
Africa's smallholder farmers feed millions of people and uplift economies, yet they often lack the basic resources needed to thrive, says agricultural scientist and policymaker Agnes Kalibata. She outlines how to empower these farmers with better tools, climate resilience strategies and market access — so they can continue to nourish humanity while caring for the planet.
"I'm not a pacifist, but in the end, war is the greatest human rights abuse and does not make the world safer," says Gabrielle Rifkind, director of the Oxford Process, an organization dedicated to ending armed conflict. She shares how inclusive negotiating strategies can prevent war from breaking out or stop an ongoing conflict — and shows what we can do to make peace real for all.
Malaria is a disease as old as humankind, yet we may be closer than ever to eliminating it, says medical entomologist Abdoulaye Diabaté. He explains the potential of "gene drive" technology — which aims to disrupt mosquito reproduction as a means of halting malaria transmission in Africa — and shows how his team is partnering with local communities to solve this public health challenge.
Who gets to be an entrepreneur? Saamra Mekuria-Grillo says the image we most commonly see — a guy in a hoodie — is a limiting representation of entrepreneurial success. She highlights the importance of young Black people seeing entrepreneurship as a possibility for themselves and explains the key to making the field more inclusive.
Jay Bailey says so many ideas never see the light of day because entrepreneurship has a problem of belonging. He shares how a chance encounter kicked off his own journey to becoming an entrepreneur and advocate for Black-owned businesses — and shows how anyone can unlock untapped potential.
Conflict is the biggest barrier to tackling climate change, says youth advocate Victor Ochen. Having seen firsthand how war undermined Uganda's economic and environmental potential, he explains the need to address the shared root causes of conflict and climate issues — starting by empowering African youth.
We're nearly halfway through the 2020s, dubbed the most decisive decade for action on climate change. Where exactly do things stand? Climate impact scholar Johan Rockström offers the most up-to-date scientific assessment of the state of the planet and explains what must be done to preserve Earth's resilience to human pressure.
You can't just "find" motivation, says scientist Ayelet Fishbach — you have to learn how to motivate yourself. She shares a handful of tips backed by 20 years of motivation research, offering surprisingly simple wisdom on how to optimize your goals, set yourself up for success and avoid the tempting calls of procrastination.
Multimedia show director Willie Williams has helped redefine live entertainment in collaboration with artists ranging from David Bowie to The Rolling Stones. He gives a behind-the-scenes look at his recent epic undertaking — designing and directing the rock band U2’s 40-night residency at the Sphere in Las Vegas, a blend of cutting-edge technology and imaginative visual storytelling — and shares what it takes to create unforgettable experiences that foster connection.
What do you do when you're feeling stressed or anxious? Psychologist Andrew Miki explains how many of the coping mechanisms that help us feel better in the moment — like procrastinating, overusing our smartphones or endlessly scrolling social media — actually leave us feeling more depleted over time. He shows how you can break these habits in order to build up resilience and improve your self-confidence.
"Human beings are hardwired to trust one another more when we sing together," says Micah Hendler, founder of the Jerusalem Youth Chorus, a music and dialogue project that brings young Palestinian and Israeli individuals together through song. Hendler and executive director Amer Abu Arqub explore how music creates cross-cultural understanding — even during times of war — and introduce the young singers, who perform a powerful anthem of nonviolence and call on listeners to choose a different way forward.
Leadership isn't a title; it's a verb that requires action, says youth empowerment advocate Mohan Sivaloganathan. Drawing on his experience as the CEO of a nonprofit, he shares surprising lessons on adaptability and accountability, showing why truly effective leaders listen to the voice of younger generations.
Allyson Felix is an 11-time Olympic medalist and the most decorated track and field athlete of all time. She joined us live from the 2024 Summer Olympics in Paris to share her sharp take on how to navigate setbacks, thrive under pressure and find purpose beyond winning — tips that will resonate with everyone, not just those going for gold. (This conversation was hosted by TED's Whitney Pennington Rodgers. Visit to support TED today and join more exclusive events like this one.)
Comments (69)



Jul 7th

Arpita Sen Gupta


Feb 24th

Winter 00

Palestine has every right to repel the INTRUDERS

Oct 30th

maryam jahangir

amazing talk

Oct 9th

maryam jahangir


Oct 8th

Y M.

another prostitute shill for the next fearporn

Sep 18th

Y M.

shill and shill

Sep 18th


how expect to listen to a man wearing a dress. strange.

Aug 4th


wonderful ❤️🙂

Jul 6th

Elzora Bellamy Watkins

thank you!!! I will share this with my students and peers.

Apr 3rd

جمال قلی نژاد

very very good

Mar 2nd

Saniya Afshar


Dec 10th

Farhad Rad

#Mahsa_Amini #Nika_Shakarami #Sarina_Smailzade #Hadis_Najafi #Dictator_Governance #Protest #Iran #مهسا_امینی #نیکا_شاکرمی #حدیث_نجفی #سارینا_اسماعیل_زاده ✌️✌️✌️

Oct 9th

Myyk Seok

pushing this crypto nonsense during this Luna fiasco... cool timing ted

May 17th

moje tala

very good thank you

May 3rd

Ranjini Pillai

Very moving and excellent!

Nov 23rd

Doha Hashish

thank you

Oct 28th

First Name

Suddenly I love apple

Oct 12th

First Name

Great talk!

Sep 9th


thanks for a podcast download CryptoTab browser, the world's first browser with mining features....

Jul 25th