Betrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG
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No woman wants to face the horror of her husband’s betrayal. Or have to recover from the emotional, physical & financial trauma and never-ending consequences.
But these courageous women DID. And we’ll walk with you, so YOU can too.
If you’re experiencing pain, chaos, and isolation due to your husband’s lying, anger, gaslighting, manipulation, infidelity, and/or emotional abuse…
If he’s undermined you and condemned you as an angry, codependent, controlling gold-digger…
If you think your husband might be an addict or narcissist. Or even if he’s “just” a jerk…
If your husband (or ex) is miserable to be around, this podcast is for YOU.
Living Free Workshop
Group Sessions
But these courageous women DID. And we’ll walk with you, so YOU can too.
If you’re experiencing pain, chaos, and isolation due to your husband’s lying, anger, gaslighting, manipulation, infidelity, and/or emotional abuse…
If he’s undermined you and condemned you as an angry, codependent, controlling gold-digger…
If you think your husband might be an addict or narcissist. Or even if he’s “just” a jerk…
If your husband (or ex) is miserable to be around, this podcast is for YOU.
Living Free Workshop
Group Sessions
280 Episodes
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This speaker mentions a book and I have heard about it a few times but I couldn't catch the name. Could you tell me the name so I can order it please?
Hearing and understand the message was difficult for me during this episode due to the use of the term "girls" while referring to adult women. The use of a word for adolescent females should not be included in consensual sexual safety dialogue about marital betrayal.
hi. I would really like to listen to coach Sarah's podcast. how do I find it? please. many thanks.
Great show thank you both.
Why do you insist on bringing porn into EVERY podcast? Your guests will have a whole story and you’re like “yeah! But porn is bad” and you can hear that it throws your guests off, when they hadn’t even brought it up in THEIR story..only you do!! Obsessed much?
Thank you for giving a voice to the victims. Thank you for giving us the words we didn't know we had, the strength we didn't see and the ability to be heard and validated. Your podcast helps those of us that have been so manipulated by chaos to find clarity and peace. Thank you for your courageous actions to face the abusers, the liars and manipulators, to take a stand and offer a community to the victims, so that we can be validated, heal and live productively. You are a true advocate.
Oh Connie! I'm so glad to hear your story. I am going through the EXACT SAME thing. A lot of his family saw the abuse and acting out. But when he left, suddenly I was the abuser, terrible mother and wife, liar....... everything you described. And now they're banding together to attack me through the family court system here in Australia. All the best to you and the beautiful women experiencing the same.
This was huge for me to listen to both podcasts. Brought me to tears! My husband is an alcoholic who lies constantly. I keep trying to save our marriage while he does nothing. I’m glad to know I’m not alone.
I can relate to this so much. I feel seen and validated, thank you so much ❤
I was surprised by the 10% stat of men who will try to overcome this addiction, but not all succeed. My husband is one of them who has overcome, but it did take him over 5 years and he had a 40 year addiction! He is now actively involved in helping other men through The Conquer series and Seven Pillars by Pure Desire Ministries.
this is great, very insightful-thank you!
BTR is a lifeline and a personal resource for me. The moments of solace and understanding as I listen are a blessing -throughout an arduous journey of pain & destruction. I feel inspired to reclaim confidence, self-respect, and to remember life BEFORE gaslighting and betrayal. The ever-present, insidiously amplifying behaviors of a S/A cannot be "fixed" with my false sense of control and pleading for mercy. Now, I will reach out to the intensively trained counselors, accept/ offer support to others, and focus on my spirituality. Thank you so much, A Fellow S.H.E.R.O.
I have been reaching out. Asking for an accountability partner within my church to help cope with mental states, with no response back. I joined Codependents Anonymous (CoDA) online, which wasn't the community connections I thought it would be. I believe one on one in person is probably effective other wise you write on a message board and someone may get back to you that day or in a week. It can feel hopeless via online. I downloaded these podcasts in a last attempt to salvage what little sanity I was trying to rebuild. These podcasts have been the single most helpful 'tools' I have gained since my last 'internally drowning' episode. Obviously professional counselling and going in person to groups such as CoDA would be alot more beneficial. If your like me and transportation or finances make it so that those aren't really attainable at this present time then this is a GO TO! It's instilled HOPE and made me feel understood (which feels like half the battle at times.) Even though I'm th