DiscoverThe Balancing Act with Andrew Temte, PhD, CFA
The Balancing Act with Andrew Temte, PhD, CFA
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The Balancing Act with Andrew Temte, PhD, CFA

Author: Andrew Temte

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In business, balancing acts are everywhere. The Balancing Act Podcast explores the balancing acts we play each day in our professional lives by amplifying the voices and real life stories of accomplished business leaders we can all learn from.

In each episode:

* Listen to the origin stories from today’s leaders,
* Discover their key moments of career acceleration,
* Explore a hot business topic in an authentic, approachable conversation between Andy and his guests, and
* Learn about the skills that lead to workplace success.

Tune in today to elevate your journey of continuous improvement and lifelong learning.
151 Episodes
What type of Working Genius are you? How can the 6 Types of Working Genius Assessment help you improve hiring decisions in your business? How can you increase the probability of a successful consulting engagement to improve your organization's culture? To help answer these questions, we're continuing our conversation with Patrick Lencioni on today's episode of The Balancing Act Podcast! Patrick is a founder at the Table Group and is the pioneer of the organizational health movement. He is a world-renowned author with titles such as The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Advantage, and his most recent work, The 6 Types of Working Genius. Tune into episode 151 for the conclusion of our two-part series on the organizational health movement with its founder, Patrick Lencioni! To learn more about Patrick Lencioni and the 6 Types of Working Genius, visit: or to take the 6 Types of Working Genius assessment. To learn more about Andrew Temte, visit: #OrganizationalHealth #PersonalityAssessment #WorkingGenius #LeadershipDevelopment
Want to hear directly from the founder of the organizational health movement? Want to improve your organization's culture? What sets the Table Group apart from other organizational and leadership consulting firms? To help answer these questions, we have THE Patrick Lencioni joining us today on The Balancing Act Podcast! Patrick is a founder at the Table Group and is the pioneer of the organizational health movement. He is a world-renowned author with titles such as The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, The Advantage, and his most recent work, The 6 Types of Working Genius. I can think of no better way to celebrate the release of our 150th episode than to introduce you to Patrick and engage in a discussion about how to build healthier organizations and the benefits of doing so. Tune into episode 150 to hear Patrick's story, his career "rocket-booster" moment, and his thoughts on culture and organizational health. Learn more about Patrick and The Table Group at  Check out The 6 Types of Working Genius at  Learn more about Andrew Temte at 
What's the difference between value and price? Why should leaders invest resources in strategic pricing and value analysis? How do we make economics and finance topics a higher priority in our schools? How can leaders build the skill of data literacy in their teams? To help answer these questions, we have Doug Howarth joining us today on The Balancing Act Podcast. Doug is the CEO and founder of Hypernomics. He is an author, inventor, and entrepreneur. His company’s patented software aids businesses and institutions in market identification, pricing, and product-market fit. We’re going to tap into Doug’s vast experience to discuss key future-facing skills relating to finance, data, and strategic pricing. Tune into episode 149 to hear Doug's story, his career "rocket-booster" moment, and his thoughts on strategic pricing and value analysis.
How do we move from a focus on “busy” to a focus on productivity? Will AI help cure our "busyness epidemic?" How can we build time management skills in the workforce? To help answer these questions, we have Aytekin Tank joining us today on the Balancing Act Podcast. Aytekin is the founder and CEO of Jotform - a powerful online form builder tool with over 25 million users worldwide. Aytekin is also the author of Automate Your Busywork: Do Less, Achieve More, and Save Your Brain for the Big Stuff. Tune into episode 148 to hear Aytekin's story, his career "rocket-booster" moment, and his thoughts on time management and workplace productivity.
How can we build financial literacy in underserved populations? How can our youth prepare for entry into the legal profession? How can we build pathways for underserved youth into careers in law?   To help answer these questions, we have Gina Zapanta joining us today on the Balancing Act Podcast. Gina earned her law degree at Loyola Law School in Los Angeles, is partner and co-founder of ZA Lawyers, and is the founder of Empowered with Gina.   Tune into episode 147 to hear Gina's story, her career 'rocket-booster' moment, and her thoughts on careers in the legal profession and unlocking your potential through coaching and mentoring.
How do we solve the shortage of mental and behavioral health professionals in the US? How can we increase interest in mental and behavioral health careers in our youth? To help answer these questions, we have Brandon Jones joining us today on the Balancing Act Podcast. Brandon is the CEO of Triad - a leading provider of education, community, and career resources for behavioral and mental health professionals. Brandon is a former colleague of mine from Kaplan and I’m thrilled to introduce him to you. Tune into episode 146 to hear Brandon's story, his career 'rocket-booster' moment, and his thoughts on behavioral and mental health education.
Want to face your fear of failure at work? Want to build self-confidence? What does the journey to the c-suite as a chief marketing officer look like? To help answer these questions, we have Cate Hollowitsch joining us today on the Balancing Act Podcast. Cate is the chief marketing officer at Nesnah Ventures and was the director of marketing engagement at Organic Valley for nearly a decade. She is a TEDx speaker, creator of the F.E.A.R. Framework, and author of Confidence Counts - A Guide to Boosting Your Inner Strength. Tune into episode 145 to hear Cate's story, her 'rocket-booster' moment, and her thoughts on building self-confidence and facing your fears in life and at work.
Does your business have a plan for managing change? How can executives quiet the voices of imposter syndrome? Are DEI initiatives 'working' for organizations and their stakeholders? To help answer these questions, we have Amber Ontiveros joining us today. Amber is the president and founder of Ontiveros & Associates - equity and change management consultants. She is an author, mentor, and ally; transforming executives beyond imposter syndrome into confident leaders. In this episode, Amber introduces us to a new lens to look at long-standing challenges through with the tenets of her book Heal The Four Woundings: A Guide to End Discord and Discrimination. Tune into episode 144 to hear Amber's story, her 'rocket-booster' moment, and her thoughts on DEI, change management, and executive imposter syndrome.
Want to know more about youth workforce development? How do we build alternative pathways to workplace success for the youth in our communities? How are organizations like Junior Achievement and the Boys & Girls Club in your region poised to help solve our workforce development challenges? To help answer these questions, we have a special panel discussion to focus on workforce development and work readiness with a focus on girls and women in the world of work. To explore this topic, we’ve got Susan Peterson, Regional Director at Junior Achievement, and Joan Parke, COO of the Boys and Girls Clubs of Greater La Crosse joining us. Tune into episode 143 to hear Susan and Joan tell their stories and speak about all things life and workforce readiness.
How can we make the prospect of a mid-career change less daunting? How can we improve educational pathways into careers in finance and investing for traditionally underserved populations? How can we build financial literacy in high school and college students? Today's episode is the second of three from The Balancing Act Podcast - LIVE!! recording session where we focused on women in business in my hometown of La Crosse, Wisconsin. My second guest from the Balancing Act Podcast - LIVE!! is Regina Siegel. Regina is the VP of Organizational Development at TrustPoint based in La Crosse, Wisconsin and comes to us with a wide variety of experiences, including the role of elementary school principal. We’re going to have so much to explore at the intersection of finance and education. Tune into episode 142 to hear Regina's story, her "rocket booster" moment, and her thoughts on the intersection between education and finance.
We had so much fun recording the show LIVE! in early May. Today's episode is the first of three from that live event where we focus on women in business in my hometown of La Crosse, Wisconsin. My first guest from the Balancing Act Podcast - LIVE! is Betty Christiansen. Betty is the publisher of Coulee Region Women Magazine and I ask her about the balancing acts that magazine publishers engage in each day and how we can use traditional media to support the journies of women in our communities. Tune into episode 141 to hear Betty's story, her "rocket booster" moment, and her thoughts on publishing and supporting women in business.
How can we help women in technology roles succeed? How can we get more girls and women interested in careers in technology? How can the skill of bravery be developed to help reduce stress, burnout, and ensure pay equity for women in tech? Today, we have Nicole Trick Steinbach joining us. Nicole is the "International Bravery Coach” and helps women in tech “Build Your Brave Career.” As you might expect, today, we’re going to focus on the value of coaching in the workplace with a particular focus on women in technology. Tune into episode 140 to hear Nicole's story, her "rocket-booster" moment, and her thoughts on how women can thrive in technology careers.
If you're a business founder or entrepreneur, where do you go for help? How do you identify a coach? How do you identify trusted potential funding partners? Today, we have Fred Cary joining us. Fred is the CEO of IdeaPros, an entrepreneurship educator and incubator, so we’ll be focusing today’s discussion on coaching and mentoring for founders and start-ups. Tune into episode 139 to hear Fred's story, his "rocket booster" moment, and his thoughts on the world of entrepreneurship and business start-ups.
Do you have a personal board of advisors? How about a career map? Today on the Balancing Act Podcast, we have Pete Schramm joining us. Pete is the founder and CEO of Lattitude, a human connection platform designed to amplify new employee retention and mid level manager development. The company exists to help increase intentional internal engagement and strengthen workplace culture to improve employee belonging. Pete is also the author of Pathfinders: Navigating your Career Map with a Personal Board of Advisors. Tune into episode 138 to hear Pete's story, his "rocket booster" moment, and his thoughts on coaching, engagement, employee retention, and belonging in the world of work. You can find Pete on LinkedIn at: Pete's book can be found at: You can find all things Andrew Temte at: 
Our worst critics live inside our own minds. They constantly berate us and limit our personal and professional growth. This week we continue our exploration of the value of coaching and mentoring with Coach Mike Basevic. Coach Mike is the founder of No Limits Nation, a coaching consultancy that delivers two key programs -- The Anxiety Free Executive, and The Anxiety Free Student. Tune into episode 137 to hear Coach Mike's story, his "rocket booster" moment, and his thoughts on how to quiet the cacophony of negative self talk and anxiety that can weigh us down.
Twisting in the breeze? Lack direction? Feeling unfocused? Today's episode marks the beginning of a miniseries on the value of coaching and mentoring in the workplace. To kick things off, we have Davidson Hang joining us. Davidson is an executive life coach and has led Kaizen Coaching since 2017. Tune into episode 136 to hear Davidson's inspirational story, his "rocket booster" moment, and his thoughts on the intersection between personal and professional coaching.
What if there was a software solution that allowed you to align individual, team, and company goals; measure productive capacity; identify and hone individual "superpowers;" and aid in the delivery of constructive feedback? Today, we have Projjal Ghatak joining us. Projjal is the CEO and co-founder of future of work technology provider Onloop. This episode explores Onloop’s Collaborative Team Development framework and the Onloop claim that you’ll “never write another performance review.” Tune into episode 135 to hear Projjal's story, his "rocket-booster" moment, and his thoughts on the intersection between AI and team enablement.
I've got a very special treat for you today. In this episode, I sit down face to face with Dave Rogers. Dave is a fellow musician and is CEO of the world-famous Dave’s Guitar Shop that's based right here in La Crosse, Wisconsin. Today we’ll be focused on entrepreneurship, Dave’s journey, and may take a peek or two into some of his encounters with some of the most well known musicians on the planet. Tune into episode 134 to hear Dave's story, his humble beginnings, his rocket-booster moment, and his thoughts on achieving success as an entrepreneur.
Today I'd like to introduce you to Alli Berry. Alli is a respected thought leader in the areas of content marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) and has led omnichannel marketing initiatives at companies like The Motley Fool, The Arena Group, and Kaplan. Alli and I chat about the benefits and challenges of content marketing and peek behind the curtain into the world of SEO -- what it is, what it isn't, and how to cut through the noise. Alli also provides great advice to individuals who aspire to enter the field of omnichannel marketing. Tune into episode 133 to hear Alli's story, her 'rocket-booster' moment, and her thoughts on achieving excellence in content marketing and search engine optimization.
Continuing with last week's episode on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math) education, I'd like to introduce you to Elijah Kempton. Elijah is VP - West Region at engineering firm Campos EPC and is the board secretary at MathPath—a four week residential summer program for students showing high promise and interest in mathematics. During today's episode, we talk about the broad reaching benefits of pursuing a career in engineering, how to expand access to engineering educational pathways, and the MathPath attendee experience. Tune into episode 132 to hear Elijah's story, his 'rocket-booster' moment, and his thoughts on education and careers in STEM fields.
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Nina Brown


Feb 5th