DiscoverThe Calm Mom - Burnout, Anxiety, Nervous System, Mindset, Self-Care, Parenting, Work-Life Balance
The Calm Mom - Burnout, Anxiety, Nervous System, Mindset, Self-Care, Parenting, Work-Life Balance
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The Calm Mom - Burnout, Anxiety, Nervous System, Mindset, Self-Care, Parenting, Work-Life Balance

Author: Michelle Grosser - Inspired by Brene Brown, Mel Robbins & Rachel Hollis

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Are you ready to find balance and break free from burnout as a high-achieving mom?

Do you feel like you're always on edge and can't quiet your racing mind?

Are you looking for mind & body solutions for your anxiety and overwhelm?

Do you feel pressure to do it all, but don’t see how your daily routine is sustainable

Whether you struggle with overwhelm, anxiety, self-doubt, people-pleasing, burnout, or perfectionism - it’s time to break through whatever is holding you back. 

It’s time to get unstuck, overcome your fears, shift your mindset, and chase your big dreams.

Friend, you are worthy of an extraordinary life in and beyond motherhood. 

I’m your host Michelle Grosser, a certified Trauma-Informed Master Life Coach, attorney, professor, wife, and mom. I’ve been there - right where you are. I was an attorney running a busy law firm by day, law school professor by night, all while trying to parent my kids, pour into my marriage, and keep up my home - and what I found was that I was on the fast track to burnout. 

The good news is that there’s a better way. Each week I’m going to coach you on the work that builds an epic life. We’ll discuss all things motherhood, mindset coaching, nervous system regulation, and emotional well-being so that you can create a life designed by faith over fear. 

Get ready to learn about regulating your nervous system (and why it’s so important), setting boundaries, worthiness, true self-care tips, work-life balance, imposter syndrome, parenting, and how to harness your mama-bear intuition. 

This podcast will elevate, empower, and equip you as a human being and a mom. It’s time to extend yourself compassion, re-focus your intention, raise your vibe, and alchemize the parts of you that will lead to a deep spiritual transformation. You’ll laugh, cry, and know you’re not alone in your motherhood journey.

So, if you’re here to do the inner work and you’re ready to expand, I’m here to join you on the journey. Each time you press play, your growth continues. Let’s get at it!

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276 Episodes
What is your first reaction when you think about money?If anxiety or shame arises when it comes to managing your cash, you’re not alone (wait ‘til you hear about my panic-attack moment the first time I met with a new financial advisor).Or maybe you feel under-educated or in over your head when it comes to making important financial decisions. My guest today is Meghan Dwyer, a Certified Financial Planner and host of the ‘Money Isn’t Scary’ podcast where she helps women take an active role...
Do you wake up in the middle of the night with racing thoughts and can't seem to fall back asleep?In today’s episode, we dive into that dreaded 3am wakeup, especially for those of us balancing motherhood and high-stress careers. From my own struggle with insomnia and light sleeping, I know how waking up in the middle of the night with a surge of energy can ruin your next day. We'll discuss why this happens, focusing on how our sympathetic nervous system triggers a fight-or-flight re...
Today’s [rewind] is a throwback to episode 176 helping you identify 5 signs of parental burnout and how to heal and recover your energy.Being a mom is hard. Can we just say that without being chastised for complaining? Raising kids, managing a household, pursuing work-life balance – it’s a lot. So if it feels like a lot - it’s not that you’re not cut out for this - it’s just a lot.We juggle busy schedules, often neglect our needs, and don’t have the tools to regulate our nervous sy...
Could your everyday routines be secretly ramping up your anxiety? 😱We’re diving into the latest neuroscience and psychology to uncover three sneaky habits that might be fueling your stress levels. Let’s break down how what you consume, your environment, and how your pace of life can keep your nervous system on high alert.What you’ll learn:How Caffeine, Alcohol & Hydration Affect Your Anxiety - Discover the surprising impacts of what you’re drinking and what I recommend to keep your m...
What does it mean to have an “empowered” mindset?Join me as I chat with Natalie Bacon, a mindset coach for moms and the host of the Mom On Purpose podcast. Natalie is here to guide us through the transformative power of mindset work, helping us shift from seeking external validation to tapping into our inner wisdom and gut feelings.Natalie shares practical tips on how we can become more confident in our parenting decisions and teach our kids to trust their own problem-solving abilities.B...
Have you ever wondered if you’re actually chill or if you’re just really good at suppressing your emotions?Before doing this work, I never thought of myself as an “emotional” person — I didn’t cry at movies, I didn’t lose my temper —but I was completely unaware of the emotional storm brewing beneath my cool exterior.We’ve all been conditioned with implicit messages that certain emotions are unacceptable or weak (especially us women). As a result, we can start to unconsciously suppress o...
Over the summer, we’re going to bring back some of your past favorites as part of a Friday [rewind]. These are the top downloaded episodes that you all couldn’t get enough of! Today’s [rewind] is a throwback to episode 75 all about how to create real and lasting change.In order to actually create new thoughts, behaviors, feelings, and emotions, we must access our somatic intelligence. Somatic = relating to the body. It’s one thing to conceptually understand how you wan...
Are you getting your daily D.O.S.E (dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, & endorphins)?You can naturally boost your body’s production of feel-good chemicals and neurohack happiness with just a few simple tweaks to your daily habits.Check out these science-backed strategies to naturally boost key neurotransmitters to elevate your mood, enhance your well-being, and manage stress more effectively.Listen in to learn:The role of dopamine in motivation and how to naturally boost it.Simple ways to inc...
If you've been experiencing chronic pain or health issues and feel like you’ve tried everything without much success, it’s time for a deep dive into your body’s fascia.Your body has an incredible system of spider web-like connective tissue called fascia. Through sensitive, fiber-optic-type communication, fascia is involved in and influences every other system and process in the human body.For the past 20+ years, Anna Rahe has delved deep into a liberating and empowering relationship with fasc...
Think back to the last time you felt triggered - whether it was an eye roll from your kiddo, a rude comment from a neighbor, or being stuck in rush-hour traffic - being triggered activates our nervous system’s fight, flight, or freeze responses. But here’s the catch, when we’re triggered, we can’t just tell ourselves to calm down. We have to communicate safety in a way our nervous system understands.In today’s episode, you’ll learn effective body-based tools to help communicate safety to...
When’s the last time you woke up feeling truly energized throughout the day?Hormones, nutrition, sleep habits, and lifestyle - there are so many contributing factors to our exhaustion. But sometimes all we need to do is go back to the basics. Today I’m joined by Chloe Ward, a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner & Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach whose passion is helping women reclaim their energy, conquer weight loss hurdles, and manage stress effectively.&...
There’s no escaping it - sometimes life’s just really hard. But even in the hard moments, we have choices. And being intentional about our mindset is a major key to navigating life's toughest seasons with grace and purpose.Today, I share about a season of big changes for our family, as we prepare to leave our home of 15 years in Miami for a new adventure. From closing my law firm to uprooting our family, the journey has been filled with both excitement and lots of tears. As we...
The Calm Mom Podcast now has over 250 episodes, and there are some oldies-but-goodies that are just too good to get lost in the mix.Over the summer, we’re going to bring back some of your favorites as part of a Friday [rewind]. These are the top downloaded episodes that you all couldn’t get enough of! Today’s [rewind] is a throwback to episode 183 from last year all about how to create calm and safety in your nervous system. Our body doesn’t speak a verbal language, so when we’re ...
Fight, flight or freeze - what’s your go-to stress response? If you’ve been living with chronic stress or unresolved trauma, it’s possible you’ve been stuck in a stress response for so long that the symptoms seem normal to you.But what if you could start feeling better today just by understanding your nervous system and practicing simple exercises to unlock the stress cycle?In this episode, we delve into how our nervous system responds to modern-day stressors, from an overpacked schedule...
Ever wonder how you got so overwhelmed, burned out, and struggling to keep up with the endless demands of life? It didn’t happen overnight. We’ve all got sneaky habits that are contributing to burnout without realizing it. In today’s episode, you’ll learn about the common mindsets, behaviors, and habits that lead many women to chronic stress and exhaustion. Whether it’s a pattern of people-pleasing, masculine energy, or living out of alignment - listen in to discover if y...
Have you had the joy of parenting a strong-willed child? 😉Our strong-willed kiddos are independent, confident, and determined. They’re natural leaders and world-changers. But those big personality traits don’t come without their power struggles, stubbornness, and a little drama-rama.If you’re raising a strong-willed kid, learning how to regulate your nervous system is truly a superpower.Tune into today’s conversation with Randi Rubenstein, host of the “Mastermind Parenting Podcast...
Inspired in part by 75 Hard (the 75-day mental toughness program that requires you to follow a strict daily regimen), I’m inviting you to a journey that’s anything but hard.The seasons are changing, the kids are out of school, and it’s a great time to start incorporating new habits to support a regulated nervous system.Join me on a summer journey to discover the feminine energy of ease and flow. More peace and joy. More fun and rest. The 75 Soft summer challenge focuses on nourishi...
What if I told you that there was a science to having confidence and healthy self-esteem?Today’s guest, Dr. Simone Alicia, is The Self-Esteem Doctor 👩🏾‍⚕️She’s a self-esteem expert & motivational speaker who is deeply passionate about self-development and nourishing the mental, physical and spiritual well-being of people, especially women.In today’s episode, she talks us through why we may struggle with self-esteem, how we can start making daily adjustments to our thought patterns, and me...
Do you ever feel like you're holding everything together on the outside, but on the inside it feels like a daily battle with self-doubt, overthinking, and exhaustion?In today’s episode, we dive into the often-overlooked concept of high-functioning anxiety. While society might praise your high achievements, organization, and dependability, these traits can sometimes mask a nervous system stuck in fight or flight. If you find yourself constantly overthinking, unable to relax, or saying yes...
Have you ever known that something was off with your mental, emotional, or physical health, and bounced around between doctor’s offices unable to get any real explanation or solution?If so, you’re not alone. Today’s guest, Risa Groux, is a Certified Nurse, Functional Nutritionist and Certified Autoimmune Coach. She is passionate about discovering the root causes of our symptoms and offering holistic solutions to heal our bodies from within. 3 things you’ll learn in this episode:How...