DiscoverThe Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle
The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle
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The Crappy Childhood Fairy Podcast with Anna Runkle

Author: Anna Runkle

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I’m Anna Runkle, also known as the Crappy Childhood Fairy, and I teach people to recognize and heal the symptoms of Childhood PTSD. Welcome to my podcast!I’m not a doctor or therapist; I know about childhood trauma because I lived it, and I discovered a radical approach to healing that focuses first on calming neurological dysregulation, which is common in people who grew up with abuse and neglect. In my podcasts, I teach about dysregulation – how to know if you have it, what it can do to your body, your thinking and your relationships, and what to do to master re-regulation. When I learned this, everything in my life got suddenly easier. I’ll also be teaching you to heal the life problems that so often develop after years of living dysregulated – feeling tired, isolated and unfocused, finding yourself always drawn to unavailable and inappropriate partners, and falling WAY short of your professional potential, for example. The thing about me is, traditional therapies never seemed to help me. When I found techniques that did work, my whole life changed. Only in the past few years has the trauma research caught up to explain why – why the techniques I use worked, why therapy didn’t, and why my healing journey was so unnecessarily long. I’ve been teaching what I learned for more than 20 years now. It started with friends who had noticed the quick and dramatic change in me, and gradually grew by word of mouth. In 2016, I had so many people seeking instruction that I made my first online video, and then an online course, and this is how Crappy Childhood Fairy was born. My techniques and principles are practical yet powerful – an approach anyone can use, whether or not you have access to professional help. In this podcast, I’ll be talking about the master of self-regulation, and teach the tough-love life-lessons that you may not have learned at home – like how to date so that stable love finds you, how to get ahead at work, and how to calm the negative hamster-wheel thoughts that block your ability to connect with other people. Today, almost half a million people follow my work and participate in my training and coaching programs. My mission is to change the paradigm of what’s possible for people like us, and to help you free yourself from the oppression of trauma wounds, and to become your full, happy and real self. I’m glad you’re here! Watch new videos on my YouTube channel every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and access my videos, courses and free tools at
298 Episodes
It’s a terrible form of abuse when whole families gang up on one person. Sometimes it’s scapegoating, where they blame you for problems you never caused. Sometimes it’s just plain bullying and cruelty, and of course it leaves terrible wounds, even when you KNOW the abuse was about them, not you, and even when you’ve worked hard to create a good life for yourself – you can end up feeling disconnected from people. And if that’s you, I want you to let in that a) other people’s abuse doesn’t define you and b) healing is possible. My letter today is from a woman I’ll call Amelia, and she writes.. Do You Struggle to Connect with People?: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
Some people get consumed by narcissistic loved ones they’re trying to stay connected with. Other people get off the treadmill by going no contact. But a lot of people are in the middle, with a mix of concern, and a desire to help – with total exasperation, feeling drained and fed up with the narcissist’s endless demands for attention and free labor. There IS a way to keep an eye on relatives who – left to their own devices – would consume ALL your time and energy. In this video, I respond to a letter from a woman who needs a way to help but also protect herself. Hear my advice -- a strategy for children of narcissists. Difficult People in Your Life? Try These NINJA BOUNDARIES: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
I have a secret portal that allows me to see and understand what childhood trauma does to people -- the different patterns it follows, and which kinds of people end up making rapid progress, and which ones stay stuck. I get this insight from letters and YouTube comments -- thousands of them. And there are basically two kinds of comments: One is the kind that comes from people who are very stuck in their early trauma. The second kind comes from people who are actively recovering; by studying how they approach it, you can learn strategies that support your own CPTSD healing. Ten Signs Your Trauma Is Healing: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
If you grew up hurt by your parents -- neglected, not heard, not seen – chances are good that you get emotionally dysregulated. This means your nervous system reacts to stressors with EXTRA strong emotions. When most people would be hurt, you’re devastated. When you fall in love feels ENORMOUS. And getting angry (unfortunately for the people who love you) can turn into RAGE. In this 4-Video Compilation I share some of my most popular videos on emotional dysregulation -- what it does, how to notice when it's happening, and what you can do to heal it. Learn Quick Measures to Get Re-Regulated: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
A lot of us who grew up with trauma have trouble shaking off the feeling that we’re somehow different than non-traumatized people. It seems sometimes like everyone else seems to know how to act, what to say, how to be connected -- but that we never got the memo. Do you ever feel like that? In this video I talk about the feeling among people who were abused and neglected as kids that we are "different" -- which part is imagined, and which part of it just might be real. Do You Struggle to Connect with People?: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
Everyone MUST be free to pursue the relationships and the way of life that makes them happy. Provided what they are doing is legal, we can’t condemn them. But even though some behaviors are legal, it doesn’t mean they aren’t destructive to others -- I’m talking about bullsh**ing vulnerable people into having intimate relationships that are NOT in their best interest, and that they don’t really want. If you grew up abused or emotionally neglected, you may be easy to gaslight in this way, where you need some contact with people so badly, you talk yourself into a role where you’re not respected. In this video I respond to a letter from a woman who thought she set boundaries around her desire for monogamy, but now finds herself entangled with a polyamorous man with whom she was set up by a polyamorous mutual friend, and she's just found out THEY are having a relationship. Ten Signs Your Trauma Is Healing: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
So many people are feeling blocked from connecting with other people. If you find yourself trying and trying, but nothing seems to lead to friendship or people even seem to be pulling away from you, there might be a problem with your *attunement* – your ability to sense another person’s openness, or to “read the room". In this video I'll tell you signs that your attunement to others may be isolating you, and ways you can fine-tune your ability to be present with others and form better relationships. Try the FREE Daily Practice Course: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
It's popular to call out relatives and ex-partners as narcissists, but what about the self-centered behaviors and thinking that are common in people traumatized as children? In this 4-video compilation, I share four of my most popular videos about the way ordinary people may exhibit narcissistic behaviors. These traits can make life hard while they're untreated, but with healing, you can change! Ten Signs Your Trauma Is Healing: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
One very bad sign that someone is losing themself in an unhappy relationship, is that they write to me about their partner and how wonderful they are, then tell me all about their partner’s traumatic past -- and then list all the ways their partner is mistreating them. It's as if they don't want me to see the facts. Trauma might be an explanation for someone cheating and stonewalling, but it’s not an excuse and justifying it because the abuser was traumatized could be a way you gaslight yourself. My letter today is from a man who is dating a woman whose trauma wounds are damaging the relationship, and he writes: Watch Out For These Dating Red Flags DOWNLOAD WORKSHEET: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
Unpopular opinion, but so-called “adult entertainment” could not exist if there weren’t a steady supply of people who were abused as children, and skilled at shutting themselves down emotionally so that other people could use them for “pleasure.” It’s one of many ways that manipulative people – or those they have manipulated – like to normalize an obviously demoralizing and harmful way of treating people. This industry isn’t just driven by trauma, it’s a bonfire of new trauma, and it can do mortal damage to a person’s ability to have close and committed relationships. In this video I respond to a woman who thinks she must choose between her gritty job, and her controlling boyfriend. 16 CPTSD Behaviors That Sabotage Your Success: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
There’s an almost universal symptom that people who grew up with trauma will tend to exhibit - and it’s a sense of isolation. Either you feel isolated even with people, or you literally isolate. Shutting people out feels like it's the right, best, most self caring thing you can do sometimes when you're under stress. But if you think that's a good thing, it's probably your trauma talking. Learn why people with Childhood PTSD find socializing so disabling, an what you can do to feel more ease and comfort in social situations. Do You Struggle to Connect with People?: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
If you were emotionally neglected as a child, you may be extra-prone to direct your romantic energy toward people who are not with you. It’s the consequence of an injury to our neurological development, and it can have terrible consequences for you and the people who love you. In this 4-video compilation, I share some of my most popular videos about limerence, and how to heal the obsessive pull of "love" where there is no love. The Signs of Limerence: FREE PDF Download: 🟢 Order My New Book, RE-REGULATED: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
Just because someone got a credential to practice therapy doesn’t necessarily mean they’re mentally stable, or able to prioritize the attention that you deserve, over whatever it is they’re feeling. If you had a parent who neglected you or exhibited narcissistic traits, you may have a blind spot for this behavior in others. In this video I respond to a letter from a woman who finds herself in an enmeshed and toxic relationship with her therapist, and feels paralyzed and disoriented about what to do. Do you have CPTSD? Take the QUIZ: FREE PDF Download: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
So many of us who grew up with trauma live as “divided selves” – longing for real love, but playing along to keep people around who DON’T want that – not with us, anyway – but who are happy to soak all our attention and time Iand of course, sex). Your ability to believe you can change how they feel by giving them all you've got – but never honestly finding out how THEY feel about you – is a classic ADULT manifestation of emotional neglect in childhood. And as long as those old wounds are driving you, you’re going to end up with same kind unreliable love that was what you had to settle for as a child. In this video I respond to a letter from a woman who is trying to flip the script on a partner who isn't "ready." Watch Out For These Dating Red Flags DOWNLOAD WORKSHEET: FREE PDF Download: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
When we talk about trauma symptoms, we talk a lot about strong feelings, acting out and emotional dysregulation. But there’s this other side of how trauma wounds and CPTSD can control your behavior, and it’s through *self-suppression*. In this video I teach the signs that your trauma is driving to suppress yourself. You may be surprised how much it applies to you! Try the FREE Daily Practice Course: FREE PDF Download: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
When it comes to healing CPTSD, there's abundant advice and hundreds of treatments, but they rarely take into account that trauma wounds make it difficult to learn, process, remember, and categorize information. When your thinking is distorted, it's hard to tell what is your responsibility and what is not -- and to recognize choices available to you in each situation. In this video I share four of my most popular videos about ways childhood trauma can distort your thinking, and how you can re-empower yourself to see clearly and take smart actions to change your life. Heal Trauma in Just One Year?: FREE PDF Download: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
A huge number of people who lived through trauma have ended up with a LOT of physical clutter. And because clutter can hold you back, it’s a good thing when you release belongings that you’ve held onto that you DON’T need, that you can’t use, and that only bring you a sense of stress and obligation. But what about the old letters, gifts and cards that remind you that a) your family actually loved you and b) that they also totally mistreated you? In this video I respond to a letter from a woman who is weighing whether she WANTS these items in her house. Is she just being sentimental, or is keeping these items a way to remind herself that the bad things really happened? Try the FREE Daily Practice Course: FREE PDF Download: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
If you’re like a lot of people who grew up with trauma, you feel most comfortable with friends who also had trauma – people who struggle at times with the same trauma-driven problems you’ve struggled with. These people can feel like HOME for us – until we start to heal from trauma, and their actual flaws become more visible to us. Should you try to stay friends when the other person’s actions are PUSHING you away? In this video I respond to a letter from a woman who is trying to decide if staying friends with someone whose actions make her cringe. How to Be a Better Friend: FREE PDF Download: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
There is a massive, almost universal trigger for Childhood PTSD symptoms – and you probably have it (even people who were not traumatized sometimes have it). It is HURRYING. We all do it. But when you have Childhood PTSD, hurrying very easily turns into overwhelm, and can trip you up and sabotage the most important things in your life. In this video I teach you what you can do -- even though you're busy -- to prevent this trigger from kicking in and pushing you into dysregulation. Are You Dysregulated? Take the QUIZ: FREE PDF Download: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
People who were neglected as children often struggle to form stable, lasting relationships. One big reason is insecure attachment -- a wound of trauma (particularly neglect) that creates a chronic sense of anxiety that you're not wanted, or you are about to be abandoned. You might RUSH in and get enmeshed with someone you just met, or exhaust yourself trying to be good enough for people who are emotionally unavailable. In this 4-video compilation I share four of my most popular videos on childhood neglect and insecure attachment. Learn what this looks like, and why it's so important to begin healing so you can finally be loved at last. Heal trauma-driven patterns and find real love at last: Take my FREE Course or Quizzes: Enroll in my Courses or Membership: Send your questions & comments to: NEED ONLINE THERAPY? *BetterHelp* can connect you with a licensed, online therapist:  
Comments (3)

Kanda L. McKay-White

very insightful and lots of points that make sense and help to give workable tools to get things accomplished.

May 14th

Ashley hill


Feb 5th

Mila M

Anna,maybe there's something that you do not as good as you wish it'd be,but I'm hooked on your YouTube channel and now this podcast, and I want just to scream out with joy and tears about how amazing and helpful your content is!your work is so immensely appreciated and means so much-,teaches, explains,validates, instructs and guides in such a precious and powerful way and very often there's an etiquette tips you share that helps educating us just as your initial idea, so it's just mind-blowing!

Jan 19th