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The Daily Motivation

Author: Lewis Howes

Subscribed: 10,982Played: 277,070


The stories you tell yourself on a daily basis determines the person you will become.The good, the bad, the negative, the positive, the uplifting, the draining – they’re all part of the equation. But YOU are the author of your life story – so, what story are you writing?

Top Podcaster & Best-selling Author Lewis Howes brings you the The Daily Motivation Show, where you’ll hear from industry-leading experts, you’ll learn proven principles, and you’ll discover life-changing ideas that will help you get motivated and STAY motivated.
725 Episodes
Today's episode is about how to discover why you're not satisfied with your current life and how to maximize your potential with Entrepreneur & Best-selling Author, Ed Mylett. Check out the full episode:
Today's episode is all about discovering the secret to healing yourself and making an impact on the world with Best-selling Author, Brene Brown. Check out the full episode:
Today's episode is about the mindset of a winner and what it takes to really succeed and become one of the best with NBA All Star, Producer & Author, Kobe Bryant. Check out the full episode:
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"The reason why I was so emotionally disconnected, that was real for me in my relationships. It was because I was emotionally disconnected from myself." -Dr. Nicole LePeraDr. Nicole LePera, known as "The Holistic Psychologist," takes us on a riveting journey through the maze of trauma bonding and emotional disconnection. With raw honesty, she unveils her personal struggles, from being labeled "emotionally unavailable" in her first relationship to the eye-opening moments in her psychoanalytic training. Dr. LePera's candid revelations about her own patterns of disconnection offer a mirror for listeners to examine their own relationship dynamics, challenging us to confront the uncomfortable truths about our emotional landscape.In this transformative conversation, Dr. LePera shares powerful insights on breaking free from destructive relationship cycles. She introduces practical strategies for cultivating self-awareness and emotional reconnection, emphasizing the daily commitment required to heal our hearts and nervous systems. Her actionable advice on checking in with ourselves and prioritizing self-attunement provides a roadmap for anyone struggling with emotional unavailability or feeling "alone in a crowded room." You will gain invaluable tools to foster deeper connections, both with themselves and others, paving the way for healthier, more fulfilling relationships.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"It's easy to fall in love, I think. It takes work to stay there." - Faith JenkinsFrom the hallowed halls of divorce court to the heart of relationship wisdom, Faith Jenkins takes us on an eye-opening journey through the subtle red flags that can make or break a partnership. With raw honesty, she shares her experiences as a judge, witnessing firsthand the devastating effects of emotional abuse and disrespect in marriages. Jenkins doesn't pull punches as she reveals how seemingly small lies and inconsistencies can snowball into major trust issues, and why a crude joke on social media might just be the dealbreaker you never saw coming.But it's not all cautionary tales - Jenkins also offers a beacon of hope for those seeking lasting love. She introduces the groundbreaking concept of "growing together" as the cornerstone of true compatibility, emphasizing that it's not just about going through life side by side, but evolving as individuals and as a couple. With practical advice on maintaining respect, honoring your partner, and the critical importance of protecting your peace, Jenkins empowers listeners to cultivate relationships that stand the test of time. Her powerful insights will leave you questioning your own standards, reevaluating your relationships, and armed with the tools to build a love that's both passionate and enduring.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"I remember thinking, 'I'll never feel more satisfaction or richer than I feel in this moment.'" -Barbara CorcoranFrom a childhood marked by struggle to becoming a real estate titan, Barbara Corcoran's journey is a testament to the power of resilience and self-belief. Growing up in a family where money was tight and academic challenges loomed large, Barbara faced an uphill battle. A pivotal moment came when a teacher labeled her "stupid" due to her reading difficulties. But with her mother's unwavering support and her own determination, Barbara set out to prove that teacher wrong – and did she ever.Barbara's rise in the cutthroat world of New York real estate is nothing short of remarkable. Her keen insight into human psychology and sales strategy propelled her to the top of her field. But it was a modest $40,000 profit that brought her the greatest sense of fulfillment. With that hard-earned money, she bought her parents their first new cars – a bright blue Pontiac convertible for her mother and a Lincoln for her father. This act of generosity marked a turning point, showcasing not just financial success, but the emotional rewards of perseverance and family bonds. Listen to the full episode to discover Barbara's unique approach to sales, her tips for identifying a buyer's true motivations, and how she turned early setbacks into the driving force behind her phenomenal success.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"I'll take curiosity over IQ any day of the week, and I'll take follow through over experience any day of the week." -Codie SanchezCodie Sanchez, a maverick in the world of finance and entrepreneurship, pulls back the curtain on the secrets of the ultra-wealthy in this captivating episode. With razor-sharp insight, she exposes the stark differences between the habits of the rich and the broke, challenging listeners to reconsider their approach to success. Sanchez's journey from curious novice to financial powerhouse is a testament to the power of asking questions and following through – two deceptively simple yet potent tools she claims are the bedrock of wealth creation.Prepare to have your perceptions shattered as Sanchez delves into the counterintuitive behaviors of the truly rich. She reveals why successful people often shun the trappings of wealth, preferring to trade in knowledge rather than favors. With each anecdote, Sanchez paints a vivid picture of the mindset shift required to transcend financial limitations, offering listeners a roadmap to not just accumulate wealth, but to embody the essence of success. Don't miss this transformative conversation that promises to redefine your understanding of what it truly means to be rich.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"Jealousy is a naturally evolved human emotion. It's one of the many pieces of evidence that we are a, let's say, a serially monogamous ape." -Macken MurphyMacken Murphy, the insightful evolutionary psychologist, dives deep into the primal roots of jealousy in this captivating episode. With his unique blend of scientific expertise and relatable anecdotes, Murphy unravels the complex emotions that have shaped human relationships for millennia. He explores how jealousy, often viewed as a toxic trait, actually stems from our ancestors' need to protect paternity and secure long-term investment in offspring.But Murphy doesn't stop at explaining why we feel jealous - he offers a path forward. Drawing from personal experiences and years of research, he shares how he overcame his own struggles with jealousy, transforming from a green-eyed monster to a secure partner. Murphy's journey provides listeners with hope and practical advice for cultivating healthier, more trusting relationships. Don't miss this eye-opening conversation that will forever change how you view love, commitment, and the evolutionary forces that drive our most intimate connections.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"You have to want a relationship to work. You just do. I mean, there's all kinds of arguments that come up and things you don't agree on and all this stuff... But I like him." -Goldie HawnHollywood icon Goldie Hawn opens up about the secrets to her 41-year relationship with Kurt Russell in this captivating episode. With refreshing candor, she shares how they've weathered the storms of fame, family, and the ever-present temptations of Tinseltown. Goldie doesn't shy away from discussing the challenges of maintaining a strong bond in an industry known for fleeting connections, offering listeners a rare glimpse into the realities of love in the limelight.From navigating on-set chemistry with co-stars to the importance of individuality in a long-term partnership, Goldie imparts wisdom gained from decades in the entertainment world. She delves into the complexities of blending families, the rejuvenating power of grandparenthood, and the evolving nature of intimacy as couples age together. With her trademark humor and insight, Goldie provides actionable advice for listeners on nurturing lasting relationships, emphasizing the importance of communication, mutual respect, and shared laughter.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"I resolve to be the talent, and by design, in my company where I am the talent, that is my role." -Dan MartellDan Martell, the tech entrepreneur and business coach, reveals his game-changing approach to scaling businesses without sacrificing personal well-being. In this eye-opening episode, Martell shares his revolutionary "10-80-10 Rule," a strategy that has propelled him to success while maintaining work-life balance. He candidly discusses the pivotal moment when he realized the importance of focusing solely on his strengths as the "talent" in his company, delegating the rest to a capable team. Martell's journey from a struggling entrepreneur to a thriving business leader is filled with valuable lessons on time management, team building, and the art of strategic delegation.Diving deeper into his methodology, Martell unveils his "Test First Hiring Method," a three-step process that has transformed the way he builds high-performing teams. From innovative video applications to cognitive assessments and simulated test projects, he provides actionable advice for entrepreneurs looking to assemble dream teams. Martell's insights on leadership development, the power of documentation, and his "teach, not tell" philosophy offer a fresh perspective on nurturing talent and fostering a culture of growth within organizations. Listen to the full episode to discover how you can implement these transformative strategies in your own business and life, potentially unlocking your path to sustainable success and personal fulfillment.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"Every dollar you've ever made came from you, so don't get excited about money and get excited about you." -Kyle CeaseStep into a world of limitless possibility with comedy legend turned transformational speaker, Kyle Cease. In this eye-opening episode, Kyle peels back the layers of our deeply ingrained money mindset, revealing the hidden truths that keep us trapped in scarcity thinking. With raw honesty and infectious enthusiasm, he shares his own journey from chasing external success to embracing inner peace as the ultimate source of abundance. Kyle's insights challenge conventional wisdom, inviting listeners to reimagine their relationship with wealth and tap into the infinite potential that resides within.Prepare to have your perspective shifted as Kyle offers practical tools for reprogramming your subconscious beliefs about money. He explores the revolutionary concept of treating your finances like a cherished partner, nurturing a relationship based on love and acceptance rather than judgment and fear. Through powerful metaphors and actionable advice, Kyle demonstrates how aligning with your true passion and embracing your authentic self can attract unprecedented levels of prosperity. Don't miss this transformative conversation that promises to revolutionize your approach to wealth and unleash your innate power to create the life of your dreams.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"I realized, oh my God, the essence of what I am, not my ego, not my body, the essence of what I am is immortal. It's always existed. It always will exist." -John MackeyJohn Mackey's journey from a young philosophy student to the founder of Whole Foods Market is nothing short of extraordinary. At 22, a life-altering LSD trip shattered his perception of reality, leading to what he describes as an "ego death." This profound experience dissolved the boundaries between self and universe, leaving Mackey with an unshakeable belief in the immortality of consciousness and the endless possibilities of human existence.Emerging from this transformative episode, Mackey embarked on a fearless pursuit of adventure and meaning. A chance encounter with his philosophy professor sparked a pivotal realization about the importance of happiness and purpose. This epiphany, coupled with a newfound appreciation for the power of nutrition, led Mackey to co-found a small natural food store that would eventually evolve into the game-changing Whole Foods Market. His story is a testament to the unexpected ways life can unfold when we open ourselves to new experiences and embrace the interconnectedness of all things.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"If you start valuing your contact like a book of business, everything changes." -Patrick Bet-DavidFrom a 22-year-old novice to a multi-millionaire entrepreneur, Patrick Bet-David's journey is a masterclass in the power of strategic relationships. In this riveting episode, Patrick peels back the curtain on his meteoric rise, revealing how he turned a single lunch meeting into a state-wide business opportunity. With raw honesty, he recounts his relentless pursuit of mentors, from advertising executives to religious leaders, always asking the golden question: "What can I do for you?"But Patrick's wisdom goes beyond mere networking. He shares the counterintuitive approach that sets truly successful people apart – the ability to nurture relationships without immediate expectation of return. Through vivid storytelling, Patrick demonstrates how this long-game strategy opened doors he never imagined, from million-dollar business partnerships to personal milestones. This episode is a must-listen for anyone looking to elevate their professional and personal life through the art of genuine connection.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"Most people feel bad for what they did, and they'll tell you. So those were easier. Financial crimes, money crimes, scams, the stuff we're seeing now, online, those are really hard to get people to confess to." -Evy PoumpourasStep into the chilling world of criminal psychology with former Secret Service agent Evy Poumpouras as she shatters misconceptions about society's most feared individuals. Drawing from her extensive experience interviewing criminals, Evy reveals that serial killers and violent offenders are not the larger-than-life monsters often portrayed in media. Instead, she paints a startling picture of damaged individuals who target the vulnerable – children, women, and the elderly – exposing their true nature as cowards rather than apex predators.Evy's insights extend beyond violent crimes to the increasingly prevalent world of financial scams. She uncovers the disturbing ease with which perpetrators justify their actions, especially in online fraud cases where the lack of physical contact numbs their conscience. Evy's compassionate approach shines through as she recounts heart-wrenching stories of elderly victims, emphasizing the devastating impact of these crimes on the most vulnerable members of society. Her unique perspective offers listeners a rare glimpse into the criminal mind, providing valuable awareness and protection strategies in an increasingly complex world.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"Every relationship we have ever had has been a mirror. It shows us where we've done a lot of work, and it's lovely. Sometimes it reflects back to us how wonderful we are. And oftentimes in our past, if it hasn't worked out, it's going to reflect where our self-worth is, where our immaturity is, where our trauma is." -Jillian TureckiRelationship expert Jillian Turecki drops a truth bomb that will shake you to your core: the common denominator in all your failed relationships is YOU. With raw honesty and hard-earned wisdom, Jillian peels back the layers of denial we use to protect ourselves from this uncomfortable reality. She shares her own journey of self-discovery, revealing how she learned to confront her patterns, heal her trauma, and break the cycle of destructive relationships.But Jillian doesn't leave you hanging with this harsh truth. She offers a roadmap to transforming your love life by doing the inner work. From the importance of couples therapy (even before problems arise) to the power of forgiveness, Jillian provides actionable advice to help you build healthier, more fulfilling relationships. Her insights on growth, acceptance, and the dangers of "falling in love with potential" will revolutionize the way you approach love and partnership.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"Forget about the money. You have to focus on what you want to put out. If you put out so much, ready or not, money will come." -Ken HondaKen Honda, renowned "Zen Millionaire" and bestselling author, shatters conventional wisdom about wealth in this eye-opening episode. With refreshing honesty, he reveals why chasing money often leads to emptiness and shares his counterintuitive approach to achieving both financial success and genuine happiness. Honda recounts his own journey from struggling entrepreneur to financial guru, emphasizing how he learned to prioritize inner fulfillment over external validation.Diving deep into the psychology of wealth, Honda offers listeners a paradigm shift in thinking about money. He challenges the common belief that a specific dollar amount will bring security, instead advocating for clarity of purpose and value creation. Honda provides actionable strategies for reprogramming limiting beliefs about money and tapping into one's unique talents to create abundance. With powerful anecdotes and practical wisdom, he illuminates the path to becoming both "happy and wealthy," inspiring listeners to redefine their relationship with money and unlock their true potential for success.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"I can't do what I do anymore because I can teach people how to avoid me." -Dr. Steven GundryDr. Steven Gundry, renowned heart surgeon turned nutrition pioneer, takes us on a gripping journey from operating room to wellness advocate. After performing over 10,000 heart surgeries, Gundry had a life-changing encounter with "Big Ed," a patient who reversed 50% of his heart blockages in just six months through diet alone. This shocking discovery forced Gundry to confront the limitations of his surgical career and sparked a personal transformation that saw him lose 70 pounds and resign from his prestigious position as chairman of heart surgery at Loma Linda University.Prepare to have your beliefs about health and nutrition challenged as Gundry shares his groundbreaking insights on autoimmune diseases, the power of gut health, and the hidden dangers lurking in supposedly "healthy" foods. With his unique background in transplant immunology and evolutionary biology, Gundry offers a fresh perspective on how simple dietary changes can dramatically improve your health and potentially reverse chronic conditions. Don't miss this eye-opening episode that could revolutionize your approach to wellness and longevity.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"Slow nodding is tell me more. Fast nodding is finish up." - Vanessa Van EdwardsIn a captivating conversation, body language expert Vanessa Van Edwards unveils the subtle yet powerful social cues that can transform your interactions and boost your charisma. From the art of strategic nodding to the science behind authentic connections, Vanessa shares groundbreaking insights from her latest research. She opens up about her journey from self-described "recovering awkward person" to becoming a leading authority on human behavior, offering hope and practical strategies for anyone looking to enhance their social skills and personal magnetism.Delving into the fascinating world of nonverbal communication, Vanessa reveals game-changing techniques that listeners can immediately apply in both professional and personal settings. She breaks down the difference between warmth and competence in relationships, and explains how to leverage both to create meaningful connections. With a mix of scientific backing and real-world examples, Vanessa empowers listeners to decode the hidden language of interaction and harness it to dramatically improve their social and professional lives. Tune in to discover how small changes in your communication style can lead to big results in your personal and professional relationships.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"My life's goal is to string together moments of a lifetime, just like that one that I could just feel. And I just, everything I do, every single thing I do is built around how I can build a moment in time for like my life, my children and the things that the people that I love." -Glennda BakerGlennda Baker's transformation from feeling like a misfit to becoming a beacon of self-empowerment is nothing short of remarkable. As the only child of divorced parents in her school, Glennda struggled with feeling "cheated" out of the picture-perfect family life she saw around her. Coupled with a major back surgery in seventh grade, she found herself desperately trying to fit in, her self-worth entirely dependent on her associations with others.But 2017 marked a turning point in Glennda's life. After overcoming her struggles with alcohol in 2015, she embarked on a journey of self-discovery that led her and her 16 year old son to a Tony Robbins event and a profound realization: her value was determined by herself alone. This epiphany, along with a touching moment shared with her teenage son, ignited a new life mission for Glennda – to create meaningful moments and embrace her authentic self. Her story serves as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of self-acceptance, sobriety, and the courage to prioritize genuine connections over people-pleasing behaviors.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Have you listened to the FULL EPISODE yet?"I wrote my own patent. I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a book called Patents and Trademarks and I wrote the patent myself." -Sarah BlakelySarah Blakely's journey from door-to-door fax machine saleswoman to billionaire entrepreneur is nothing short of extraordinary. Feeling trapped in a soul-crushing job, she took a leap of faith that would change the shape of the undergarment industry forever. With just $5,000 and an idea born from cutting the feet out of her pantyhose, Blakely persevered through countless rejections, writing her own patent and driving across state lines to find a manufacturer willing to take a chance on her "crazy idea". Her relentless determination and outside-the-box thinking not only led to the creation of Spanx but revolutionized how women feel about their bodies.From choosing the perfect brand name to navigating the male-dominated business world, Blakely's story is filled with unexpected twists, hilarious mishaps, and powerful lessons on resilience. She shares intimate details of her struggle to be taken seriously, including how she convinced manufacturers to give her a chance and the strategic thinking behind the now-iconic Spanx name. This episode is a masterclass in entrepreneurship, showcasing how creativity, grit, and a willingness to take risks can turn a simple idea into a global phenomenon. Don't miss this opportunity to hear from one of the most inspiring self-made female billionaires of our time.Sign up for the Greatness newsletter!
Comments (17)

Me Egh

Outstanding, thank you 😊

Mar 2nd

victoria lisa


Feb 5th

elich lucas

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Jan 17th

Fox King

spanish xD

Oct 3rd

Aakash Amanat

I'm really excited to be a part of "The Daily Motivation" community! Life can be a bit overwhelming at times, and I truly believe that a little bit of daily motivation can make a world of difference. Whether it's a quote, a small accomplishment, or even a simple reminder to take care of ourselves, these little doses of positivity can really shape our mindset and help us stay on track. Remember, every day is a new opportunity to make progress towards our goals, no matter how big or small they may be. Let's use this space to uplift and support each other on our individual journeys. If you've got a favorite quote, a personal mantra, or even just a positive thought to share, please don't hesitate to post it here. Together, we can create a source of inspiration that brightens each other's days and helps us push through any challenges that come our way.

Aug 21st

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May 18th

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May 17th

Ch Salman

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Apr 13th

Ch Salman

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Apr 13th

Ch Salman

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Apr 13th

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Mar 29th
Reply (1)

Burhon Primov

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Mar 8th

Humera Jamshaid

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Dec 2nd

Mobina Rezazadeh

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Nov 1st

Roberta Sweeper

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Oct 31st



Sep 28th