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The Fact Detectives
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The Fact Detectives

Author: Kinderling Kids

Subscribed: 381Played: 5,286


The Fact Detectives are two curious kids on a mission to find out all the cool facts about EVERYTHING! 

Join Anika and Dexter as they take their BIG questions to some very smart grown-ups who know lots of interesting facts about lots of interesting stuff.  

In this brand new season, The Fact Detectives ask; What does a Triceratops and a Peacock have in common? Can you pat a shark? And what is an animal mummy?

Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson

Producer: Cinnamon Nippard

Sound Designer: Josh Newth, Cinnamon Nippard, Darcy Milne

89 Episodes



What IS an allergy? What’s the difference between an allergy and an intolerance or a sensitivity? Even though there's no cure for allergies, find out how Australian researchers are helping people. Esther and Anika find out all the interesting facts about allergies with Dr Catriona Nguyen-Robertson who is an immunologist at Scienceworks. This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Scienceworks. To find out more about the world around you, head to  Guest: Dr Catriona Nguyen-Robertson - immunologist at Scienceworks.Hosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound Design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson   See for privacy information.



What are planets made of? 🌏  What makes a planet a dwarf planet? And why isn’t Pluto a planet anymore? If we could live on one of the other planets in our solar system, what would it be like? 🪐 Anika and Esther find out all the amazing facts about planets with Dr Tanya Hill who is astronomer at the Melbourne Planetarium at Scienceworks. This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Scienceworks. To find out more about the world around you, head to    Guest: Dr Tanya Hill - astronomer at the Melbourne Planetarium at ScienceworksHosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson     See for privacy information.



Why are bubbles rainbow colours? What does a bubbleologist do? Find out which animals use bubbles and how to make the best bubbles at home? Anika and Esther find out all the bouncy facts about bubbles with Mei Liu from Scienceworks. This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Scienceworks. To find out more about the world around you, head to   Guest: Mei Liu from Scienceworks.Hosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson   See for privacy information.



How does a rocketship actually work? Did you know that getting a spacecraft 🚀 to the international space station, is a bit like throwing a ball to your team-mate on the basketball court. 🏀  Anika and Esther find out all the riveting facts about rocketships with Douglas Bair from Scienceworks. This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Scienceworks. To find out more about the world around you, head to  Guest: Douglas Bair from Scienceworks.Hosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson   See for privacy information.



Did you know that kids have more bones than adults? What are skeletons for anyway? And what are bones made of?  Anika and Esther find out all the bone-tastic facts about skeletons with Dr Hazel Richards who is a paleontologist at Melbourne Museum. This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Melbourne Museum. To find out more about the world around you, head to  Guests: Dr Hazel Richards - paleontologist at Melbourne Museum. Hosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna ClarksonSee for privacy information.



Did you know that crabs don't just live in rock pools or in sand at the beach, they can also live in deserts, rainforests and in the depths of the oceans!  Anika and Esther find out all the incredible crab facts with Jo Taylor from the Museums Victoria Research Institute. This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Melbourne Museum. To find out more about the world around you, head to  Guests: Jo Taylor, Manager of the Natural Sciences collections at the Museums Victoria Research Institute.Hosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson   See for privacy information.
Billy and the Fact Detectives have teamed up with some of his favourite podcasting friends to create The Kids Holiday Quiz.  Can you find all the answers? Need to study up?  Search for: Fun Fables: Bedtime Stories With a Twist The Fact Detectives Untrue: An (un)true crime podcast for kids Busy Bodies: With Mr Snot Bottom See for privacy information.
Billy and the Fact Detectives have teamed up with some of his favourite podcasting friends to create The Kids Holiday Quiz.  Can you find all the answers? Need to study up?  Search for: Fun Fables: Bedtime Stories With a Twist The Fact Detectives Untrue: An (un)true crime podcast for kids Busy Bodies: With Mr Snot Bottom See for privacy information.
Billy and the Fact Detectives have teamed up with some of his favourite podcasting friends to create The Kids Holiday Quiz.  Can you find all the answers? Need to study up?  Search for: Fun Fables: Bedtime Stories With a Twist The Fact Detectives Untrue: An (un)true crime podcast for kids Busy Bodies: With Mr Snot Bottom See for privacy information.
Billy and the Fact Detectives have teamed up with some of his favourite podcasting friends to create The Kids Holiday Quiz.  Can you find all the answers? Need to study up?  Search for: Fun Fables: Bedtime Stories With a Twist The Fact Detectives Untrue: An (un)true crime podcast for kids Busy Bodies: With Mr Snot Bottom See for privacy information.



When did Halloween start? Why do we dress up, carve pumpkins and go trick or treating? Anika and Esther find out all the ancient, spooky facts about Halloween with Michelle Smith who studies fairytales and children's literature at Monash University.  Guest: Michelle Smith who researches fairytales and children’s literature at Monash University in Melbourne.    Hosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson   See for privacy information.
In this episode we answer questions from our fans, Detective Rocco and Detective Olive. We find out why we burp and how cocoons are made. Host: Billy and The Super ComputerProduction and Sound Design: Josh Newth Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson  See for privacy information.
Spin, Tape, Stream

Spin, Tape, Stream


What was music first recorded onto? How does a microphone work? What's the difference between analogue and digital music?Anika and Esther find out all the amazing facts with Simon Pampena who is a mathematician, a stand-up comedian, and a science communicator at Scienceworks.This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Scienceworks. To find out more about the world around you, head to Simon Pampena is a mathematician and a stand-up comedian, and a science communicator at Scienceworks Hosts: Anika and Esther Production: Cinnamon Nippard Sound design: Josh Newth Executive Producer: Lorna ClarksonSee for privacy information.



Did you know that dragonflies are the fastest insect in the world? Just how fast can they fly? Why are their wings so special?  Anika and Esther find out all the amazing dragonfly facts with Dr Claire Keely from Melbourne Museum.    This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Melbourne Museum. To find out more about the world around you, head to  Guest: Dr Claire Keely who is a Collection Manager of Invertebrates at the Museums Victoria Research Institute  Hosts: Anika and Esther   Production: Cinnamon Nippard   Sound design: Josh Newth   Executive Producer: Lorna ClarksonSee for privacy information.



How many stars are there? How do we count them? Why do stars twinkle? Anika and Esther find out all the celestial facts about stars with Dr Tanya Hill who is an astronomer at the Melbourne Planetarium at Scienceworks.   Guest: Dr Tanya Hill who is an astronomer at the Melbourne Planetarium at Scienceworks. Hosts: Anika and Esther  Production: Cinnamon Nippard  Sound design: Josh Newth  Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson  See for privacy information.



How big were Megalodon sharks? What did they eat for lunch? Were humans alive when Megalodon sharks roamed the oceans? Anika and Esther find out all the fantastic facts about Megalodon with Tim Ziegler who is a palaeontologist and geologist at Melbourne Museum  This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Melbourne Museum. To find out more about the world around you, head to  Guest: Tim Ziegler who is a palaeontologist and geologist at Melbourne Museum Hosts: Anika and Esther  Production: Cinnamon Nippard  Sound design: Josh Newth  Executive Producer: Lorna ClarksonSee for privacy information.



Did you know that not all animals fart?! What is a fart and why do we do them? How do our bodies make poo?  Anika and Esther investigate poo with Douglas Bair from Scienceworks who gives them all the stinky facts!  This episode of The Fact Detectives is a Kinderling co-production with Scienceworks. To find out more about the world around you, head to  Guest: Douglas Bair from ScienceworksHosts: Anika and Esther Production: Cinnamon Nippard  Sound Design: Josh Newth Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson See for privacy information.
In this episode we answer a question from our fan, Detective Zach. We find out why some animals survived the dinosaur extinction. Host: Billy and The Super ComputerProduction and Sound Design: Josh Newth Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson   See for privacy information.



What’s the difference between a glow-worm and a firefly? How and why do glow-worms glow? And where can we see them?   In this episode, Anika and Esther catch up with author, Cathie Plowman, who illuminates all the glimmering facts about glow-worms. Find out why they’re the Australian Cave Animal of the Year in 2023   Guest: Cathie Plowman, caver and author of the book: Living Lights: The Glowworms of Australia and New Zealand. Hosts: Anika and Esther  Production: Cinnamon Nippard  Sound design: Josh Newth  Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson  See for privacy information.



What’s the difference between an alligator and a crocodile? Are crocodiles really living dinosaurs? And do they actually cry?   In this episode, Anika and Esther find out all the snap-tastic facts about crocodiles with Dr Matthew Brien who is a program coordinator with the Department of Environment and Science in Queensland    Guest: Dr Matthew Brien who is a program coordinator with the Department of Environment and Science in Queensland Hosts: Anika and Esther  Production: Cinnamon Nippard  Sound design: Josh Newth  Executive Producer: Lorna Clarkson    See for privacy information.