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The Hail Yes Podcast

Author: Hailey Gamba

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You have made it to The Hail Yes Podcast, an audio experience by Hailey Gamba. I aim to inspire you while also sharing intimate real life advice and stories; that show the depths of my experiences that have shaped me into the woman I am today. In 2015 I started my Youtube channel (the year I graduated high school) and have shared my life with you since. What started out as simple self care hacks and tips has now turned into a full on community of vulnerable resilient women who just want to be their best!
New episodes EVERY TUESDAY!!
IG: @haileygamba @hailyespodcast
19 Episodes
this episode is all about becoming a true girls girl... this is a big sister talk and I really love the passion behind this episode!
this episode is all about your shadow self. Which is the part of ourselves we tend to ignore or disregard. But our shadow is our darkness and it's our honest truest form. When you embrace your shadow you can truly become authentic and feel at peace and less shame.
this episode is a sassy one omg! I felt called to serve as your big sister reminding you of who you are. Not going to lie I sometimes forget how cool I am... and yes I am cool. The days of playing small, hating yourself, accepting garbage treatment.. are behind you. Let's step into the hottest baddest most unapologetic version of ourselves.
Today we discuss radical acceptance and how it changes how you see things. I have spent the better half of my twenties learning and working on myself. One of the things I know about ME is that I am an anxious lover girl... although I welcome this version of myself I wanted to improve my self regulation by practicing radical acceptance... and when I tell you it changed how I view people and myself it's truly life changing! Please enjoy xoxo
this is my birthday episode !! yay ! Cancer gang stand up. I wanted to do a fun episode on the 27 things I learned thus far... life will continue to bless and humble me and I am just happy to be apart of the experience.
this episode is so important to me. we discuss my relationship with God and how it has impacted my life leaning into being a believer and also listening to God when I'm lost, hurt, or confused. The writing on the wall is clear with our relationships, our career, and most importantly our PURPOSE. hope you enjoy xoxo
in today's short episode we discuss being in reciprocal relationships and the importance in finding your tribe! when you constantly pour into others and they aren't doing the same it's doing yourself such a disservice so we get into that today!
today we discuss how to have a good day everyday. Life is chaotic and can be overwhelming but I find the moments to enjoy and I stay grounded in a positive headspace due to these life hacks/tips!! also I provided you guys with a little life update so you can keep up with what's been going on behind the scenes!!
this is a episode to ditch your hyper masculine, negative way and start receiving your blessings and princess treatment today! I hope you enjoy xoxo
Those who betray you are just unhealed people looking for an out of their healing journey. You must change the way you think about their betrayal. Transmute it to leading with empathy, understanding, and power...
bonus episode for Memorial Day!! we discuss dating in this awful dating climate, sex, confidence, and more.... I hope you enjoy this intimate girl chat today!
in today's episode we are discussing the Cassie and Diddy leaked video and my personal story that relates to it. Domestic violence is very common and it shouldn't be a subject that is avoided. We are in the mindset of advocating, practicing discernment, discussing hard topics, and bettering ourselves to have a beautiful, safe, and healthy life!
today's episode means a lot to me because it's emphasizing my awareness about how much I have grown. I am so proud of the work I am doing and learning that I won't be liked by everyone but at least I have peace in my life and am no longer extending myself in ways that drain me. Hopefully this can guide you to drop the nice girl act and become more stern and assertive but also stay kind and feminine!
he doesn't care so he should be invisible to you!! I am allergic to low effort. It's princess treatment or nothing. ladies it's time to raise your standards not only to improve your dating life but to improve your mental health. Mr. Nonchalant is killing your spirit. It's so hurtful when someone treats you like they don't want you! so let them lose you instead.
this episode is a deeper talk about the obstacles we overcome as people trying to step into our new life. It's not always easy to do but with integrity, faith, and resilience it will always feel like the better and best option for you!
this episode is all about blocking people in life and on the internet. I discuss why this is crucial for mastering peace and ascension into the best version of you!! also side bar if you hear my dryer in the background I'm sorry lol!
this episode is all about the difference between desire and desperation! I get on a little tangent today to discuss dating, my past, my vulnerabilities, and much more! let's operate from healed perspectives so we can get exactly what we want out of life!
Hello my lovely friends! Today we are discussing the power of manifesting and how you can actually see your life come into fruition quicker. I used to think that things take forever.. and although that may be true for some things a lot of the times with a few changes and shifts you can see results in many things QUICK!! Hope you enjoy and get something beautiful out of this listen xoxo
welcome to my new podcast!! I am so so excited to be starting my podcast with a bang discussing walking in your true essence, femininity, and aura! This era for me is called "grown and sexy" and I share with you how to walk in that era with me! IG: @haileygamba @hailyespodcast Youtube: Hailey Gamba