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The History of Rome
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The History of Rome

Author: Mike Duncan

Subscribed: 81,077Played: 2,846,015


A weekly podcast tracing the history of the Roman Empire, beginning with Aeneas's arrival in Italy and ending with the exile of Romulus Augustulus, last Emperor of the Western Roman Empire. Now complete!
193 Episodes
001- In the Beginning

001- In the Beginning


Welcome to The History of Rome, a weekly series tracing the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. Today we will hear the mythical origin story of Rome and compare it with modern historical and archaeological evidence. How much truth is wrapped up in the legend? We end this week with the death of Remus and the founding of Rome.
Last time we discussed the events that lead to the birth of Rome, covering the arrival of Aeneas in Italy and the story of the twins Romulus and Remus. Today we will cover the remainder of Romulus's life, his questionable morality and ultimate disappearance from the world of men.
This week we cover the first three of Romulus's successors to the throne: Numa Pompulius, Tullus Hostilius and Ancus Marcius, who they were and what affect they had on the evolution Roman law and culture.
The last days of the Roman Kingdom were ruled over by the three members of the so-called Tarquin Dynasty: Tarquinius Priscus, Servius Tullius and Tarquinius Superbus. The last proved to be such a tyrant that he was overthrown and monarchy was forever outlawed by the Romans.
004- The Public Thing

004- The Public Thing


The monarchy had been overthrown and the Roman Republic was now established. Despite the appearance of a free democratic republic, the Romans were beset with economic and political divisions that threatened the unity of the young State.
The infant Roman Republic faced many challenges as it grew into adolescence, both internally and externally. Most significantly class divisions led to a confrontation between patricians and plebs that resulted in the creation of the office of Tribune.
006- The Twelve Tables

006- The Twelve Tables


In 451 BC a committee was ordered to compile and then condense Roman law into a single text called the Twelve Tables of Law. Despite tyrannical machinations by the committee, the Twelve Tables secured an objective rule of law for all Roman citizens regardless of wealth or class.
Cincinnatus was famously appointed dictator of Rome in 458 BC and then resigned soon after, securing his place in history as a paradigm of republican virtue.
008- Decades of Gloom

008- Decades of Gloom


The years after the creation of the Twelve Tables were hard. Political discord, grain shortages and famine all conspired to weaken the city, but the Romans soldiered on in the face of seemingly insurmountable adversity.
009- A Trojan War

009- A Trojan War


Economic necessity forced a final conflict with Veii, Rome's Etruscan rival to the north. After years of inconclusive fighting, Marcus Furius Camillus was appointed dictator and lead the Romans to victory.
Soon after the war with Veii, Rome was sacked by invading Gauls. The event traumatized the Romans and left their city in ruins. It would be the last time a foreign army breached the walls until the fall of the empire 850 years later.
011- The Morning After

011- The Morning After


In the decades after the Gauls abandoned Rome to its fate, the Romans were forced to battle both external threats and internal sedition. The Plebes, saddled with debt from the reconstruction, forced through reforms in 367 BC that finally gave them access to the most powerful office of state: the Consulship.
From 343-341 BC Rome fought a brief war against the Samnites, a powerful hill tribe who would plague the Romans for the rest of the century. The Romans won an inconclusive victory, but the war was only the opening salvo in a long running struggle between the two peoples.
013- The Latin War

013- The Latin War


The Romans fought a final war against their Latin neighbors from 340-338 BC. The Romans won a decisive victory and the Latin League was abolished once and for all.
For hundreds of years the Roman Army used the Greek phalanx, but during the Samnite Wars they were forced to develop a new distinctly Roman system.
The Roman army abandoned the Greek phalanx in favor of a new system based on a three line deployment organized by age and experience.
After a decade of peace, the Romans and Samnites returned to war. The early years of fighting went well for Rome, but in 321 BC they were handed a humiliating defeat at Caudine Forks.
After a five year break, hostilities resumed between the Romans and Samnites. Despite early setbacks, Rome eventually emerged victorious in 304 BC. During these years a controversial politician, Appius Claudius, initiated a series of ambitious public works projects that advanced Roman civilization.
Rome battled a combined army of Samnites, Etruscans, Umbrians and Gauls for control of Italy. At Sentinum, the two sides fought the largest battle in Italian history up to that point.
017- Pyrrhic Victories

017- Pyrrhic Victories


The Greek cities of southern Italy called on King Pyrrhus of Epirus to protect them from Roman encroachment. Though Pyrrhus was undefeated in battle, his victories were so costly that he was forced to withdraw from Italy in 275 BC, leaving Rome in control of Magna Graecia.
Comments (91)

Valley Scharping

Christ is King

Dec 21st


where is the subtitles?

Dec 18th

Johann christian

ah majorian, RIP

Nov 4th

Habia Khet

💚CLICK HERE Full HD>720p>1080p>4K💚WATCH>ᗪOᗯᑎᒪOᗩᗪ>LINK> 👉

Feb 4th

Valley Scharping

This is all irrelevant propaganda you have been fed. Christ's birth is calculated easily from dates given in the Bible.

Sep 8th

Olga Bukhalova

I really enjoy the podcast. however, I can't help but notice that the narrator is clearly biased towards Christian and against Pagan world. This transpires in his depiction of the emperors, including Constantine and Julian, with the former being elevated as a great leader, and the latter ridiculed as a hopeless idealist. Let's not forget that Constantine is largely to blame for the economic collapse of the empire, as well as further weakening the borders, thus rendering it vulnerable to external attacks. Again, I really enjoy the podcast, but I have to point out the obvious bias.

Mar 26th

Michael Parkanski

the History of the United States errrr....Rome.

Aug 21st
Reply (1)

Mostly Inactive

Holy crap I just listened to this ep ON FATHER DAY 12 YEARS LATER

Jun 20th

Bob Zaleski

The poor pronunciation of the names of people and place is somewhat offputting. I am only through the Syrian War, but the constant mispronounciation of Antiochus was grating. When I studied ancient history, we learned Latin and Greek.

Apr 4th

damned skeptic

After listening to this long enough how is the CIA any different from the praetorian guard?

Jul 11th
Reply (1)

Philly Burbs

I am so pleased I found this. Everyone focus on Rome's downfall. Or the time just before. This would make a great HBO series & if done correctly could run for years like thevGame or Thrones. Mr. Duncan sell the screenplay. I like you have ideas how it could be done. Each section would feature a different famous actor here & gone in a few chapters

Jun 2nd
Reply (1)

Michael Anthony

Great podcast. I'm Italian and wanted to know more about my roots. Very succinct and has some humor.

Mar 31st


What if gaius assassinated Gordian the 3rd to get his brother Phillip on the throne

Jan 16th

Christian Dunn

Is this dude capable of doing one damn sentence without smacking his mouth and making every mouth noise available

Nov 18th


Lovely narration and smooth production 💛

Nov 7th

Cayla Hardwicke

Buzzzz, the cicadas have entered the chat

Sep 21st

Will Windsor

this was a wonderful project, and hugely satisfying. thanks for all of your hard work to make roman history accessible to everyone. i listened through episode 70 (in about 2.5 weeks), so I'm going to take a little breather. look forward to hearing what happened after Nero's barely successful suicide.

Sep 12th

Fernando Perez

my favorite ancient history podcast ever.

Sep 2nd

Gary Fergus

This is a an epic series charting the rise and fall of Rome from its beginnings in myth, through its glory years and on to its ultimately sad and irrelevant ending. I don't want to sound like a ponce here but I believe that Mike Duncan has created something that will stand the test of time and will in the future be ranked alongside important works like Edward Gibbons 'The history of the decline and fall of the Roman empire' Im struggling to think of anything else that provides such a comprehensive chronological timeline and any serious student of the subject will need to listen to this. I have always been interested in Roman history and over the years have read and watched what I could but I learnt so much from this and for that I am truly grateful.

Jul 9th

Roger Fuller

this is a great podcast. I am listening to it for the second time.

Jul 1st