The KingdomCore Podcast

The KingdomCore Podcast
Author: Christopher Adam and Sean Ely
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The KingdomCore Podcast is a place for those who love Jesus and who love metal music to come and listen to insight about music and the scene from the bands themselves.
49 Episodes
In this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, join Chris and Sean in their next tier listing adventure, this time with the help of Michael Osborn of the band Diatheke. To kick off 2025, we had to make easily the longest form of content we have ever created, reaching nearly 4 hours in length and 13+ hours of render time. We hope you enjoy all the laughs, and even serious conversation points about these bands iconic discographies, worst records, and of course their best! Be sure to grab some popcorn, prepare to cry (from laughter and from the absolute worst takes known to man) and lets rank these once "Christian" bands. Be sure to check out our Sponsor of this episode: Sower for not reading a new review OR thanking our amazing Patron's in this episode. You are all so amazing and we will pick that up in the next episode.RECORDED: January 9th, 2025Patreon and other links: our video versions of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at: more from DiathekeLinks:
Welcome back to the new and improved KCP! We have a new look courtesy of our Patron's and Quiet Strength Design. In this first episode of Season 5, we interview Danny and Kyle of the brand new band to the scene No Treaty. Their debut EP "Sound The Trumpet" launched recently and took the metal world by storm, reaching #2 on the iTunes Metal Charts. This was of course recorded before that happened, but we could see the massive potential early. We talk about the band coming together, and the members long history in the scene, the recording process, working with Ryan Leitru, and a crazy music video shoot involving injuries. We can't thank you enough for sticking by us and helping us improve the podcast over the years. Here is to the new era!Record on November 14th, 2024.If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at: more from No TreatyLinks:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean sit down to rank the discographies of 3 of the biggest bands in the Christian scene. For Today, Sleeping Giant, and Impending Doom. We don't compare the bands against each other but just their entire discographies within themselves. It was super fun, some heated moments, lots of laughs. Enjoy the screamy screamy Jesus music!DISCLAIMER: The color of the band logos DOES NOT reflect anything to do with the bands.Record on August 6th, 2024.If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
In the latest episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean sit down with vocalist Mike Felker of the band Convictions. They chat about the newly released "The Fear of God" and what went into this record continuing of the success of the band's previous release. Come check out the latest from one of the rising top band's in the Christian Metal scene and hear what is in store!If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Convictions: and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
We are back with a new episode of The KingdomCore Podcast! Sean is a new father, and Chris is still not. They sit down with the djents in Bloodlines to talk about their astounding new EP "Holiness Cries" out now on Facedown Records! From the cover art to the themes surrounding the songs. Everything you want to know about this new release is covered!If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Bloodlines: and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean sit down to rank the discographies of 4 of your favorite Christian Metal bands! This was a big episode, so for streaming we split it into two parts. This is part 1/2. We don't compare the bands themselves but just their entire discographies within themselves. It was super fun, some heated moments, lots of laughs. We hope you enjoy and thank you for your patience!If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean sit down to rank the discographies of 4 of your favorite Christian Metal bands! This was a big episode, so for streaming we split it into two parts. This is part 2/2. We don't compare the bands themselves but just their entire discographies within themselves. It was super fun, some heated moments, lots of laughs. We hope you enjoy and thank you for your patience!If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean sit down with the guys of "Meadows" and talk about their new release "Familiar With Pain." This special hardcore record released on Good Friday and telling the story of Christ in the week leading up to the cross. We hear more about the inner workings of creating the record, as well as some funny stories of the band in the studio.If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Meadows: and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean sit down with Mattie Montgomery, formerly of For Today. For those of you who don't know, Mattie planted The Altar Fellowship in Johnson City, TN after For Today came to an end. Sean made a post a number of months ago mentioning spiritual warfare and For Today, and Mattie mentioned he had some thoughts he wanted to share. So here we are, talking about spiritual warfare on The KingdomCore Podcast! Mattie talks about some of the things he wrote lyrically in For Today, as well as some of his experiences on tour and how they relate to spiritual warfare, so strap in!If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Mattie Montgomery: and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, we are joined by our good friends Tyler and Gary from All Consuming Podcast for our Second Annual Christian Metal Fantasy Draft! We had to give this fun game another round and a fun spin. Instead of genre based categories, we came up with a variety. Each player gets to pick a Debut Record, Pre-2000's Record, EP, Concept Record, and an Album Cover Art, to make the best "Roster/Team" they can. YOU, our community will get to decide on who wins. Keep an eye out for an Instagram Post shared between all our accounts with a poll.If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!All Consuming Podcast: and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean sit down with Victor Borba, Jake Smith, and Tony DiBlasi to talk about their band REFORMED. Their newly released EP "Thus Saith The Lord" launched at the tail end of 2023, and has already surpassed 1 million streams. It was also named EP of the year by both KingdomCore and For The Rock. We talk about the writing process, music theory, testimonies and so much more in yet another amazing episode of the podcast.RECORDED: February 22nd, 2024If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean have the pleasure to chat with Kevin Young (Vocalist) and Joey West (Drummer) of the legendary Christian Hard Rock group, Disciple. We discuss the launch of their latest album, Skeleton Psalms, along with their recent team-up with Heart Support for a limited run of shirts themed around their song "Promise To Live". We talk the impact that Promise to Live had over their Winter Jam tour, the 30+ year history of the band, their least favorite tracks, and so much more!RECORDED: February 15th, 2024If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean have a one on one discussion over YOUR questions! This is the first episode we have dedicated to a Q&A and we love the questions that came in. Let us know if you enjoy this type of episode and hopefully we can do more in the future! In this episode we answer 7 questions from the community, but our headline topic is about our most Overrated and Underrated albums in the scene. Things got a bit heated. Thanks to k_prange.p1024, xryderxlucasx, calebdoerksen, 14_kaleidoscope, mulletstache_, godgivemeagirlfriend_pls, and johnmattg for the questions! Thank you to everyone else who submitted. Feel free to submit questions that would make good conversation to kingdomcorepodcast@gmail.comRECORDED: January 30th, 2024If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, we chat with Evan Baker and Jesse Gentry of American Arson. This two-piece rock band on Facedown Records just released their brand new record that is among the best of the year! We talk about Evan's favorite non fruit-bearing deciduous trees, our favorite road trip snacks, and of course, the new album!RECORDED: November 6th, 2023If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: Arson: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
On this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Sean and Chris are joined by Nick Detty and Stephen Cobucci of Wolves At The Gate. We chat about the newly released cover album, Lost In Translation, and how the idea of doing the record came from. They share some absolutely crazy travel stories, the stuff of nightmares for touring bands traveling overseas. We also talk about the 10 years of Captors Anniversary Tour and Nick's journey to faith and joining the band. Strap in for a wild ride!RECORDED: November 2nd, 2023If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: At The Gate: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
In this episode of The KingdomCore Podcast, Chris and Sean talk to Leroy Hamp, vocalist of the legendary War Of Ages! Many things have gone into making their new record "Dominion" an astounding album, and we hear about the recording process, the artwork, and of course the drumming. Leroy talks about July 2022, when WOA Drummer, Kaleb Luebchow passed away suddenly and how the band dedicated Dominion to him. We say it every episode, but we feel like this is truly a special one. RECORDED: August 29th, 2023If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: Of Ages: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
Once again after another unintentional, extended break, Chris and Sean are back to talk about the releases in the scene spanning the months of May to July! There are so many to cover, and we hope you don't not "hearing" the music in the episode. We do have a list of the artists we covered in this episode below, so be sure to go and check out all those sick new bands!New Albums/EPs:Lions Empire - Self TitledMarilla - Act IV: Holy Ground (EP) Cultist - Slow SuicideTo Die Elsewhere - under gods (EP)Searching Serenity - RetributionxDOULOSx - Birth PainsSpiritwalker - Heretic Jernlov - ResurrectionNew Singles:Descriptor - RedeemerPipe Bomb - False GodBurning Nations - DreamerSaved By Skarlet - Lie of The PhariseesUnderneath the Gun - As Within, So Without, Burial CrownWith Blood Comes Cleansing - EuangelionREFORMED - ReprobateLight the Way - Life Makes no SenseCliffside - Endless WellsThe Living - The Space BetweenLacey Sturm - ReconcileIf you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
Sean and Chris talk with the newest band, and perhaps most controversial on Facedown Records, Cultist. Their newly released album Slow Suicide is a heavy beatdown metalcore record full of hard truth. We chat about the early days of the band stemming from a solo project, into a full act, and now the release of their label debut. Prepare for a wild ride full of laughs as well as the first ever unboxing on the KingdomCore Podcast, as we witness the band see their Vinyl for the first time in person.RECORDED: July 13th, 2023If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
Sean and Chris sit down with the forefathers of Christian Deathcore, With Blood Comes Cleansing. We talk about their return to the scene and prepping for their upcoming shows along with their newly released singles. We also hear about how they have remained steadfast in their faith and the purpose for their return. This is definitely an episode you do not want to miss!RECORDED: May 15th, 2023If you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. We are now reading our written reviews from Apple Podcasts in each episode, write a review to have a chance to have it read and earn a shoutout. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: the video version of Podcast on For The Rock: Blood Comes Cleansing: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
We are back for another episode of Scene News! We have way too many releases to cover, so strap in for a long episode. Chris was sick and coughs up a storm. We are approximately 3 weeks late getting this episode out. We hope you enjoy this more light hearted content, discover some new music, and just sit back, relax and have a laugh. Stay tuned for our next band interview very soon, we know that you all will be hyped!New Albums/EPs:Disciple - Skeleton PsalmsRelent - World War Me (EP)Unworthy - Where Light Divides (EP)Enduring Revery - CarrierA Life Aligned - The Fill (EP)Burial Extraction - A Shadow Of Things To ComeBONEYARD - (DEMOS) (EP)New Singles:Beard the Lion - I am the RansomBefore There Was Rosalyn - HypocritesCultist - Preacher 3Cliffside - CultClassic Disaster - To The Ground (Debut Single)Reformed - Smoke of Their TormentThe Artificials - Warrior of LightSon and Thieves - FidelisThrones - Wretched Tree + 30 PieceSearching Serenity - The Lands BetweenSet For the Fall - Product of PressureA Sight in Veracity - WarpIf you have not already, consider rating our podcast or leaving a review on your favorite platform. Also consider joining our Patreon linked below, thank you so much for checking out the podcast and continuing your support!Patreon and other links: our video interviews of the podcast on For The Rock: out more about KingdomCore at: out more about For The Rock at:
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