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The Pathway To Your Results

Author: Derick Grant

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This podcast has been helping individuals remember what they truly were capable of before they forgot. Host Derick "DG" Grant dives deep into spirituality, metaphyics, and other topics to help listeners regain power of their minds. Remember, Life is Mental. 

168 Episodes
Embracing Death

Embracing Death


In our journey toward spiritual enlightenment, we question traditional Christian concepts such as heaven and eternal punishment. Reflecting on transformative practices like meditation, mindfulness, and plant medicine ceremonies, we offer new perspectives on death and immortality. Reinterpreting Jesus as a metaphor for personal spiritual initiation, we discuss the importance of shedding old identities to embrace a higher spiritual path. By examining the transformative message in Jesus's encoun...
Mentors often step into our lives at the most pivotal moments, offering wisdom that can either come from positive guidance or negative experiences. Reflecting on personal anecdotes, I share how mentors have shaped my journey, even when their lessons weren't immediately clear. By staying open and curious, these lessons eventually became invaluable, guiding me to the next stage of personal growth. We dive into the importance of being receptive to the wisdom around us, and how everything happens...
Mind IS Matter

Mind IS Matter


Ever wonder how much power your mind truly holds over your reality? Drawing from the Kybalion and Hermetic laws, we explore how our thoughts and consciousness shape our physical existence. Through personal anecdotes, like my son's basketball performance transformation and my daughter's camp triumph, this episode reveals the incredible influence of our beliefs on our experiences. Learn how changing your mindset can dramatically alter your life, proving that our inner world is the key to shapin...
It Was You vs. You

It Was You vs. You


Have you ever wondered how much of your life is shaped by comparing yourself to others? On this episode of the Pathway to Your Results Podcast, DG uncovers the hidden traps of comparison and offer strategies to chart your own unique course. You’ll discover how societal expectations can sabotage your growth and learn actionable steps to set personal waypoints that align with your true aspirations. DG takes you on a journey to redefine success on your terms, encouraging you to question who you ...
Have you ever wondered why life keeps throwing the same obstacles your way? Join DG as he unravels the profound journey of self-awareness, exploring how our internal state is mirrored in our external experiences. Reflecting on personal encounters with recurring challenges, we uncover the lessons hidden within and emphasize the importance of letting go of old fears. Through meditation and self-reflection, we discuss the energetic 'tuition' required for growth and the interconnectedness of our ...
By breaking down the process of how feelings form—from situations to personal perspective—DG illustrates how to turn negative emotions into positive ones. Relatable stories and analogies highlight the importance of reclaiming control over our emotional state, demonstrating that a change in perception can lead to a more fulfilling life. An empowering narrative, starting from a childhood memory of making microwavable hot dogs, draws parallels between life’s challenges and opportunit...
The Video Game of Life

The Video Game of Life


Ever wondered if our reality is just an elaborate illusion or even a simulation? I recount my transformative experience with ayahuasca, where I began to question the very nature of our existence. Through the lens of personal experience and philosophical inquiry, this episode explores the concept of reality, drawing intriguing parallels between immersive virtual reality experiences and our perception of life. By comparing life's challenges to levels in a video game, I emphasize how these obsta...
Have you ever wondered how embodying your future self can transform your reality? This episode of the Pathway to Results podcast promises to reveal the art of manifestation from a whole new perspective. We dive deep into how adopting the mindset and energy of what you desire can naturally attract your goals. Through my own stories of writing a 10-year plan and making transformative physical changes, I'll show you how intentionality and detachment play crucial roles in the manifestation proces...
In this episode, DG embarks on a journey to self-acceptance and love. Compare the effort you put into romantic relationships with the effort you often neglect to invest in yourself. Learn the importance of self-love, setting boundaries, and seeking validation from within. We'll discuss how the energy you emit attracts similar frequencies in others, emphasizing that the qualities you admire or despise in others are reflections of your traits. This episode is a call to self-discovery and healin...
Everything Is Relative

Everything Is Relative


Our discussion shifts the lens from the dualistic nature of hardships and joys, inviting you to question the absolutes you've lived by. As we dissect the impact of personal paradigms on our labels and judgments, you'll be encouraged to see the malleability of your experiences through the eyes of relativity.Watch This Episode on YouTube!Join The Conscious Evolution Community Here to gain access to exclusive podcasts, unreleased content, a free journal, and live weekly calls with DG! Life Is Me...
Mastering Fear

Mastering Fear


Fear grips us all, but imagine unlocking your limitless potential by understanding its true nature and mastering it. That's the journey we invite you to embark on as we expose fear for what it truly is—a construct of your mind, deeply intertwined with the ego's survival mechanism. We're peeling back the layers of this psychological phenomenon, dissecting the common dreads of inadequacy and solitude to reveal their roots in the quest for external validation. With an illuminating discussion, yo...
Time Under Tension

Time Under Tension


Ever felt like life's just piling on more than you can bench press? In the latest Pathway to your Results podcast, we tackle that weight together. We're not shying away from the burn; we're seeking it out, leaning into the grind that sculpts our souls, much like a grueling set of tricep extensions carves our physique. This is a no-holds-barred conversation on the power of pain, because, let's face it, comfort never led to greatness. I share a slice of my own tough week, spinning a tale of str...
The Seeds of Life

The Seeds of Life


Witness the mysterious dance of divine timing with me, as we unveil the parallels between the growth of a seed and the evolution of our inner selves. Together, we'll traverse the unseen forces shaping our paths, emphasizing the beauty in trusting the process of life's grand design. Every stage, from conception to full bloom, mirrors the journey we undertake in personal transformation, revealing the power and significance of belief systems, and the natural flow of growth that occurs when we al...
Life Is a Mirror

Life Is a Mirror


This episode is your key to breaking free, a masterclass in self-transformation that promises to shift your inner world and, in turn, radically alter your outer reality. As your host, I'll guide you through the empowering realization that you're the author of your life's story, with every thought and emotion quietly sculpting your journey. We'll discuss the unbounded potential that lies in self-awareness and unwavering determination, learning to cherish our mistakes as the most valuable lesso...
Act Like It

Act Like It


In this episode catapult into the realm of what it means to live with the audacity of someone who's already grasped their dreams. The episode closes with a powerful narrative that calls us to inspire ourselves as we would inspire others, to challenge our fears, and to take bold strides towards the greatness we each harbor within. It's not just a conversation; it's a movement towards embracing the powerful individuals we're destined to be. Watch This Episode on YouTube!Join The Conscious ...
As we wrap up our discussion, we reflect on the powerful themes of acceptance and the innate divinity within us all. We speak on the power of will and intention, understanding how confronting our fears can dismantle the pathway to negative emotions and free us from their hold. Carly and I discuss healing as an alignment with our divine essence, how fear only serves to obscure it, and the essential role of conscious integration for true transformation. This episode is an affirmation of persona...
In this episode, DG dives into his personal experience with Ayahuasca and how plant medicine helps human beings on their healing journey. Understanding that plant medicine can't do your work for you, it can be a resource to aid you in your journey if you're willing to do the work. Watch This Episode on YouTube!Join The Conscious Evolution Community Here to gain access to exclusive podcasts, unreleased content, a free journal, and live weekly calls with DG! Life Is Mental University Cours...
The Deaths of You

The Deaths of You


In this episode, we confront the fears that hold us back from embracing true change. I share a personal story of instilling courage in my daughter and highlight my upcoming ayahuasca ceremonies with my wife as a profound step towards renewal. For those feeling the pull toward transformation, I offer an open invitation to a program designed to guide you through your self-discovery. Tune in to this reflective series as we celebrate the freedom found in authenticity and the promise of personal r...
The School System

The School System


Ever questioned the true purpose behind our educational processes and their impact on shaping young minds? DG invites you to join him on an introspective journey through the Pathway to your Results podcast, where we expose the harsh reality that schools are often more focused on churning out employees rather than fostering entrepreneurs and critical thinkers. With a Western lens, we scrutinize a system that rewards conformity, pushing our children into a cycle of stress and performance metric...
Have you ever caught yourself in the endless loop of comparison, only to feel like you're always coming up short? Today's episode strips away the illusion of inadequacy by challenging the ego's need for duality. Through a deep-dive conversation, I unraveled the idea that our quest for identity often leaves us in the relentless pursuit of superiority over others. But when we embrace our infinite nature, we realize there is nothing to measure ourselves against. I share personal insights and inv...