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The Quote of the Day Show | Daily Motivational Talks
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The Quote of the Day Show | Daily Motivational Talks

Author: Sean Croxton

Subscribed: 15,286Played: 1,312,717


The Quote of The Day Show is your daily dose of inspiration, featuring the best-of-the-best speakers and prosperity teachers. Each episode spotlights an inspiring quote and 5-10 minute motivational audio clip to help you live a life you love. Featured speakers include Bob Proctor, Lisa Nichols, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, Jim Rohn, and more. Hosted by entrepreneur and money mindset expert Sean Croxton. Follow Sean on IG, Twitter, and FB at @seancroxton. Also, subscribe to his interview podcast, The Sean Croxton Sessions, on iTunes.
2154 Episodes
Does the work you’re doing leave you feeling drained? Today, John Maxwell discusses the “law of the niche” and why you should stick to the work that aligns with your strengths.Source: John C Maxwell - 03 The Law Of The NicheHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On today’s episode, Brian Tracy reveals the qualities and behaviors of optimistic people. Find out how to use “the law of probability” to dramatically increase the odds of your success. Plus, learn a quick strategy for determining your most important goals.Source: The Science of Positive FocusHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Dr. Rao reveals a more sustainable way to pursue your goals, that doesn’t involve putting off your happiness.Source: Powerful Lessons from Great Masters | Srikumar RaoHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Brendon Burchard shares 3 life practices that can help you get moving on your dreams, keep yourself surrounded by strivers, and trigger yourself to feel great.Source: This is What Separates WINNERS From WannabesHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On today’s episode, Lisa Jimenez encourages you to observe and reconsider the meanings you’ve given to fear, failure, rejection, and success. If you can learn it, you can unlearn it!Source: Are Your Beliefs Serving You Or Holding You Back - Lisa JimenezHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Myron Golden discusses why making money is easy … as long as you’re solving a big problem for a big pool of people.Source: It’s So Incredibly Easy To Get RichHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
How are your 2025 goals coming along? On today’s episode, Jim Rohn discusses the importance of measuring your progress so you’ll know if what you’re doing is moving you forward.Source: Jim Rohn Challenge To Succeed FastHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Coach Jim Valvano kicks off the week reminding us that it doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, you can accomplish absolutely anything if you have the focus, motivation, and enthusiasm.Source: Secrets of Super Achievers Hosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Les Brown encourages you to get off your “but.” Find your passion, stop pretending, and decide to live your dreams. No buts about it!Source: 2021 Motivational speaker: LES BROWN - The Power To Change (FULL) - how to change your mindsetHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Mel Robbins returns to the QOD Show stage to reveal about how to build your confidence by taking action and becoming more competent, and how to get out of the habit loops that are keeping you stuck, worried, and insecure.Hosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On today’s episode, Keith Harrell shares the power of choosing to have a “Yes, I Can” attitude. Have a super fantastic day!Source: Secrets of SuperachieversHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Lisa Nichols kicks off the week with an encouragement to play bigger, stop procrastinating, and just jump in! There’s a calling on your life. Pick up the call.Source: UnavailableHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On today’s episode, Harv Eker reveals 3 ways to feel more in control of your life. Don’t wait for good things to happen; do your part to make them happen.Source: Secrets of The Millionaire Mind in Turbulent TimesHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Ed Mylett shares 5 things required to become a great leader.Source: 68 | Ed Mylett – The Power of One More – Chris HodgesHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Brian Tracy teaches the universal law of cause and effect — how success is caused by specific ways of being, thinking, and doing. If there is something you want to accomplish, find someone who has already accomplished it and do what they did. Think the way they thought. And you’ll have what they have.Source: The Science of Positive Focus - Part 1Hosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On today’s episode, Dr. Wayne Dyer reveals the distinction between the ego and the Higher Self, encouraging you to choose kindness and being at peace rather than being right.Source: UnavailableHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On this MLK Day, we commemorate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his historic I Have a Dream speech.Hosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Today, Werner Erhard, founder of est Seminars, discusses why “completing” your relationship with your parents is the starting point for improving your relationships with others.Source: Werner Erhard - Parents, The Fundamental Relationship HQ (1976)Hosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On today’s episode, Zig Ziglar shares a couple stories to remind you that everyone can grow, regardless of background and circumstances.Source: Hope: The Foundation for Successful ChangeHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
On today’s episode, Jim Rohn encourages you to accept the polarity of life. In other words, life is full of positives and negatives. You can’t have one without the other. Both are parts of the human experience.Source: Jim Rohn Challenge To Succeed FastHosted by Sean CroxtonFollow me on Instagram
Comments (113)

liberté raha

Yeyyy, an episode with Darren!

Mar 7th

Marta Wiliams


Feb 5th

danial afkari


Oct 31st

Richard de Chevigny

What an amazing episode! Thank you for sharing.

Sep 28th

Joseph Pryor

milk toast lame

Aug 9th

Jansie Nell

2v2 22der4n .k4e ded r ok m23m

Jun 4th

Shanna Toews

Instead of being negative, write down all the positives (of a job you hate for example) then read them aloud while looking at yourself in the mirror. Say "I love..." gratitude is everything

Jan 13th


Needed this. Thank you. I'm indeed the captain of my ship and the master of my fate. Being Muslim, the true Master of my fate is Allah (God), which means I'm in very caring and protective hands. My will is attached to His, and His will is He wants me to have a choice. He wants good for me even if in the short term it'll hurt or will be uncomfortable. He created us valuable. So, I've to honor that value by advocating for myself. He believes in me, so why can't I believe in myself? Again, thank you so much for this.

Nov 11th

Shanna Toews

Appreciate these episodes!!

Nov 8th

Hubert Spencer

awesome awesome really change the way I look at spending my time.

Sep 4th

Shanna Toews

This was hilarious!!

Jul 13th

Shanna Toews

This is so inspiring!!

Jun 2nd

Venezia De La Cruz

so much truth in what he states! inspiring !

Jan 24th

Jansie Nell

This is so rewarding to get information that enables me to grow more and more

Nov 4th


Worth listening to and pondering over 👏 Indeed if we're saying yes to something we're simultaneously saying no to everything else As scary as that may seem, it's actually liberating Being able to make and take a decision is where all the magic happens, and that's strength imho

Sep 17th

Michael W. Gabbard

congrats on the new contract, Sean. Great show for many years, but now ads? Peace im out. ✌

Jul 11th

A.G Thapa

this message has been rooted in my heart, thanks again

Apr 18th

Hugue Chery

It's been around one month and half already seen I've started listening to this podcast and I love every minute of it. It makes me start the day with some life lesson I can learn from.

Mar 31st


Thank you... I needed this one.

Dec 17th


Such a nice listen. 👍🏻

Nov 17th