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Thee Millennial Management Podcast

Author: Brandi Thee Millennial Manager, Bleav

Subscribed: 139Played: 1,397


Thee Millennial Management Podcast is a safe haven for employees to discuss the troubles of the workplace! But we don't stop there! We bring solutions to improve our experience and discuss ways to grow even in tough situations. Support this podcast:
63 Episodes
Hey Y'all! Happy Friday! Email Episode Today! Married, Single Working MOM Very Turtle Co-worker Playing Games I hope you all enjoy your Friday! See you all on the internet! Brandi



Hey yall! Thank you for listening to the podcast and joining our podcast live! We had such an amazing time and I can't wait until next time! Emails of The Day: Interim manager won't let go! Tired as Hell! EEOC & ME
2/8 LIVE PODCAST EVENT >>>>> TICKETS ARE $9 FOR THE PUBLIC AND $7 FOR PATREON  (Must be in the paid community) Here are our emails for today: 1: Physically Assaulted at Work! Should I break the contract?
This Heifer at My Job!

This Heifer at My Job!


Motivation Monday 2/3

Motivation Monday 2/3


HAPPY BLACK HISTORY MONTH! Motivation Monday Quote: Malcolm X- "Education is an important element in the struggle for human rights" See yall on the internet! Brandi
2/8 LIVE PODCAST EVENT >>>>> TICKETS ARE $9 FOR THE PUBLIC AND $7 FOR PATREON  (Must be in the paid community) Here are our emails for today: 1: My Manager is Lying on Me Extended Hours with no Pay Increase Starting My Own Business 4.FTPATJ Position Eliminated
2/8 LIVE PODCAST EVENT >>>>> Here are our emails for today: 1: INSECURE MANAGER TAKE THE PAYCUT BETTY USE YOUR FMLA   Thank you again for all of your continued support!
USE YOUR FMLA!!!! 2/8 LIVE PODCAST EVENT >>> To leave your voicemail call or call during the show! 313-242-7662 TICKETS ARE $9 FOR THE PUBLIC AND $7 FOR PATREON  (Must be in the paid community)
2/8 LIVE PODCAST EVENT >>> To leave your voicemail call or call during the show! 313-242-7662 TICKETS ARE $9 FOR THE PUBLIC AND $7 FOR PATREON  (Must be in the paid community) Here are our email for today: 1: Doing too much Victim Co-worker Victim Manager "Opportunity to live in the Gray" Thank you again for all of your continued support! See you all on the internet! Brandi  
Happy Hump Day Everyone! Today's emails are: Manager In The Wind 2. 5 Years With No Promotion My Directors' Inappropriate Relationship With My Employee Thank you so much for listening to the podcast! Please join Patreon for our weekly lives!
Motivation Monday 1/20

Motivation Monday 1/20


Happy Monday Everyone! Today's quote is by Dr.Martin Luther King: " The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy" I hope you all have a wonderful day, see you on the internet! -Brandi
Toxic Positivity in the Workplace! Signs of Toxic Positivity: Dismissing your concerns or recommendations Lack of Open Dialog You Constantly Wearing the CAP Emails of the day: About to Catch a Case at Work Use your FMLA Training my Outsourced Replacement Join my Patreon $6 per month!
The Defiant Employee!

The Defiant Employee!


TAKE YOUR ASS TO WORK ON TIME PLEASE! Email 1. No Call No Show Employees Email 2. Took A Job Too Soon Email 3. Defiant Employee Email 4: Relocating Should I Start My Own Business
It's time to discuss the TURTLES! This weeks main episode is dedicated to incompetent management ways that and how to navigate along with a few emails that were VERY INTERESTING! EMAILS: RUDE PRINCIPAL NO RAISE I CALLED HER A BITCH I'M #1 Thank you for the continued support! Please follow the podcast for alerts when new episodes drop! Shout out to Patreon for sponsoring this podcast! We will be live this Saturday at 8:30 EST on Patreon join the paid community to participate!
Emails of the day! Voluntary Demotion Bathroom Breaks Blacklisted Career Transitioning Unequal Treatment Rate the podcast! Tell me what you think! Join the Patreon for we will be live this Saturday 1/12/2025 at 8:30 See y'all on the internet!
HAPPY MONDAY! EMAILS OF THE DAY ARE... Quit on lunch Family will screw you over New HR & a Messed up Check Can they take my PTO Join the Patreon community for Weekly lives as well as additional episodes, early access content and much more! We will be live this Saturday 1/11/2025 at 8:30 EST Thank you for listening to the podcast and thank you to the Patreon for supporting the podcast! See y'all on the internet!  
With the help of Coach Andrew (Burnout Empowerment Coach) let's nip this in the bud! We talked about how to identify signs of burnout like Procrastination Overreacting to small inconveniences Irritation/Frustration Plus ways to combat burnout, Coach Andrew even listed his own experiences with burnout and how he conquered it. Follow Coach Andrew on IG For early access to the podcast episodes join Patreon for $6/month Thank you all for listening! See you on the internet, Brandi
Should I leave my job?

Should I leave my job?


We are back!! I hope you had a Merry Christmas! Email episode for today! Shout out to the Patreon community for sponsoring the podcast! Join the community for early access to the podcast episodes as well as weekly lives we will be live tonight 12/30 at 8:30 EST!
Hey y'all, I know that when you are planning to exit you job you are wanting to know what to do with your finances or how to start preparing financially. Today we have Dr. Kimani Sands and Dr. Rosche Brown both are licensed clinical physiatrist's that focus on just that! They have a Financial Masterclass on January 8 & 9th 2025 link here: Sign up today! Thank you so much for listening and shout out to the Patreon for the financial support! See y'all on the internet!
Email Episode 12/18

Email Episode 12/18


Hey yall! Here's our emails for today! My man is my Director... My manager is a! When I tell you this is one for the books! Make sure you are following the podcast and look out for my interview with Dr. Kimani Sands and Dr. Rosche Brown on this Friday, December 20 topic is Financially Preparing to leave your job! Huge thank you to the Patreon that it 100 members!! Thank you so much for the financial support you help this podcast operate! Thank you all so much and I will see y'all on the internet! Brandi