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Voices in the River

Author: Rebecca Auman

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Reclaiming power through intuition, magick, and community. Rebecca Auman, a pragmatic and devoted witch, helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. Join us as we throw our voices in the river to see what we can disrupt.

20 Episodes
Rachel Khong’s 2024 novel Real Americans is a gorgeous and sweeping portrayal of an American immigrant family. It is also, in a sense, a novel about magick, about what it means to stop time, and about connections that reverberate across generations. Joining Rebecca as a voice in the river, Rachel explains her use of intuition in facing the blank page and her use of prayer in facing publicity, as well as how she relates to her ancestral past.  Learn more about Rachel on her website. This independent show is a delight to make, and it also takes a lot of time and care. If you’d like to support our work with a gift of $33, click here. If you would like to reach our team, you can write to us at  Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Voices in the River is created by Theo Balcomb, and it is produced with help from Sara McCrea.
Rebecca has been collecting the offerings of artists and writers Fia and Kai Skye for many years, including art and writings from their studio, Flying Edna. One is a piece of reclaimed wood that carries the words: “You cannot believe in magick all you want, she said, but it's a lot like holding your breath for your whole life because you don't believe in air.” Fia and Rebecca talk about how words are tricky right now, what it might mean if we all saw trees as our aunts and uncles, and dancing naked under the moonlight. See more of Fia and Kai’s offerings at Flying Edna. This independent show takes a lot of time and care. If you’d like to support our work with a gift of $33, click here. If you would like to reach our team, you can write to us at  Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to walk into 2025 with awareness and insight, schedule a Year Ahead Spread reading with Rebecca. Voices in the River is created by Theo Balcomb, and it is produced with help from Sara McCrea.
Archaeologist and YouTuber Dr. Smiti Nathan helps us delight in the magick of the material past. While guided by the rigor of her discipline, her work also revolves around her intuition and her love of storytelling, as she illuminates untold and often undervalued histories. Smiti joins Rebecca to discuss her expansive approach to material history on her YouTube channel, the influence of her Hindu upbringing on her spirituality, and a vision of power that stems from kindness and community.  This independent show is a delight to make, and it also takes a lot of time and care. If you’d like to support our work with a gift of $33, click here. If you would like to reach our team, you can write to us at  Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to walk into 2025 with awareness and insight, schedule a Year Ahead Spread reading with Rebecca. Voices in the River is created by Theo Balcomb, and it is produced with help from Sara McCrea.
Rebecca begins our second season with an invitation for the winter solstice: to remind ourselves that while we are going into the darkness, we have the tools already inside of us, and outside of us in nature, to move us through. She was inspired by our guest, Katherine May, and her book called Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times. Rebecca and Katherine talk about being allowed to feel the full spectrum of human emotion, searching for omens between solstice and the new year, and hummingbirds. --- It has been a pure delight to make this show and it takes a lot of time and care. If you’d like to support our work with a gift of $33, click here.   Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to walk into 2025 with awareness and insight, schedule a Year Ahead Spread reading with Rebecca.
Two pieces of news to share: we’re coming back with season two in time for the winter solstice. And we’re finalists for a Signal Award. Click here to vote for Voices in the River for Most Inspirational Podcast - Shows, General. And thank you. Listen in to hear a card for the collective, too. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
Rebecca Auman created the show with journalist Theo Balcomb. She and Rebecca dive into how they’ve channeled these conversations, what they’ve learned since they began, and why loosening up can teach us everything doesn’t have to be so hard. Theo Balcomb created the audio show The Daily at The New York Times. It changed the genre and listening habits worldwide. Now, she makes audio with independent producers and newsrooms alike. If you’d like to work with her, please reach out. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Thanks to Colin Dwyer.
SaraJo Berman is a healer but her healing practice has nothing to do with her. She and Rebecca discuss how it's all about “the object or the person or the living animal or the tree” that she’s with, offering a space in which they are safe, and able to heal themselves. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Thanks to Marc Maximov.
Truth Is

Truth Is


Artists Murielle Elizéon and Shana Tucker join Rebecca to dive deep into chosen sisters, ancestral journeys, and generational trauma. You can learn more about Murielle Elizéon and her work at Culture Mill. For more about Shana Tucker, visit her website. Her new album comes out June 4, 2024. Music credit: “Body Story in Dmi (excerpt),” Shana Tucker. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Thanks to Marc Maximov.
Embracing The Mystery

Embracing The Mystery


Elizabeth Greenwood is a writer who questions things that other people don’t necessarily think about. She’s now diving into writing a book about intuition, a process kicked off by becoming a mother. She and Rebecca discuss how becoming a parent showed her a new sense of knowing, how manifesting can be hijacked for capitalist gains, and how giving birth and using psychedelics are surprisingly similar. Elizabeth talks about her “fortuitous listening to of The Deep Dive” podcast. Here’s that interview with Rebecca. If you’d like to learn more about Elizabeth Greenwood, here's her website. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
Jordan-Marie Smith is holding a lot: growing up in a traditional, Seventh-day Adventist community, finding power in tarot, maintaining a belief in God and in herself, finding joy in what she manifests, and fear about what might happen if it all works out. She and Rebecca talk about holding the divine god within us and, as Jordan-Marie puts it, “hobbling and cobbling” your own religion. If you’d like to learn more about Jordan-Marie, here’s her website. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
After they first met, Rebecca and her friend Meredith Emmett were creating a conspiracy of success for each other. Then they didn’t speak for 18 years. How did they find their way back? To learn more about Meredith and her work, her website is Third Space Studio. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Special thanks to Marc Maximov.
Listening to your intuition is at the core of Rebecca’s teachings. Together, she and Emily Lerner, a coach for leaders across industries, discuss what intuition feels like, how it’s often like a radio station, and how you can tune into it yourself. If you’d like to connect with Emily, her website is Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
How do science and mystery coexist? For Dr. Sarah Laszlo, her intuition informs her work as a cognitive neuroscientist. She and Rebecca discuss what it’s like to be an experienced, smart, big, loud woman in a place of power, how to keep yourself whole when you start a new job, and the idea that how we learn to read is magick. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
When Rebecca was dreaming of who to feature on the next episode of Voices in the River, one image kept resurfacing, asking to speak with her: It was her stage actor friend, Kate Eastwood Norris, playing Lady Macbeth. Now Rebecca and Kate finally get that chance to talk. The two of them discuss the different identities we all play like theater roles — whether or not we’re actors — and how we can bring them all together to become whole. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Special thanks to Zachary Turner.
Rebecca feels as if she’d be a bad witch if she didn’t have at least one conversation about nature here. Enter Keri Rosebraugh, a critically acclaimed artist who brings nature into every one of her creations. She and Rebecca discuss the role that nature, the shadow and the sublime play in making art. What if our shadow work -- what we repress or do not like to acknowledge -- is really our brilliance? To learn more about Keri Rosebraugh’s work, follow her on Instagram @kerirosebraugh and visit her website. Rebecca Auman helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
The Things We Whisper

The Things We Whisper


Katie Harbath is an edge walker. She walks the line between Midwest and East Coast, and between being a good Catholic and a wonderful witch. A single woman in her 40s, working at the intersection of tech, elections, and geopolitics, she contains multitudes — which don’t often match up with the expectations of family and society writ large. In this episode, Katie and Rebecca talk about learning how to trust themselves and find comfort in just being — oh, and how Katie uses AI to generate images from her shamanic journeys. Katie Harbath’s Substack is Anchor Change. Her podcast is Impossible Tradeoffs. Rebecca Auman helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
A Disruptive Force

A Disruptive Force


Rebecca Auman has been using tarot to make life decisions for over 30 years. But this episode’s guest, Emi Kolawole, only recently turned to tarot as a way to help her “tell a different kind of story.” She explains how tarot opened a window on what she had been hoping to find: who she was without work, and what it was she really wanted. They discuss how something as simple as paying attention to your internal knowing can be such a disruptive force. Rebecca helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Special thanks to Colin Dwyer.
A Voice Reclaimed

A Voice Reclaimed


This episode contains references to suicide. So many people, many of them women, have been punished for speaking their truth. What if one of them was your ancestor? In this episode, Rebecca talks to Amy Gorely about her shamanic journey to the underworld, and the lengths she went to in order to bring her great-grandmother back into the light of family memory. Amy Gorely is an executive director of a local foundation in North Carolina, a thought leader, and speaker in the area of ageism, and has known Rebecca for over 20 years. Rebecca Auman helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is Special thanks to Marc Maximov and Cole delCharco. Suicide Prevention Helplines: If you are having thoughts of suicide or are concerned that someone you know may be having those thoughts, in the United States call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255 (TALK) or go to for a list of additional resources. Go here for resources outside of the United States
Rebecca Auman helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. In this episode, your devoted witch tells us how she got here — her background, her initial hesitations making the show, and what she hopes it will achieve.  If you’d like to work with Rebecca, her website is
Rebecca Auman helps women remember who they are and become leaders of their own destiny. In each episode, she talks to women reclaiming their power. Join us as we throw our voices in the river to see if we can disrupt something.