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Work For Humans

Author: Dart Lindsley

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Too often business leaders are forced to choose between the needs of their company and the needs of their employees. It’s a lose/lose scenario leaving managers burned out and workers seeking other opportunities. At Work for Humans, we believe work can be designed differently. When you design work like products people love, your company wins. Work becomes irresistible, employees passionately buy into their roles every day, and your company takes measurable strides towards your vision.
109 Episodes
Industrial capitalism has treated workers like marionettes breaking down work into discreet, disconnected, repeatable actions. It loves uniformity and people who do what they're told. Seth Godin’s new book, The Song of Significance, challenges us to break free of these limiting mental models, many of which are still baked into how we work.Seth Godin is an author, entrepreneur, and marketing expert whose past clients include AOL, Microsoft, Penguin, and Random House. His 20 bestselling b...
The last two financial crises resulted in recessions, financial market instability, and high unemployment rates, but one group of companies proved resilient. Benefit Corporations – businesses that balance profit with social and environmental impact – experienced crisis attrition rates of less than 5%. Bart Houlahan, a co-founder of B Lab, joins Work for Humans to share why companies that invest in people outperform in their field. Bart Houlahan is Partner at Irrational Capital, the first firm...
Most of us have preconceived notions about work, workers and employment that are so fundamental to how we think that we don’t notice them. The thing is, such preconceptions shape how large parts of society understand and solve problems. So when a problem is poorly framed, some potentially great solutions can’t be heard. In a previous episode we heard from Nathanial Kendall Taylor, CEO of the Frameworks Institute describing how his company helps non profits reframe problems in orde...
Christine Renaud always felt destined to be a teacher, but after training in education, she came to a disturbing realization – traditional schools were not created to develop students effectively. Determined to better support students’ learning, growth, and happiness, Christine founded Braindate, a pioneering technology company that has created transformative conversations and experiences for over a million participants in 100 countries.Christine is a distinguished keynote speaker, Startup Ca...
Despite their revolutionary zeal, followers of Marx have failed to create real economic democracies, frequently ending up with one-party systems that mirror the capitalist structures they sought to overthrow. A compelling alternative exists: a modern vision for economic democracy and employee-owned cooperatives. By examining the historical missteps and unveiling innovative approaches, we discover how true democratic firms can thrive today.David Ellerman is a distinguished economist, philosoph...
Kentaro Toyama spent a decade designing technologies to fight global poverty and improve education and health. As co-founder of Microsoft Research India lab, he made a troubling discovery – innovative technologies can’t create change on their own. Realizing that social progress depends more on people than on the technology they use, Kentaro became a self-proclaimed “geek heretic” who now teaches others the importance of putting people over tech. Kentaro Toyama is W.K. Kellogg Professor of Com...
Work for Humans wants to understand what people want from work – but every perspective is different. One person’s dream job is another person’s nightmare, making it challenging to define fulfilling work. Derek Sivers captures this struggle in his book, How to Live, which presents 27 drastically different yet equally valid life views. Through his work, Derek guides others in shaping their own meaningful and unique lives. Derek Sivers is an author, entrepreneur, and speaker known for founding C...
Paul Zak has been on a quest for two decades to understand the neuroscience of human connection, human happiness, and effective teamwork. From the Pentagon to Fortune 500 boardrooms to the rainforest of Papua New Guinea, Paul’s research has now led him to found Immersion Neuroscience, the first company to track and measure real-time immersion in experiences. His latest book, Immersion, uses 50,000 brain measurements to show readers how to create high-impact marketing, entertainment, training,...
Matt Higgins was a struggling teen, working at McDonald’s for $3.75/hr to put food on the table for his ailing mother. When he saw the pay increase offered to college students, he decided to do something unorthodox; he dropped out of high school, got his GED, and enrolled in college. Adults tried to talk him out of it, but Matt knew this was the right choice for him.This was Matt's first "burn the boats" moment, but it wasn't his last. In fact, Matt believes this burn-the-boats mindset has de...
Work for Humans host Dart Lindsley experienced a distressing moment in the hospital when his father was left in a wheelchair facing a wall while awaiting radiology. This small but significant oversight in the hospital's system pointed to an issue in many major systems – a lack of human-centered care. Recognizing these widespread oversights, design and strategy expert Deirdre Cerminaro seeks to address such problems through human-centered systems thinking. By redesigning systems to prioritize ...
Joe Pine has a knack for seeing workplace trends ahead of others. As a co-founder of Strategic Horizons LLP, he has helped organizations innovatively increase economic value for over three decades. Joe is a pioneer behind the experience economy, and he is now trailblazing the concept of a transformation economy in his latest book. Join us as we discuss the fifth and final economic offering and how it can impact employees and customers alike. Joseph Pine II is an internationally acclaimed auth...
Many people offer predictions about the future of work, but only a handful are trained futurists who know how to influence that future effectively. Reanna Browne stands out by making the future of work her specialty. With a thorough academic background and a decade of experience in strategic foresight, Reanna guides public, private, and start-up companies in navigating change, cultivating resilience, and using the present to shape a more promising future of work. Reanna Browne is an academica...
Artificial intelligence technologies are transforming our world, with innovations like LLMs and VR becoming part of everyday life and the workplace. Marlene de Koning, HR tech and experience expert, sees an opportunity to enhance employee well-being by improving how we use these technologies at work, bridging the gap between technology and business strategy. Marlene de Koning is the author of HR Tech Strategy and the Director at PwC Nederland, where she leads the HR Tech & Digital team. W...
Bill Duane has been navigating complex situations since he was a child, but facing his father’s death as an adult created an experience that he didn’t have an answer for. Trying to come to terms with his situation, Bill realized that what he needed wasn’t more safety – it was more meaning. Through his exploration of diverse disciplines like Buddhism and AI, Bill is now able to help other companies and individuals create more meaningful work through reflection, innovation, and growth.Bill Duan...
Losing your job in the U.S. means more than losing your income. It often means losing access to crucial medications and healthcare. Adrian Salazar, the Head of Culture and Integrity at SafetyWing, advocates for a shift away from fear-driven work decisions. Through his role, he is actively involved in creating a social safety net and the first-ever internet-based country for workers around the globe.Adrian Salazar is the Head of Culture and Integrity at SafetyWing, a company pioneering the fir...
For hundreds of years, Western culture has emphasized individualism, mirrored by many companies’ focus on quarterly profits. After seeing the limitations of this short-term thinking, futurist Ari Wallach decided to forge a new path through Longpath Labs. By focusing on generational empathy, Longpath’s work connects with past generations while simultaneously creating a legacy for future ones, fostering innovation and sustainable success.Ari Wallach is a futurist, social systems strategist, aut...
When Elena Aylott was asked to lead Global Communications and Employee Experience at Oriflame Cosmetics, she was disillusioned with the traditional, administrative focus of HR. Recognizing the opportunity to drive real change, Elena accepted the role and worked to shift Oriflame towards a new approach. By initiating change and focusing on human-centered work, Elena revolutionized the global employee experience across 60+ countries, impacting thousands of employees and emerging as a champion f...
Thomas Huebl has firsthand experience with the deep-rooted nature of collective trauma. From engaging with Israeli descendants of Holocaust survivors to coaching executives at international firms, he understands just how deeply ingrained collective trauma is in society. For over 20 years, Thomas has been dedicated to leading dialogues on collective trauma across generations, professions, and cultures. His efforts have touched the lives of thousands, fostering reflection, learning, and healing...
In a world where headlines often drown out research and analysis, the Pew Research Center stands out through its comprehensive studies and analyses. From demographics to societal issues, Associate Director of Research Juliana Horowitz helps us explore the facts behind American workplace trends.Dr. Juliana Horowitz is the Associate Director of Research at Pew Research Center. She has over fifteen years of experience in designing and managing both domestic and international survey projects, cov...
Every building comes with a set of expectations. Students are quiet in a library, but loud on a playground. Adults are focused in their deckchairs yet chatty on bar stools. Witnessing the limitations of conventional building design, Jan Golembiewski began to leverage design psychology to improve the lives of different groups, from inmates to the elderly. As one of the world’s leading researchers in architectural design psychology, Dr. Golembiewski works to create spaces that prioritize health...
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