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X-Boyz (An X-Men The Animated Series Podcast)
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X-Boyz (An X-Men The Animated Series Podcast)

Author: X-Boyz

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Join cere-bros Andrew, Henry, and John - the X-Boyz - as they recap, rate, and reminisce on each episode of your favorite childhood show, X-Men: The Animated Series. The Boyz'll cover previous seasons of the show leading up to and including the highly-anticipated X-Men '97, streaming soon on Disney+. It's always Saturday morning here. And we're not just X-Friends... We're X-Family.

Art by: Eric Wolfgang (@wolfyboy21) Support this podcast:
58 Episodes
It's the Season 4 (crunch)wrap-up and The Boyz are serving it to you Dumb Ass Style. That's right - we discuss Chipotle, Snowpiercer, WNBA and occasionally season 4 of X-Men the Animated Series. Thanks for hanging with us X-Fam. SEASON 5 COMIN' UP. --- Support this podcast:
The Boyz wrap up the biggest, boldest season of XMTAS with Beyond Good and Evil pts. 3 and 4. You know who else is big and bold? Cable's son Tyler. There's wall-to-wall action, betrayals-on-betrayals and villain/hero team-ups where you'd least expect them. Beast punches a horse. Bishop and Cable shoot their guns a lot. And story producer Eric Lewald beats himself up for not getting to write the episode he planned for. (Stick around to hear what the ending would've looked like if this had been the finale of the series.)  --- Support this podcast:
Join the (nasty) Boyz as they take you for a ride through parts 1 and 2 of Beyond Good and Evil, the Season 4 finale that was nearly the series finale. These suckers are action-packed popcorn thrillers with all our favorite villains coming out to play. And there's time travel so you know Bishop and Cable are tagging in. Not to mention fan-favorite Psylocke makes her long-awaited debut. This Apocalypse arc is certain to be a primer for X-Men '97 season 2, so you don't want to miss it. And come on back next week for parts 3 and 4 as we (finally) wrap up the biggest season of XMTAS yet.  --- Support this podcast:
It's a very merry Morlock Christmas and the boyz are here to sing carols, open presents (at gunpoint), and spice up your bland hams. Wolverine's a scrooge. Ape's a table. Jubilee's an emotional wreck. And at long last Storm has to answer for her failure to serve as leader of our favorite sewer-dwelling mutants. So settle in with some warm cookies and a nice glass of orange juice. You might just discover the true meaning of Christmas: that ho ho home is wherever your family is. Stay tuned for a special near-death experience story at the end of the pod. --- Support this podcast:
If you thought that '97 didn't feature enough of our beloved Logan, then do we have a treat for you. Two back-to-back Wolvy episodes (recorded before X-Men '97 started) with brand new lovers and old flames. And a professor far more diabolical than Xavier. Most importantly, we'll at long last get to the bottom of the "Sabretruth" debate. And in an X-Boyz first, we're calling out an error in the order of episodes. If you're watching along, the correct chronological order is Weapon X before Lotus & Steel. Trust us. We're professionals. So pack your bags. We're going to Japan. --- Support this podcast:
X-Boyz and Girlz, it's the moment you've all been waiting for. X-Men '97 has arrived and we're thrilled to report that it's bringing more heat than a Phoenix firestorm. Join us as we celebrate the mega two-part episode return of our old faithful friends who are back to take on some familiar foes (Gyrich, Trask, and the Sentinels) and some new threats to mutant-kind (X-Cutioner).  The Professor's out of the picture and Magneto's running the show. Jean and Scott contemplate leaving the X-Men to start a family. And Rogue and Magneto TOUCH ON a secret romantic history. Stick around for a quick power rankings of the newly expanded X-Men squad to see how they're stacking up. Most other pods will lump in their coverage of this iconic show's revival with other content, but that's not how the Boyz roll. We've given episode-by-episode in-depth analysis of the original series and we're here to do the same for '97 every week on Thursdays. If you love mutants as much as we do, join us, won't you? Boyz, out. --- Support this podcast:
Ep 414: Bloodlines

Ep 414: Bloodlines


The name's Crawler. Nightcrawler. And his mission is to infiltrate the heavily guarded chemical warfare facility at an F.O.H. dam in the US of A. Team commander on this assignment is "Wolverine" with additional support from rookie field agent Jubilation Lee codenamed "Jubilee." Be on the lookout for human rights extremist Graydon Creed. Intel says he's resurfaced with a vengeance. Operation "Mystique" is a go. But only if you choose to accept. Boyz out.  --- Support this podcast:
Ep 413: Family Ties

Ep 413: Family Ties


Behold! Magnus makes his triumphant return! When Quicksilver and his sister Scarlet Witch learn they’re adopted, they soon discover that Magneto, currently on a quest to find a long lost love, may just hold a clue to their past. And they’re not the only heavy hitters featured in this ep — a Guardians of the Galaxy alum also makes an appearance. It’s got Wolvy. It’s got Beast. What else do you need? It’s X Boyz time. This is, Family Ties. --- Support this podcast:
Ep 411-412: Proteus Pt. 1-2

Ep 411-412: Proteus Pt. 1-2


With great power comes great liability. Especially when you're a reality-shifting, body-snatching, energy-sapping teenager who's never seen the outside world. That's Kevin aka PROTEUS, a mutant who escapes from the research lab of the woman who puts the "ex" in Professor X -- Moira McTaggert. It's up to Xavier and the squad to help her track down this dangerous mutant (and the X-Boyz to analyze a two-part episode that probably should've just been one-parter). Stick around after our re-cap for a little mid-season mutant power rankings as the Boyz discuss how the main members of the team are stacking up so far (01:43:44). --- Support this podcast:
For a long time, the boyz have asked the question, what would the world be like without Xavier? Well, this week’s mega two-parter explores a dark future where the Professor isn’t around to fight for mutant rights. A timeline where Magneto has a beard and Beast hates literature. A place where Wolverine and Storm are… in love?! This sounds like a job for Bishop. And back, of course, along with him, is our beloved space/time continuum expert Rob Fonda. Join as we dive into a rare episode arc that actually inspired the comics as together we discover just what “One Man’s Worth.” --- Support this podcast:
Ep 408: Nightcrawler

Ep 408: Nightcrawler


The title says it all: NIGHTCRAWLER IS HERE. Wolverine, Gambit, and Rogue's ski vacation turns into a demon-hunting quest when local villagers claim a devilish blue boy is creeping around their holy town. But is he truly a villain? Or is their prejudice the real evil? Does Nightcrawler's teleportation cloud leave behind a stench? This and more, only on X-Boyz. --- Support this podcast:
Oh, boy, it's another solo Cyclops episode. And this time it's a Wild West bonanza. When Scott flies to a desert town to look for an old friend, he winds up stranded and powerless in a militant town run by a ruthless mutant leader. Cyke's gotta prove his leadership chops if he hopes to inspire the peaceful mutant townspeople to strike back against subjugation. Join The Boyz as they take a trip in their wagon and search for gold by digging into Secrets, Not Long Buried. --- Support this podcast:
Ep 406: Courage

Ep 406: Courage


HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! For countless episodes, The Boyz have shaken their fist at the sky and screamed "WHERE'S MORPH?!" At long last, we proudly present the return of our favorite shape-shifting, wise-cracking X-Man. And he's brought a few of our favorite Season One friends with him. Is Morph ready to re-join the squad or do sinister thoughts still plague him? Are he and Wolverine still best friends? Does he have a real name? We'll answer these questions and more as we recap Season 4 Episode 6, "Courage." An episode so good, you'll sh*t your suit. --- Support this podcast:
Oh, Magnus... Where have you been? Well, it turns out our long lost friend Magneto was cooking up his boldest plan yet in his quest to save mutantkind. Set your Blackbird coordinates for Asteroid M. You’re in for a double-whammy two-parter filled with Ex-friends, Ex-lovers, and X-Boyz. --- Support this podcast:
We're back in the USSR! Omega Red returns with revenge on his mind. And revenge is a dish best served up icy cold at the bottom of the ocean where a nuclear submarine is set to launch warheads that could destroy the entire world. It's straight up Mission Impossible time and the Boyz are here to light the fuse. But they're gonna need a team of experts (like special guest Content Dracula) if they hope to take on one of the X-Men's greatest foes. --- Support this podcast:
THE BOYZ ARE BACK. And so is Juggs. It's been a while but Andrew, Henry and John are here to talk about new fan favorite Eugene, a cool elevator security guard and yell at each other about Professor Xavier's backstory in the season 4 premiere. --- Support this podcast:
When an old enemy from the past makes Xavier lose himself, the X-Men soon find themselves facing off with an evil version of their fearless leader. Join The Boyz as they discuss Professor X’s favorite subject: himself. --- Support this podcast:
Season 3 was 19 episodes that packed an intergalactic punch so powerful it would knock Gladiator out of his cute lil' space boots. So the Boyz are here to set the record straight on where our core nine X-Men stand for some power rankings. But wait... there's more! It wouldn't be a season wrap-up without some head-to-head draft warfare and this time we're each choosing a team of 4 XMTAS characters powerful enough to take on the queen of Season 3 herself -- Dark Phoenix (Queen Pheen).  --- Support this podcast:
It's the Season 3 Finale, "Love in Vain!" Rogue's got a rendezvous with an ex-man of hers when her highschool sweetheart Cody shows up. Join Andrew, Henry, and John as they bring this intergalactic season to a fitting close with extraterrestrial invasion featuring space whales, The Brood, and a lean, green Wolverine. --- Support this podcast:
Happy belated Father's Day because "Daddy's home." Cyke's daddy, that is. Join the Boyz and a special guest as they dive into the penultimate Season 3 Episode, Orphan's End. Will Scott narc on his intergalactic outlaw father to the Shi'ar authorities? Will Storm wear her hair up or down? Blastoff with a high-flying episode that's so fun you might just feel like you're flying, too. --- Support this podcast: