Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations

Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations
Author: Lolita E. Walker
Subscribed: 7Played: 208Subscribe
© 2020-2022
You're invited to Lolita's "kitchen table" for 3-layers of power, passion, & purpose. First up is COACHING, where you get a bit of “soul work”- to challenge your thinking. Next, there’s COCKTAILS to celebrate the greatness of who you are. Finally, there’s good-ole-fashioned CONVERSATIONS with cool folk that go #allin!
Pull up a seat with TEDx & motivational speaker, author, and certified life, leadership & executive coach, Lolita E. Walker of Walker & Walker Enterprises AND don't forget to subscribe and write a fab, 5-star review IF her message resonated with you. Others are waiting to hear your voice!
Learn more of Lolita's services & products at
Pull up a seat with TEDx & motivational speaker, author, and certified life, leadership & executive coach, Lolita E. Walker of Walker & Walker Enterprises AND don't forget to subscribe and write a fab, 5-star review IF her message resonated with you. Others are waiting to hear your voice!
Learn more of Lolita's services & products at
58 Episodes
Right now, the world feels like a storm—chaos, distractions, fear, anxiety, and stress swirl around us like unpredictable winds. With every headline, shift in leadership, personal struggle, or moment of doubt, we can feel lost—disoriented, pulled in different directions, unsure of which way to go. But what if we remembered that we already have a built-in compass? Join Jen Aks as she and Lolita E. Walker dialogue on Jen's 3 E's, leveraging the power within, and how to think of the north, south, east, and west on your internal compass.
Here's the flow:
Minute .039: Excited to join you in Season 6
Minute .170: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 1.04: Intro to topic
Minute 2.42: Jen Aks on leading from within
Minute 4.52: Where and how you can start to calm the chaos
Minute 8.10: Jen's 3-phased approach
Minute 13.07: Body setting and gesturing
Minute 23.58: Finding your stillness in the midst of chaos
Minute 26.20: Life can be flustering
Minute 27.25: What if you did the opposite?
Minute 28.02: Leaning into the acronymn N.A.V.I.G.A.T.E. When life’s storms push you off course, use this acronym to NAVIGATE your way back to alignment:
Notice – Pause and observe how your body feels. Align – Use breath, movement, and mindfulness to reset. Voice – Speak what you need, whether through words or movement. Intuition – Trust your gut; your body knows the way. Ground – Stay rooted in the present; avoid spiraling in fear. Adapt – Be willing to pivot and shift as needed. Thank – Show gratitude for your body’s wisdom. Elevate – Move forward with clarity, confidence, and confidence through your 3 E’s. (Embody, empower, elevate)
It's the kickoff to Season 6, and I'm ready to jumpstart the year! This episode is all about how to rebound beyond limits through a metophorical game of basketball. Let's have a bit of fun as we get motivated and inspired, even when the world around us is full of chaos.
In this episode:
03.26: Welcome to Season 6
3.14: Having a rebounding mindset
4.40: How are you positioning your thoughts?
5.30: Live audience input
9.40: Rebounding from the imposter within us
11.08: You are the captain
13.18: Live audience input
15.59: In gratitude
16.50: Live audience input
17.45: Fight through the mental box: an exercise
20.18: Pop into the game
22.25: Live audience input
25.04: What really took you out?
26.12: Join us again
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Don't forget to drop me a post to let me know which was your favorite part of today's podcast. Where did your resonate the most?
Hello Change Agents! Here's an other episode of CC&C with Lolita E. Walker. In this episode, Lolita is taking you up a few rungs on a ladder---your ladder. Get ready six considerations so grab your CC&C journal and let's journey together!
In this eposide:
Minute 0.18: Wlcome to CC&C
Minute 0.46: Topic overview with explanation
Minute 1.20: What is success? How do you define it?
Minute 3.05: Our life ladders
Minute 3.35: Remembering Mrs. Mirinda Jackson
Minute 4.57: Name the ladders in your life
Minute 7.58: If I were coaching you, here's a bit of soul work
Minute 11.35: My vision of success
Minute 12.07: Life closes doors and opens windows
Minute 13.14: Sometimes its the slide in and up
Minute 14.17: Considerations
Minute 20.11: LADDER: Learn continously; Assess your progress; Define your own success; Dare to dream; Embrace your skills; Rise together
Minute 25.20: Live audience input
Minute 26.31: Thanks for everything and stay connected
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Sometimes it's not the easiest thing to do to decode communications. Journey with Lolita through the metaphor of being a trucker on your journey of a long distance haul. Using trucker lingo, Lolita reshapes this communication to how you can navigate your work, life, or home. Listen in and be sure to share with a friend.
In this episode:
Minute 0.55: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 1.22: Uplifting Ramon Ray of
Minute 1.45: Topic introduction
Minute 4.49: Who is Lolita E. Walker
Minute 5.53: Imagine with me that you are a trucker
Minute 7.00: Breaker, Breaker 1-9: Permission to Speak
Minute 11.23: Bear in the bushes: A copy is hiding
Minute 16.19: Greesy side up: A Flipped Car is Ahead
Minute 21.18: Good Buddy: A Sense of Community
Minute 22.22: We each have our own CB Radio
Minute 24.24: Recap of today's message
Minute 26.00: Answering live question and showcasing my son's 1st book (
Minute 30.13: Thank you and stay connected
Stay Connected:
In this episode, Lolita takes you on a journey through the metaphor of the season---Lighting a Grill! There's a lesson somewhere in everything we do! Lolita leaves you with 10 strategies to help you to simply soar! Do you know, trust, and believe that it is your season to LIGHT IT UP! Join Lolita for a bit of coaching, cocktails, & conversations! Grab your CC&C notebook and let's get into it.
In this episode:
Minute 0.07: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.50: Episode Overview - 10 strategies to LIGHT YOUR LIFE UP!
Minute 3.00: Arrange the Coals: Planning
Minute 5.16: Light the Grill: Take Action and Implement Plans
Minute 7.38: Wait for the Coals to Turn White: Patience then Persistence
Minute 9.34: Placing the Grates: The Setup of Boundaries
Minute 13.59: Strategic Placement of Food: Adapatability
Minute 17.35: Covering of Food: Balancing risk, safety and Mindset
Minute 19.28: Flipping Your Food: Adjusting Your Strategy
Minute 21.58: Self Assessment: Evaluation
Minute 23.23: Plating Your Food: Celebrating You
Minute 25.23: Cooling Down: Reflection
Minute 26.06: Thanks so much and let's stay connected
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This episode is where we meet at the intersection of You & Leadership! I introduce you to 8 strategies to discover and rediscover the leader within you. Join me on another eposide of Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations with Lolita E. Walker.
In this episode:
Minute 0.12: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.50: Diving into Leadereship
Minute 1.29: What are leader taps and gaps?
Minute 2.19: Leader Taps: Tips, Anecdotes, Plans and Strategies
Minute 11.24: Knowing your strengths
Minute 12.00: Difference between Plans and Strategies
Minute 13.13: Leader Gaps: Goals, Actions, Perspectives, and Skills
Minute 24.44: Wrapping it all up
Minute 26.53: See you next episode and thanks so much for stopping by
Be sure to stay connected and share with a friend!
In this episode, I take you on a metaphorical journey of 8 strategies while becoming a treasure hunter who begins their journey with a tethered map. I can't wait for you to join me.
The strategies I take you through are:
Trusting the map
Revealing myths
Equipting yourself with your toolkit
Adopting patience
Savoring gratitude
Unocovering and discovering
Redefining and refining
Embracing patience
In this episode:
Minute 0.21: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.49: Topic overview and grounding on the topic
Minute 1.54: You are a treasure hunter
Minute 3.30: Trust the map
Minute 6.20: Unlocking the myths
Minute 11.33: Your treasure toolkit
Minute 16.34: Patience and contemplation
Minute 20.00: Live Audience input
Minute 25.21: Thanks for joining me. Let's stay connected
Stay Connected
Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future! This is a quote within this episode and can't wait for you to join in. This episode takes to a virtual reality called "LifeScapes," where I leave you with 5 strategies on how to press pause.
Listen in:
Minute 0.16: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.43: Topic Intro
Minute 3.00: Perception Shift
Minute 5.56: Awareness Checks
Minute 10.22: Undo your Mistakes
Minute 14.12: Self Care Breaks
Minute 17.00: Exploration Mode
Minute 20.35: My Goal
Minute 24.30: Chat ya next time! Stay Connected
Stay Connected:
What if you chose to break the cycle? Listen in as we leap from complacency and into our greatest selves! Are you ready? Hop aboard Lolita's Change Train and let's have a bit of reflective fun!
Minute 0.13: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.41: Topic Intro
Minute 2.06: Are you confined to your tracks?
Minute 4.35: Do you identify with the butterfly?
Minute 10.12: What are you going to shift?
Minute 12.39: Embrace the challenge
Minute 13.19: Routing like the train
Minute 14.18: Emerge through the seed
Minute 15.51: Actively seek new perspectives
Minute 23.24: Thank you and I can't wait to reconnect.
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Grab your detective gear, and let's get to work. It's episode #95 and we are investigators of our own lives—at work, home, and life. Join me as I take you through a pictoral journey of soul work with a live audience on how we can truly begin to plot our comeback for our next come up. Are you ready? I know that I am!
In this episode:
Minute 0.27: Hello and introduction to your host
Minute 0.53: How to plot your comeback for your comeup
Minute 2.17: Soul work
Minute 5.07: See the bigger picture
Minute 5.23: Self-reflection and introspection
Minute 8.10: Don't forget your dreams
Minute 10.24: Question your assumptions
Minute 12.40: I can't do that
Minute 15.57: Seek different perspectives
Minute 19.39: It matters. You matter.
Minute 20.44: Embracing change
Minute 25.38: Live audience engagement
Minute 28.46: Outro and invitation
Stay connected
It's Episode 94 and welcome to Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations with Lolita E. Walker. Question: Have you ever shaped and reshaped a ball of clay or a piece of playdoh? Why not take the same approach with ourselves and our lives? Why not shape and then reshape where we've been to where we're going? This episode helps you do just that and I'm excited that you are invited on the journey!
In this episode:
Minute 0.08: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.36: I'm standing right here.
Minute 3.00: Acting with a permission Slip
Minute 3.40: Dr. Genie's thanks and testimony. What if you said no?
Minute 3.46: You already have the no
Minute 6.24: Writing your own permission slip
Minute 8.21: Everything is not all about you
Minute 13.31: "Why" behind my business
Minute 16.50: Outro and invitation
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It's episode 93 and this title sounds like an oxymoron, right? This episode is all about how to plant seeds while still growing in the weeds. I have been in the weeds a time or two myself and it is not always the easiest place to get out of. This episode will leave you with a few strategies to not only plant seeds but also get out of those weeds!
Details of the Episode:
Minute 0.05: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.33: Who am I?
Minute 1.55: What does it mean when you are in the weeds?
Minute 2.34: But what if...
Minute 3.24: Acknoledge you are in the weeds
Minute 5.04: Listen intently and without judgement
Minute 7.21: Inspired to create
Minute 8.45: When I am in my own weeds
Minute 11.00: Reframing perspective
Minute 11.37: Nobody puts baby in a box
Minute 13.57: Cleaning out your weeds to nourish others
Minute 17.46: Recapping the episode
Minute 18.00: Outro, invitation, and connections
Staying Connected
IN THE MIDST OF...HERE IS WHAT IS! This is episode 92 and it is full of hearing and healing from live audience engagement, alongside the power of Lolita's "Soul Work." Grab your CC&C journal and let's get into the power of three strategies in the acronym of "Y.O.U."
Details of this episode:
Minute 0.12: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.40: Who Am I?
Minute 1.17: Shout out to the Live Audience
Minute 2.23: Soul work: In the Midst of...Here is What Is
Minute 5.05: Yielding to your Pause
Minute 6.46: Owning your Yes, Respecting Your No
Minute 9.52: Utilizing your resources
Minute 11.05: Sitting in the idst of the storm
Minute 13.15: Hearing and Healing from Live Audience Engagement
Minute 23.39: Recapping the Shares and Takeaways
Minute 25.53: Outro, Invitation, and Resources
Stay Connected
It's the new year and it's time to fall into new beginnings! Are you ready? I am too!
Do you believe that there is a difference between falling and failing? In this episode, I take you through a few strategies to challenge your thinking, then lift you even higher than where you are. Question: What if this is your season to soar? Would you be ready? Grab your CC&C journal and let's get into it. This is your BEST YEAR YET! Come on in 2024! We are ready.
The breakdown of the episode:
Minute 0.22: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.54: Getting into the Topic
Minute 2.53: We will fall
Minute 3.30: This is your season
Minute 4.00: Faith and strengths have wings to protect your fall
Minute 6.25: Abstinence from negative nouns will strengthen your soar
Minute 10.10: Linking to a powerful community will elongate your reach
Minute 12.49: Lifting others on your journey
Minute 14.31: Get out of your head
Minute 18.00: Soul Work
Minute 20.40: Outro, invitation, connections
Stay connected:
This episode is full of life audience engagement and a bit of Coaching, Cocktails, & Conversations that you can take hold of today! In this episode, I talk about 5 strategies that will help you embody a different type of pride, according to Lolita E. Walker. Grab your CC&C journal and let's get into it!
Breaking down the episode:
Minute 0.32: Welcome to Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations
Minute 2.04: Shout out and Thanks to Naomi in Australia
Minute 2.43: Explaining the Topic
Minute 3.18: Strategies to Challenge You
Minute 4.00: Purpose
Minute 6.41: Recognizing Others on Your Journey
Minute 8.24: Individuality
Minute 11.14: Do it, Delegate it, or Dissapear
Minute 12.51: Experience Life
Minute 13.54: Engaging with Live Audience
Minute 21.32: Summing Up with Gratitude
Minute 22.04: Outro, Thanks, and Invitation
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Let's get to ELEVATING! I am a thought leader, aren't you? Grab your CC&C journal and join me as I share strategies and soul work that will have you acting on your gifts and moving mountains out of the way to reach your goals!
In this episode:
Minute 0.00: Live shoutouts to all of the platforms
Minute 0.16: Welcome to CC&C
Minute 0.43: Introducing myself and the topic
Minute 2.20: I am a thought leader
Minute 2.32: Definitions to get us grounded: thought leader vs thought leadership
Minute 4.29: Soul work
Minute 5.35: Engaging with a Live Listener
Minute 7.40: Replaying back to the Listener
Minute 8.43: Target your expertise
Minute 9.37: Hone in on your unique voice
Minute 10.30: Why are you unique?
Minute 11.15: Optimize your personal branding
Minute 13.49: Understand your audience
Minute 15.35: Go beyond platforms to expand your reach
Minute 16.48: Harness networking opportunities
Minute 19.11: Track your impact, then monitor and measure
Minute 21.30: What will you choose, and where will you go?
Minute 22.29: Checking in with a live listener
Minute 23.05: Review time
Minute 24.51: Wrapping up, thanks, invitations, and opportunities
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Travel with me down this pictoral journey of navigating your thoughts to help shift you to renewed action. In this episode, I introduce you to my "Thought Model" with 8 strategies to consider. Grab your CC&C journal from and #letsgo. This will not only leave you empowered, but you will hear my excitement when it sounds as if I am moving closer to one of my goals: to meet and be interviewed by Robin Roberts!!!!!
In this episode:
Minute 2.00: Shout out to Dr. Shawn Shapiro who pushed me on my doctoral journey
Minute 2.28: A pictoral journey of navigating your thoughts
Minute 2.52: Defining core concepts in our framework: Navigation, Thoughts, and Leadership
Minute 5.18: Making choices
Minute 6.56: Transparency on your leadership journey
Minute 8.48: Harness openness
Minute 13.40: Open-mindedness
Minute 14.30: My story of open-mindedness
Minute 18.43: Understand others by using empathy
Minute 21.30: Goal setting
Minute 22.44: Healthy boundary setting
Minute 25.40: Cheers from a live listener and pure excitement for remaining time together
Minute 28.35: Outro, thanks and invitation
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YOU ARE ORDAINED TO SERVE! That is our affirmation as we get pumped up with this episode! If you need a reminder on how to leap from complacency, how to drive a little harder in the clutch, how to remember your 'forgotten you,' you are in the right place. Grab your CC&C notebook and press play because I am ready to take you aboard Lolita's Change Train!
In this episode:
Minute 0.00: 1st things 1st: I am ordained to serve
Minute 0.14: Welcome to Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations
Minute 0.43: I am Lolita E. Walker
Minute 1.54: 5 key strategies on why you are ordained to serve
Minute 2.03: Affirmation for the day
Minute 3.24: What does it mean, to serve?"
Minute 4.02: Shout out to the live audience
Minute 4.23: Say it loud and grab your access
Minute 8.30: Execute the work with accountability
Minute 10.07: CC&C and Soul work
Minute 11.14: Remember your 5 W's
Minute 14.02: Venturing beyond where others said you could
Minute 16.25: Experience your service
Minute 25.24: Closing Out
Minute 27.42: Outro and Invitation
Stay connected
Join ac oaching package today and let's put this soul work to work!
This episode is all about how to help others to help you. Far too often we struggle with asking and receiving. In this episode, we chat with a live audience on a few strategies to ensure that you are helping yourself as you continue to soar.
In this episode, you can expect:
Minute 0.14 - Welcome to Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations
Minute 1.34 - Whhat you will walk away with today
Minute 2.30 - Diving in and vulnerable moments
Minute 3.00 - Blueprinting success
Minute 4.20 - Clarity + Confidence = Commitment
Minute 7.15 - 11 aspects of life, according to Lolita E. Walker
Minute 7.42 - Communicate, Communicate, Communicate
Minute 9.33 - My sotry of Communication and accountability
Minute 11.00 - What is in your strengths and skillsets to execute
Minute 12.15 - Being specific, open, concise with communication
Minute 16.03 - Adjust accordingly
Minute 19.00 - A live guest consideration
Minute 20.40 - Sitting in the power of complacency
Minute 21.20 - Productivity vs busy
Minute 22.03 - Testimonial from retreat attendee
Minute 23.14 - Write your milestones
Minute 25.58 - Celebrate your wins
Minute 26.38 - Live chat with listener
Minute 29.59 - Follow through!
Be sure to stay connected! Did you know, I have released a few new books? Dear Black Girl, Can We Talk & Dear Anxiousness, Can We Talk?
Be sure to check it out at Amazon and Barnes & Noble!!!
I can't wait to see your 5-star review!!
Ohhh, what a juicy topic that we are getting into today. Join Lolita E. Walker with a live audience on the topic of making time when there is no time. How do we do it? Well grab your CC&C journal and listen into the vulnerabilities, live audience, and key strategies that are ready and at your fingertips. Head over to to grab your Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations Journal and grab the soul work from today's episode. Be sure to share it with a friend and if you grabbed anything at all, head over to gift a 5-star review at .
In this episode:
Minute 0.03 - Introduction of Episode
Minute 0.34 - Welcome to Coaching, Cocktails & Conversations
Minute 1.38 - What were you doing in this moment?
Minute 2.07 - Introducing the acronym of TIME
Minute 2.40 - The windows of the past, present, and future
Minute 3.25 - Take the time you need - focusing on relationships
Minute 6.48 - a 1988 journal article of how entrepemrneurial time looks and feels
Minute 9.07 - Tapping in beyond where you stand today
Minute 9.35 - Intentionally posturing yourself for success
Minute 10.58 - What does success look like? What if you don't know?
Minute 12.43 - Maneuver within your resource pool
Minute 13.39 - Leveraging your weak ties?
Minute 15.52 - When others dont receive your message
Minute 19.34 - Not attaching yourself to the "how"
Minute 20.05 - Extendeding grace
Minute 22.03 - Breaking it down
Minute 22.52 - Lolita's ask for help and live audience participation
Minute 28.09 - Recap of the Show
Minute 33.46 - Retreat invitation
Minute 35.03 - Spending time in your future state
Minute 36.35 - 6P's
Minute 41.04 - Live conversations
Minute 43.49 - Outro & staying connected
Stay connected with Lolita E. Walker:
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