DiscoverBoyd Christian Church 2024
Boyd Christian Church 2024

Boyd Christian Church 2024

Author: Boyd Christian Church

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Our little country church is a warm, welcoming space where faith and fellowship intertwine like family. It's a sanctuary where folks gather to share God's love, uplift each other in prayer, and find comfort in His word. Here, we come together as God's children, united in worship and strengthened by His grace. It's a place where hearts are healed, spirits are lifted, and the presence of the Lord is felt in every handshake, hymn, and heartfelt conversation. It's not just a building; it's a community built on faith, love, and the shared journey towards God's light.
23 Episodes
Introduction: • Opening Remarks: • Danny begins with gratitude towards the praise team, emphasizing the importance of worship as leading rather than performing. • Series Conclusion: • He reminds the congregation that this is the final week of the “Making a Difference” series, focusing on how individuals can impact others through faith and actions. • Transition to New Series: • Danny teases the upcoming series, “House Hunters,” exploring what kind of church God desires. A Bible study called “House Hunters Dive Deeper” will accompany it. Main Sermon Points: 1. The Impact of Enthusiasm: • Danny discusses the importance of enthusiasm in making a difference, comparing it to the excitement people show for politics, money, sports, and relationships. 2. Scriptural Foundation - Philippians 4:4-7: • The sermon is anchored in Philippians 4:4-7, where Paul exhorts the church to “Rejoice in the Lord always.” Danny connects this to the concept of enthusiasm, stressing that joy in the Lord is contagious and necessary for making a difference. 3. Five Areas to Get Excited About: • People’s Souls: • Danny emphasizes the need to view people as Jesus does, not through societal categories but as saved or unsaved. He encourages the congregation to get excited about bringing people to salvation. • Worship: • He discusses the importance of worship as a daily lifestyle and a corporate activity. Worship should be filled with enthusiasm, recognizing it as an encounter with God. • Life: • Danny encourages the congregation to be excited about the life God has given them and the opportunities to serve Him. He references Isaiah 49:5-6. • Death: • Danny addresses death, encouraging the congregation to view it as precious and as a transition to eternal life, quoting Psalm 116:15 and Revelation 14:13. • Life After Death: • Danny discusses the excitement of eternal life and encourages the congregation to look forward to being with God forever. Conclusion: • Call to Enthusiasm: • Danny concludes by reiterating the importance of enthusiasm in the Christian life and urges the congregation to let their excitement for Jesus be visible to others. • Invitation: • He extends an invitation to those who have not accepted Jesus, encouraging them to do so. He prays for believers to leave the service more excited about their faith. • Closing Prayer: • Danny closes the sermon with a prayer, asking God to help the congregation live their faith enthusiastically and be a light in the world. Outline of the Sermon: 1. Introduction • Gratitude for the worship team • Series conclusion and introduction to the new series 2. The Impact of Enthusiasm • Enthusiasm in everyday life • Challenge to bring enthusiasm to faith 3. Scriptural Foundation • Philippians 4:4-7: Rejoice in the Lord always 4. Five Areas to Get Excited About • People’s Souls (Luke 15:7, Luke 15:10, Luke 15:24) • Worship (Psalm 100:4) • Life (Isaiah 49:5-6) • Death (Psalm 116:15, Revelation 14:13) • Life After Death (Revelation 21:1-7, Revelation 21:22-27, Revelation 22:1-5) 5. Conclusion • Call to live with enthusiasm • Invitation to accept Jesus • Closing Prayer
In this powerful and reflective communion meditation and sermon, Pastor Danny Wolford brings the congregation into a deep moment of remembrance and spiritual reflection. He begins by reminding everyone of the solemnity and significance of the Lord’s Supper, drawing parallels to memorials such as the USS Arizona Memorial and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. Pastor Danny emphasizes that communion is a time to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, urging everyone to block out worldly distractions and focus solely on the remembrance of Christ’s body and blood, given for the forgiveness of sins. After a heartfelt prayer, Pastor Danny transitions seamlessly into his sermon, focusing on the theme of courage. He reflects on the previous weeks’ discussions on being connected, living with integrity, and embracing passion. Today, he challenges the congregation to explore what it means to live courageously in a world that often stands against Christian values. Drawing from the Book of Joshua, where God commands Joshua to be “strong and courageous,” Pastor Danny illustrates that true courage is essential for living out the Christian faith in today’s society. He paints vivid images of courage through the stories of firefighters, soldiers, and others who perform heroic acts, but he emphasizes that everyday courage is equally important. Pastor Danny delves into three practical ways to live courageously: owning up to one’s sins, standing up for what is right, and speaking up for Christ. He candidly discusses the challenges of admitting personal faults and sins, stressing the importance of authenticity and truth in the Christian life. He encourages the congregation to confront sin not just in their lives but also in the lives of those they love, even when it’s uncomfortable or difficult. In his second point, Pastor Danny tackles the modern-day challenge of standing up for what is right in a world that increasingly values tolerance over truth. He references scripture from Ezekiel, highlighting the responsibility Christians bear when they fail to speak out against wrongdoing. He reminds everyone that true love sometimes requires confrontation and that standing for truth often comes with a cost, such as criticism or strained relationships. Finally, Pastor Danny calls for boldness in sharing the gospel. He reassures those who feel inadequate or unprepared by emphasizing that sharing the good news is not about expertise or Bible knowledge but about love and a personal relationship with Christ. He urges the congregation to be bridge builders, creating connections with others so that Christ can work through them. Pastor Danny concludes with a call to action, encouraging everyone to pray for boldness, expect God to use them, and to remember that despite the trials and tribulations of this world, victory is assured in Christ. He challenges the congregation to draw a line in the sand, daring to be different and courageous in their faith, even when the world runs toward destruction. This sermon is a stirring reminder of the courage required to live a life that honors God, and it leaves the congregation with a renewed commitment to stand firm in their faith and make a difference in the world.
In this powerful continuation of the “Making a Difference” series, Pastor Danny Wolford dives into the critical role that passion plays in the life of a believer. This week’s message focuses on how passion is not just an emotion but a driving force that fuels our faith, our actions, and our ability to impact the world for Christ. Pastor Danny reminds us that without passion, our lives become dull and our efforts fruitless. Through an engaging exploration of Scripture, he emphasizes the need to rekindle our passion for God and His purposes. Key Points Covered: • What is Passion? Pastor Danny opens the sermon by defining passion as the impetus behind all great accomplishments—whether in art, science, sports, or faith. He explains that passion is what makes life vibrant and enables us to pursue God’s calling with our whole heart. • The Greatest Commandment: Drawing from Mark 12:30-31, Pastor Danny underscores the importance of loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. He emphasizes that this love must be wholehearted and passionate, not half-hearted or lukewarm. • Seven Passion Killers: Pastor Danny identifies seven key factors that can drain our passion for life and for God: 1. Unclear Purpose: Without a clear sense of purpose, life feels futile and uninspired. 2. Unemployed Talent: Failing to use our God-given talents leads to frustration and loss of enthusiasm. 3. Unbalanced Schedule: Overworking or underworking can sap our energy and passion. 4. Unconfessed Sin: Guilt from unconfessed sin weighs us down and diminishes our spiritual vitality. 5. Unresolved Conflict: Resentment, jealousy, and prolonged anger can drain our passion for life. 6. Unsupported Lifestyle: Loneliness and lack of community can make life feel burdensome and passionless. 7. Undernourished Spirit: A lack of spiritual nourishment leaves us spiritually weak and disconnected from God. • Restoring Your Passion: Pastor Danny offers practical steps for reigniting passion in your life, including staying connected to God, maintaining spiritual fitness, and embracing the supportive relationships within the body of Christ. • Call to Action: The sermon concludes with a passionate call for believers to renew their commitment to God and to live with fervor and enthusiasm. Pastor Danny challenges the congregation to respond to God’s call with the same zeal as the prophet Isaiah, ready to be sent out as difference-makers in the world. Scripture References: • Mark 12:30-31 • Isaiah 49:4 • 1 Corinthians 7:17 • 1 Timothy 4:7 • Colossians 3:23 • Job 5:2 • Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 • Revelation 3:15-16 Reflection Questions: 1. What is your current level of passion for God and His work? 2. Which of the seven passion killers resonate with you the most? 3. How can you take practical steps to restore or maintain your passion for life and faith? Call to Subscribe and Support: Thank you for tuning in to this week’s sermon. If you found this message inspiring and challenging, please consider subscribing to our podcast for more impactful teachings. Don’t forget to share this episode with friends and family who might need a reminder to live passionately for God. Your support helps us spread the message of hope and purpose. Stay connected, stay passionate, and keep making a difference!
Making a Difference: Danny recaps the previous week’s message on being a difference maker by letting one’s light shine, referencing Matthew 5:16. He emphasizes the importance of making a positive impact on others, even without a large platform. Using examples like doctors curing diseases and athletes like Simone Biles inspiring young girls, he illustrates how different people can make a difference in various ways. Living with Integrity: Danny introduces the concept of integrity, comparing it to the structural integrity of the Titanic. He explains that integrity involves living a unified and undivided life, not compartmentalizing different aspects such as work, home, and church. Integrity means being the same person in private and public life, reflecting God’s truth in all actions and thoughts. Why is Integrity Important? 1. Pleases God: Integrity pleases God because it reflects His absolute truth and honesty. Danny cites Proverbs 3:22, which states that the Lord hates twisted hearts but delights in those with integrity. God values integrity because it aligns with His nature and helps point others to Him. 2. Affects Others: Integrity influences those around us, particularly our families and communities. Danny references Proverbs 20:7, which highlights the blessing of honest lives to children, and Proverbs 11:11, which emphasizes the positive impact of good people on their cities. Living with integrity can inspire respect and trust from others. 3. Blesses Me: Danny discusses the personal benefits of living with integrity, such as smoother and more confident living. He quotes Proverbs 11:5-6, noting that moral character makes for smooth sailing, whereas a lack of integrity leads to a difficult life. Integrity provides confidence and eliminates the need to remember different stories for different people. How to Live with Integrity: 1. Speak the Truth: Always telling the truth is crucial for integrity. Danny cites Proverbs 12:22, which states that the Lord hates liars but is pleased with those who keep their word. He discusses the importance of honesty in relationships, referencing Ephesians 4:15, which encourages speaking the truth in love. 2. Stand for What’s Right: Standing for what is right, even when it is difficult, is essential for integrity. Danny highlights 2 Corinthians 13:8, which states that believers should stand for the truth at all times. He acknowledges the challenge of standing for truth in a society that often rejects absolute truth. 3. Stay Clean: Maintaining purity in mind, body, and motives is vital for integrity. Danny references Philippians 2:15, which encourages living clean and innocent lives in a crooked and perverse world. He uses the example of Noah, who was chosen by God for his integrity, to illustrate the importance of staying clean even when it is challenging. Practical Steps to Maintain Integrity: • Choose the Right Friends: Surrounding oneself with the right friends is crucial for maintaining integrity. Danny advises choosing friends who uplift rather than drag down, referencing 1 Corinthians 15:33, which warns that bad company corrupts good character. • Value Integrity Over Image: Danny cautions against prioritizing image over integrity. He emphasizes the importance of caring about the small details in life and being consistent in private and public actions. • Monitor Media Intake: Filtering what one allows into their mind is essential for integrity. Danny cites Psalm 101:2-3 and Proverbs 15:14 to highlight the importance of avoiding vile and vulgar content and seeking truth. Conclusion: Danny concludes by urging the congregation to commit to living with integrity and relying on God’s power to help them shine as lights in a dark world. He emphasizes that a life of integrity is not easy but is worth it and that true integrity comes from being plugged into God and letting His power guide one’s actions.
In this sermon, Danny began by expressing his gratitude for being back and shared a brief personal update, mentioning a busy week involving travel to Pigeon Forge, St. Louis, and Indiana. He then introduced the theme for the next five weeks: making a difference in the world by connecting with God. Danny illustrated the importance of staying connected to God using the analogy of a light bulb. He emphasized that just as a light bulb needs a power source to shine, we need to stay connected to God to make a difference. He referenced John 15:7, where Jesus promises that if we stay connected to Him, our prayers will be answered, but highlighted that this connection involves aligning with God’s will. He discussed the barriers to effective prayer and connection with God, such as trying to impress others or God, and relying on rituals instead of sincerity. He explained that prayer should be sincere, simple, and a genuine conversation with God, free from insincere cliches or public displays meant to impress others. Danny referenced Matthew 6:7-8 to caution against repetitive and insincere prayers and shared how Jesus taught the disciples to pray using the Lord’s Prayer. He broke down the Lord’s Prayer, emphasizing the need to acknowledge God, surrender our will to Him, trust Him for our daily needs, seek forgiveness, forgive others, and ask for protection from temptation. He stressed the importance of believing that God will answer our prayers, relying on God’s grace and our faith. Danny used the metaphor of an extension cord to illustrate that Jesus is our connection to God, enabling us to approach God’s throne with confidence. Danny concluded by encouraging the congregation to believe in God’s power and to take steps to connect with Him, even if they struggle with doubts. He prayed over the congregation, asking God to help them feel connected and to see prayer as a privilege rather than a duty. He ended the sermon by inviting everyone to reconnect with God and let their light shine brightly for all to see.
God's Unchanging Love

God's Unchanging Love


Join us for a powerful and inspiring sermon delivered by guest speaker Quinten Mullinax. In this heartfelt message, Quinten explores the profound nature of God’s love, drawing from various scriptures to highlight how it shapes our understanding and actions as believers. Key Points: 1. Misunderstanding of God’s Love: Quinten begins by addressing common misconceptions about God’s love, emphasizing that God is not just a figure of wrath and vengeance but a being whose very nature is rooted in love. This section challenges listeners to reconsider their perceptions and embrace a more holistic understanding of God’s character. 2. The Meaning of God’s Love: Delving into the true essence of God’s love, Quinten references several key scriptures, including: • 1 John 4:7-12: Illustrating that love comes from God and those who love are born of God and know God. • John 8:1-11: The story of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery, showcasing Jesus’ compassionate response that emphasizes love over condemnation. • Romans 5:8: Demonstrating God’s love for us even while we were still sinners, as Christ died for us. 3. The Multiplying of God’s Love: In the final point, Quinten emphasizes the importance of reflecting God’s love in our daily lives. He urges believers to love others as Jesus did, regardless of their sins, highlighting that the Gospel is not exclusive and that we are called to show love to everyone, just as Jesus showed love to us. Quinten also discusses contemporary issues, such as the reaction to the “He Gets Us” Super Bowl commercial, reflecting on how Christians should approach love and acceptance in today’s world. He challenges listeners to be true reflections of Christ’s love, not just in words but in actions, especially in a world that desperately needs it. Scripture References: • 1 John 4:7-12 • John 8:1-11 • Romans 5:8 • Romans 8:37-39 • John 3:16 • Ephesians 2:4-5 Closing Thoughts: Quinten’s message is a reminder of the unchanging nature of God’s love and its relevance in our lives today. He encourages us to let this love shine through us, making a tangible impact on those around us. This sermon is a refreshing call to embody the love of Christ in a world that often feels devoid of it. Listen to this impactful sermon and let it inspire you to live out God’s love in every aspect of your life.
Danny Wolford’s sermon, delivered on July 14, 2024, addresses the recent tragic events in the country and emphasizes the importance of humility, prayer, and seeking God’s guidance. The sermon is structured around the theme of living a 24/7 life with God, focusing on how believers can integrate their faith into every aspect of their daily lives, including morning routines, work hours, and evening activities. Key Themes and Messages Response to Tragedy Wolford begins by acknowledging a recent tragedy involving political violence, stressing the need for the church to respond with prayer and humility. He cites 2 Chronicles 7:14, emphasizing that healing begins with the church humbling itself, praying, and seeking God’s face. 24/7 Living with God The core of the sermon revolves around the concept of living a 24/7 life with God. Wolford breaks down this idea into practical steps for different parts of the day: • Morning Hours: Starting the day with a positive attitude and dedicating the day to God. • Nine to Five Hours: Maintaining a relationship with God during work or school hours by integrating faith into daily tasks. • Evening Hours: Focusing on family, rest, and personal time while keeping God at the center. Practical Steps for Evening Hours Wolford provides specific advice on how to make the evening hours meaningful and spiritually enriching: • Share It: Emphasize the importance of relationships and communication within the family. He encourages treating others as one would like to be treated, based on Luke 6:31, and avoiding selfishness in relationships. • Enjoy It: Incorporate God into entertainment and leisure activities. He suggests watching TV together, skipping inappropriate commercials, and finding wholesome entertainment options. • Rest It: Highlight the importance of sleep and trusting God with one’s worries. He quotes Psalm 4:8 and Psalm 127 to stress that God provides rest and safety. • Recharge It: Take time to recharge spiritually and physically. Wolford points out that even Jesus took time to pray and recharge, as seen in Luke 5:16. He encourages finding activities that help one relax and reconnect with God. Scriptural References Wolford uses several Bible verses to support his points: • 2 Chronicles 7:14: Emphasizes the need for humility and prayer for healing. • Romans 12:1: Encourages believers to offer their everyday lives as a living sacrifice to God. • Luke 6:31: The Golden Rule, urging believers to treat others as they would like to be treated. • Philippians 2:4: Advises against selfishness and promotes humility. • Psalm 4:8: Assurance of safety and peace from God. • Psalm 127: The futility of overworking and the importance of rest. • Luke 5:16: Jesus taking time to pray and recharge. • 2 Corinthians 4:16: The renewal of the inner self despite outward decay. • 2 Corinthians 5:17: The transformation into a new person in Christ. Conclusion Wolford concludes by urging the congregation to examine what might be hindering their 24/7 relationship with God and to take steps to live fully for Him. He emphasizes the importance of continuous renewal and living a life that reflects one’s faith in every aspect, encouraging believers to give their everyday lives to God. Danny Wolford is known for his sermons at the First Christian Church of Greensburg, where he often speaks on themes of courage and faith. Another notable sermon by Wolford focuses on the story of Peter and John from Acts 4, where he challenges listeners to stand bold in their faith despite societal opposition. By integrating these practical steps and scriptural teachings, Wolford aims to help believers lead a more spiritually fulfilling and God-centered life.
Join us for Episode 2 of our series “24: A Day with God,” where Pastor Danny Wolford shares practical and inspiring ways to live in a continuous, 24/7 relationship with God. This episode focuses on integrating faith into every part of your day, from morning routines to daily interactions, ensuring your faith is ever-present and active. Highlights from the Sermon: Morning Routine with God: • Start with Praise: Begin your day by recognizing God’s greatness and expressing gratitude. • Feel Secure: Carry the assurance of God’s love with you, symbolized by a “security blanket.” • Meditate on His Word: Even a single verse can guide you through the day. • Journal Blessings: Keep a record of God’s answered prayers and miracles in your life. • Open Connection: Maintain an ongoing conversation with God, much like enjoying a morning coffee. Faith Throughout the Day: • The Backpack of Faith: Visualize carrying your faith with you everywhere you go. This backpack holds your morning’s praise, security, God’s word, and your prayer journal. • Avoid Compartmentalization: Don’t just practice faith in church; live it in all areas of your life, including work and daily interactions. Challenges and Compromises: • Integrity Matters: Stay true to your faith even when it’s challenging. Integrity and faith are deeply connected. • Financial Temptations: Money can be a significant temptation. Stay committed to God’s way, even in financial matters. Living and Sharing Faith: • Fruit of the Spirit: Show love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control in your daily actions. • Natural Sharing: Let your actions speak your faith. Live authentically, and your life will naturally share God’s message. • Be Genuine and Listen: Show love by genuinely listening to others and being your true self. Commitment to Continuous Faith: • Write “I Will”: As a reminder of your commitment, write “I will live my life 24/7 for Him” on a card and place it where you’ll see it daily. • Reflection and Improvement: Regularly reflect on how you can better live out your faith and make adjustments. Pastor Danny’s Encouragement: “Be yourself, be listening, and be assured. God has chosen you to be His hands and feet in this world. Let your life shine so brightly that others see God through you.” Call to Action: Reflect on how you can integrate your faith into every moment of your day. Identify areas where you might be compromising and seek to live out your faith with integrity. Commit today to carrying your spiritual “backpack” everywhere you go. Join the Conversation: Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments below. How do you maintain your faith throughout the day? What challenges do you face, and how do you overcome them? Let’s grow together in our 24/7 walk with God. Remember to like, share, and subscribe for more inspiring messages from Boyd Christian Church. Follow us on social media for updates and daily encouragement.
Join us for a heartfelt and inspiring worship service at Boyd Christian Church. This week’s service includes uplifting songs, a powerful communion meditation, and a transformative sermon by Pastor Danny Wolford about living a 24/7 relationship with Jesus. Dive into the scriptures from Luke, Deuteronomy, John, and Psalms as we explore God’s message together. Experience the warmth of our community and the depth of God’s love in every moment of our service.
In this episode of our “God Is” series, Danny explores the profound and comforting truth of God’s unwavering faithfulness. Through personal anecdotes and powerful scriptural insights, Danny illustrates how, despite the constant changes in our lives, God’s nature and promises remain steadfast. Drawing from the story of Joshua and other biblical passages, he encourages us to trust in God’s enduring faithfulness and to recognize His unchanging presence in our lives. Join us as we delve into this inspiring message and learn how to embrace God’s constancy amidst life’s uncertainties.
Explore the transformative power of the Holy Spirit in overcoming sin, serving others, and sharing faith. Join Tyler from Oil Belt Christian Service Camp as he delves into biblical teachings, personal anecdotes, and inspiring messages that will empower you to live a new life in Christ. Tune in to discover how the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is available to you today.
Jason delivered an inspiring sermon on the importance of embracing change and trusting in God’s guidance through life’s new and challenging seasons. Drawing from the story of the Israelites in the book of Joshua, he highlighted how faith and reliance on God can lead us through transitions with confidence and hope. Jason’s message encouraged us to see change as an opportunity for growth, reminding us that God is always with us, writing our stories and leading us to greater things.
God is Love Episode 3

God is Love Episode 3


In this heartfelt sermon, we explore the profound and transformative nature of God’s love. Episode 3 of the “God Is” series delves into how God’s love is the foundation of our faith, the guiding principle of our lives, and the ultimate example of how we should love others. Join us as we uncover the depths of God’s love and learn how to embody this love in our daily interactions, strengthening our relationship with Him and each other.
Join us for this week's sermon focusing on God's grace. In this inspiring message, we delve into how God's grace brings joy into our lives, transforming our hearts and renewing our spirits. Discover how embracing God's joy can help you overcome challenges, find inner peace, and live a more fulfilled life. Don't miss this powerful sermon that promises to uplift and encourage you.
God Is Grace Episode 2

God Is Grace Episode 2


Join us for this week's sermon focusing on God's grace. In this inspiring message, we delve into how God's grace brings joy into our lives, transforming our hearts and renewing our spirits. Discover how embracing God's joy can help you overcome challenges, find inner peace, and live a more fulfilled life. Don't miss this powerful sermon that promises to uplift and encourage you.
God Is Joy Episode 1

God Is Joy Episode 1


Join us for this week’s sermon as we explore the profound truth that “God Is.” In this inspiring message, we delve into how God brings joy into our lives, transforming our hearts and renewing our spirits. Discover how embracing God’s joy can help you overcome challenges, find inner peace, and live a more fulfilled life. Don’t miss this powerful sermon that promises to uplift and encourage you.
Through this series, Danny Wolford aims to inspire the congregation to actively live out their faith, love deeply and authentically, and learn from their experiences, ultimately drawing closer to God and strengthening the community.
Through this series, Danny Wolford aims to inspire the congregation to actively live out their faith, love deeply and authentically, and learn from their experiences, ultimately drawing closer to God and strengthening the community.
Through this series, Danny Wolford aims to inspire the congregation to actively live out their faith, love deeply and authentically, and learn from their experiences, ultimately drawing closer to God and strengthening the community.
Through this series, Danny Wolford aims to inspire the congregation to actively live out their faith, love deeply and authentically, and learn from their experiences, ultimately drawing closer to God and strengthening the community.