the zurkie show

62 Episodes
real change happens over years, not months. be patient, find things that feel easy for you to do. the more momentum you can build in your life, the more evidence you'll have that you're doing something right.
you don't have to know your life path, A to Z. all that matters is that you're actively putting yourself in a place to learn and be a better person. Focus on you, focus on learning things in your life right now. there's a good chance your future self will thank you
there's a healthy balance between making choices for yourself and keeping others in mind. sometimes, you have to take the reigns yourself.
listen to how you feel. don't let yourself be gaslit into thinking things are fine when they are not. it's a good sign it's not for you.
lower the threshold, don't expect so much out of yourself. focus on building momentum over trying to impress others. people who are as smart as you have figured it out, why can't it be you?
sending you love and peaaaaaace!
as a chronic over thinker, I've learned that sometimes its better to do something, make a mistake, and then learn from it. not everything will be perfect. not everything needs to be perfect.
you got this.
it's a good feeling to know you were right all along, especially when someone comes running back to you. but shouldn't we be skeptical? or should we accept them regardless. I think it depends on if they deserve to be in our lives.
"what's your major?" is a good start, but "what's something that reminds you of home?" shows genuine interest. if you want to connect with someone, open yourself up to learning about them. it also might get you closer to going on a $60 date at Chili's.
sending you love and peaaaaace :)
I apologize. I want to do better, but I need to let my actions speak.
Love you guys, sending love and peaaaaaace.
it's easy to be critical and blame ourselves for not being "perfect"... but admitting we aren't where we want to be takes character. find ways to work with yourself, not against.
one bad apple can ruin an entire orchard, but that's only if we assume that the rest of the batch is spoiled. there is someone meant for you.
before you send that "wyd" text, ask yourself if it's worth the past, the pain and the regret. if it is, yolo. full send it.
people will always have something to say about something they don't know anything about. they will always want to bring you down. don't let it happen. time will pass, and soon they'll be asking you for help.
would you rather be "alpha" or be funny. I'd rather have a good laugh, troll around a little, because it makes life a lot more fun. things aren't that serious, and maybe it's time to let go.
some people should be loved from a distance, others shouldn't be in your life, period. this is how you know the people around you, are actually good for you.
you will miss them. you will feel like they are still there when they are not. it is a process we all learn to go though. it is the price we pay for loving someone.
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ideas are worthless without execution. I urge you to just take the first step. it could change everything.
we often cage ourselves in a feeling of resentment towards the people who did us wrong. but this drains us, it makes us want the worst... and it doesn't help us out. focus on coming to peace with the wrong doings, and using your time for you.
the fuel that burns the best... might also burn the fastest. find a purpose that feels sustainable.
we often want the best for others, but is that always the best thing for you?
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