Mick reckons Rex is keen on Rochelle and enthuses about it to Joy. She points out that Rochelle isn’t as ‘together’ as she may seem, and awkwardly asks Rex not to pursue things with Rochelle. She’s more vulnerable than she seems. Rex is confused but agrees.
Helen, Pat and Tony chat about Henry’s birthday. Lee’s stopping by to see him later. Meanwhile, Helen’s anxious to check with her mum and dad that things are okay between them after their chat the other day about retirement. They reassure her that they are.
As Henry tends to Hero’s the buck goat's hooves, Khalil admits to being jealous about not having any animals. As Henry gets distracted with chat about dormice at the rewilding, Khalil notices Hero’s escaped. Henry goes to chase him. Lee manages to wrangle the errant goat, and Henry introduces him to Khalil. After Khalil heads home, Henry, feeling chuffed about getting two tickets to a superhero convention in the summer, invites Lee. But this forces Lee to admit to Henry that he won’t be around – he’s moving to San Francisco. Henry’s mature about it and knows it’s right for Lee to be with his kids. Lee’s positive – Henry can come and visit when he’s a bit older.
Henry shows Helen, Pat and Tony that he’s totally fine, as he shares something he’s been working on: a promotional plan for ‘Bridge Farm Live in ’25’. They’re stunned and impressed – Helen knows that Henry’s growing up, and her mum and dad herald the arrival of the next generation of farmers!