Hannah catches up with Chris at the playground with Martha. Chris realises they never went for that drink they agreed to. They arrange to meet up this evening for cocktails. Over drinks, they talk about parenting and their own childhoods. Chris apologies for talking so much about Martha. But Hannah’s fine. When Chris leans in for a kiss, surprised Hannah backs away. She’s not feeling it and suspects that what Chris really wants is a family – is he really over Alice? Chris guesses given their history there will always be some feelings there. Hannah encourages Chris to work out what he really wants.
Rex finds Kirsty on the phone to Neo, a contact who’s set to help them with the potential beaver ‘wild release’. They’ll meet later. It feels very covert to nervous Rex, who knows as well as Kirsty that the release would be illegal. At the meeting point they spot Khalil, who’s there to check the dormice Henry told him about yesterday. He’s overheard their plans and finds out more. Kirsty’s impressed at Khalil’s knowledge about climate change, and while she’d like to get rid of him, realises they’ll need to let him stay when Neo arrives, as long as he doesn’t say anything.
They meet and the upshot is that they can ‘press go’ any time. Super-excited Khalil wants to know when they’ll get hold of the beavers to release. Cautious Kirsty tells him not breathe a word about any of this to anyone.