Tracy’s overheard some praise about Wayne’s food at the Bull and suggests a few promotions. But they discover Wayne’s leaving for a six-week cruise on Thursday. It’s a band gig. Disappointed Tracy offers to cover in the kitchen, and Kenton keen to solve the problem agrees. Tracy heads off before Jolene has had time to think it through. She then realises they should have asked Fallon first. When Fallon offers to step in Jolene admits her mistake. Fallon insists it’s fine.
As Jill prepares to leave for Sunderland to visit Shula, Leonard feels it’s time he went home. Later concerned Ruth and David discuss it and agree they’d like Leonard to stay with them permanently, for Jill’s sake. When Ruth mentions it to Jill later, she’s shocked to discover that Jill isn’t keen on Leonard moving in. She thinks Jill’s scared, and that she and Leonard are both hiding their feelings.
Khalil needs to research an essay he’s writing about farms from a predator’s point of view. When he goes to Brookfield to research the Asian hornets, David invites Khalil to tag along to the winter housing with him. They get chatting about beavers and David’s really scathing about them. Khalil mentions Neo, who he Kirsty and Rex met last week, then clams up. David knows Khalil’s hiding something and persuades him to divulge the information. David returns home in a rage. But Leonard has some news – an old friend’s died and the funeral’s on Wednesday. He’s cut up and David and Ruth sympathise, before David declares he’s ready to read Justin Elliott the riot act.