Justin has no idea about Kirsty’s recent meeting to discuss a wild – and illegal - release of beavers, until enraged David explains what he wheedled out of Khalil. Kirsty explains diplomatically that there was a meeting to discuss every option. Justin soothes and thanks David, before berating Kirsty. He’ll have to rethink the whole idea regarding the beaver scheme.
Later a calmer David helps Jolene with a plan to put off Tracy and install Fallon in the Bull kitchen instead. Tracy works out what’s going on and tells relieved Jolene she completely understands – Tracy did just barge in and put Jolene and Kenton on the spot. Of course, it should be Fallon.
Tracy expected Brad to be around to taste-test her chips, but he’s gone to the library – and Tracy’s full of praise as ever. At the library Lily gets him to join her for a coffee and catch up. She hasn’t seen Brad at Grey Gables recently. Lily’s concerned as Brad admits that helping George means he’s not taking on work shifts and has missed some lectures. His course is so hard, and Tracy keeps saying how brilliant he is, when he feels he’s not. When Brad says he wants to drop out of University, Lily suggests giving it another term before deciding and reminds him that there are people at University he can speak to. There’s also his mum and Jazzer. Brad asserts that he needs to get through this on his own. He tells Lily he’ll give it until week five; he’ll be fine.