Khalil and Henry seek elusive panto tickets, interrupted by Justin, who Khalil is keen to avoid. He’s worried after divulging Rex and Kirsty’s wild beaver release plans to David. But Justin is grateful for Khalil’s honesty, as it’s worked out for the best for the rewilding project – but Khalil had better avoid Kirsty! Later, as Justin snags the last Panto tickets, Khalil tries to persuade Justin to gift him two as a reward for his earlier work, but Justin’s wise to it.
Henry tells Khalil about Lee moving to San Francisco. Khalil comments his dad’s always away, and he sees it as an opportunity to guilt his dad into giving him really good presents. But Henry knows that whilst Lee will stay in touch, he can’t rely on him and has to make his own plans.
Fallon finds Harrison up early. He explains yesterday’s conversation with Norris, who he admits is right about him. Fallon understands how he feels, and if he wants to leave the force, they’ll manage. Harrison reveals he’s been offered a secondment in Yorkshire. It’s a special confidential case and he’d have to go and live alone in the training accommodation. Shocked Fallon discusses it further. They agree that time apart might do them good. Harrison wants to phone every day, but Fallon suggests only doing that if he wants to, the important thing is for Harrison to focus on what he needs to do. He still loves her, and they wouldn’t be splitting up. Fallon acknowledges how adult they’re being. They persuade themselves it’s right and reaffirm their love for one another.