Helen can’t believe Justin appears to be dictating the future of the rewilding. Kirsty reckons Justin’s mellowed, but she’s still very wary. She reports all is proceeding with the Willow Farm purchase. Helen’s pleased for her. She’s fine about living with Tom and Natasha for a while. She’s no longer annoyed at them for not keeping her in the picture about wanting the house. It’s how they operate. She doesn’t want to move back to the farmhouse with her parents. She needs to be living her life on her own terms before she can move on. Kirsty understands.
Tom wants Helen’s house key to do some measuring up. She suggests he gets the spare from Joy. She asks Tom if he can look at some homework Henry’s struggling with. That’s fine, says Tom. Mick’s preparing to get in the hot tub and surprises Tom by appearing in just a towel. Mick gives him the key and Joy offers their assistance if he needs anything; they’re looking forward to his family moving in. Tom asks that they don’t make any noise after 7pm. Affronted Mick assures him they’re not loud people. Later Mick and Joy have been disturbed by Tom’s squealing girls in Helen’s garden, and they acknowledge it’ll be different having little ones next door. Later Tom’s reluctant to return the key but Joy insists. Mick admires her tenacity. He can’t see Rochelle getting on with Tom. He mentions the chemistry between Rochelle and Rex, but Joy brusquely brushes this off. Mick asserts everyone deserves a bit of happiness.