DiscoverCheck Your Thread: Sewing More Sustainably#166: Pro Tips for Outdoor Wear Care and Repair with Rosanna from Snowdonia Gear Repair
#166: Pro Tips for Outdoor Wear Care and Repair with Rosanna from Snowdonia Gear Repair

#166: Pro Tips for Outdoor Wear Care and Repair with Rosanna from Snowdonia Gear Repair

Update: 2025-01-13


The clothes and equipment you buy to spend time outdoors often requires a sizable investment. And when they break, the idea of fixing them yourself might seem pretty daunting. Over the next two episodes, repair-expert Rosanna from Snowdonia Gear Repair, is talking us through the repairs you can tackle yourself at home, to keep your favourite jacket or backpack in use for longer. Rosanna also advises on what to look for when buying outdoor gear in the first place, and how to best care for those items to ensure they have a long and useful life.

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You might have previously heard Rosanna on Check Your Thread in Episode 94 when we had a feedswap with the Garmology podcast.  

Check out the Snowdonia Gear Repair website and follow them on Instagram (@snowdoniagearrepair).

Jos, Rosanna's partner, doing some sewing machine maintenance in their workshop:

Rosanna recommends the various patches by Gear Aid (US site). Some of which are also available from Snowdonia Gear Repair if you’re in the UK. 

Outdoor Gear Advice UK is a valuable Facebook group. 

Rosanna is loving the recently published ‘Mountain Style: British Outdoor Clothing 1953-2000’ by Henry Iddon and Max Leonard.

Chris Townsend, whilst not the founder of Karrimor as Rosanna suggested, IS a widely published outdoor writer and photographer. 

Nikwax create a wide range of products to help care for laminated and outerwear fabric, including their Tech Wash that cleans whilst retaining water repellency and revives breathability:

Seam seal tape for laminated fabrics are available from many sources. Here’s one source I found via a UK website.  









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#166: Pro Tips for Outdoor Wear Care and Repair with Rosanna from Snowdonia Gear Repair

#166: Pro Tips for Outdoor Wear Care and Repair with Rosanna from Snowdonia Gear Repair

Zoe Edwards